The Betrayed Devil No Longer Hides His Power chapter 53

The Betrayed Devil No Longer Hides His Power 53

53 – New Hero 17

Athena, the capital of the Holy Empire.

A place considered the home of elves and a sanctuary.

Looking at that place, an existence said to be the ruler of the holy kingdom and an agent of God.

Pope Wilhelm VI.

I was in deep trouble.

“How the hell did this happen… how come… Our free races… “

“His Holiness the Pope… “

“It was us who together destroyed the Demon Kingdom just a year ago. At that time, I thought there would be no more war….”

“Didn’t it be said that human greed has no end? It’s all because of that evil emperor. Continus… If it wasn’t for that ugly bastard… “

“… No, you can’t see it that simply. Maybe all of this is punishment from God… “


“Shin punishment… What are you talking about?”

The pope says something unexpected.

The archbishops nearby looked surprised.

“Now I’m just saying… God always said this. To love each other Always seek peace.”

“Yes, isn’t that what the Holy Father always said?”

A story that is always told in the process of teaching the people and preaching the faith.

Since love and peace are the basic tenets of God, it could be said that it was a natural story.


Now this word had a different meaning to the pope.

“About this… I naturally took it to mean defeating evil and bringing about peace. But I thought while looking at the demon king who died while reaching out for peace. I wonder if the peace God said includes demons as well.”


“That… It can’t be, can it? The opponent is the source of evil, the demons who are said to have been born from the devil. How can such people… “

“Be quiet and listen to the end!”

Natural rebound.

But the pope resolutely shut their mouths.

“Of course, many people define demons as evil. I was thinking that too. Because there were countless people who were killed by demons and monsters. But… Think about it. What is the difference between them and the humans who are attacking us now?”


“Ummm… “

The pope’s words left the archbishops speechless.

Humans who break trust and stick a knife in their backs.

Many elves had already been killed, and some were sold into slavery and were even subjected to humiliation that they could not bear to open their eyes to see.

On the other hand, at least the demons did not betray in this way.

From the beginning, they have maintained a consistent appearance even when they reached out their hands for peace, even as enemies.

If you look at the realistic aspect, leaving the fundamental part

There was nothing to say about true evil, even if it was actually humans.

“The forces of evil are ultimately determined by actions. The moment the demons reached out for peace, they ceased to be evil, whereas… The humans who betrayed those demons and betrayed us can no longer be called evil. It means that good and evil can eventually change by choice.”

“… I see what you mean. His Holiness the Pope.”

“… You are right.”

The archbishops agree with the pope’s words.

After such a series of ‘persuasion’.

The Pope spoke in a calm voice.

“If so, no one will object if I sign here now. Is there anything else you would like to say?”

“… “

“… “

Archbishops who remain silent.

With the story just before, there is nothing more to say about justification.

The practical part has already been secured in the sense that increasing the number of enemies here is just a call to ruin.

Looking at the scene where the opposing views disappeared,

The Pope raised his pen with a bitter smile on his lips.

“As of this time, we elves and demons are allies. Let’s forget about the bad ties of the past and drive out the humans together.”

“Okay. His Holiness the Pope.”

“I will follow your will.”


Troops that started moving from Pelopon Castle.

3000 Elven soldiers.

A large army of nearly 10,000 undead with over 6,000,

They were on their way to Thebes, where they were confronting the enemy’s main force.

“Heh heh.. I really am. I never thought the day would come when I could march with the undead in my lifetime.”

“Seeing it up close like this, it’s amazing again, how they dragged those heavy loads casually.”

The Undead are transporting some of the elves’ supplies.

Certainly, except for the aversion to dealing with corpses, the value as labor force could be said to be very high.

In fact, some wizards have published papers in this regard, but it has never been realized due to their aversion to the undead.

Anyway, while a little amazed at the fact that they could actually see such a strange phenomenon, the elves were marching in silence for now.

And, the person who leads these troops.

Saint Freeda and Queen Hella were conversing in a clear voice, as if to be heard by those around them.

“Are we going to Thebes at this rate?”

“No, Her Majesty, the situation over there is urgent, but there are people we need to deal with before that. Those who are still running to join them.”

“Dwarves… ?”

“Yes, it is. They lead about 8000 troops. If they join the humans, it will be quite annoying.”

“You may need to cut it before that. Is there a suitable place?”

“Yes, if we hurry, we should be able to arrive ahead of them and prepare for the interception.”

After that, Frieza looked at Hella’s face for a while.

A serious gaze.

It seemed to contain emotions like a warning that he would keep an eye on his opponent.

“I want you to show it clearly. Because we still have no doubts about you.”

Darth and Nessus nodded slightly from behind, as if expressing sympathy for what he said.

No matter how grandiose you may say, it means nothing if you don’t actually show your strength.

As a reminder of that fact, Hella replied with a smile.

“Of course. Very sure… Let me show you.”


“Hurry up! It’s not long before Thebes!”

“Don’t break ranks! March straight ahead!”

A group of dwarves marching along the forest road.

At the forefront, their lord, Balin, personally participated in the battle wearing armor.

Balin goes to his parents’ house with a burning desire for revenge against his younger brother.

However, his current mood was not very good in another sense.

“Chit… No matter how you look at it, the troops are too small. Even after collecting so much, it’s only 8,000.”

“It can’t be helped. We didn’t have enough time, and above all, we couldn’t easily withdraw our troops when the orcs were on the move.”

Orcs bordering the Dwarf Kingdom.

They sided with the elves this time and were preparing to go to war.

If that happened, there was a possibility of running straight to the battlefield, the elven kingdom, but

Conversely, the possibility of invading the Dwarf Kingdom, which was located closest to the human side, could not be ruled out.

Due to this, the Dwarven Kingdom was unable to move much troops despite the king’s personal government,

The result was this.

“Those filthy savages bother people until the end.

“Is it possible? Until now, I was forced to shake hands because I was a free race, but it was honestly not easy to see that disgusting face.”

The dwarves are advancing while cursing the orcs together.

At that time, they saw a Dwarf soldier running in front of them with a flag on their back.

“Looks like you’re scouting for us.”

“Huh? Why is there only one?”

A skirmisher running straight ahead and kneeling.

Looking at that, Balin lightly touched his chin and said.

“What is it? Where are the other guys going and why are you alone?”

– “Excuse me, Your Majesty. Others are probing further ahead. I came because I had been instructed to come in advance and report the situation.”


-“Yes, this is a report that you must be careful when marching because the valley ahead is narrow and the mountains are steep. Fortunately, the enemy’s ambush is not visible, but it is considered that there will be inconvenience for our soldiers to move.”

“Ummm… “

“Your Majesty. If the road is narrow and rough, it is difficult for us to pass. You’d better find another way.”

Due to their racial characteristics, they were dwarves who were short but armed with thick heavy equipment.

In this situation where there are not just one or two, but 8,000 people, a rugged mountain march is not an easy choice.

However, King Balin asked in a serious voice.

“If you cross this mountain, you would say that Thebes would be instantaneous, right?”

– “Yes, it is. But like I said, the mountain is tough… “

“Then there is no need to go back. Even if the mountain road is rough, how rough is it?”

“Your Majesty. Don’t do that and find your way back… “

– “Ah! Don’t say that No time to waste looking for a way back from here! At least within two days, you will have to join the Imperial Army. Above all, didn’t they say they couldn’t see their enemies? If that’s the case, just be a little careful and move around and that’s it.”

“Ummm… “

The king shouts with discomfort.

As much as their heart was sharpened by the death of their younger brother, others could not refute this.

“Advancing. You go and announce that we are coming.”

– “Yes, I understand, Your Majesty.”

After that, the skirmisher disappears at a fairly quick pace for his short legs.

Following him, the dwarves began to slowly move forward.

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