Round 2 Starts With 990000 Points chapter 17

17 - Greenhouses (2)

17 – Greenhouses (2)

A narrow entrance that only one person can pass through.

The pitch-black darkness where you can’t see your front.

The water rippling on the floor looks slippery.

“… ….”

So the place had a plausible reason why its existence had not been discovered for decades.

Let’s go in there… ?

The dissatisfaction is up to the throat, but I have no choice. Perhaps that cave is the sanctuary.


After the tower was built, dungeons sprung up all over the ground. The sanctuary is a place of trial classified as a dungeon, and gives huge rewards to those who overcome the ordeal.

And after risking her life, Ha Yeon-si goes to the brink of breaking through the ordeal. However, it is not chosen by the reward of trials.

Because of her birth and the existence of obstructors.

The unprecedented situation rather fueled her tree frog mind, and made the worst result for her to abandon her sword and choose her staff after a long time.

“How is it? Don’t you think there might be something?”

Ha Yeon-shi looked at me and asked. Anger, annoyance, and mischief flashed through his blue eyes.

“Looks like something is going on.”

Something like a big snake or a big bug.


I really hate bugs.

“Are you going?”

“… Let’s go.”

Her greenhouse aversion is truly amazing. In order to avoid being followed, she had to make choices that would make most women black.

“Okay. Then I will take the lead.”

Ha Yeon-shi looked around behind her and entered the cave without the slightest hesitation. One of her acting skills is awesome.

Before following her, I looked behind her. She used her weak mastery just in case, so it was as expected. Heterogeneous beings, separated from the surroundings, are clearly visible. Above and behind the trees, under the grass. The space behind rocks, even camouflaged by bushes….

Write… Are you a ninja?

On the one hand, I think she is like an information guild capable of espionage. The greenhouses guarding Hayeonsi will surely follow this cave as well. However, their greenhouse mission will become difficult as the space becomes narrower and the inherent nature of the ordeal.

“… Seeing things like this, the orphan start is definitely not bad.”

I muttered and followed Ha Yeon-si.

* * *

The Horizon of the Golden Rule is the best information guild in the world in name and reality. Poonghwan Ha, the guild leader, is a high-ranking hero who has succeeded as a wizard with the support of his family.


With the ability to manipulate physical and natural laws except for time, they are treated differently from ordinary heroes.

They have been blessed with magical power since birth, and there are few side effects even if dozens or hundreds of magical system imprints are engraved on their bodies. In addition, there is no limit to magic conduction due to innate magic power, even using multiple magic tools at once.

A job that can only be achieved through pure talent, not hard work.

That’s what a wizard is.

So there are only about 3,000 wizards in the world.

And among them, Ha Poong-hwan, a great wizard who is considered one of the top five, was crumpling his face in his office.

“… The connection has been lost.”

Ha Yeon-shi, a daughter who won’t hurt even if you put it in her eyes. The magic she had placed on her to track her location was broken.

That says one thing.

My daughter died, or I entered an unknown place where time and space were separated.

Since the guild’s best bodyguards were secretly attached to protect their daughter, the former is highly unlikely.

Because the bodyguards he carefully selected are made up of only those he can trust.

So maybe it has something to do with the latter.


Just in time, I got a call from my smart watch.

– Guild leader. This is Chang Se-ho, the leader of Team 1 Security. It’s a situation I don’t understand, but… It seems that the young lady has entered the sanctuary. He’ll catch up right away and report back.

Ha Poong-hwan clicked his tongue as soon as he heard the report.

As expected.

“… Huh, a sanctuary.”

My daughter is very free-spirited because she resembles her mother not only in her beautiful appearance but also in her damn personality.

She is selfish, tree frog, and self-righteous.

And she always hides her true feelings and acts differently from what she says on the inside.

She probably moved on purpose knowing that it was dangerous.

Why doesn’t her daughter know that she’s not working so hard for herself?

“As expected, blood cannot be deceived. You rot my insides like my mother.”

I want to respect my daughter’s opinion, but I can’t. Because there are people who have already left with such trivial decisions. Only the fruit left by her wife as a trace of her must be preserved somehow. Especially if her talent is more brilliant than her own.

“Team Leader 1.”

Ha Poong-hwan said through his smart watch.

– Yes.

“… Always assume the worst, and if you need support, don’t report it, ask for support right away. She is my only daughter left. She needs special protection.”

Chang Se-ho answered.

– Yes. All right. In the event of an additional situation, we will immediately take action and report it.

Ha Poong-hwan finished contacting him and gently pressed his eyelids. The burden of responsibility as the head of the guild and fatigue as the head of the family weighed heavily on his shoulders.

* * *

The cave was a structure that widened as you went inside. As in normal dungeons, luminous moss illuminated the surroundings, so there was no dark space after a brief darkness.

The monster also appeared normally. The first monsters encountered were snakes and monsters commonly found in caves, as well as thorny vine snakes.

“Oh! Monster! It’s a snake!”

Ha Yeon-shi seemed happy to have found a proper monster.

“Hey! I’ll deal with you!”

She grabbed her sword and ran and attacked her serpent. The thorny vine lives up to its name and is made up of ironclad vines with a hard outer covering.

It’s easy to break the shell with magic expression, but it’s quite difficult with normal attacks. However, it is not very difficult to deal with because it is a non-poisonous and less aggressive monster.

Kang! Kang! Awesome!

Her swordsmanship shatters her skin and splits her flesh. She shouted in a voice excited by the joy of hunting.

“Ha! Got it!”

More monsters appeared. I, who was quietly watching from behind, approached her clenched into fists. Beating it up like a can is one way, but I used magic expression.


Magical power dwells in the fist and is soon condensed.

From noble mtl dot com


When struck with a light swing, the thorny serpent, whose insides were muddy, coughed up blood and died. It’s just a hit.

“Wow… What are you?”

Ha Yeon-si admired.

“You are really strong…. How can you be so strong with your bare fists? It’s strange.”

She subconsciously lowered her fist, but there was no impure intention in her excited voice.

“Everyone has a talent. My talent is my fist. That’s why you can easily handle it with your bare fists.”

“I struggle like this even with a sword…. But isn’t that just magic expression art?”

As expected.


“Sweep, even if I wield a hundred blades, I can’t use magic expression….”

She is more talented in magic conduction than magic expression. Magic Conduction is an essential ability to use magic tools, and talent takes precedence over effort.

“But didn’t you originally use a sword too? Is not it?”

“I realized it too late.”

“… Behindhand?”

Ha Yeon-si’s ears perked up.

“Yes. I realized that my talent is not a sword, but a fist.”

“Is that why you changed your armament?”


“Wow, I managed to change the armament. That decision wouldn’t have been easy….”

“It was rather easy to throw away the sword when I realized I had no talent for it.”

“Hmm, yes… ?”

I speak as if persuading, but there is no response. Still, these trivial remarks piled up and piled up and had a positive effect on her decision.

We moved on. The more you enter the cave, the more monsters appear. As I continued to enter while collecting magic stones and by-products, a dead end soon appeared. It is a wall with geometric patterns engraved on it.

“What is this….”

It was the starting device for the ordeal.

I glanced over the pattern and then looked back. I scan every nook and cranny with weak mastery, but I can’t see any signs of obstruction yet. It’s probably because of the inherent attributes or barriers of the ordeal. There is still time before they arrive.

… Oh, it’s dizzy.

I quickly gained mastery and thought.

Originally, right before Ha Yeon-si succeeds in the ordeal, the greenhouses intervene and Ha Yeon-si is not selected as a reward for the ordeal. On the verge of achieving it, she is more and more strayed because of the reward that has vanished in vain.

But even if it weren’t for their interference, there’s a good chance she wouldn’t have been rewarded.

If I remember correctly, the reward for the ordeal here is an evolutionary secondary weapon that is rare in the world, and its existence itself is a special secondary weapon.

Blessed with magical powers such as 『Worship of Magic』, She is an armament that can never be used.

Blank attribute, Anti-magic attribute, Nihilistic attribute… , There are many words to refer to the property, but the official name is this.

Void Tentacle.

Void Tentacles.

This is the equipment used by Mine.

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  1. salcrimson says:

    He didn’t chose to be a magician bc ha seyoen is already talented in magic, and he didn’t want to overlap his talent with any of mcs

  2. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Didn’t he say that the other jobs fell off compared to martial artists at the later part of the story?

  3. D says:

    Out of 8 billion people theres only 3000 magicians? Okay f*ck you author, theres no way the mc wouldnt choose magic then.

  4. D says:

    Bro are you kidding based off thst description a magician would be way better than a martial artist, why didn’t the mc get that

  5. Canele . Canele . says:

    Nothingness = Void??? Probably MC’s equipment is here?

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