Round 2 Starts With 990000 Points chapter 26

26 - Advice (2)

26 – Advice (2)


She is the eldest daughter of the Woo family, one of Korea’s five greatest heroic families.

However, she is treated at a lower level than her collateral, not the successor of her family.

The reason is simple.

This is because her family, the Wu family, is a family that follows Confucianism, and at the same time, her gender is female.

“… How far are you planning to go?”

“This should be suitable.”

I led her to the back of her building, where she was seldom seen.

Since three sides are blocked by low mountains, there is no need to worry about CCTV.

“Why are you here?”

“To teach you. How to shoot a bow well like a man.”

From noble mtl dot com

“… ….”

At that moment, the air around them became heavy.

Uyuna’s expression hardened coldly and melancholy eyes glared at me as if they were going to tear me apart.

“You… If you insult me, I won’t let you go. I risk my family and my honor and hold you accountable. If it’s a lie, ask for forgiveness even now. Then….”

A normal cadet would have been stingy, but not me.

I’m so f*cking shameless.

“First of all, it would be faster to show with actions than to explain in words. Take out the bow first.”

She was dubious but listened to me carefully.

This is why a dignified attitude is important in everything.


The necklace the size of a Pokéball glowed brightly and soon turned into her weapon, a bow and arrow.

I held out her palm toward her.

“…… ?”

“Give me the bow.”

At my courteous words, she gave me a bow and arrow, dubious.

I grabbed the bow and pulled and released the bowstring a few times.

Milk out immediately scolded her, frowning.

“… If you use the bow like that, the bow may break. Even if it’s a supply bow for training, to damage an individual’s armament like that….”

“I know.”

I didn’t know that.

No, I heard it somewhere, but I forgot and just remembered it.

Hmm, is it roughly this much elasticity?

“Look carefully.”

I pointed to a tree planted on a mound not far away.

To be precise, the twig of that tree, a single leaf hanging from it.

That’s the limit of my ability.


With the arrow loaded, I pulled the bowstring as loosely as possible.

If the arrows are fired too quickly, it will be out of my power.

Looking at my poor posture, Uyuna pointed out.

“… You were also the first to use a bow. Were you thinking of insulting me?”

Perhaps it was because my posture was unattractive.

I ignored her words and fired an arrow.


The arrow flew neither fast nor slow, and pierced the leaves on the branch with precision.

“… ….”

Milk Her question flashed on my face and then disappeared.

“How is it?”

“… What do you mean?”

“Does posture matter when shooting a bow?”

For a moment, her eyes trembled.

I said it again.

“Is posture important when shooting a bow?”

“… How did you do it? With that tension, arrows wouldn’t be able to fly that far….”

She said something very common sense.

Of course.

At the cadet level.


“… Mental attitude?”


Actually, it wasn’t confidence, it was just the invisible use of the tentacles of the void.

“What, something like that….”

“Try it yourself. I’ll tell you. What mindset do you need? You know that the ability to control magical power depends on your mindset, right?”

“… Shoot one more time.”

Uyu I did not easily believe my words.

I used the void tentacles once more to pierce the leaves.

She still doesn’t understand.

“How on earth… There’s no way this would be possible….”

“Now I will tell you, so try it yourself.”

I returned the bow and arrow.

She listened to me, still giving me a puzzled look.

Soon she drew the bowstring with the arrow loaded.

“Don’t draw too much on the bowstring. And take a slow, deep breath.”

“The arrow wouldn’t fly that far if I didn’t pull it this far….”

“You can fly.”


She did as I said.

I was talking nonsense.

“Don’t be conscious of your chest. The gaze around you, your gender. Trust only your talent. Because you were born with the talent of an archer.”

If it’s not going to be helpful anyway, it’s better to do no harm than the devil’s tricks.

And I’m not lying.

She is currently unable to demonstrate her abilities due to self-distrust.


I wrapped an invisible void tentacle around the tip of her arrow.

When I wrapped my hands around hers with hers, she was puzzled but didn’t react.


The moment the arrow left the bowstring, I concentrated.

According to my will, the arrow pierced the leaves.


It was close to the limit because it was the distance of my ability, but fortunately I succeeded.

Uyuna muttered like a dumbfounded person.

“… How is this possible?”

After that, he hung out with me a few more times.

Every time she talked casually, but the results were good, so she seemed to believe in herself.


Now that she practices the same when she is alone, she will wonder why she can’t do it alone.

And whenever there is a circle meeting, he will look for me first.

Maybe you can find me at another time, but it’s enough to induce time after the circle activities.

“By the way….”

While I was thinking about that, Uyuna said.

“Why are you helping me?”

I couldn’t bear to say that it was because of the points.

The truth is not important anyway.

“I think you are in a similar situation to me.”

I said it roughly and left before asking further questions.

* * *

Moyeji arrived at the dormitory amid confusion.

It was as if the wet rainy season clouds were only hanging over him.

Why the hell is this?


“…… Write.”

My depressed mood tends to go away when I wake up.

Mo Yeji recalled that and she went to bed early.

[A message has arrived.]

She was sleeping soundly when she was awakened by a notification on her smart watch.

I checked the text message and it was from Yoo Seong-won.

[Sungwon Yoo: Yeji, where are you? Heh Do you want to have dinner together? Lol]

Mo Yeji’s forehead crumpled.

[Mo Yeji: b]

She gave her short answer and closed her eyes again.

But once she wakes up, she can’t easily get back to sleep.

“Ah… damn monkey.”

Waking up in the middle of the night, her head hurts and an unbearable depression weighs heavily on the back of her neck.

She has no one to share her melancholy with.

“… ….”

Mo Yeji thinks.

Do I like him?

… I don’t know.

I’m not sure.

It is true, however, that interest arose.

That’s why they’re chasing you.

But that bastard isn’t even in heat, why is he so close to women every time I see him….

“… Whoa.”

Especially, I don’t understand her brazen confidence.

Yes, he is overly smirk and brazen.

How can you approach Ha Yeon-shi and Uyuna so easily that other male cadets don’t even dare to talk?

“… ….”

When I think of that, it leads me to think that she is worse than Ha Yeon-shi or Uyuna.

Because I look at my chest without realizing it, the melancholy deepens.

Well, in my situation….

Aren’t you destined to live to avenge your family right now?

I can’t imagine escaping this fate.

But it would be nice to have a friend to share this depression with….

“… ….”

Mo Yeji trudged on and turned on her computer.

Her friend has an internet friend.

She skillfully logged into her academy’s homepage, and soon accessed her cadet bulletin board.

She enters the bulletin board with an anonymous nickname, [The Primitive Girlfriend], And from her name, you can see the author who doesn’t like her.

[Precise Killer]

Could she be the one who confessed to herself and got dumped?

I don’t know.

Anyway, it’s a nickname I don’t like.

“Ha ha.”

She woke up with a dry wash.

And then she vomited the blues of her blank mind through her keyboard.

I found someone I’m interested in, but he’s a flirt… I wrote it down, but when I think about it, I don’t think I’m a flirt, so I erased it.

I finished writing the article after hitting MSG skillfully to the extent that it is not so specific.

After writing it down for a while, the melancholy goes away.

“… Hmm.”

At the same time, Suma came to visit.

… Sleep again She

Was yawning, and at that moment the comment alarm came to mind.

Looking at it, it seems that someone has already read and commented on his troubles.

“… The other person doesn’t show interest at all… Aren’t you clumsy with expressions? …… Ugh.”

Come to think of it, she is really bad at expressing herself.

It is all the more so because she has never expressed it before.

Because the area was always full of Hogu bastards like Yu Seong-Won.

I lived in a position where others notice, not in a position to notice others.

Mo Yeji thought for a bit, then frowned.

“… ….”

Maybe because she is sleepy, her head doesn’t turn well.

Turning off her computer, she headed back to her bed to fall asleep.

From noble mtl dot com

* * *

“It’s cute.”

When I arrived at the dormitory, I was checking my reputation for the first time in a while.

Then, he found her unusual nickname of a primitive woman, and he or she added advice to her troubled writings left by him or her.

“… It’s a good time.”

I soon withdrew my attention from the troubled writing and started to check my reputation again.

As expected, the number of negative public opinion decreased and the number of indifferent or positive comments increased compared to the beginning of admission.

Is it because I diligently made an announcement… It’s not bad.

“… Hmm.”

I yawned and looked at the clock, and it was already 9:00.

It’s time to go to bed.

It’s not because I have another appointment tomorrow.

“Oh, by the way.”

How many points did you earn today?

I checked with curiosity, but there were several times more points than usual.

“Awesome, this one.”

No way… Is that milk or a good restaurant?

I thought about what to wear tomorrow and went to bed.

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  1. D says:

    Do the points even matter at this point? I was expecting a story where the mc customizes himself from the start, gets tslents and skills, and takes the MC role.
    Instead the points were meaningless and barely used the mc is only decent looking with a boring personality and has no desires apparently (except for the random forced insert character that appeared for 2 seconds to take his subspace pouch)

    1. Go back to, we don’t need your kind here

  2. What is og mc doing? Did he also regress and try to do something on his own?

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