The Academy’s Neglected Wizard in the Game chapter 37

37 - Paying back the men's grudges

Episode 37 – Paying back the men’s grudges


Guillermo vividly recalled those days.

It was a story that wasn’t even that long ago.

It was a year or two before I entered the academy here.

In common sense, forgetting such a thing is itself a problem.

It happened at the meeting of the Berkeley family and the Caesar family.

The Caesar family needed a competent guardian.

-Because they also needed competent bodyguards.

<Do we really need idiots who can’t even attack?>

he said outright.

That was the word the Guardians hated most.

Manus, who did not have a serious expression or sunken eyes like now, said so.

<Guardians are honorable beings. Don’t speak ill.>

<You’re laughing. After all, what kind of honor is that? It will cost more to melt the shield and sell it.>

<This bastard is-.>

It was a family mistake.

His family, who couldn’t overcome their anger, and the brother and sister who had a strong sense of justice, beat the prince of the principality with their hands.

Guillermo’s sister, who shouted a torch for a duel and a proper fight.

However, at that time, Manus was just teasing his mouth.

He mentioned the name of his family and only showed the scars to his father.

Caesar’s wrath was beyond what the Berkeleys could handle.

<Let’s say he’s ugly, but he’s my son. You are a child carrying the prestige of the principality. Do you know what I mean?>

<Sorry. house owner. I will take responsibility.>

His father cut to the bone and punished his sister, who was just developing her talent.

After that, she was still living without seeing the sun.

That was a story from just a few years ago.

I still remember it vividly.

The father who didn’t know what to do, the retainers who were in tears, the sister who was angry, and herself who was staring blankly at him.

The father’s trembling voice, swallowing the shame and crying, said he would punish his sister.

“Did you forget what I said to my sister and my family? Then the sight… … I mean, I can’t remember anything.”


Manus nodded calmly.

Guillermo was suffocating with mana without even realizing it.

As if responding to the will of an extremely angry master, it was ferocious mana.

Manus let out a small sigh.

I closed my eyes for a moment and sorted out the words in my mind about what to say.

The other side was angry.

It was an academy that forbade personal emotions to be woven into family affairs, but was it easy?

When everyone was staring at him anxiously, he opened his eyes again.

“-It must have been an immature time. He must have posted words that should not be spoken.”

“… … .”

“This is the academy.”


Guillermo gripped his shield tightly.

Again, you hide behind a name.

A cowardly and cunning bastard.

I wanted to mention the inevitable principle and avoid it again.

However, this time it was different.

“There is no reason to avoid it if it is a simple sparring, not a family affair. Come on.”

This time he didn’t dodge.

Guillermo’s eyes shone fiercely.

“-good night.”

“Add one more rule.”

Manus stepped forward expressionlessly.

He continued talking as he looked at the four juniors who were quietly leaving the arena.

“I will only use three spells. take a good look at you Among the Guardians, there are those who have betrayed their honor.”

The time will come when they will raise their shields and stand before you.

In preparation for that time, it was necessary to show it to the guys.

How to deal with Guardians.

How to deal with humans, not demons, not monsters.

Maybe they are scarier than demons.

At least the human who wrote the game story seemed to think so.

“-You are arrogant.”

Guillermo felt insulted until now, and he couldn’t contain his anger.

But soon, recalling his father’s teachings, he calmed down his rampaging mana.

<Excitement and anger prevent you from protecting what you should be protecting.>

His eyes were cold.

Only the color was different, the eyes of the two men were similar.

The eyes of those who entered the first class.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the two.

just three times.

That was the only opportunity given.

Manus raised Mana.

It just went well.

Although the skill has not yet been completed, mana has increased significantly.

I have something I want to try.

“The tyrant’s prestige ends today.”

Manus did not engage in a war of words.


Guillermo crouched down with his shield in front.

On the battlefield, well-trained Guardians were tanks.

Guillermo is the lumber that will make a better guardian than anyone else.

The momentum won’t be easy.


fall out-.

Manus chose lightning magic as his first magic.

There was no attribute he could not use, having received Caesar’s blessings.

Lightning began to rampage, turning the ground upside down.

Guillermo also kicked the ground.

Like a giant buffalo charging, he charged with a force that would crush everything.

A basic skill, and the trademark of the Guardian class.


It was simply a skill to charge with a shield, but it included a counter judgment and a one-time defense judgment.

I wondered how that decision would be implemented in reality.

Manus took out a monstrous magic from the beginning.


A whopping 3 classes of lightning magic.

Guillermo internally laughed at Manus’ choice.

To the Guardian, an attack from the front is useless.

Anyone who doesn’t know that has no choice but to get stuck.

However, Manus was already on top of Guillermo’s head.

A Guardian’s strength is to block attacks from the front.

However, the weakness was also not far away.

“It is still a long way off.”


A bolt of lightning cut through the air and let out an ear-piercing tone.

The place where the lightning that extended like a ray hit was the ground where Guillermo had just set foot.


The floor of the arena was smashed and a small pit was formed.



staggered center.

A tingling body even though it was protected with mana.

It was amazing.

-I thought you were hiding behind a family door.

I thought I would win if it was 1:1.

There was no time to think.

I gritted my teeth and centered myself.


Stand firmly on the ground and move forward -.


“For Guardians, their feet are their weakness. And don’t look back.”

Something taut grabbed Guillermo’s neck and feet.

It was so tough that the mana that had been protecting it almost melted at the moment.

Second casting soon.

It is a common magic for 1 class, and a magic that binds the enemy.


It was basic magic, but its power varied greatly depending on who used it.

In fact, the story that a mage who freely used the 5th class captured Drake only with [Necto] is quite famous.


No matter how hard he tried to move, the strings made of mana did not budge.

“-I don’t know who is arrogant.”

Mana gathered.

Frankly, it was true that he excelled.

Because it was faster than any being I’ve ever dealt with.

what is its power

‘If I was right, I would have lost.’

However, that was the story of that time.

Guillermo’s face turned red.


Mana burned and tried to release the bondage, but it was not enough.

Manus’s magic was not something that could be solved with just spirit.

This means that there is an overwhelming difference in capabilities between the two.

The final magic has been completed.

A shield can block anything, but the impact must be received intact.

Because the guardians’ counters were ‘physical’ magic.


3 classes.

Something huge hit Guillermo’s shield head-on.


In response to the shock, the blonde guardian rolled across the floor.

I was out of breath and my whole body was weak.

It was such a shock that I didn’t even know what had happened.

A sharp pain ran through his whole body, and when he came to his senses, he was already thrown out of the arena.


“Did you just try to bring me down with that kind of skill?”

Manus, who had approached him before he knew it, looked down at him.

I tried to move my body, but it was not easy.

Manus looked down with cold eyes and chose his words again.

The part he doesn’t remember.

Because it was a problem that had to be pointed out right and wrong.

So I asked.

“Your sister is not seeing the sun?”


Guillermo’s eyes haven’t died yet.

Manus nodded slightly.

“Then I’ll have to pull it out again.”


“I have grown up. There’s no law telling your sister not to do that either. I put it in with my own hand, so I will take it out.”

Guillermo didn’t know what to say.


what is he trying to talk about?

What does it mean?

Manus spoke again.

“I will atone for my past mistakes outside the academy.”

“… … under.”

Guillermo relaxed his neck and leaned the back of his head on the cold floor.

What is this power loss?

I just cried at the words that didn’t matter.

“What is your sister’s name?”

“Clarina. It’s Berkeley Clarina.”

“I don’t remember this time. It would be nice to have a vacation.”

Guillermo’s sister had a strong sense of justice, was cheerful, and was always radiant.

Since it was Caesar who brought the darkness, they thought it was their job to reap the darkness.

Someday, someday, I really wanted to go to the Duchy of Caesar and spit out those words.

“-It must be faster than I thought.”

The sunny day may come sooner than I thought.

Manus said to the juniors who were watching them that they were far away.

“What are you doing? He said he was practicing.”

“-Ah, yes!”

“sure! I have to! practice!”

There was also a demonic nature in his words.

Guillermo lay down, closed his eyes, and seemed lost in thought.

Manus did not bother and moved on.

[Interference has begun.]

I didn’t know what or who I was interfering with.

It’s a guardian that’s stretched out.

Or a guardian wannabe who hasn’t seen the light of day yet.

If not, it must be one of the people around here.

Either way it didn’t matter.

In the past, it would be his job to correct the path that Manus took the wrong way.

Originally, it was a personality that did not like to leave a stain.

That’s why, even when I lived on Earth, I didn’t have a personality that was a nuisance to others.

‘I’m done with Manus too.’

I decided to do it now.

Is this life a blessing?

Until now, I was thinking that way.

In return, I could handle the things I had done wrong in the past and bowed my head here and there.

How high is the pride of an office worker in Korea, especially at the bottom?

I always had to be humble, and I always lived a life tailored for someone.

‘Now, it’s much better than that.’

The unreal sight he was seeing now became a reality that stimulated his five senses.

As Guillermo slowly got up, Manus crossed his arms.

It must have been a dirty and mean life.

They must have been prejudiced that those up there would not have paid any attention to those below them.

Even Manus hated that.

live rightly

– At least he was taught that way.

“I will be busy for a while.”

His brain fog was scattered and buried in the riot.

Guillermo’s somewhat relieved expression eased Manus’s burden.

If he couldn’t join the party thanks to himself, it would cause a major disruption to his schedule.

The training continued.

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  1. nverthles says:

    shoutout to all respectable protagonists, gotta be one of my favourite genders fr

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not work with dark mode