Surviving as a Villain at the Academy chapter 26

Surviving as a Villain at the Academy 26

26 – Nebiros was a woman? (1)

Nea could not come to her senses at all.

From noble mtl dot com


Just by the power she secretly revealed to him, he was able to tell that she was a high-ranking demon, and by the way, she was ‘the’ Astaroth?

Hedonist from hell. A crazy b*tch who will do anything for her own fun.

But if it was just that, there was no reason for Nea to be so afraid. The truly scary thing about Astaroth is that he is a hedonist but is also incredibly strong.

I heard that before he fell, he was the highest-ranking angel in heaven, the lowest angel. It is said that while he was in heaven, he was at odds with Baal, the overlord of hell.

Even the game is a draw. Many years have passed since then, and now it is impossible to compare the power of the two, but the demons that existed in the beginning often talked about what the confrontation between Astaroth and Baal was like at the time.

Of course, it is said that his power weakened significantly when he fell, but that alone makes him a high-ranking devil. He couldn’t have been anything but a fearsome being.

Such a being suddenly appeared before my eyes. To Linaris Lane, claiming that it was her contractor who was trying to remove the shackles she had placed on her.

“Is that boy a contractor of Astaroth? … ?”

“Okay. Oh, of course, here we call them Asti because it’s Asti. 2Nd year C class, yes.”

“Yes, yes.”

Her body curled up like a mouse curled up close to a cat. She had no choice but to do so. If he lifted a single finger, both mice and birds could have died without even noticing it. It’s not about messing with a crazy b*tch.

I didn’t even ask why I signed a contract with that boy. If you ask me something pointless, I’ll explode.

“Anyway, I understand that the girl who approached my contractor is your contractor…… “What’s the matter with my contractor?”

“Ah, ahahahaha…… It’s nothing. Really. It seems like my contractor wants something from Asti’s contractor… ….”

Nea wanted to get her contractor away from Prah as soon as possible.

But it was impossible. Even if you just look at the conversation that comes right now…… Prah and Lina had already made a firm promise.

What Nea wanted most now was for Asti to order Lina away from Prah. If that’s the case, there’s no need to get involved.

“Ho, if it bothers you, I will tell my contractor not to approach Master Prah!”

“Hmm, really? “There’s no need to do that.”

“Yes, yes?”

Nea’s expression was filled with puzzlement. Why not?

“I approached you because I was interested in you in the first place. I heard somewhere that they are looking for the remains of the saint, Este…….”


‘How on earth did you know that?’

“You look like you’re asking how on earth you know, but there’s a way to know everything.”

Asti smiled triumphantly. She looked at Nea’s scared expression and patted her shoulder as if to reassure her.

“You don’t have to worry too much. “I’m not saying I’m going to take away the remains, but rather I’m trying to help.”

“Help…… “You mean?”

“Okay. Help. Me and Prah will help you find the remains. Instead, we want you to help us when we need it…… How is it? “Isn’t that a pretty fair deal?”

Yesah rolled her head. No matter how much she thought about it, there was no way she could get out of this situation. Her words were like a direct threat, but she had no means to resist.

What can we do? The opponent’s strength is much stronger. In this situation, it was best to just nod her head.

Now I had to be careful about asking her intentions. Beings like that may feel uncomfortable, wondering if something below them dares question them.

“Yes, yes. Thank you for your help… ….”

All Nea could do was nod.

For the final boss of Chapter 1, he looked very shabby.

On the other hand, Asti’s expression looking at Nea was satisfied. Things were going very well according to Prah’s plan. She immediately remembered what Prah had said yesterday.

* * *

“There is a possibility that Lina Lislaine will approach me tomorrow.”

“Lina Lislane? “Who is that?”

“A contractor of Nebiros, a mid-level demon who infiltrated the Academy.”

“Nebiros? Oh, a devil playing with corpses? “Why is his contractor approaching you?”

“I don’t know. It’s just a feeling…… I saw him briefly earlier and he was looking at me quite persistently. So much so that you can feel their gaze right away.”


“Yes. That’s a bit strange. Unless there is some reason, there is no reason for you to look at me like that. “So is my reputation right now.”

“Well. “You make the worst impression on girls.”

“What can we do? “I even tried to do something like that.”

“Do you have any awareness that it is bad?”

“I recognize that much. “I’m more normal than you think.”

I almost burst into laughter when he said that I was a normal person. How can a guy who treats a high-ranking devil like his servant be a normal person?

This is a level of guts that is impossible unless you are a crazy person. No matter how much they peeked into the future, no one would act like a bastard.

“Normal? You?”

“Think whatever you like. Anyway, I don’t know why, but if Lina Lislaine approaches me…… There is a high possibility that Nebiros will be nearby and keep an eye on Lina Lislaine.”

“Well. Usually the devil keeps an eye on his contractors to make sure they aren’t doing anything stupid. So why did he sign with Nebiros?”

“From what I saw through the future, their contract was for Linaris Lane to find the remains of her saint, and for Nebiros to chase away the ghosts that always hover around Linaris Lane.”

“…… Do you know the details of the contract? The remains of a saint? “If you are a saint, do you mean beauty treatment?”

“That’s right.”

“It seems like you are thinking of reinforcing bad karma?”

Asti immediately recognized Nebiros’ purpose.

“That’s right. “He aspires to become a high-level devil.”

“But if they approach, shouldn’t I just ignore them?”

I shook my head in response to Asti’s question.

“Necromancy has many more useful aspects than you might think. Especially with the plans I make for the future. Because you are there too…… “I plan to appease them if possible.”


“Okay. It’s like increasing the number of people you can exploit. How is it?”

“I’m fine. So how do you appease me?”

“Is there anything difficult? “Nebiros is a mid-level demon at best.”


Asti realized Prah’s intention. In short, threaten.

“If you just lift a finger, it will take care of itself, so there is no need to make it complicated. Don’t forget to throw me a carrot instead.”

“If it’s a carrot…… “You’ll help me find the saint’s remains, or something like that?”

“Exactly. “It sure seems a little less sloppy these days?”

“…… “I won’t be sloppy forever.”

“I think it’s fortunate.”

“But I have a question.”


“Why is Lina Lislaine interested in you? “She is the one who signed a contract with Naviros to chase away ghosts.”

“I don’t know either.”

“…… “There are things you don’t know either.”

“There are so many. “Seeing the future means seeing only fragmentary scenes.”

“So…… “How can we find the saint’s remains?”

“Didn’t I tell you about the overflow of demonic beasts a while ago?”

“Yes. But why? Oh, no way.”

“That’s right. “There is a flood of demonic beasts, and the remains of the saint are revealed.”

“Why did the remains appear in the flood of demonic beasts?”

“Saint Este is a person who protected the human world from the demonic beasts of hell pouring in from hell and was oxidized while sealing the demonic realm. The place where she died is…….”

“Is this the place where a huge demonic scene is located?”

“That’s right. It is not a magic world created by the devil, but a magic world that occurred naturally through the distortion between worlds. “The reason the flood is happening this time is because that demonic area is opening again.”

From noble mtl dot com

“Then our goal is to find the saint’s remains near the entrance to the demonic realm?”

“That’s right. “It would be good to take the heart of the dragon at the same time.”

“Hmm…… Still, there’s quite a bit of time left, right?”

“That’s right. You can take it slow. However, if I do that, I’ll be busy…… Take care of everything, whether it’s preparing for the midterm exam. “If you don’t know something, ask.”


* * *

After finishing her reminiscence, Asti looked at herself and spoke to Nea.

“Don’t be too scared. “If you follow our suggestions, I will put you under my wing.”

“Are you sure?”

“Okay. “You know very well what a high-ranking devil’s protection is like, right?”

“Yes, yes!”

Being a mid-level demon protected by a high-ranking demon means that from now on, most demons will not be able to even touch Nea. He even said he would help with obtaining the saint’s remains. I don’t know what the purpose was, but there was no harm done. I couldn’t not follow it in the first place.

For Nea, all she had to do was bow her head and bow.

“Of course, if that happens, we may have to do what we are told sometimes…… “Is that okay?”

“Please just order me anything!”

“Good attitude. Oh, and that girl named Lina Lislaine. Leave it alone for a while. “It looks like my contractor has something he wants to do through your contractor.”

‘What do you want to do? No way?’

Nea’s imagination went to a severe place.

“Well, if it’s Frach Lancel, the thing to do is to show off…… ?”

“It’s not like that, so don’t worry. I won’t lay a finger on your contractor. “It seemed like he just had something else to do.”

“Oh, I understand.”


“Is there anything else you want to say…… ?”

“Sooner or later, the saint’s remains will appear.”

“Really? “Do you happen to know when that was?”

“After the midterm exams. The flood of demonic beasts will begin. When that time comes, I will tell you what to do. For now, just know that me and Prah are keeping an eye on you. What if this plan gets to someone else…… Know?”

Asti said that, she slightly stretched her hand towards Nea and squeezed it.

“I think you understand what I mean at this level.”

“Of course!”

Nea nodded her head with her eyes wide open.

“Okay. “Then wait until we start work in earnest.”

“I understand!”

As soon as Asti heard Nea’s answer, she disarmed the illusion magic and silence magic that had been spread around her.

‘Before I knew it…… ‘That kind of magic?’

Nea felt goosebumps. She did not know when the magic was deployed, and she only became aware of it when it was dispelled.

If you think about it, it was a strange thing. Even though she used polite words and called her classmates devil and all, she didn’t feel any attention from those around her. That means, that is.

Asti’s magic was already manifesting the moment she met Nea.

As soon as Nea realized that fact, she felt her goosebumps rise. She has magical skills that even she, a mid-level demon who is quite good at magic, is not aware of.

She breathed a sigh of relief that she had not offended Asti.

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  1. So, nia along with lina will also fall to(for) the hateful(?) mc?

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