Round 2 Starts With 990000 Points chapter 52

52 - Mine Hunting (3)

52 – Mine Hunting (3)

Are you naturally timid?

Come to think of it, the weaker the person, the easier it is to become a demon.

There is a possibility.

Thinking about it, I stepped closer. Lee In-ah spread out the visible body part with her hands. It is the only part with a large area among the tentacles sprouting all over the body.

It looks like a fly swatter.

She unfolded her body, visible with her hands, like an umbrella. She pointed at me as if several tentacles were shooting at the wind. As I was looking at something, the thorns came pouring out of her tentacles, pouring down like a shower.

Swipe, swish.

She was as sharp as a dagger, and it would hurt terribly if stabbed. I dodged what I could avoid and cut what I could parry. It looked menacing.

“What… Are you blocking this too?”

The distance between the two of us was over 15 meters, and even that distance seemed uneasy, and Lee In-ah quietly backed away from her.

I am very scared.

She stepped back from her back and spread her other hand, this time instead of a thorn, a stream of green liquid spurted out of her hand. It’s the first time I’ve seen a guy who doesn’t match like this with a means of attack.

Wheek wheek wheek.

This time it was awkward to touch, so I focused on avoiding it instead of cutting it off. After avoiding the spray of venom until it stopped, when I looked at the floor after it stopped, it seemed to be holding poison as expected.


The floor where the liquid had touched sizzled and smoke rose.

I saw that and thought.

I tried to use martial arts this time, but it won’t work.

Practical experience is important. So I tried to properly use the dragon martial art I learned from Park Dae-sik, but the opponent does not allow me to approach.

I can’t help it.

I can create a situation by seizing an opportunity, but I don’t want to go that far. I gave up on approaching and took a stance. Lee In-ah reacted.

“What are you trying to do?”

I gathered mana in my hand, aimed at him, and let out a fist. It’s an unarmed right.

Wedge juice.

The pressure in the surrounding air became heavy and the wind blew hard.

A transparent fist stretched out straight around my fist.


My body was pushed back by half a step, and the aftermath raged, but it was just as powerful.


There was a popping sound and Lee In-ah’s body half disappeared. I aimed and shot, but it seems that I recognized the suspiciousness in the moment and avoided it.

You have a good eye.

I moved closer and checked her well-being.

Did he die?

“… Shut it off.”

Looks like he’s not dead. She repaired her body as a mollusc would repair itself. It’s amazing to see it.

You have resilience.

At that moment, she screamed. The energy that erupted from her mouth spread widely to the side and stabbed my eardrum painfully. Seeing that it contains mana, it seems that this is also an ability.

You have a lot of abilities.

Mine leaves her essence after dying like a monster. What’s better than monsters is that monsters give essences according to a certain probability, but mines drop essences almost unconditionally. It sounds like the drop rate is high.

If you kill him and eat his essence, I’ll get that ability.

It is possible to increase the ability level or acquire other abilities, but I hoped to gain resilience. I think that the ability to survive is the most important thing in the past and now.

“The string is as tough as a leech. Just die.”

I took my posture again. After stepping out with magic power in his fist, he threw his fist out as if he was shouting power into the air. The transparent fist stretched straight out and hit Lee In-ah’s body.


There was another explosion and screams roared. It was motionless, so I approached it and found that it was still breathing and not dead.

Your lifeline is as great as a pine tree.

At that moment, as if she had been waiting, tentacles came from her body. The tentacles coiled around my feet and set up suckers to chew on my skin. Seeing him lose energy, it seems that he is absorbing energy.


I cut the tentacle with my blade and cut it again. As her body, which had been thick with tentacles like a bush, became bare like a bare mountain, her body changed. Her body, which had turned into a demon and turned into a demon, was returning to her original body.

It’s time to die.

I was putting mana into my fist to finish it off, but I heard an urgent voice.

“… Now wait!”

I hesitate when I hear the sound of “Wait a minute.”


“… Help me.”

“I hate it.”

As the judge tried to swing her fist like she was swinging her baton, Lee In-ah begged again.

“Yes, I will give you strength.”

The power of demons is based on an ancient contract. They gain power by opening the gates of hell and dedicating themselves as demons.

“I don’t need demonic power.”

“Me, I am useful.”

“What use?”

“You, you, came out of the association, right?”

I am interested in talking about the association.

“Why do you think so?”

“My, the only people who know my location and come looking for me are people from the Association.”

Not really.

But I have no connection with the association at all.

Lee In-ah looked at me and continued talking.

“My, I know the whereabouts of the other demons. I will help you.”

I asked back.


“Don’t be surprised to hear. In fact, this academy….”

“That’s done. How do you know where the other demons are?”

“I have a meeting.”

“It’s a meeting….”

This is information I know.

However, I only know about the existence of the meeting, but I do not know the details of other demons.

“Are you saying there is a gathering among the demons?”


“Tell me in detail. How are you going to help?”

“If you save me, I will help you deal with the other demons. Anything, somehow, everything can be done. I’ll cooperate. So… please.”

I listened to her words and pondered.

It’s better to deal with all her other demons and kill her than to deal with her right away.

As for the goose that lays the golden eggs, it is better to kill and eat it if it fails to lay golden eggs.

The fact that they mistook me for a member of the association also had a positive effect. The most feared of the cadets who have become demonized are the heroes belonging to the Association. She will never think of betraying me.

“How is it?”

Lee In-ah asked with difficulty. Half of the humanized body was damaged, but seeing as the resilience was not working, it seemed to be in a dangerous situation.

“Okay. Do that.”

I opened the contribution shop while taking out the potions I purchased earlier.

There is also an inscription related to the master/servant contract in the Contribution Shop.

I thought I would never write anything in my life, but now I have something to write about.

I restored her with her potion and purchased the seal of her Master/Servant contract.

I wondered if it would be possible for a person because only the expression “Subject” Was written in the terms of the master/servant contract, but it was possible.

Maybe it’s possible because demons aren’t treated as human beings.

Anyway, that’s great.

“Uh, uh, uh….”

Lee In-ah was amazed at the harmony that unfolded in her air, and she did not dare to rebel against me. She seems to believe that she is secretly dispatched from the association.

* * *

Jeon Hoon-seung, a 2nd year cadet, is a magician.

He got paid twice during her freshman year, and as a result, she crossed the gates of hell.

Having accepted the pleasure, he immediately regretted not becoming a demon.

‘To tell me not to do this nice thing. I wasted two years because of that.’

It’s not a crime if you don’t get caught.

He had the confidence to hide that he had become a demon all his life.

He developed his strength as carefully as possible, but he kept his own principles.

First of all, he never aimed for an academy cadet like himself.

‘Aiming for the same cadet at the stupid Mine or Academy.’

There is no reason to do so unless you are a person who wants to commit suicide or a mojiri.

Secondly, he secretly hunted in a crowded place without being identified.

‘The more suspects, the more difficult the investigation.’

In particular, his main stage was a hunting ground overflowing with accidents.

Hunters often have abilities and superpowers that surpass those of humans.

Of course, the categories of accidents often exceed common sense, and the accidental death of a hunter is usually treated as an accidental death from a monster. So you can rest assured.

‘Which one shall I eat today?’

Jeon Hun-seung rode the portal and arrived at a field-type hunting ground near Gangwon-do. He looked around and saw that there were many good-looking people.

Starting from the second year, students are taught separately from the lectures they have applied for, just like college classes, so they can allocate their time freely.

So he just needs to leisurely choose his prey and build up his strength.


While searching for today’s prey while singing a hum song, I see a person standing alone in close proximity.

He was a man with an exceptionally pale face and a mischievous looking smile.

You look popular with girls.

Jeon Hoon-seung hates neat-looking men. It was because at the time he was paid, his girlfriend was NTRed by a neat-looking guy.

Should I use that guy I feed today?

Jeon Hoon-seung evaluated the man’s attire and determined that he was a beginner with little hunting experience.

Standing alone also influenced his choice.

It is easier to deal with a subject alone than with a companion.

“Excuse me. Are you looking for a companion to hunt with?”

Jeon Hun-seung approached the man and said.

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  1. gerard says:

    want more

  2. Narukami Nihiru says:

    END. Need consistent updates….

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