Reincarnated User Manual chapter 161

161 - Rehabilitation status (1)

161 – Rehabilitation status (1)

A unit made up entirely of criminals.

The situation that came without warning made Victor feel confused and stressed. The shadow did not leave her face the entire time she was moving to the front line. Even Victor, who has lived his entire life wearing a mask, has lost his composure.

Instead of eating, Victor drank the cold water the waiter gave him. Because of the ordeal that made me fall from the sky, I felt so sick that I couldn’t chew and swallow my food.

‘What was the problem?’

Viktor sighed as he looked at the documents bearing the emperor’s seal. It was the personal statement of the troops Viktor was to lead on this expedition.

Rape, murder, robbery, fraud, treachery, terrorism…

From 14 years to life imprisonment.

The other half are death sentences.

Rechecking the various criminal histories, Viktor felt a slight dizziness set in. Even though I’ve already checked it several times, I’m not used to it at all, so I’m having a headache.

I felt a heavy figure approaching.

“You look very troubled.”

“…Sir Malleus.”

“Excuse me for a moment.”

Malleus took off his white gauntlets and held out his hands. Victor had a general idea of what he was going to do, so he closed his eyes and relaxed.


Take a moment to feel the warm energy beyond your eyelids. Victor shook his head, feeling much lighter.

“How is it?”

“Thank you. It was helpful.”

“I’m glad that’s the case. Hmm…”

Malleus, with a kind smile, sat down across from Viktor… and cleared his throat for a while.

“Your Highness. It’s good to focus on your official duties, but you shouldn’t skip meals.”

“Thanks for the advice. But I’ve never had an appetite. It’s embarrassing, but I vomited before getting on the train.”

“…Are you feeling that much pressure?”

Towards Malleus who asked worriedly, Viktor replied with a wry smile.

“If I said no, I’d be lying. I want to deny it, but somehow my body can’t lie.”

“It’s a big deal…”

“I still have to get over it.”

In any case, it must have been a nominal unit. Therefore, Viktor did not have the burden of achieving outstanding results in this expedition, and he did not intend to remain silent by pretending to be stupid like before.

‘Set up a reasonable criminal record so that your father won’t be disappointed.’

Since there were talented people like Siron and Malleus who had excellent military skills, they could easily aim for even greater results.

Things like rescuing an isolated unit or slaying a gigantic beast that those who can’t fire swords can’t do.

However, the day before, a large-scale change in the positions of unit members that had been planned in advance was a problem. Victor recalled yesterday’s events.

-I will place Hugo’s nephew under your direct control…

The Emperor, scratching his graying hair, muttered in front of Viktor. I didn’t say anything against it, and nothing else was said after that, so I was relieved, but it was a big defeat.

No, even if nothing else was said, there was only about a day left.

Victor spent a lot of his energy trying to understand the emperor’s intentions rather than establishing a stable foundation.

Victor sorted out a stack of documents and rubbed his eyes, which had been bleary just moments before. When I looked out the window, the sun had already set, and the light leaking through the car window illuminated the scenery outside a little.

Snow was falling.

“…Am I hated by His Majesty?”

Suddenly, I felt emotional,

Victor muttered without taking his eyes off the window.

“I don’t remember doing anything like that…”

“Is it because of the origins of the unit members?”

“Yes. This situation is so unfamiliar and sudden that I even have delusions. Could it be that I did something wrong?

“That can’t be possible.”

Malleus cut off Viktor’s words at once. It was because if I went further, I would hear a rather embarrassing story.

“The Cardinal and I have carefully examined His Majesty’s condition. I did not feel any special aura, and His Majesty also recovered considerably, although not as well as before.”

“Then, in addition to sending the newly graduated personnel to the Devil’s Realm, what is the reason for taking on the burden of running a punishment unit?”

Victor stroked his ungrown beard and asked vaguely.

“Even if we assume that graduates will be deployed to border security rather than exorcism of demonic beasts, the punishment unit… I don’t understand why you entrusted such a troublesome job to a rookie with no command experience.”

“Calm down.”

As Viktor’s words became increasingly sharper, Malleus put his hands forward.

“How about you eat properly before revealing your Majesty’s unknown thoughts? You look very at risk.”

Unlike Lien, where ice does not freeze easily even in winter, the environment in the border area is harsh. Although Viktor will never directly take on the task of slaying demonic beasts, divine power is not an all-purpose power. Malleus was very worried that Victor’s stamina might be depleted due to an empty stomach.

“…I’m sorry.”

Victor spoke quietly and called the waiter and ordered food. Victor chews his food thoroughly. Malleus decided to say something helpful to the crown prince, who still seemed to have obvious shortcomings.

“I think your Majesty… has expectations from you.”


“Yes. I tried to look at the situation in a positive light. There has been a saying since ancient times that a king who overcomes difficult times is a true sage. As two of his superiors were dethroned, His Majesty tried to establish His Majesty’s position more firmly. Isn’t it… this is the limit for my limited brain.”

Malleus smiled lukewarmly, as if he was embarrassed.

“Yes, nothing will get better if you think negatively. Thank you for the advice.”

Victor sighed, but felt lighter in his heart. In any case, the work to be done in the Demonic Scenery did not change.

Kill the demon beast and protect the border.

‘He did this because His Majesty also had his own thoughts…’

Even if it involves picking up unruly criminals, Malleus and Siron will be able to easily fulfill their roles.

“But… I can’t see Siron?”

Victor looked inside the car with a lighter heart. There were no people other than pre-arranged couriers and guards on the express vehicles transporting the royal family and their accompanying distinguished guests.

“Did you at least go to the bathroom?”

“He said he was staying in the last car.”


Viktor turned back and frowned.

Those assigned to her unit are all criminals, even if the severity of their crimes varies. Therefore, staying in the last car meant hanging out with criminals.

They are not the ones to have your back.


Even Malleus, who was known for his merciful nature in Lucerne, thought so, and just a moment ago, Viktor was planning to push them to the front line and efficiently exhaust them.

Malleus stood up, untying his hair.

“I’ll bring you.”

“…No. Let them do as they please. We have decided to guarantee autonomous action as long as conditions allow.”

After emptying all the food on his plate, Viktor returned his gaze to the pile of papers. He was saddened by the fact that Chiron chose to live with criminals instead of him, but it would be foolish to have a complicated mind for people who will die soon.

“Let’s focus on something more productive than that.”


Malleus gave a warm smile to the prince, who was gradually maturing.


car number 2.

Siron crossed the shaky space between cars to get to the last car.

When I open the door, I see a conscripted graduate.

There were some boys there who were scared, and on the other hand, there were some who were excited.

The former looked like a person who was frightened because he was taken to an unfamiliar and dangerous place, and the latter looked like a person who was anxious to create an opportunity or stand out in a crisis.

Cars 3 and 4 were also ridden by graduates.

car number 5.

Siron passed knights wearing dark armor.

And finally the last vehicle arrived.


[Are you really okay, hero?]

‘are you okay. There is no loss even if you fail. Is it really possible that demerit points will be accumulated by acquitting criminals?’

Siron responded to Latera, who felt vaguely.

From noble mtl dot com


With a sharp movement, he opened the frosted iron door.

Tall, well over 180. Skin with almost no traces of sunburn. A noble energy that radiates naturally even when standing still.

Siron was a very noticeable presence here.

[Dirty sinners…]

Latera, in her spiritual form, covered her nose and pretended to vomit. She could very easily identify the souls filled with demerit points in the car.

[Still, seeing as there is no one with a higher penalty point than the hero, I think there is room for rehabilitation.]

‘…Look at that. What did I say? ‘There is no better opportunity to make achievements.’

Latera’s words were meaningful, but Siron decided to agree with her opinion first.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

When Siron, who cleared his throat a few times, attracted attention, the criminals who had their eyes on the floor slowly moved as he wanted. After that intuitive reaction, Siron suppressed the laughter that was about to come out and spoke.

“Nice to meet you. I am the tutorial fairy.”

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not work with dark mode