Survive on a Deserted Island With the Villainous Young Lady chapter 7

7 - Second day of living on a deserted island (3)

7 – Second day of living on a deserted island (3)

“It is a waterfall.”

Chester found the waterfall, carefully put everything he was carrying, and took off his clothes.

After checking the lake for anything dangerous, approach the stream of a waterfall falling from the edge of the lake.

It was a stream of water that fell from above and hit a rock protruding from the cliff, splitting to the side.

Fortunately, the stream reached the shallow edge of the lake, and Chester was able to face the pouring water knee-deep in water.


The sweat shed on an uninhabited island, the moisture clinging to her body, the cold sweat shed while encountering a bear, the dust and sand.

Feeling the freshness of having various dirt washed away at once by the waterfall, Chester, who was in a good mood for no reason, stretched his arms out to the sky and exulted.


How long has it been since you shouted and washed yourself while being hit by a waterfall?

Chester came out of the waterfall with a face full of freshness and dried himself in the sun with a smile.

Chester looked at the waterfall with a satisfied face, and saw that the split stream had hit the cliff and split into several streams.

“… … ,”

Carefully examining the stream, Chester took a guess and looked in the direction of his house, drawing the direction of the waterfall and house with his fingers.

‘… … Too far?’

If possible, I thought that this water stream could be used as living water by connecting it to the house.

‘There’s a lot of work to be done to keep the water stable. Let’s think about it slowly, with only the possibilities in mind.’

There was no need to rush.

It was enough just to think that it might be possible.

Chester set aside some regrets, and when his body was dry, he put on his clothes again and moved his feet to return home.

* * *

While Chester was out hunting, Monia woke up and looked at Chester’s house where she was lying.

It was a surprisingly comfortable bed, where the fatigue and fears of the previous night disappeared.

Although she suffered only one day on the island, the standard for evaluating things in Monia was quite low.

Chester’s house was like heaven to Monia, who always chose only the finest things, lodgings, and food available there.

More than anything else, being in this house gave me a sense of security that Chester, who had left, would definitely return.

Monia would never admit it, but her heart, weakened after losing everything, depended heavily on Chester.

‘Okay, then let’s do something.’

Chester threatened to give them neither water nor food if they did nothing.

He didn’t just say it, he actually acted that way yesterday.

He only admitted it a little after Monia threw off her high heels and got herself water from the bamboo.

‘But what should I do?’

From the moment she was born, her life was set.

From the moment she could walk and talk as the prince’s betrothed, she lived the life her father had ordained for her.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Learn to be an actor, eat what you are told to eat, wear the clothes you are told to wear, meet and talk to a set person at a set time, build a network, and attend a set party on a set day.

She was born into this world, but her identity did not exist.

In a life where everything was decided from one to ten, the only thing she did was to love the prince and hate and hate the common people.

That was all.

But yesterday was different.

For the first time in her life, she felt the pain of being hurt, and for the first time in her life, she made a desperate move to get water.

For Monia, who has been castrated and has lived a fixed life, obtaining water from bamboo meant more than simply quenching her thirst.

got a life

was born

A woman with subjectivity and identity called Monia, not a young lady from a duke’s family, was born just yesterday, the moment she obtained water from a bamboo tree.

‘Should I make a rope?’

Monia examined the twigs, bark, and vines under Chester’s bedside.

‘Yesterday he made a string out of this shell… … .’

Rope has many uses.

So, Chester made ropes of various thicknesses and lengths in his spare time before going to bed yesterday.

There are also vines, but the use of ropes, which can be made to the desired thickness and length by oneself, is different from that of vines.

Of course, just because I made it, I didn’t mean to use the ropes I made somewhere.

I just made it because there is no harm.

“Obviously, how did you do these things?”

Monia took the bark and examined it carefully.

Upon closer examination, there was a crack in the bark. When I held it with my fingers and opened it, the bark cracked.


I tear it with my fingernail and pull it, and it splits again from there.

“Wow, come.”

No matter how many times she repeated that, before she knew it, Monia got the shredded bark in her hand.



Tearing the bark was more fun than I thought.

Monia tore the bark over and over like a child playing in the dirt with a smile on her face.

Monia, who ripped all the bark from the tree without realizing it, gathered the strands of the bark and started twisting the rope, mimicking Chester’s actions.

Failed, of course, and scratched his finger on a rather rough strand of bark.

However, Monia thought it wasn’t too bad, even though her fingers hurt.

It was because Chester, who returned after lunch and when the sun was going down, said this to Monia.

“Oh, but I was going to do something. great Okay, after eating, I’ll teach you how to twist a rope. Should I drink some water before that?”

“Hu-hu-hu, praise more! And bring me water!”

“It’s still out of habit to talk.”

Monia drank the juice of a fruit called coconut for the first time that day.

“Aww! What is this disgusting taste!”

“yes? It’s better than anything I’ve had in a coastal city before. I learned how to easily open a coconut from a trader there.”

Still, it didn’t suit her luxurious taste.

“Isn’t it sweet? It’s not good if you drink too much.”

“This is sweet?! This is why common people… … ! joy! especially! When I get back here, I’ll give you a taste of what’s really sweet!”

“Ah, yes. Please. However much.”

“You seem to use honorifics every time you ignore me. Am I mistaken?”

“not really?”

“after! Do you think that I am the same as a poor beggar like you, just because I was abandoned by my family?”

Monia shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, saying that this is why commoners who don’t know anything are in trouble.

“I know the secret warehouse hidden by the family! It’s a special warehouse that can only be opened by a duke’s lineage! Whoops, since you abandoned me, I’ll steal it for you in return!”

“Could you elaborate on that?”

* * *

Tiara was a girl loved by the goddess of luck.

She was really lucky to get special admission to the academy that only nobles attend, and there she was really lucky to win the prince’s favor and make a good relationship.

Although the prince’s fiancée bullied her, in the end, she overcame the bullying and defeated Monia, who was like an evil witch, and was able to get engaged to the prince.

Tiara, who obtained love and peace like that, is now returning home for the first time since returning to the academy.

I lived in the academy for about 7-8 months, so it was really a long time since I was in my hometown.

Riding in the finest carriage lent by Prince Jordi, she goes to meet her family in a much more beautiful outfit than that of an insignificant aristocratic young lady.

On the way to meet her, T-ara’s face was getting worse little by little.

‘Does the air seem bad?’

Unlike the academy in the royal capital, where sewage facilities were built and cleanliness was maintained, the countryside where Tiara lived was a different story.

It was common for animals as well as people to urinate and dispose of them on the street.

She didn’t pay much attention to it before, but Tiara, who had become accustomed to the life of the royal capital, was different.

‘It’s awful.’

Tiara got off the carriage with a happy expression when she saw her longing house, but suddenly stopped.

‘what? Is the house this small and old?’

T-ara’s expression got a little worse when she saw a house in a different reality from their beautiful and happy house that had been corrected with memories.

She lived in the academy and lived in large and luxurious lodgings distributed to nobles.

However, the house in front of her seemed smaller than the dorm she had been staying at at the academy.


“My daughter!”


Anyway, after entering the house, T-ara smiled at the family who welcomed her, and then stepped back without realizing it.

Fortunately, I held back the words that almost came out as a reflex.


At the academy, not only the nobles but also the people working at the academy all washed clean every day.

Soap was always prepared in the bathroom, and Tiara wiped her body with the faint honey-scented soap every day.

But in rural areas, water is a precious resource.

Especially if it is a rural area where the water source is far away like the countryside in Tiara.

After sharing the water for the fields, the water for feeding the livestock, and the water for people to drink, there is no water available for washing oneself.

So, on a rainy day, everyone comes out, takes off their clothes, and takes a shower.

‘It smells!’

Tiara was shocked by the foul-smelling family.

During the months she spent in the capital, she had already forgotten what her life was like.

He had become completely accustomed to the life of the royal capital and the aristocrats.

“I prepared your favorite food!”

“Isn’t the academy hard?”

“Long time noona! how have you been doing?”

Everyone in the family smiled warmly and sat down at the table, but Tiara couldn’t help but stiffen at the sight of the shabby table.

Every day the chefs prepared sumptuous meals, and she ate that rich, seasoned, sumptuous meal every day.

In front of her, the soup containing bits of meat and pieces of unknown plants was not something people would eat.

It was food eaten by ‘livestock’.

‘… … .’

Tiara still held back and sat down in front of the table.

Then, suddenly, a bug appeared in the corner of the house.




“Bur, bugs!”

Tiara was frightened and pointed to the place where the bugs were, but the family couldn’t figure out what the problem was even when they saw the bugs shamelessly crawling around the house.

Bugs are familiar to them, and they are valuable food to find and eat to fill their stomachs when there is nothing to eat.

But the tiara is different.

She lived in a building that was always immaculately cleaned, where not a single mouse was to be found, let alone a bug.

I didn’t use the precarious tables and chairs that stabbed my ass.

I sat on a luxurious leather chair filled with cotton and ate at a luxurious table that would not budge even if I had a full table.

Instead of pouring the soup into a bowl without a spoon and drinking it in one gulp, they ate luxuriously and elegantly using forks and knives determined according to the ingredients.

‘This is not this.’

It wasn’t this.

This was not her life loved by the prince.

‘This is not it!’

Humans are creatures of adaptation.

No matter how hard you think you can get used to, you will eventually get used to the terrible extreme environment.

And that phenomenon happened faster and stronger for T-ara, who moved from a life of nothing to a life of abundance where everything was satisfied.

She got used to her life within a few days after coming to the academy, and moreover, her luxurious life became perfect with the seasoning of the prince’s love.


Recalling the ‘very obvious things’ she enjoyed, she saw ‘incomprehensible’ families who lived happily and happily, even though none of them were fulfilled.

‘… … It’s like a beast.’

They, who were a family, were reflected in Tiara’s eyes like cattle before she knew it.

And, Tiara, who could not stand it anymore, kicked off the table and left the house.

“tiara? Boy! Where are you going?!”

“sister! what’s the matter?!”


Tiara didn’t listen to the cries of her family, got on the carriage, and hurriedly returned to the capital.

After that day, she never returned to her hometown.

In addition, there is no longer any happy talk about the old days, missing home and family.

She abandoned her past as a ‘livestock’ and decided to live as a ‘decent human being’.

* * *


When Tiara was so separated from her family, Monia’s eyes were twinkling as she watched Chester grill the fish.

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  1. OnePunchMan12 says:

    I mean, this is quite a suspension of disbelief that a person like this can exist…. I buy into her getting used to luxury and all after 8 months, but your telling me a person who grew up in such an environment is all of a sudden scared of bugs? That’s just weird

    Could have toned it down by like 40% and get the same message across

  2. me-ne-la-uyt says:

    really like how this novel uses contrasts

  3. Forgotten one says:

    She showed her real face…

  4. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    What an ungrateful child.

  5. Blue Shadow says:

    The Heroine and Villainess place got switched

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