Surviving a Cruel Fairy Tale chapter 38

Surviving a Cruel Fairy Tale 38

38 – Act 2. Eternal Neverland – War between the big and the small (3)

The level of power felt is different.

To Little Red Riding Hood, Tinkerbell was close to a monster. To the point where I feel like the Tin Woodman and the Hunter in the past, similar or even more.

In such a situation, Tinker Bell interrupts the two and then slightly turns her head to look at the moaning shepherd.

“Didn’t I tell you to follow the decree? Killing a child is against the law.”

“…… It was the fairy who said that all children should be free.”

“You guys are separate, you know?”

The executor of paradise is an independent entity.

They were the ones who had to devote themselves to a more beautiful world, and that’s why, unlike ordinary children, they are bound by restrictions and restraints.

“I gave you higher authority, and gave you independent power. Keep in mind that it is to protect the child and the paradise.”

The shepherd boy did not reply.

She knew that if she got into an argument with Tinker Bell, she would always lose herself, and she wouldn’t have the confidence to tear that hideous throat out with force.

That’s why she only showed timid defiance by turning her head quickly, and Tinker Bell sighed and turned her head to stare at Little Red Riding Hood.

“And neither should you harm children, Little Red Riding Hood.”

“…… Do you know me?”

“I saw you when I first entered Korea. With a gloomy man next to him. That man was hopeless, but you became a child and belonged to this paradise.”

At that, Little Red Riding Hood shook her head.

“I never belonged here.”

“Belonging. You have safely returned as a child, and this is a paradise that embraces and accommodates children.”

“I don’t need it.”

I have never belonged to anything, nor do I need to.

She always lived as she pleased.

It was partly because her forest environment and the presence of her hunters drove her, but she also never felt that she needed the help or warmth of others.

From noble mtl dot com

It still is.

I’m moving with the author, but that’s because I hoped in the promise I made with him, and it didn’t belong to him.

The words that her person cannot live alone were words that she could not understand.

“So get out of the way. I’m busy.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s not possible. This Neverland child will always need protection, and you will especially need it.”

At this, Little Red Riding Hood frowned at her and quickly opened the book on her waist.

“That’s it. I will force it past.”

“Let’s go together. I’ll change her old cloak for a new one too. Oh, don’t worry too much. I am also a fairy who is kinder to children than anyone else…….”

Tinker Bell laughed happily.

She said taking care of her child was not a chore for her.

A child has always been an object that needs everyone’s care and protection, and she made it worthwhile to take care of, especially when she is an unstable child.

To put it bluntly, yes.

“More than anything, I liked you!”

Tinkerbell said that the more troublesome she was, the more she was prettier.

* * *

One step back.

Repeated attacks are threatening but not fast.

Nero’s voice was heard nervously shouting at Patrasche, but all the boy could say was a whining about why he couldn’t kill him.

But it’s also true that I can’t break through like this.

I’ve tried facing opponents with force, but no matter where I hit with my fist, it doesn’t turn out to be an effective hit.

It was not easy to escape from the large beast, and it was impossible to make detailed movements, and it was obvious that it would run faster than me.

I had to pick up Little Red Riding Hood…….

“Profit! Don’t keep running away! Kill me!!”

Looks like he has no intention of letting go.

In this case, the options are bound to be limited.

What you can and must do.

I can’t procrastinate here considering the people who are waiting for me.

“Whoa… ….”

I will stop cherishing things.

I was arrogant from the thought of preserving my strength in preparation for an unexpected situation. There is no way that I, who are still immature and lacking, will be able to accomplish anything without putting all my efforts into it.

Only power.

Break this phase with force.


Release as if shaking off all power.

With a hot sensation extending throughout his body, he raised his head and stared at Nero and Patrasche.

“I said I would tell you what not to do.”

Mystery, released to the limit as if squeezing everything out, permeated the entire body.

Reach beyond the limit.

I closed my eyes intoxicated with the sensation that my body was floating, and then I felt something intangible spreading around me.

“If a child does something wrong, it is an adult to tell him.”

“…… Kill Patrasche.”

“If no one told you that killing people is wrong, I will tell you.”

“That old man must be killed.”

The vast amount of mystery accumulated in the body along with the experience in the forest showed explosive momentum enough to dominate the entire audience.

As if wary of that, Nero erased the playfulness with a rather serious expression, but I was the same.

Limit I feel my body collapse little by little from the barely released power.

Just taking one step made my blood vessels tingle as if burst, and my shin area was stained red little by little, and I even had the illusion that my whole body was inflated like a balloon.

I won’t be able to fight for long, but this should be enough to fight that big beast.

“Adults correct children’s mistakes.”


I could only watch as the Tin Woodman died.

It was only after Little Red Riding Hood fell and the Tin Woodman’s life ended that he was finally able to defeat the hunter.

I’m fed up with just watching.

That’s why I cut my breath short, and tightened my legs to clenched my fists.

Patrache has grown in size.

In fairy tales, it was just a helpless child and a dog guarding her side, but in this world, a beast that has turned into a huge beast that can tear humans apart begins to attack with ferocious force.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, but my body didn’t tremble.

On the contrary, you can feel the quiet silence.

It was as if all the bustle and noise around me had disappeared, leaving me alone in the world, and everything seemed slow as if even time had lost its flow.

One breath.

It seemed that the continuity was lost as the instant time was cut off moment by moment, and even at the moment when the senses were slightly out of sync, he gazed forward.

After exhaling like that…….


…… Swing one’s fist


One punch is enough.

With that alone, the huge beast like a mountain broke its head and tumbled on the ground, and the little boy who climbed on top of it also fell helplessly and fell down.

“Oh, yes. Part, Lache…….”

Every muscle in my body screams.

It was clear that this condition would not last long, judging by the creaking sensation in the joints and the bulging muscles.

It should end here.

I bit my teeth as I watched Patrasche rise up without dying despite all the attacks that the main character in the fairy tale is the main character.

“I made Patrasche sick.”

“You also killed and injured someone. Don’t you think it’s cheap compared to that?”

“…… You bullied us.”

“What you did was worse than this.”

If you knew the facts, you wouldn’t be a child, but seeing Nero with a purely selfish side made his appetite bitter.

Not all children are like that.

I know, but it made me think that these children of Neverland may have lost their caring heart because of too much freedom.

Of course, such a problem is not something to think about now.

If you get in my way, I will push past you. If I am not pushed, I will beat it with my fist and break through it.

I took a step with clenched fists.

“Get up, wake up! Patrasche!!”

Nero screams desperately, kicking the head of Patrasche, who is still whimpering, with his little foot.

“Try something! My, can’t you hear what I’m saying!?”

It was a direct blow to the jaw.

No matter how out-of-standard the beast was, it would not be able to get up for the time being because it struck with the power to break even rocks.

But Nero didn’t even think about that, he hit and kicked and shouted to Patrasche to wake up.

“Get up again! You can do anything, so just kill that human!!”

At that moment, Patrasche opened his eyes.

The beast’s eyes, which were once blue, have turned red, and it stares at Nero, who has been shouting loudly in front of me.



“Wake up! Then, that grown-up…….”

Before Nero’s words were finished, Patrasche opened his huge mouth.


Nero’s body disappears in an instant.

“…… Quit.”

The sharp teeth gnawed at Nero’s body, and the boy’s body turned into minced meat and was swallowed up without even screaming.


The saying that you can do anything was the trigger.

Patrache, who suddenly changed in an instant, chewed up and swallowed his master, and the already gigantic body grew in size as if it had absorbed Nero’s mystery.

It happened all too quickly, but I had no choice but to take a step back because of the energy that seemed to pierce my skin immediately after.

“…… Really, what kind of world is it?”

How else can you interpret the dog of Flanders as Patrasche chewing up Nero?

In addition, the aura of Patrasche, who became stronger after swallowing Nero, was completely different from before.

If you don’t fight, you die.

I know that, but I came to the negative conclusion that what I thought I could do somehow just a moment ago is now impossible based on my instincts.

The fortunate thing is that Patrasche, which has grown even bigger, can be seen from anywhere through the underground water.

In a situation where they had no choice but to run away desperately after a confrontation, Captain Hook and a group of sailors appeared here at the same time as several gunshots rang out in the distance.

“Hey, newbie. What the hell is this?”

“That dog chewed my owner and changed.”


At that appearance, no matter how much Captain Hook was tired, he stuck out his tongue and opened his mouth while aiming his pistol at Patrasche.

“The rear end has been settled to some extent. Haven’t you joined the girl yet?”

“…… I was fighting with him.”

“How stupid. Against a monster like that, you’ll just run away, so why fight head-on?”

Well, how can I not let them run away?

It’s not like I wanted to fight a monster like that. Besides, it’s true that the beast was quite doable until it ate its master.

Of course, I am aware that I took too much time here.

I wanted to join Little Red Riding Hood as soon as possible, but Nero and Patrasche weren’t the opponents who allowed that kind of leisure.

“Tsk, I’ll do something about this for now, so you go and get the little girl.”

“Are you okay?”

“Have you forgotten that I am Hook, the captain of this great pirate crew? You can’t hinder a pirate’s freedom with a beast like this.”

Patrache has evolved into a completely different creature than before.

From noble mtl dot com

That’s why I was a little worried, but after seeing Captain Hook’s confident smile, I put my concerns aside and it was just then that he nodded his head.

“Freedom? Don’t talk nonsense.”

A gruff girl’s voice came from above her head.

An intonation full of anger.

Captain Hook’s expression hardened at that voice, and I naturally heard her voice and turned my head in the direction she came from to check her appearance.

Translucent wings in her pink hair.

Dressed in a black top and skirt and white pumpkin pants, the fairy had a little girl around her waist.

The girl was wearing a bright red hood.

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  1. Workout says:

    Yeah, I don’t know… just had too

  2. Workout says:

    Possible red flags,
    Pink hair
    Older than you, by a lot
    Tinkerbell is likely around 3000 years old (fairies in fairy tales can be up to 6000 years old, maybe older)
    Tinker bell is obssesive

    Possible green flags
    Pink hair
    Loves, like a lot
    She’d probably beat me

    This site is terrible so I think you know my answer.

  3. Workout says:

    So tinker bell seems to be human size, is an adult and has fairy wings, you know what time it is,


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