Surviving As the 5th Prince of the Ruined Kingdom chapter 32

Surviving As the 5th Prince of the Ruined Kingdom 32


There are a few reasons why I chose Beortio Rion as the target.

First, taking down that man who stabbed the former royalists and current neutrals in the back to join the First Prince’s camp could be a great gift to the remaining six neutral officials.

‘Especially Councilor Bert would love it.’

It is well known that during the Hamel Empire’s invasion, Councilor Bert strongly advocated for deploying the central army to the north. He gave impassioned speeches day after day at the King’s Square until his voice was hoarse.

At the time, public opinion formed that if not deployment, at least supplies should be delivered. It was in that situation that Beortio dealt a heavy blow from behind.

‘Rumors like him bathing in virgins’ blood every night would tie in perfectly with the demonic tribes.’

Still, just in case there were other opinions within the Northern Liberation Army, I double-checked with Austin.

“Are you really sure targeting Beortio Rion is alright?”

“There will be no opposition. That man is one of the top three internal enemies the Northern Liberation Army wants to take down.”

“If he’s among the top three, you must know a lot about that man.”


Austin answered with silence.

‘It seems to be as Alfonso had told me.’

One of the many problems of the Northern Liberation Army was the lack of intelligence outside the northern region.

In fact, even before hearing from Alfonso, I had somewhat guessed from the fact that a guy of around junior officer rank and a kitchen assistant had infiltrated as lowly servants in the royal palace.

“······ I know the basics. But those are not the kind of things you want, Your Highness. Like who guards Beortio, what his favorite food is, if he has a concubine, things like that.”

“It’s good to see you admit it readily.”

“······ Then how much do you know about Beortio that you can confidently claim he is a demon contractor, the criminal who spread the plague in the north, and the one who assassinated the 4th Prince?”

Austin’s tone was prickly.

I slightly raised my gaze from the eye area of the fox mask I had been looking at.

I quickly manipulated the ghostly hands I had been playing with to enter the [Library].

┕ Tell me the names of Beortio Lion’s guards, his favorite food, and his concubine.

「The information fee for this query is 500 RP.」

That much RP means the information could be easily obtained by bribing Beortio’s entourage or requesting it from the information guild in the capital city within a few hours.

However, that would create new information that someone is collecting data on Beortio. If that reaches the ears of the 1st Prince’s faction or Beortio himself, everything would be for naught.

As regrettable as it is, I must use RP.

┕ Tell me.

「Beortio Lion’s guards are······.」

I recited verbatim what the genie told me.

“His guard is Mosfa Trag. His favorite food is freshly hatched chick fries. His concubine’s name is Taro Nickelp. Shall I provide more detailed information?”

“······ You prepared in advance even before securing our promise of cooperation.”

“It’s basic.”

I grinned at Austin.

With information obtained using over 50,000 RP, if the Northern Liberation Army moves swiftly based on it, burying a disgraced royal would be child’s play.

At least for now, when they are not heavily restraining me and the Northern Liberation Army.

This is a one-time opportunity.

I must use this chance to ensure the 1st Prince or the 2nd Prince can never easily provoke me again.


A plump naked woman sank into a golden bathtub.

Her name was Beortio Lion.

Splash, the blood filling the tub splattered everywhere. She smelled the dripping blood on her hands and licked it with her tongue.

She then smiled contentedly.

“The stench isn’t as strong today compared to last time. I like it.”

“I’m glad you’re satisfied.”

Hearing this, the maids in attendance inwardly sighed with relief. Last week, he had definitely mixed in the blood of dead girls, draining the maids present of their blood.

The maid who had long served Beortio spoke up.

“One of the maidens we drained has fainted and hasn’t awoken.”

“…Is that so?”

A strange glint flickered in Beortio’s eyes.

The fresh scent was unusually potent.

It was extremely rare for them to add the full life essence drawn from a maiden’s blood. It only happened once every few months. Beortio licked the blood clinging to his hands greedily.

One hour later.

After bathing, Beortio headed to his study room.

There was a ritual he had to perform on days he bathed in maidens’ blood.

*Knock knock*

“Beortio, I’ve brought the tonic.”


The butler brought in a deep red tonic on a tray.

Vitatonic, consumed by Hamil Imperials to rejuvenate themselves. The original recipe called for simmering newborn chicks.

However, the tonics taken by Hamil’s nobility and Beortio used…special ingredients.

Knowing this, the butler slightly turned his head away as she drank it down.

After drinking the tonic and savoring a sweet candy, Beortio turned to the butler.

“Any new reports?”

“The 5th Prince’s hearing has been scheduled. Next Friday. They’re sending a small airship to the vacationing minister in the south.”

“A small airship? Last time I requested one they flatly refused. Miloa must really want to put the screws to the 5th Prince. Tell them to send at least a medium-sized one. If they refuse, say he can’t attend. How many maids do they think I need to be properly attended? That insolent woman.”

Imagining the trembling Miloa put Beortio in a good mood.

Savoring the sugary candy, she caught her reflection in the desk mirror and started. She saw new wrinkles around her eyes.

Beortio reached up and spoke.

“Butler. Have you looked into what I asked about?”

“I’m discreetly investigating, but it requires utmost secrecy, so…”

“Find out quickly! Right now!”

Her piercing scream could shatter eardrums.


The butler quickly bowed his head and left the office.


A sound of a mirror shattering came from behind.

‘That witch thinks the Black Book can be found so easily.’

The Black Book, a euphemism for the Necronomicon.

The butler sighed softly and held his head.


Heaven helps those who help themselves.

That’s a saying I recalled after discovering through [Library] that Beortio was secretly seeking the Necronomicon, while thoroughly investigating her every move.

Starting with the fact that her butler recently met an outsider in disguise, I dug deeper and learned that some of the people the butler met were going to the black market to find the ‘Black Book’.

‘The ominous rumors were all true.’

She was a woman ready to make a pact with the demon race at any moment, dreaming of eternal life and youth.

On the very evening I realized that,

two senior officers of the Northern Liberation Army, carrying the Necronomicon that Alfonso had tightly hidden away, boarded a southbound train.

One was a 5-star knight, the other a 5-star mage.

‘They pulled off an incredible act of hosting a demon and a dark knight?’

I chuckled, recalling what Austin had relayed to me.

Today is the day of the hearing.

In the mirror, I stand proudly in my prince’s conquest attire. This is my battle uniform.

I straightened my clothes one last time.

“Your Highness, not a single wrinkle. You seem ready to go now.”

I nodded at Alfonso’s words.

“Let’s go.”


I left through the door Alfonso opened.

On the way to the carriage waiting at the Emerald Palace’s main gate.

“Prince Evan! Stay strong!”

“We’re rooting for you!”

“We’ll be watching! Be sure to save Alfonso!”

The servants of the Emerald Palace saw me off. Even those whose relationship with me was one of ‘caution’ were swept up in the atmosphere and offered me words of encouragement.

I nodded to them and boarded the carriage.

“We’ll be departing.”

From noble mtl dot com

The coachman began driving the carriage, and I crossed my arms and enjoyed the passing scenery.

“Ugh, I’m incredibly tense. Your Highness, aren’t you tense at all? It’s not just the nobles gathered like the last royal trial, but the citizens of Varona will all be watching.”

As Alfonso said, anyone from Varona can come watch this hearing. It’s being held as a public hearing at my request.

Not to the extent of the entire nation watching like my previous life, but magic video recorders have been set up in key locations like Varona Square for those interested to watch.

‘Honestly, I didn’t expect permission to be granted so easily.’

After the last royal trial, things requiring the king’s approval like going out of the palace are being processed quickly.

Why is that?

Out of curiosity, I checked the king’s name in the [Relationship Log], but there was no major change in our relationship.

[Relationship: Normal]

‘Does it mean he’s feeling a bit of goodwill towards me, though not quite friendly?’

I soon gave up trying to deduce the inscrutable psychology of the king. Right now, simulating what would happen at the hearing took priority.

And two hours later.

The time for the final battle drew near.

“I swear, Evan Lionel, to speak nothing but the truth with no omissions or falsehoods in this hearing.”

After reciting the oath I couldn’t keep, I met the gazes of the thirty people watching me with various looks.

Searching gazes.

Disapproving gazes.

Gazes full of annoyance.

Gazes that thought me impudent.

Among those myriad gazes, two people in particular caught my eye.

An elderly man with wispy white hair and an imposing stature, and a massive woman who seemed to take up two seats by herself.

Bert, the neutral faction leader and chairman of this hearing, and Beorthio, who I had to bring down.

I gave Bert a nod, then looked at Beorthio. Meeting my gaze, she licked her lips with her tongue. An instinctive revulsion made me frown slightly.

Noticing my expression, Beorthio’s eyes crinkled.

I turned to look at the audience seats.

Count Miloa was watching me with sharp eyes, and Count Cleane was sitting with his legs crossed. Surprisingly, they seemed on good terms as they sat side by side.

Cleane’s gaze went to the 1st Prince faction’s council members, then back to me.

It was obvious what he meant.

Why hasn’t anything happened until now? That must be what he meant. I gave him a faint smile.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Representative Bert struck the gavel.

“We will begin the hearing to examine the validity of Prince 5th’s invocation of the right of non-arrest. Those who have questions for Prince 5th, please raise your hands.”

Beorthio raised her hand hesitantly.

“…Representative Beorthio, you may speak.”

Representative Bert did not hide his displeased expression.

“Prince 5th. The right of non-arrest is not some petty thing invoked merely because you cherished a manservant of the puppet group called the Northern Liberation Army.”

Many representatives nodded in agreement with her words. Among them were representatives from Prince 2nd’s faction and the neutrals.

I retorted to her in a measured tone:

“How can you call the Northern Liberation Army a mere puppet group?”

“Hah, do you know how many times the Northern Liberation Army has raided the guild run by this representative? No matter how nice it sounds, the Northern Liberation Army’s actions are no different from those of a gang of bandits, aren’t they?”

“They were simply doing what needed to be done. Five years ago, they spread a plague in the north to create a foothold for the Hamul Empire’s invasion. And just recently, there was a small incident in the process of finding the individual who conspired with the demon tribe, dreaming of immortality, and assassinated Prince 4th.”

The representatives’ expressions became perplexed at my statement. Some looked at me as if I were insane.

“I wonder why you haven’t been dragged to the gallows yet.”

Beorthio glanced around before pointing her finger at herself.

“You? Me?”

I glanced at Countess Miloa, sitting in the audience seats.

Her complexion was turning pale in real-time as she received a report from what appeared to be her aide, who had rushed in from somewhere.

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