Survive on a Deserted Island With the Villainous Young Lady chapter 13

13 - rainy day (5)

13 – rainy day (5)

‘Damn it! House is! damn it!’

Beneath the rubble of a house that suddenly collapsed, Chester checked his body, desperately suppressing his agitation.

‘If the house collapsed, how did it fall?! Is the tree that is the frame of the house broken?! or not!’

Worst of all, the tree you were using as a pole might have been broken.

Just after Chester thought that, something heavy hit them under the rubble.



‘As expected, the tree used as a pillar has fallen!’

However, contrary to Chester’s preparedness for shock, there was only a loud noise and no serious shock came.

“… … Monia, it’s okay. are you okay. look.”


“It’s fine. The tree is down, but I think it’s probably over another tree.”

“… … .”

“right? Debris weighs down on us as trees fall, but that’s all. That’s all.”

Chester checked his condition.

I felt pain all over my body, but there didn’t seem to be any serious injuries.

You can move your arms and legs as you wish.

“Rather, the wreckage of the house will protect us.”

“… … .”

“look. Do you feel less rain and wind than before?”


The space narrowed as debris blocked all sides, warming the air with the body heat of the two.

Monia felt that too and looked around.

“It was rather good. rather that it was good. Even the floor… Thanks to sitting on the rubble, it doesn’t come into direct contact with the ground.”

“… … .”

“Let’s hold out here until the rain and wind stop. It will be hard, but you can endure it. got it? you’re enduring Then you will be fine.”

“It will be fine.”

When Monia repeated what she had said, Chester nodded that it was true.

“yes. The rain will stop and the wind will stop. the sun will rise again That the damn heat will begin. It will go back to normal.”


At the word “as it was”, Monia inadvertently thought of herself drinking tea elegantly in the mansion of the kingdom, but of herself grumbling at Chester and suffering from strange food.

Humans are creatures of adaptation.

If it is an extreme environment, adaptation occurs even more quickly.

The time she spent peacefully on the island was really short, but before she knew it, life on this island had turned into ‘daily life’ for Monia.

“I want to eat fish.”

“yes? The one you caught in the river?”


“Good. fish.”

Chester remembered the river.

This amount of rain could have flooded and changed the shape of the river.

Debris from the storm may have piled up somewhere upstream and dried up the river.

‘I hope that doesn’t happen.’

Chester looked at the rainwater seeping through the rubble as he worried.

No matter how much it rained, a fair amount of water flowed down from the cracks in the rubble.

There was a sound like pouring water into a puddle as the water ran down and hit the already damp ground.

What condition is the floor in?

Perhaps the soil has sunk completely under the water.

If the ground were in contact with the ground, there would be a risk of hypothermia, so I wouldn’t have thought of staying still here.

Chester tilted his face slightly, trying to drink the water coming down.

Then, suddenly, the wreckage shakes as a whole.



As the wind blows strongly, cracks in the wreckage open and rainwater pours out at once.

‘I can’t stay like this.’

Chester looked around.

Then a faint crimson light came into his eyes.

‘? Did the blown firewood hang over the house?’

When I reached out and brought it with a scarlet light, a faint ember was still alive in the center of the wood fragments used for firewood.

‘… … hit. Yes it was. After my father started a bonfire, he would leave the embers alive on plants like cattails and carry them with him to light the fire easily.’

Saying it reminded him of this, Chester carefully used a stone knife to cut through the wood shards.

Split wood fragments are dug up with a stone knife to use as combustion ash, and the embers are raised by carefully blowing air into the embers.

Before long, a small spark lingered on a piece of wood.

Checking to see if the flames had stabilized, Chester put a piece of wood in his mouth where the flames stayed and relied on the small sparks to see where they were.

It was scary to have the flame in my mouth, but I had no time to pay attention to it.

‘Tie here and there, there and there… … Damn, I’m running out of space.’

They brought vines and tied up the unstable wreckage to secure it, used ropes to secure it in another place, and pressed down some places with their limbs.

Increasing the space would make it easier to move around and make work easier, but it was a bigger problem that the wreckage completely collapsed after doing such work recklessly.

Accepting the inconvenience, Chester, who finished repairing the wreckage, pulled out a piece of wood he was holding in his mouth.

“after! Whoa!”

I blew out the kindling that was burning with a strong breath, and the bottom of the wreckage sank into darkness again.

And right after that, the wind blew.

“Are you all right now?”

As before, the wreckage was moving wildly, and the wind and rain did not break through.

“Okay, it’s fine now.”

Chester wiped away the cold sweat and closed his eyes.

“Let’s get some sleep.”

In the meantime, I couldn’t sleep properly because I was guarding the bonfire.

It’s ironic, but I felt so comfortable inside this narrow wreck.

* * *

The black figure was walking through the forest on two feet even in this storm.

After a long walk, the black figure reached one of the five great rivers that flowed through the Wandering Islands.

The river was blocked by trees and rocks, so it did not flow and was stagnant.

“… … .”

The black figure, which had been watching it, turned its head and looked at the mountain hidden in the darkness.

All the water on the floating island comes from the mountains.

The sea water absorbed by the floating island is filtered from the ground of the island and turned into clean fresh water, which is then sucked up to the top of the mountain.

The fresh water that has risen to the top of the mountain escapes through the road at the base of the mountain, pours out as a waterfall, turns into several rivers on the floating island, flows, and flows back to the sea.

The river Chester discovered is a river that started as a waterfall in the mountain, turned into a river, and then turned into a waterfall and poured out again.

“… … .”

With five fingers spread out in the direction of the mountain, the black figure with a prayer-like ceremony lifted a large stone with the praying hand and threw it at the rubble blocking the river.

With just one blow, the wreckage shook greatly, and through the cracks in the wreckage opened by the impact, the blocked river water began to flow.

Then, after a while, the river pierced through all the remaining debris with its own power and began to flow as before.

“… … .”

The black figure looked at the river as it flowed, then turned and disappeared.

* * *

‘… … ?’

How much time had passed since he fell asleep under the rubble of his house.

Chester awoke from his sleep and suddenly saw the intense light piercing his eyes, and closed his eyes in surprise.


It was really not a flash of lightning for the first time in a long time, but a light came into my eyes.

‘But how? A day must have passed since we were buried under rubble.’

The weather on the floating island changes quickly.

It was a story when things went bad, but it was also said that things get better quickly when things get better.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Last night, while Chester and Monia slept under the rubble, the floating island moved steadily out of the storm zone.

That was the only cause of the beating sun.

The island just floats in the sea.

No matter what kind of hardships the creatures living on top of them suffer, they just wander the sea.

“Monia, it is light! The sun has risen!”


When Chester called urgently, Monia, who had been sleeping, woke up with saliva dripping from her mouth.


It must have been really tiring to sleep with drool, but Monia hurriedly hid the traces, perhaps ashamed of the fact that she drool.

I heard it all

“A light?”

“yes. The rain has stopped.”


Chester freed his arm from pressing down on the wreckage and shoved his hand under his body.

The stone knife that had been tucked into a gap in the rubble was caught in my hand.

First, cut the vine in front of you with a stone knife.

After cutting the vine, he took an ax and hit it against the branch with the hard part of his palm.

After pushing the ax with the palm of my hand a few times, the branch broke.

Chester, who had done the same thing over and over again to remove the vines and twigs, took one last look at the trees blocking his way from above.

‘The posture is uncomfortable, so it must be difficult to push it with force.’

First of all, I think I need to create a space to take a pose.

Chester made space this time by cutting vines around, not above, and ripping branches with an axe.

When I had a satisfactory width, I lowered myself, propped myself up on my back, and used my legs to push off the tree.

Fortunately, the tree, which was hanging unsteadily somewhere, moved enough even by pushing it out of an uncomfortable position.

After pushing the tree away, Chester used a stone knife and a stone ax to dismantle the remains of the house, then stood up.

Upon Chester rising from the rubble, the stinging sunlight he hadn’t tasted in days fell beautifully.

“… … .”

Chester was strangely moved by that fact.

I felt that the days of hell were over.

‘I survived.’


That one fact came to Chester’s head strongly.

Next, Monia came out through the hole Chester had drilled.


What Monia was looking at was the sea, not the sky.

The sea, which had been like a terrifying monster, had calmed down before I knew it, and was showing off its beautiful figure with waves crashing in the sun.

The sea is so clear and transparent that even the fish roaming under the sea surface are clearly visible.

Seeing the unbelievable sight of such a cruel and frightening sea, Monia shed tears without realizing it.

“Okay, it’s over… .”

Monia cried and held the rope tied around her wrist like a precious treasure.

The long, long rain has stopped.

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  1. Shadow says:

    Yeah, the island wandered out of the storm zone on its own so the rains stopped.(Incase you didn’t know till now the island floats and wanders the sea and has no fixed location, resulting in extreme weather and phenomenon. )

  2. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    ???…That black figure only destroy the blockage that prevented the water from the top to flow down to the river, they did not stop the rain.

  3. Blue Shadow says:

    The island actually has someone that can stop rain or something more amazing

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