Surviving as a Villain at the Academy chapter 133

Surviving as a Villain at the Academy 133

133 – So, we’re not that kind of relationship. (7)

Asti watched Frach leap to catch Adrian as she jumped off the podium. In the past, she might have shown signs of jealousy towards Adrian, but now she didn’t feel that way.

She knew it was inevitable, and she had already stamped her approval on Frach.

One could argue that a mere kiss wasn’t much of an approval stamp, but when you think about it, hadn’t Frach and she not even kissed? And would Frach recklessly kiss someone else?

That fact gave her peace of mind. Well, go ahead and cling to Frach. But remember.

I come first.

In a world where polyamory was common and Asti was originally a demon, she had no interest in human relationships. She just wanted Frach to love her the most. Who could say if there was an order in love, but she already knew that love carried enough weight. Just as she couldn’t equate loving a human with loving Frach.

So, it was fine. Frach catching Adrian as she fell, Frach holding her gently.

“Your Holiness!”

But it seemed different to the people. In the sudden commotion, those who had been quietly praying stood up. Frach was the center of their attention.

Asti knew what would happen, what rumors would spread, but she didn’t care.

It was insignificant to her anyway. Perhaps Frach running to catch Adrian was all part of a plan in the end.

Especially since a report had come from Dantalion about how the Inquisitor was somehow going to involve them… That must have been it. When a plan was made, Frach acted without hesitation.

She trusted him, and he would respond to her trust. She hadn’t seen him for long, but a few months were enough to understand a person.

There was no need to go into years. The few months spent with Frach were too dense to be considered just a few months.

* * *

I lifted Adrian slightly in my arms. She seemed to have lost consciousness. She didn’t vomit or struggle for breath. It was like she was asleep.

Suddenly, I wondered if she had ever had a proper rest.

“What happened!”

Pope Angelus III urgently approached me. I calmly explained Adrian’s condition to him.

“She seems to have fainted.”


The Pope and the people around him looked at me in disbelief. Well, why? I simply stated Adrian’s condition.

From the Saint Thea Este incident, the negative thoughts about the empire due to the negative effects of the incident, the Land of Spirits, the investigation mission, and the Saint Valencia festival.

No matter how healthy a saint’s body was, falling was inevitable for a human. It was fortunate that she had only collapsed like this.

“No, why suddenly…?”

“You must be tired. Since returning from the Empire, you haven’t had a proper rest even once. It seems the backlash has finally caught up with you.”

A murmuring sound is heard.

“…I guess the mass should end here. Will you escort the saint?”


Several female knights carefully took the saint’s body from me and led her to her room.

To faint during an official mass. And due to exhaustion. It was an inexcusable carelessness. The Pope, perhaps feeling ashamed of my words, sighed and wiped his face.

“Thank you for supporting the saint. Viscount Ransel.”

“No. It was simply what needed to be done.”

Without saying anything more, he proceeded to tidy up the situation. The chaotic atmosphere prevented the mass from continuing.

After organizing the mass, he said to me.

“Could we have a little chat?”

It was a command.


“Calling Viscount Ransel here was simple.”

As soon as I sat down in the reception room, the Pope spoke.

“For what reason…?”

“Help me.”

A sudden request. But I had a vague idea of what kind of help he was asking for.

“…From the impure ones.”

“You were aware.”

“I heard it from the saint.”

“I suspected as much. Knowing that the saint trusts the viscount.”

The Pope spoke slowly, then continued.

“And, that the saint does not trust me.”


“I might have seemed suspicious as well. The extent of corruption within the Holy Empire is unpredictable, and it’s unclear who might be involved.”

I had nothing to say. It was true.

“Perhaps, from today on, they will actively move.”

“When you say ‘they’…”

“The exorcists. Of course, not all exorcists are like that. However, they are quite discontent. Before the saint’s appearance, all praise in the Empire was directed towards them and me.”

“But, Your Holiness, why…?”

“I am not a person seeking praise. I only wish to follow the will of God. They misunderstood me, and I misunderstood them. I thought they were like me, but that was not the case.”

“Why didn’t you stop them?”

“There was no evidence. They were cunning. Despite the Pope’s authority appearing strong, it is not so overpowering as to antagonize all the exorcists. The exorcists are well aware of this fact.”

“So, how do you plan to obtain evidence?”

“Fortunately, the viscount has provided a good pretext. Perhaps, by now, rumors are circulating.”

Indeed, the Pope is not to be underestimated. He must have realized my intentions in supporting Adrian. Perhaps he knew that the only issue the exorcists could raise against her was related to her purity.

“The rumors about a relationship between me and the saint.”

“Indeed, you are aware.”

“With my limited thinking, the only story that came to mind that could undermine the saint’s authority in the Empire was that. Especially since the purification of the land of the specters has been completed…”


“So, what do you want me to do?”

“Give them a bigger pretext. Amplify the rumors.”

“…It might greatly affect the Lady.”

“Without taking risks, we cannot uproot the corruption within the Holy Empire.”

“Your Majesty, are you okay with this? The Lady might get hurt.”

“I know. The Lady, no. That child… It’s as good as my own child. She might get hurt for sure. But.”

The Pope looked at me with a firm gaze. What I could see in those eyes was, yes, trust.

“I believe. Adrian, that child can surely overcome such trivial wounds. And… we should start fixing the outdated laws from ancient times.”

“Outdated laws?”

“The priests, even the Pope, can marry in the Holy Empire, so why couldn’t the Lady, the Saint, marry?”


“It’s to restrain the Saints and Ladies by the leadership of the Holy Empire. But is there really a need for that? Those who believe in God trampling on an individual’s life with greed. In fact, this is what I realized this time.”

“How did you come to realize that?”

“It’s said that there are many spirits of Saints and Ladies in the land of ghosts.”


“Why do they harbor such deep resentment? You can easily understand with a little thought. So, I have no intention of repeating the same mistakes. Therefore, what will you do, Prime Minister?”

“It’s already done, and once involved, there’s no turning back. I will cooperate as much as possible.”

It wasn’t such a bad proposal. The stabilization of the Holy Empire was a necessary process for the future.

…Of course, the problem was the way it entangled me with the Lady.


As if on cue, an enormous rumor had spread within the Sacrum despite my brief departure from the Papal Palace.

The Lady and the Imperial Prime Minister were said to have such and such a relationship. A relationship so tender that they might die if they couldn’t see each other.

…Someone might die if they couldn’t see each other. I have Asti.

However, I deliberately did not step forward to quell the rumors. Perhaps Dantalion was diligently, very diligently, spreading the rumors. That was his role.

“So, how do you feel about the rumor about you and the Lady?”

Of course, that didn’t mean there was no impact on me.

The slightly piercing gaze from Asti felt like a blow to me.

From Noble mtl dot com

“You already know.”

“Well, just kidding. But still, Prach.”


“I’m the first one.”

“I don’t even think about other women in that way except you.”

“Hmm, really?”

“That’s a bit much. Not believing me.”

“It’s not about not believing you. It’s just that the environment surrounding you makes it inevitable. Well, I might turn a blind eye to about five or so. Of course, you’re the first.”


“Well, is it really nonsense?”

She chuckled mischievously.

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  1. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    wut?? Asti aproved harem?

    1. Zhen Wu says:

      Well, he’s a Demon and she seems to be aware that she won’t always be there to support him.

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