Survive on a Deserted Island With the Villainous Young Lady chapter 31

31 - Pig Hunt (4)

31 – Pig Hunt (4)

The day after I told Monia that if she wanted to eat a pig, she would catch it herself.

As a result of talking, it was decided that Monia would catch the pig, but Chester would help as much as he thought was appropriate.

“I also tried to challenge myself on my first hunt, but failed and got help from my father.”

“What were you trying to catch?”



“Was the last time you tried to catch it when you were 6?”

Monia was surprised at her younger age than she could have imagined.

What were you doing when you were 6?

I couldn’t remember.

“From now on, the one you are trying to catch is faster than you, stronger, has better eyes, nose and ears, and is more sensitive. Above all, he is a veteran who has lived in the wild for many years longer than you.”

After speaking, Chester pointed at Monia.

“You catch it.”

Monia swallowed dry saliva.

Yesterday, I said I would catch it out of greed, but hearing that I had to catch it myself made me nervous.

“Now, if you know that the other person is great, how should you hunt now?”

“Uh, a trap?”

“trap. good. In fact, traps are the best. It’s because you can get results without putting much effort into it. By the way, can you make a pig trap?”

“ah… Are you?”

The only hunting method that Monia knew was trapping.

Except for the trap, all other traps were made by Chester, so I didn’t know how to make them properly.

It wasn’t that Monia wasn’t trying to make other traps.

The 4-person trap was too difficult for Monia to make, and the noose trap using the sapling could not be made because Monia lacked strength.

I could at least make a trap with lots of little nooses tied to a piece of wood, but that won’t work on the pigs.

“Okay then second. How am I supposed to hunt animals when I can’t use traps?”

“Is it a bow?”

“answer. Human speed cannot catch swift beasts. So you have to look from afar. No matter how crude an arrow is made of a bow, once it is shot, it flies at an invisible speed and pierces.”

Chester took up the catapult next.

Throw a stone into the catapult pocket, spin it, and shoot it.

In Monia’s ears, there was an intense sound as if a whip had been struck in the air, and the flying stones were stuck in the trees.

“There is also a catapult, but this is more difficult than a bow. It uses less energy than a bow, and it’s convenient because you can pick up any nearby stones for material supply.”

In addition, the catapult can be fired with one hand.

Compared to a bow that requires the use of both hands, it can be used in a variety of situations.

“Both bows and catapults require proficiency. You can’t even use a harpoon properly.”

“Ugh! Ha, I caught one!”

“I accidentally poked with my eyes closed.”

“Okay… !”

The irrefutable Monia trembled.

“Anyway, therefore, ranged weapons are also dismissed. It would be nice to shoot or throw it and get lucky.”

“So what?”

“Use a noose.”

Chester held up one of Monia’s nooses and showed it.

“Yes? But the trap.”

“I will use it as a hunting tool, not a trap. From now on, make the two things I taught you. You will hunt pigs with it.”

* * *

What Chester adopted were two tools that were simple enough to be made by Monia herself, and yet effective enough to be made with her own dexterity.

Monia waited with the two tools she had made in both hands.

There is a pig far away, invisible to Monia.

I would like to approach it a little more, but I found a pig once a few days ago and approached it, but the pig ran away.

“Pigs have good noses, so they must have smelled us and ran away.”

So, I decided to give up the plan of Chester and Monia approaching and attacking at the same time.

and today.

The third day I found the pig.

This time, I set up a different strategy.

While Monia was waiting in the distance, if Chester drove a pig towards Monia, it was said that Monia would hunt it.

‘Uh, when are you coming?’

Monia looked at the forest where she couldn’t see anything and relaxed.

‘Are you coming now?! … … hot! now?!’

when will the pig come

Because of the tension, Monia repeatedly raised and lowered her hunting tools, wondering whether or not the pig would come.

At the same time, Monia remembered the time when she was the daughter of a duke.

If you want, you can get any ingredients from any region and cook them in the best way by the best chefs from that region.

In the process, the only suffering for Monia was ‘waiting for the dish to come out’.

There was nothing to say about it.

And now, to eat what she wants, she was trying to hunt herself.

– Quiiyik!!

It wasn’t long before a sharp pig’s cry was heard from beyond.

The time is midday.

The place is in a dense forest.

The forest was dark because of the overgrown leaves at the right time, and because the pigs were brown, they were not seen well, blending in with the rotting leaves piled up on the ground.

So Monia opened her eyes wide.

I opened my eyes wide and captured the pig with the same sense I used to find the millimeter-level stains in artwork.

I captured the movement of the pig seen between the falling leaves and the pile of dirt.


and Chester.


Chester was quick.

When I thought of moving with Monia, I couldn’t believe it at all, I chased the pig while running at an incredible speed.

The pig that looked like a small dot in the distance and Chester chasing after it grew bigger in an instant.

‘… … Can’t Chester catch it alone?’

I thought so.

Chester stomped on tree roots, skimmed over boulders, and galloped through the woods as if he were flying.

There is no hesitation in movement.

It runs through this complicated forest as if it were running on Tantan-daero.

‘It looks like an elf.’

When Monia saw Chester, she thought of a fairy living in a forest in a fairy tale.

In the meantime, the pig came close to Monia before she knew it.

Frightened by Chester, who is terrifyingly pursuing her, Monia seems to run recklessly without realizing it.

Seeing that the pig was getting closer, Monia got ready.

Monia’s hunting tools, the first.

It was the lasso rod held in her right hand.

It is a very simple hunting tool made by tying a noose to a long wooden stick.

A tool that can catch fleeing prey, impede its movement, or use the length of a stick to block the prey’s approach to secure a safe distance and unilaterally kill it.

– Quiik!!

Pig runs.

‘come! come! Is it now? Right now?!’

Monia watched the approaching pig, gauged the distance, and swung the lasso stick as she had practiced over the past few days.

It’s not swinging from top to bottom like a one-sided stick.

from bottom to top.

It is like catching prey with a lasso and pulling it.

‘! I got caught!’

The moment the pig and the noose intersected, Monia realized that she had caught the pig.

right after.


Pushed by the momentum of the pig running all the way here, surprised by the pig’s power transmitted through the noose rod, Monia let go of the noose rod.

Shocked by missing the noose rod, he hurriedly raised his head and checked the pig.


The pig was running hard with a noose stick hanging in the middle of its body.

Monia hurriedly got up and started running hurriedly towards the pigs who ran away.

“for a moment! Stand there!”

‘I’m running! It’s something I’ve never done before in my life!’

Monia was slow.

She had never run in her life, so she couldn’t use the muscles she would use for running properly, and the floor was uneven and uncomfortable in the woods.

However, the desire for pigs made Monia desperate.

The noble young lady, not paying attention to the fact that her white legs were clearly visible due to the fluttering skirt, gave strength to her legs and vigorously stirred her limbs as she ran.

Fortunately, the pig’s speed slowed down as the noose rod got caught.

As he turned around the tree, the string of the noose that extended from the noose rod got entangled in the tree and interfered with the pig, and not only that, but the noose tightly tightened the body, which was very uncomfortable.

Monia’s desperate sprint and the lasso stick’s obstruction. Thanks to those two, Monia, who was running for the first time in her life, was able to catch up with the pig to some extent.

Most of all, unlike Monia, who can skip almost every obstacle, Pig has to avoid all of them by twisting the path in a complicated way.

‘That’s why Chester said he could catch it by himself!’

He catches up, but Chester can’t miss it.

With that thought in mind, Monia threw her body toward the noose rod that was shaking in her eyes.

“Got it!”

After grabbing hold of the noose bar again, Monia, who rolled over, hurriedly got up and grabbed the bar and pulled it.

As the noose got tighter, it harassed the pig, and the surprised pig struggled, but Monia also held on to the stick with both hands and endured.

“urg! profit!”

The noose rod is also useful in places like this.

It can hinder the captive beast from rampaging and struggling, enduring and exhausting it.

When the pig’s resistance weakened to a certain extent, Monia took out the second tool that was attached to her waist.

The second hunting tool for Monia recommended by Chester.


A very simple tool that even a child can use, requiring no fine dexterity or skill to make or use.

However, from the distant past to the distant future, clubs are excellent tools that are equally used and moderated in any age of mankind, even if their form changes.

You don’t even have to make it heavy.

If you put a proper weight on the end and then put centrifugal force into it and hit it with the end, that alone can make up for Monia’s lack of strength.

After hearing Chester’s words to make a club, Monia thought hard and thought hard.

She now knows she’s not enough.

He knows he won’t be able to use it properly if he makes up what Chester said.

Monia was worried as she desperately used her head, which she had never thought deeply about in her entire life.

How can I make a stick that I can use myself?

Monia just didn’t worry about it, and imitated Chester’s usual way of applying appropriate things around her.

‘What application would be helpful when making a club?’

What Monia found was an axe.

Monia also made a thin stick that she could hold in her hand and wield comfortably, drilled a hole in the end of the stick, and inserted a pointed stone into it.

You can wield it lightly even with insufficient muscle strength, and if you swing it vigorously by concentrating on the tip like swinging an axe, the stone you put in will be lightly stamped by your opponent.

The club that Monia made after thinking over and over again was great.

“Yaap! urg! Eight!”

Swinging that wonderful club again and again, Monia was able to catch the pig.

“… … got it got it! Got it, Chester!”

At first, Monia did not realize that the hunt was successful, but after confirming that the pig had stopped moving, joy burst out.


Monia sometimes imitated what Chester was doing and let out a powerful roar.

It felt like it was refreshing to the depths of my chest.


Monia laughed involuntarily in her refreshed heart and laughed in front of the pig until Chester came.

I don’t care about dignity, I open my mouth wide, really bright.

‘If I leave it as it is, it will even dance.’

Chester hid secretly and watched him from place to place.

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  1. It’s nice see her evolving and growing.

  2. LuxX says:

    Lol, congratulations Lady Tarzan!

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