Taming Her Highness the Princess chapter 1

1 - The Beginning and End of Everything

1 – The Beginning and End of Everything

Looks up from an abandoned citadel.

The vast sky was entirely crimson, and acrid smoke wafted over the ground.

In between the smoke, the giants covered in black liquid were destroying everything in sight and reducing it to ashes.

They are beings from the other world called by heretics, and they are corrosive to the world. There are dozens of monsters that each individual is said to have a power equal to that of a dragon.

“Ha… ….”

Now that I’ve come this far, I couldn’t deny it any longer. The world is gradually perishing. It is also very thorough and clear.

People who did not give up hope even in this mayhem attacked here and there without any means and methods to stop the giant, but it was useless.

The Guardian Dragon, said to protect the empire, broke its neck and fell, the Archmage, who is said to be the closest to God, was pierced through the body, and the swordsman, who is said to be the greatest sword of the Empire, also lost his arm.

“The plague… ….”

The situation is so hopeless that swear words come out. I raised my hand to wipe the blood off his mouth and looked around nervously.

“Let me ask you a question. How does it feel to make the world a better place?”

There was an emperor of the empire where my eyes could reach. He is the undisputed ruler who put the once mighty empire under his feet, and he is the one who destroyed the world.

Seeing Koraji now shedding tears reminds me of an immature aristocratic daughter rather than an emperor, but she is definitely an emperor.

It was proof that he was wearing a custom combat uniform decorated with all sorts of ornaments and gold threads, as well as medals and protective artifacts.

My clothes were torn to pieces from fighting the monsters summoned by heresy, but seeing that woman’s clothes were more than fine and clean, I was angry in many ways.

“f*ck, don’t you answer me?”

“Huh, Kkeuh…… !”

When I pushed her to answer, she hiccupped and burst into tears. If it had been a flowing river until just now, there was no waterfall at all.

The dignity and authority of an emperor are not visible at all. I really can’t believe that such a pathetic woman destroyed the world.

“Stop procrastinating and answer me…… That’s it. Let’s not talk.”

It’s meaningless to keep scolding the yard when it’s all over. Exhaling a long sigh, I leaned against the collapsed wall and looked up at the sky.

‘Why did this happen… ….’

Leave behind the discouragement and reflect on the past.

I was born as the eldest son of the prestigious Malaig duchy, who is a master of magic and called the aurora of the empire.

Because I was a family that had assisted the emperor for generations, as soon as I had a certain level of knowledge, knowledge, and experience, I was entrusted with educating Irea, who was now crying and crying.

However, contrary to expectations, the training did not go well. This is because Ireah, who is arrogant, arrogant, and despises others, has been fighting with me over everything about her.

I didn’t want to pretend to be with the imperial family, so I servilely bowed my head asking for forgiveness each time. Because I thought that if only I was humiliated a little, the family’s glory and prestige would not be damaged.

‘It wasn’t.’

As the days passed, Irea made unreasonable demands on me, her teacher. Since the request was not related to the class, I politely declined.

Perhaps it was because she didn’t like her rejection of her own request, and around that time, Irea started to harass me openly.

They did shameless things with their authority on their backs, such as summoning me, who was busy with family matters, saying a few words and telling me to go home, or ordering me to kiss his feet.

‘I could have endured that far, but… ….’

The problem happened after that.

As the emperor died of illness and his son, who was his successor, also suffered the same words as his father, Ireah, who had not been scheduled, was enthroned as the emperor with the support of his servants.

Is there anything that can be seen now that a b*tch who is not cheap has become the emperor? After his coronation ceremony, Ireah promised me the position of head of the Imperial Guard and ordered me to come under her.

I’ve been through all sorts of insults and contempt for helping out by the side. He doesn’t even die no, i can’t So I immediately refused and asked for my resignation.

Irea could not reject my resignation because the training period had passed and the justification was sufficient. Then Irea began to press my father.

He thought that if he pressured his father, I would get his request. But it was an illusion. When my father started putting pressure on himself in the imperial family, he requested resignation just like me.

Things didn’t go as planned, but Ireah accepted his father’s resignation, as if he had any pride in his appearance.

After her father left politics, Ireah’s side was slowly filled with flattering vassals.

It was a natural procedure given Ireah’s tendency to dislike bitter words and like to be praised.

The problem is that among the flattery servants, there were those who received black money from the heresy or took refuge in the heresy and plotted schemes.

Their plan was carried out in secret, and Ireah, who had become a puppet without even knowing it, joined the huge plan to destroy the world like an idiot.

The result is now. It was absurd that it took only five years for a powerful empire, said to drop even birds from the sky, disappearing into the dark side of history.

‘Even so… ….’

When the imperial palace was attacked, I reflexively held Irea in my arms and deployed space movement magic to escape here. Even though she is a hateful woman, the instinct to protect her was working on her own.

‘I shouldn’t have done that.’

I ran to safety, but this place will soon be destroyed by those giants. Mana is also low, so now there is no choice but to wait for the time to die and watch the fall of the empire.

“Jeniel… ….”

At that time, Irea’s voice caught my attention. Ireah must have stopped crying, and with her head down, she stared blankly at the floor of the citadel.

Her pink hair, which has always been shiny under her care, is seen in a mess. Even her lapis lazuli blue eyes had lost their color.

“…… I’m really sorry. I, I ruined everything. Someone like me shouldn’t be emperor. All the subjects of the empire will hate me.”

The self-deprecating voice trembles miserably, but I have no desire to comfort her.

“Even if I realized it now, it was too late. It’s not like you can turn back time-“

“It can be reversed.”

Her mouth fell shut. Can you get it back? Could it be that he went out of his mind at the tragedy he had committed and even developed a wall of delusion?

Irea took out something from her arms as she couldn’t even answer because she was so ridiculous. She was a pendant in the form of a clock intricately intertwined with geometric patterns and ancient words.

“It is a castle relic that her father did not return despite pressure from the Holy Kingdom. Everyone doesn’t know how to use this holy relic, but as my father’s direct blood relative, I know. If you use this, you can go back to the past with your present memories…….”

Simply put, it was a pendant with a return function. Ireah poured mana into the pendant in his hand and weakly pursed his lips.

“But nothing would change if I went back. I can’t distinguish right from wrong, I can’t distinguish between treachery and loyalists, I’m insensitive to state affairs and situation, I don’t know how to read public opinion…… Because I’m an idiot who can’t convey my feelings properly.”

Wheeying! The pendant is enveloped in a strong glow, and a gust of wind begins to blow around it. In addition, the surrounding mana was rapidly being sucked into the pendant.


Irea raised her head. Irea slowly approaches me, shedding her tears that had stopped at best, and puts her pendant in her hand.

“…… Jeniel. You prevent this tragedy.”

“What is that-“

Quack! She tries to refuse, but the pendant doesn’t come off as if it’s stuck in her hand. Embarrassed, I stared at Irea with trembling pupils. She was still crying like an idiot.

I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.

Like her broken music box, Ireah, who was repeating her words of sorry, suddenly lifted her hand and held my cheek. Her soft hands tremble feebly.

Her blood flowed from the wound on her forehead and touched her pure white hands, but she had the attitude that Irea didn’t care at all. Rather, she lowered her head and kissed her briefly on my mouth.

After the momentary kiss, Ireah raised her head and gave her a distorted smile. Like a dandelion seed that met a typhoon, she had a smile that wouldn’t be strange if she disappeared anytime.

“Please. Me… ….”

Sorry and pitiful. The moment she stretched out her hand to Ireah to wipe away her tears, her flock of lights exploded all at once causing a flash war.

With a terrible noise, the fortress collapses and each other’s bodies float. After she shouted, I finally reached out my hand to her, but I couldn’t reach Ireah, who was far away.

Tick tock—

At the same time, the pendant’s hour hand began to turn backwards.


“Heo Eok!”

I let out a rough breath and opened my eyes. Her heart was beating like crazy, so I had to catch my breath while holding on to her chest.

I managed to find some stability in my dizziness and could hear gurgling laughter coming from not far away.

When I turn my head, I see girls chatting about miscellaneous things in the courtyard garden. Judging by the clothes they were wearing, they were ladies-in-waiting from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

‘What is it?’

A strong sense of incongruity makes me swallow. The imperial palace was destroyed by beings from the other world, and I saw with my own eyes that this needlessly large garden was also destroyed.

The members of the Internal Affairs Department, who had no means to protect themselves, were the first to be brutally butchered. Even so, the scenery in front of me was secluded and peaceful, as if that had never happened.

What the hell happened? As I was staring blankly at the garden, the ladies-in-waiting felt a presence and looked at me. They were embarrassed, bowed their heads to me, and ran away.

‘No way… ….’

Was it true that Ireah said that she could go back to the past? As she was trying to clear her confused mind, she heard the sound of footsteps.

When I heard the sound of her footsteps, I looked in the direction Irea, her pink hair hanging down, was quickly approaching me with her eyes strangely frowning.

The image of Ireah naturally comes to mind as she cries and says she takes care of herself. She just had something to ask, so I hurriedly opened my mouth.

From noble mtl dot com

“Your Highness Irea. Now what happened to-”


However, what came back was not an answer to the question, but a sword. As I stood blankly after being slapped on the cheek in a daze, Irea blatantly frowned on one eyebrow.

“Why do you look like that? If you made me wait, it would be natural for you to be punished accordingly.”

Dazed mind won’t come back. Why did i get hit? After thinking for a long time, I came to a low realization only when I looked back on my past memories.

Today is the first day I have been assigned as an educator in Irea. At that time, Irea came out to meet her in the hallway and slapped me on the cheek just because I made her, the princess, wait.

She’s slapping her own mentor-to-be, something that isn’t her b*tch. Not even late for an appointment.

The exact reason for slapping me was because ‘she came out early, but her opponent didn’t come out first’.

“hahahaha… ….”

I laughed for no reason seeing the reaction that was not wrong with the past. It was because it became clear that I had returned to the past and at the same time I realized that I was the only one who had returned to the past.

Before returning, there is no Irea who admitted her fault while crying to me. She is just the arrogant and arrogant villainess I remember familiarly with Irea here.

‘Then… ….’

This time, I have to train properly. In order not to repeat her tragedy in the future, it was necessary to make Ireah a normal monarch.

In the past, I would have bowed my head and asked for forgiveness from her, but not anymore. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Ireah needed to understand her simple providence with her body.

After confirming that there were no eyes around her, I rolled up her sleeves and untied her wrists. Irea looked at me curiously and frowned.

“Ha? What is it? Are you distracting her? She doesn’t seem to understand her own predicament now. You could say she’s the eldest son of a Malay duke-“

Pair! My palm runs past her soft cheeks. Even though she didn’t put much effort into it, her Irea’s slender body stumbled once.

“Eh, eh…… ?”

At the end of her moment of silence, Irea let out her dazed moan and looked up at me, holding her own cheek. The wide open eyes tremble slightly in shock.

Didn’t she say that she was a golden jade leaf? She grew up among servants all her life and would not have been matched even by her flowers. No matter how gently she hit her, the fact that she was beaten would have come as a huge shock.

“Your Highness the Princess.”

Looking at Ireah like that, I rolled up her sleeves and pulled them back. The sound of her clothes rubbing against her skin echoes quietly in the quiet space.

“Starting today, I am Your Highness’s professor and mentor. So in the future…….”

Did the sadness come late? My figure is reflected in Irea’s pupils, whose tears are slowly filling up. He was so cold-blooded that he didn’t even need to act.

“I will not forgive any disrespect towards me.”

I gave a long smile after saying that if you mess around, you will be beaten. I can feel quite a bit of conflict in Irea’s bewildered appearance, but it can’t be helped.

‘Even if it’s to prevent future tragedies… ….’

I needed to thoroughly educate the woman in front of her.

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  1. Warrior! says:

    Pink hair destroyed the world…

    (Anyways, not all are bad like any other colours)

  2. Su 183 says:

    Too soft

  3. Dagonsuznyz says:

    Pink hair is concerning, yes.

  4. tian says:

    I agree with you

  5. Pure Candy says:

    classic Pink woman

  6. I’m a little bothered that she has pink hair, but let’s just chalk it up to my imagination.

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