Survive on a Deserted Island With the Villainous Young Lady chapter 227

227 - Disintegration (3)

227 – Disintegration (3)

Senna’s sword, Hope, continued to signal to the host it was parasitizing on.

It was a cry from the instincts of a parasitic creature.

Be one. Become stronger. Create a stronger and safer host.

From the moment Harold approached the city, Hope, who read the pheromones produced by the parasites there, continued to rampage.

It was an act made by instinct as a creature and rational judgment as a creature.

Unfortunately, however, that was the limit of what Hope could do. He is imprisoned in a prison created by an ancient tribe.

In addition, unlike her own thoughts that she is suitable for parasites, Sena is actually a rare ‘person who is not physically compatible’ with parasites.

That’s why he only got a stronger body, unlike countless people who were hit by parasites enough to turn into monsters.

Senna gained power, and obtained it as an excellent weapon. However, as seen now, Hope was unable to properly control the host by sending signals.

So Hope wanted to send Senna to Harold somehow.

I want to escape from this stuffy body and become one with my own people.

“Rex! Monia! Chester!”

Arriving at the mansion, Senna froze after seeing the collapsed mansion that the monster had already swept through.

“…… Ah!”

You can see the bloody remains.

Senna hurriedly tried to clear away the wreckage, and Senna’s body, which had been castrated from the limits of violence due to her parasite, smashed her body with her fists.

“Ah… !”

Surprised and flustered, Senna steps back in fright. And her complexion turned blue when she saw that what emerged from under her wreckage was the clothes worn by the maid in her mansion.

“…… !”

This time, she slowly moved her body to clear away the rubble, so as not to be in a hurry or violent.

After clearing, clearing, clearing… She realized that only a few of the people in the mansion were dead, and that she didn’t have the bodies of the Chester family.

“Ha ha.”

Senna let out a sigh of relief and started running along the monster’s trail to find the Chester family.

After realizing that Senna was running towards the monster, Hope stopped going wild and became calm, but Senna didn’t realize it.

* * *

The sudden appearance of monsters. Of course, immediately after confirming the commotion, the Chester family reflexively avoided the commotion and ran away.

I avoid taking risks that I don’t have to take. It was a way of life that Chester constantly taught to Monia, as well as to Ant and Rex.

However, the Chester family, who would have fled immediately out of town, were unable to cross the wall.

“… ….”

“… ….”

From noble mtl dot com

I knew it even if I didn’t say anything.

Both Chester and Monia liked this town. In addition, while staying there for a long time, I also made friends with the villagers.

“Wouldn’t the military stop it?”

Monia said that for a moment.

“…… Is that right?”

This is the capital of the kingdom. So, I’m sure the knights and soldiers here will stop that monster.

I wonder if there are many people who have the same thoughts as Chester and Monia. Like them, there were many people who did not completely get out of the capital and waited.

Then the army began to move.

* * *

“Everyone! Everyone! Yes! Me! Look!”

Harold cheered at the army surrounding him and brandished his weapon wildly.


“Everybody! Do not approach! Just keep your distance and keep it in check!”

Each weapon that was swung roughly shattered the building lightly, so even a knight wearing full body armor could not approach it.

However, he didn’t have to approach him.

A knight’s job is not to fight and knock down monsters bravely and nicely.

The knights wrapped a piece of oil-soaked cloth at the end of the tree and set it on fire, following a previously prepared strategy.

Holding a thick wooden stick on fire in both hands, he held it out towards the monster.


Of course, Harold couldn’t help but be frightened at the sudden burst of roaring fire.

After confirming that Harold was bitten by avoiding the fire, the knights moved on to the next operation.

When the knights gave a signal, the soldiers who were preparing on the roof moved and brought hard nets made of chains.

Then, with all his might, he threw the net towards Harold.

Not just one or two, but four at the same time from four directions.

The flying chain net caught Harold in an instant, and the net began to entwine all over Harold’s body, which he couldn’t avoid because he was standing still to avoid the fire.

“Oh, this!”

Harold cut the net with his weapon or forcibly cut it off as the net entangled himself.

But it’s okay. Even if he cut it off, somewhere in his body would be caught in the net, and Harold would not notice the next attack because he was paying attention to the net.

“Throw it!”

The knight signaled again, and this time the soldiers standing behind the knights threw their weapons.

The weapon given to them was a small jar of oil. When he threw it at Harold, the jar broke and the oil inside spewed out, and Harold was instantly covered in oil.


Next is the arrow. Light an arrow and shoot it at Harold.


Harold, who was engulfed in fire in an instant, let out a goosebumps scream from his mouth that ran all over his body from the unimaginable pain.


“Not yet, keep in check until you die! Window!”

Not only fire sticks but also long spears were prepared to prevent Harold from escaping, and archers continued to shoot arrows to induce Harold to die as quickly as possible.

“Awesome! aaa!”

It was all over no matter who saw it.

However, because of the terrible pain of burning all over his body, Harold started to make an extreme choice.

“Ugh, ugh! Ah ah ah ah ah!”

It rips off its entire body, ripping off the outer part of its burning body to put out the fire from itself in an infinitely physical sense.

After tearing off the flesh with his hands, he threw it at the knights, then tore it off again and threw it.

At the same time, the burning body moved as it was, and started to push violently, not paying attention to the fire sticks and spears in front of it.

“Why are you doing this to me!!”

“No, stop it! Stop him!”

He held out his weapon to block it, but Harold continued to run regardless of whether or not the weapon was stuck in his body.

It didn’t matter that a few windows were stuck in a huge body like a building.

“That’s too much! That’s too much! Aren’t there even human hearts!”

It crushes the knight in front of it with its hands, and kicks the nearby soldiers by swinging its leg sprouting from the side of its body.

Swinging his weapon wildly, slashing arrows flying from all directions or slashing enemies around him, Harold sprinted forward recklessly.

It runs and runs while ripping off pieces of flesh that are on fire and throwing them around.

As the flesh was ripped off, bright red blood splattered all over the place, and in an instant the streets started to turn red from Harold’s spilled blood.

“No, catch him!”

“No! Too fast!”

“The cutoff line!”

Of course, the knights assumed a situation in which Harold would run away, and set up a line of deterrence around Harold in advance.

However, facing a heavy barrier made of wagons and all sorts of heavy objects, Harold quickly climbed over the barrier by moving his countless arms organically to the point of disgusting.


How could such a twisted body move so smoothly?

The people who stood behind the barrier to stop Harold from crashing into it and pushed the barrier with all their might, stiffened in horror and astonishment as Harold’s flesh and blood suddenly rained down on their heads.

“Get out of the way! Get out of the way! That’s it! War I won’t make your weapons! Don’t ignore the blacksmith!”

Harold shouted that and rolled his body over the barrier, crushing and crushing the people under the barrier.

Then, using the arms and legs sprouting from all over his body, he began to move quickly as if rolling upside down.

“Going crazy! What is that!”

“Block it somehow!”

“Even the barrier has been breached! Stop! We have to stop it!”

The surprised knights and soldiers hurriedly moved, not knowing what to do.

However, the situation was not good for Harold as well. To put out the fire on his body, he grabbed and tore pieces of his flesh, but it’s strange if he’s fine.

“It hurts! It hurts! Sick! There is no fire now!!”

The terrifying amount of blood gushed out from all over his body every time Harold moved roughly, and the more blood he spilled, the more Harold felt that his body was slowly getting worse.

“Ugh… ! Hate! Why, why like this! It hurts! Sick. It hurts I am sick.”

Harold, who was running furiously, at some point began to crawl on the ground with his trembling limbs, and as he crawled on the ground he kept muttering.

“It hurts. It hurts, father. Oh right. Father, dad. I haven’t seen my dad in a long time. Since when have I not seen you? What? Why didn’t you see Something must have happened. What happened.”

Why did this happen? Harold, tracing his thoughts like that, remembered the face of a certain mercenary man and woman and gnashed his teeth.

“Right… ! Those dirty mercenaries! It was because of them! They didn’t accept my request! Why?! Those guys are my dad! Ugh… !”

Memories jumbled in a warped brain.

He could speak the language, but he was already sane. He was Harold, who had disappeared a long time ago.

His body was nothing more than a safe breeding ground, a kind of egg sac to safely protect parasites and increase their numbers.

“Obviously, obviously, that mercenary’s name. I need revenge, so I need to know. Yes. The name….”

And then, Harold said the name.

“Chester…… ?”

“Is it Chester now?”

One day, two friends who had lost their hometown were miraculously reunited thanks to the word ‘Chester’ spoken by Monia.

Then this too could be said to be the same miraculous reunion.

“Now, I said Chester… ?”

A man who had no money, no power, no ability, so he crept into the slums to find drugs, but he couldn’t find them and lived like a bug.

Jordi appeared in response to Chester’s name muttered by Harold.

“Now, did you say Chester?”

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Jordy approached Harold, who was dying from goofy eyes and was breathing.

Harold was unaware of Jordi approaching him, only looking at death approaching him.

“I said Chester.”

Jordi knelt down in front of Harold and saw the weapon Harold was holding in his hand.

“…… Do you want revenge too?”

Jordy reached out and grabbed the handle of the weapon Harold was holding with his own.

And at that moment, all the parasites in the dying Harold’s body came out in an instant and began to burrow into Jordi’s body.

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  1. LuxX says:

    Slave King –> Parasite King… So disgusting.

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