Reincarnated User Manual chapter 4

4 - What are you doing now? (1)

4 – What are you doing now? (1)

‘My guess was right. Of course. If the game system didn’t work, oh boy. I would’ve bit my tongue and collapsed. For real.’

Having tossed the wooden weapons aside, Syron wore a pleasant, satisfied smile.

Coming to the training yard was the right call after all.

His room was suitable for trying things without worrying about others’ stares, but had clear limitations.

Syron surveyed the training yard, as white as snowfields.

The spacious area, big enough for a soccer field, was empty. That was fortunate, yet also puzzling.

‘It’s hard to understand. Even with the servants’ tight security, no escort or attendant is attached to me. No eyes watching is good for me but…’

Syron sighed away notions of potential threats like assassination, the obvious existence of demons somewhere, and other lurking dangers.

The crisp air completely filled his lungs.

It’s a feeling hard to describe in words.

Swinging a sword on the snowy plains felt similar.

Before possessing, even in childhood he hadn’t done things he was doing now. He felt oddly proud.

Thanks to that, he could wholeheartedly swing the wooden weapons until the sun set overhead.



Just when he was catching his breath for a while, a girl’s voice sounded from behind.


Perhaps he was too absorbed. Or Lucia’s presence was so unnoticeable, he forgot about her at some point.

Surely she had been swinging a sword not far away, yet disappeared without him noticing.

‘However absorbed I was…’

A chill ran through Syron and he rubbed his arms.

If she hadn’t called out first, he may have remained oblivious to her presence.

There was another fatal fact.

Maybe because he came to his senses, Syron needlessly cleared his throat, looking back on his actions just before.

His face grew hot for no reason.


A 10 year old kid swinging weapons while giggling probably didn’t look sane even to himself.

As expected, Syron’s guess was correct.

Seeing her expression, the first noticeable thing was her slightly furrowed brows. But it differed greatly from her angry expression in his memories.

Lucia, his 8 year old sister, wore a worried look.

No matter knowing her true identity as a reincarnator, Syron couldn’t help but be swayed by the air her appearance gave off.

‘Damn, was I too excited?’

Come to think of it… Syron was currently shirtless. Since he had nothing worth showing off, it was a little embarrassing. He hurriedly gathered the clothes haphazardly scattered on the ground and put them on.

“Do you need something?”

After briefly washing his face, Syron gently asked Lucia, desperately keeping his composure and pretending nothing was wrong.

“Um, listen. Is your head… is your body okay?”


Lucia asking after him out of nowhere puzzled Syron. A question mark showed on his face.


“Yesterday, I was too excited and uh… I want to apologize for acting rashly first.”

Lucia scratched her cheek as she spoke.

Between her jumbled words and skipping speech, it was quite difficult to understand, but her intention was clearly conveyed to Syron.

‘What’s this all of a sudden? She wants to apologize?’

Syron was dumbfounded. She knocks him out then comes to apologize now?

‘Why especially now?’

The timing felt a bit off too.

She could’ve apologized earlier in the hallway.

‘Did she need time to prepare herself?’

He had no way of knowing what change in mindset occurred, but Syron nodded obligingly.

It seemed an opportunity had ‘arrived’. It’s best to accept an apology. Refusing coldly would also be odd, so.

“Oh, thanks for apologizing. So could you move aside? I’ve still got work to do.”


Work came first.

Syron turned his eyes from Lucia and clutched a wooden weapon laying on the snowfield. Making sure not to forget stuffing his mouth full of snow, he shouted a war cry and swung forcefully.


Thwack – whoosh

He held a stick in one hand and mace in the other.

He wasn’t wildly grabbing weapons at random. Just before, he had swung daggers and spears, so he silently swung them in order.

Sword, spear, mace, dagger, shield, stick.

Applying knowledge from swinging them hundreds of times in-game was very easy. Who’d have thought that experience agonizing through replays would be so helpful now. Panting heavily, Syron continued swinging the weapons.

‘My unsteady balance from the weight when I first swung is stabilizing bit by bit. Could I really be raising my weapon proficiency like this? It’s incredible.’

Just how long had it been since he felt such pleasant accomplishment?

Not being able to view and check his status visually was a bit disappointing, but it couldn’t be helped.

The real-time feedback on his efforts was a huge boon.

Simply knowing the game system was definitely applied now was a massive gain.

But only Syron thought that way.

“What are you doing?”


“What are you doing?”

About an hour after immersing himself in work again, Syron halted his ‘work’ at Lucia’s question and turned to face her.

“Can’t you tell by looking? Training.”

Surprisingly, the answer flowed smoothly. The boy before her felt his clear, succinct response was quite satisfying, and smiled brightly, flicking his black hair back.

…What? Lucia’s eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly.

From noble mtl dot com

Syron’s attitude was confident, as if he had answered correctly. Though Lucia was the one asking questions, Syron’s replies only left her more confused.

“Training? That?”

“Yeah, right. Training. Interested at all?”

Syron held out the stick and mace he was holding to Lucia.

He judged it would be advantageous to teach her a little of his ‘work’, considering various factors.

After all, having her take the lead rather than himself would likely make clearing the game smoother.

So the sooner she grew stronger, the better. Aside from unpleasant memories, hindering her growth was surely a bad idea…

His experience replaying it many times screamed this was the most efficient method.



However, coincidentally Lucia couldn’t know that fact.

“Say that again. What did you just say?”

“What did I say… ‘Interested at all?’ I said.”

“No, before that.”



Lucia tightly clenched her fist, trembling all over. She had lived her whole life as a warrior. Syron’s nonsensical reply set her mind ablaze.

“That’s… that’s not training. I’ve never seen or heard of such training in my whole life.”

“What’s this kid saying. How long have you lived?”

It wasn’t that Syron didn’t know Lucia was a reincarnator. But he didn’t want to reveal he knew her secret. He wanted to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

So Syron pointed out the loophole in her words.

‘I can understand why Lucia, who reached the sublime level of Sword God, can’t accept it.’

But understanding her doesn’t mean he must agree.

She was thoroughly a character from the story. With his overwhelming information advantage, he knew better. Syron decided to intentionally ignore Lucia’s opinion.

“Anyway! Swinging sticks around randomly isn’t training! Real training hones body and mind, becoming one with nature to face the ultimate way!”

“You’re using some difficult words.”


Lucia stamped her foot loudly.

She was frustrated enough to go crazy. This brat was… annoying.

Though slightly embarrassing to admit, to discuss training before Cailyn, said to have reached the pinnacle of the way of the sword! If her comrades knew, what would they think?

‘Calm down. He’s just a kid. Kids can mistake their limited knowledge for everything.’

Lucia organized her thoughts, suppressing her agitation.

She couldn’t reveal her identity now.

She was currently an 8 year old girl. So it was natural Syron would react like this.

If she were in the same situation, she likely would’ve reacted the same as Syron.

But she couldn’t give up.

With a single untrained blow, she had knocked out a gifted child.

Moreover, if that clan called themselves her descendants?

Such shoddy skills for her descendants. If the boy went around getting hit elsewhere, who knew what humiliating situations could occur?

She had to convince Syron, she resolved.

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  1. MrPojsomnoj says:

    It’s as funny as watching fish tumbling around without air – funny but make me concerned about morality of laughting at physically impaired children.

  2. Deathrattle says:

    Wtf is wrong with protoganist. His brain has been eaten by parasite by behaving like this

  3. Hehehe I like this sh*t eating protagonist lmao. Just messing around for fun hahaha

  4. D1Grandmaster says:

    This looks pretty funny so far

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not work with dark mode