Taming Her Highness the Princess chapter 15

15 - I wanted to show you (3)

15 – Wanted to show off (3) – Edit

Meanwhile, Jenial escaped people’s eyes and infiltrated into the deepest part of the mansion.

Jeniel, leaning against the wall and sneaking his face over the corner of the hallway, witnessed a huge figure guarding the room at the end of the hallway.

‘Hey there.’

In that room there should be a passage leading to the basement where the slaves are. Jenny Earl took a deep breath, adjusted his clothes, and exited the corner of the hallway.

As we walked towards the room, the giant felt a presence and looked back at Jeniel. The impression of the giant frowns as if he couldn’t understand that a customer dressed in a tail coat was in this remote place.

“…… What? Why did a good-looking person crawl all the way to a place like this when he didn’t enjoy the prom?”

Jenny Earl shook her head for a moment before answering with an awkward smile.

“Ah. Actually, I’m a magician who came to Count Mandel’s mansion to give a magic show. When I first came to the mansion, I got lost because the structure was so complicated.”

Is it like that? The giant clicked his tongue openly as if his excitement had cooled.

“If that’s the case, go back the way you came and go straight to the place where you can hear the music. Then you will see the hall, and you can ask the guys working there for the location of the waiting room.”

“Hey! Such a way! Really, you are very kind!”

Thanks to Jenny Earle approaching with a smirk, the giant untied his arms. It didn’t seem normal for him to keep approaching me even though he gave me directions.

“Thanks to you, one of my worries has disappeared, so in return, I am going to show you a magic trick. Just to practice before the actual performance! Would it be all right if I could try it out?”

Are you going to show me magic? It was not long, but the free magic came quite interesting to the giant who spent a boring time standing in front of the door all day.

“Okay. Give it a try. I warn you just in case.

“Yes! You don’t have to worry about that, so you can relax! From now on, I will show you a time-disappearing magic trick, so stay calm and watch!”

Jennie Earl, who kept a smile despite the bloody threat, approached the giant and grabbed his shoulders. The complexion of the giant, who wondered what kind of magic it was, soon turned pale.

Puck! The waist of the huge body that was unexpectedly hit in the abdomen tilted downward. Jennie Earl, who didn’t miss the moment, raised his hand and hit the back of the giant’s neck with force.

In an instant, the giant hit by a double blow collapsed to the floor without even making the usual groaning sound. After tidying up the large object, Jenny Earl lightly flicked his hand and opened the door.

After that, Jeniel, who used the spirit movement to move the fainting giant into the room, stopped involuntarily. It was because there were three men with stern faces in the corner of the room.

“…… Do you think a nobleman you’ve never seen before will come in with our Butel?”

“And isn’t that a heart attack? You live and see all the wizards.”

“I don’t know, how about catching him and giving it to Count Mandel, bro? I’m sure they’ll give you a hefty bonus.”

Seeing them chatting with each other, I thought they were Mandel’s subordinates. However, there was no way that only one person would be guarding the space, which would cause serious trouble if caught.

“You’re in trouble.”

From noble mtl dot com

Jenny Earl muttered while stroking his chin. An evil smile adds to his dreadlocks face.

“Yeah. Seeing that you know that you will be in trouble, are you saying that nobles are different? We’ll make it even more difficult from now on, so be prepared?”

Jenny Earl let out a low sigh, and his boss kicked the ground and ran. At that moment, Jenny Earl concentrated his mana on the tip of his finger and lightly flicked it once.


With the refreshing sound of a bell, pure white waves spread out in a circle. The running boss was hit directly by the wave and rolled to the floor with a crackling sound.

As soon as the subordinates in the back are exposed to the wave, they fall to the ground like puppets with a thread cut off. Thinking that the room was finished, Jenial looked down at the fallen people on the floor.

“Cheer, gagging… ….”

It’s pitiful to see him flinching while biting into crab foam. Jenny Earl knelt down on one knee and began to speak quietly as he rummaged through the body of his boss.

“Since the functions of nerves and muscles have been stopped, you will not be able to move for a while. No matter how hard you struggle, it will not be resolved within today, so give up.”

“Kek, Khehehek… ….”

Watching the drooling of saliva is likely to lead to the development of mysophobia. After rummaging through the body of his boss a little more, Jenny Earl took out one of his keys and stood up.

He walks to the center of the room and removes his carpet, revealing a door with his handle on it. Grabbing his handle, he lifted it up, revealing a staircase leading to his basement.

Jenny Earl, who created a light-emitting orb above his hand, climbed down his stairs without hesitation. When he finishes going down the stairs, he comes to a narrow passage made of stone walls.

‘…… There doesn’t seem to be any traps.’

Jenny Earl, who sent out a ball of light to identify the landmark, moved in front of him. After walking for a while, an iron door blocked the way, so Jenny Earl took the key from his boss and inserted it into his lock.

As I turned the key to the side after inserting it into the gap in the lock, the iron door opened with a clicking sound. After sending the orb of light inside first, Jenny Earl slowly opened the door and reflexively pinched his nose.

‘Kuk. No matter what the stench…….’

Jeniel went inside with a furrowed brow and found numerous children trapped behind bars. Perhaps he had lost the will to live, and he couldn’t find any freshness in the children’s eyes.

Jeniel was able to identify the stench without difficulty as he looked around at the terrified children who did not even make the slightest sound.

‘They didn’t even provide basic food, clothing, and shelter.’

It is seen that children dressed in mats are confined without washing properly. Like chickens locked up in a chicken coop, these children were raised as livestock, not humans.

His fists clenched in anger at Mandel. Jenny Earl hesitated, not knowing what to say to these children, then he looked at some corner of the cage, guided by the sound of sobbing.

In the cage, there was a child dressed in a jumpsuit like the other children. However, it must have been a while since he came here, and his body was relatively clean compared to the other children.

“Huh, black… ….”

Jenny Earl walked there, got down on one knee, and looked at the child. Sensing his presence, the child lifted his head and shrank back in surprise.

“I’m sorry. I won’t cry…….”

“Calm down. I did not come to harm you.”

As Jeniel spoke as softly as possible, the child slowly raised his head. He still had a frightened look on his face, but this should be enough for a conversation.

“Who brought you here? Let me know if you remember anything.”

“…… Mo, I don’t know. I ate bread and soup distributed by some men on the street, and then I fell asleep, and when I woke up, it was here.”

“I see. What about your parents?”

The child shook his head. That meant no parents. After all, Mandel was abducting street orphans and enslaving them.

“…… I see Got it. Don’t worry, I’ll be responsible for saving you guys.”


“Yes. So please hold on here for a moment.”

The child nods her head even as she says something. Giving the child a bitter smile, Jenial got up and left the basement.


After returning to the central hall of the ballroom, Jeniel wandered around looking for Irea. He had to find Irea as soon as possible because time was delayed more than he expected.

Because of Ireah’s personality, there was a high probability that she couldn’t get along with anyone and was depressed in her corner. It was Jenny Earl who had to suffer the complaint, so the longer he was late, the worse it was for him.

As Jeniel wandered around the ballroom, he heard a familiar voice in his ears. I heard her voice and turned her head in the direction I came from. Irea was arguing with her man.

“…… You said you didn’t want to go! I’m not here to hang out with a rogue like you!”

“Ah, does it make sense that you don’t want to play around after you’ve been decorated so beautifully? I’ll make it fun, so why don’t you go and listen to the story together?”

This is unexpected. Even though half of her face was covered with a mask, she did not expect that there would be a man who was fascinated by Ireah’s beauty and bet on him.

It seemed like something big would happen if he left it as it was, so Jenial spurred on. In the meantime, her man continued to yell at Irea.

“Don’t do that, let’s just have one drink together. Huh? I’m not betting on just any woman like this. It’s because she’s so beautiful there.”

Her man reaches out to grab her Ireah’s hand. Thanks to this, Ireah, who couldn’t stand her anger, shook her man’s hand in her anger. Widely! After her brief silence, Irea raised her eyes and glared at her man.

“I tried to tolerate it because it was a prom that deceived her status, but it was too rude! Do you know who the existence in front of you is and make fun of her blasphemous mouth!”

Irea’s cry had a pulpit. Even though she was Irea, who had spent her entire life in the Lotus Palace, she was an imperial princess who had learned basic royal studies.

So, when it comes to dealing with her ignorant underlings, there is probably no girl as masterful as Ireah. Thanks to that, when her man panicked, Irea pushed even harder.

“I am the owner of the Lotus Palace and the noblest lineage in this empire. Normally, you are a being in a position that people like you wouldn’t even dare to talk to!”

…… This is dangerous. If Irea reveals her identity here, everything goes back to nothing. Mandel will flee from her mansion and will not be able to save her children either.

Her However, because she didn’t explain it to her, she couldn’t figure it out. She thought the current prom was just a ‘play’, and she was trying to reveal her identity.

She was a tragedy brought on by ignorance. So she has to make up for it somehow. Irea’s expression lights up as Jenny Earl moves closer through her crowd, turning her gaze away.

“Ah! My professor just happens to be over there. Professor! Come here and tell this ignorant fool-“

Jenny Earl, seeking her apology in her heart, pulled her by the arm of Irea. Suddenly, Irea’s body trembles slightly in Jeniel’s arms.

Afterwards, Ireah looked up at Jennie Earl with an expression that she did not understand. However, she did not have time to explain the situation.

“Have you finally lost your mind? Many of you must have said that the only way you can pretend to be the princess is while on the bed. Or, do you want to make fun of me at this ball?”

At Jenny Earl’s cold-blooded tone, the man next to her smiled awkwardly.

“Ah, ahahahaha. You like to play like that. More than that, you don’t know that you have a lover, and I’ll excuse you…….”

Jeniel turned his gaze and looked down at the man.

“Go away.”

After swallowing dry saliva, the man bowed her head deeply and returned to his group. Jenny Earl, who had seen that, let out a low sigh, thinking that she had passed the urgent situation.

If there was one problem now, it was that he would have to face Ireah, who had been unknowingly denied his identity. Jenny Earl, who looked at Ireah with his sorry on her heart, broke into a rare cold sweat.

“Why, why is that?”

It is because Ireah was crying with her face saying that her world was unfair.

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  1. Su 183 says:

    Sigh really…

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