Survive on a Deserted Island With the Villainous Young Lady chapter 203

203 - Kill Off(1)

203 – Kill Off(1)

“Sure, clothes, ah.”

Monia twitched her hips to and fro in the saddle of her rampaging horse, trying to balance herself.

Sometimes her body would float and fall, causing her back to hurt, but unlike her worries that she could only walk on horseback, she lived on a floating island and improved her motor skills. I could ride her horse without it.

“Okay, are you doing well?”

Chester learned to ride her horse while she was a butler. After learning horseback riding at her butler’s academy, she became Monia’s exclusive butler and rode her horse alone to do her master’s bidding. As she grew up, she honed her skills.

In addition, she learned how to ride a horse delicately in order to keep the dignity of the owner she served as a butler and never ruin her outfit wherever she went, no matter how quickly she went.

“The road is well paved.”

“That, Ru, Crae, Eh!”

“Mom, are you sick?”

“No, it hurts, it hurts!”

Lex looked anxiously at Monia as she bobbed around on Chester’s back, and Ant, tucked away in a small rucksack next to her horse, whimpered that her rucksack was uncomfortable.

“Ah, ah! Ant, me, an!”

Fortunately, after running for over an hour, her rough ride became stable as she got used to handling a galloping horse somewhat.


“I had a hard time. Does your back hurt?”

“It’s okay. Less violent than Chester.”

Monia said, casting her furtive glance at her, and Chester turned her attention to the woods that passed by him.

“So, Chester. How are you going to kill me?”

“If you see a peddler, you should observe it first.”


“Watch for a bit, and if Off is riding on a horse instead of a wagon, he’ll just charge.”

Probably the size of the second peddler is the same as the third. There would only be dozens of escorts and additional mercenaries would be hired, so it was close to stupidity to charge there.


Monia also knew that, so she asked back in embarrassment.

“Once the off is outside the wagon. She makes a quick charge from the side, quickly killing Offman and fleeing with the corpse. If possible, it would be better to decapitate him in one blow and carry only his head.”

“Ah. What if Off is in the wagon?”

“We should aim for the night. Wouldn’t he come out to eat too, or would his men pack the meals and bring them to the wagon? After looking at it, he figures out the location of Off, and when he is asleep, he avoids surveillance and kills only Off and runs away. At this time, I will move alone.”

Monia, fully feeling how good Chester can perform as an assassin in the Land of Immortal Golden, told Chester to go in alone to assassinate, and she nodded, saying yes.

“By the way Chester, did you also learn to assassinate from his father?”

“Huh? No.”

“But how did you move like that in the desert?”

“You trained with Urgo so that you can move with reason while your senses are on at level 3. That achievement.”

If he was in a state of being swayed by his senses, he would have just jumped in and killed the enemy the moment he sensed it. However, because it can be controlled with reason, it was possible to assassinate enemies by moving as sharp as a poisoned dagger while grasping the enemies with a keen sense.

“Honestly, I wondered if the training was of great use, but it turned out to be more useful than I thought.”

“Yes. I think it’s more helpful when you’re assassinating or hunting because you can think and judge at your leisure. In battle, following your senses is more helpful.”

Since Urgo did not know what kind of danger there might be inside the pyramid, he must have keenly sensed it and then made a cool decision and tried to make a move. There was no great danger inside the pyramid except for Anubis, and he used the power Urgo had taught him to assassinate him.

“I think that golden golem is a big enough danger.”

“It was scary. I’m still scared. Wouldn’t we have just died if one of us hadn’t been there?”

“Ugh, that’s creepy. Are there any other ancient ruins like that?”

“Okay. I’ve heard rumors that demons are dormant in the kingdom’s ancient ruins.”

“Where did you hear that?”

“When I was just working as a butler before being selected as your exclusive, the duke was talking to himself in a room two blocks away from where I was working. I heard it by chance.”

While saying that, the two eagerly ran towards the bottom of the mountain.

* * *

After the death of the old king, even after the new king, Jordi, disappeared, and even after the capital of the palace was occupied and turned into a battlefield, the duke was still wandering around the battlefield.

The aristocrats led by the duke returned to their territory as the scale of the war increased and troops from other countries came out and the situation turned strange.

The duke, who had to focus only on collecting the troops he could use, could not stop them, and the duke who managed to collect the troops was one of the defeated remnants who roamed the battlefield, attacking and plundering nearby villages or territories. It was moving as one axis.

Fortunately, more than half of the elite unit, the Sky Knights, survived in the battlefield. Thanks to this, the size and power were reduced compared to before, but no one could touch the Duke’s troops.

There was no need to suffer damage by touching them, so rumors quickly spread that the Duke and the Sky Knights were called the gods of the battlefield.

By the time the goods were recovered to some extent by attacking various territories and military bases, the duke led his troops somewhere.

It is a miserable situation that, unlike our ancestors, we were defeated and became a defeated army after starting a huge war. Even his own territory has been trampled and plundered by other enemies, and now there are no vassals or other lords who cling to and cringe with the name of a duke.

But the Duke wasn’t giving up yet.

‘If only I could make the power in the palace my own…… !’

The power the duke was most wary of. It was ‘magic’ that only royalty could use, and had been passed down from generation to generation to the royal family of this country from a distant past.

Magic does not exist in a fantasy story.

Magic is, for example, the alchemy of alchemists who make medicines, treat diseases, and heal wounds, and scholars’ quest to find the various principles of the world or the truth of mathematics.

Just as a person taps steel to make a sword and uses it as a ‘weapon’, researching all kinds of mysterious substances that exist in the world and developing things that are out of common sense, or developed in this way, is ‘magic’.

It’s not like casting fire by casting spells, cursing someone, or controlling the spirit.

Nowadays, magic is regarded as a product of fantasy that only appears in stories, but due to a huge event in the past that is not properly recorded in history books, all traces of the brilliant civilization of that time disappeared, at least to the extent of ancient ruins. Because it was barely left.

The magic that settled in the palace was also like that.

Traces of an old technology that has now disappeared, nestled in a huge underpass leading from the ancient ruins near the palace to the basement of the palace.

Even nobles who know of its existence are rare, and even if they know of its existence, there are many who think it is just a story like an old nation’s founding myth.

‘It is said that only the royal family can rule, but the blood of the royal family is mixed with a lot of our family’s blood. There were frequent cases in which the royal family, who had been pushed out of the succession race, was sent to the second or third son of the duke’s family.’

In other words, it meant that the lineage of the duke’s family was no different from that of the royal family, if only limited to lineage.

Then the duke himself might be able to control the demons under the palace.

‘War is not a problem if only demons can be ruled.’

Of course, the duke only heard of the devil, but he didn’t hear the details. Therefore, you will have to learn how to control the devil as well as the precautions through trial and error.

It may take a long time, but the duke was able to persevere.

If it is to wear a crown on one’s head.

The face of the duke who made such a resolution showed white hair and fine wrinkles that were much clearer than before, perhaps because he was physically and mentally exhausted from the long war.

Before he knew it, he was getting old.

* * *

After descending the mountain, Chester and Monia rested their tired horses and made their bed. In the past, I would have made a suitable bed using the surrounding materials, but now I am ready to sleep just by unfolding the folding tent I brought from the desert.

“As expected, it was good to bring it.”

Chester gazed at the desert tent with satisfaction, making minor adjustments to spread and secure the tent a little more, then went inside.

As Chester lies down in the tent, Monia laughs and she lies down next to him.

“I thought about it even in the desert, but doesn’t the moon look bigger here than the kingdom?”

“Sure. Why?”

The two men and women who were chatting while looking at the night sky secretly looked at the small tent where Rex and Ant were sleeping.

When the tent was so quiet that even Chester’s sensitive hearing couldn’t detect any sign of being awake, the two hugged each other and shared a deep kiss.

Chester takes off Monia’s clothes, and Monia takes off Chester’s clothes naturally.

The two went inside the tent, not paying attention to the clothes that had flown out of the tent, and began to tangle hotly.

“Mom and Dad are like that again.”

And then, Rex let out a sigh as she shook her head with her face as if she couldn’t stop it.

After sneaking a peek at the tent where Chester and Monia were, Rex closed her eyes and went to sleep, feeling like watching ugly children laughing and chatting without sleep.

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  1. Whatever says:

    So that means he’s getting better at hiding things?

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