The Blockhead Became an Overpowered Magician chapter 20

20 - Semester Preparation (2)

20 – Semester Preparation (2)



‘Surely you caught me following you?’

While Ern was fretting, Lia came closer and asked.

“Would you like to join me?”


Why do you talk like that?

Of course, she was pointing to a request on the bulletin board with her finger.

“Are you also looking for a quest that can be completed quickly within one day?”

Ern said, ‘No, I don’t know about the request, I was just stalking you?’ Since she couldn’t say anything, she improvised and decided to answer shamelessly.

“Oh. How did you know?”

Lia answered with a grin.

“You don’t have any luggage. You’re just like me.”

There are quests such as escorting or dungeon raids that take a long time but have a large reward. And usually the adventurers aiming for that were all carrying heavy luggage.

As full-time adventurers, it was easy to distinguish between those who were aiming for a big win and those who simply accepted requests with a light heart.

Leah’s observation was valid. She was, except for the fact that she was just being followed.

“Anyway, what do you think about that request?”

Ern turned her attention to the request letter that Lia had mentioned.

[Quest: Collecting Edible Lizards]

[Collect 20 lizards for lizard skewers.]


“If you do it with two people, it’ll be a lot easier, right? You can finish it much faster than before!”

Lizard collection quest. I’ve tried it once.

From No ble mt L dot c om

And as Lia said, it was also true that the difficulty level was significantly lower if played with two people.

‘The problem is that I only did it once and never did it again.’

I almost threw the mouse. She clearly remembered it because it was one of the rare times she got upset while playing a game.

‘Plus, the points given are too poor.’

[Reward: 10P]

‘Even if I do this, I won’t use much magic…’ .’

She didn’t mean to, but looking at the flow, it seemed like she would carry out one of her requests with Lia.

So Ern decided to take advantage of this opportunity to check her magic skills.

Meanwhile, Lia became sullen when she noticed that Ern’s expression was not bright.

She drooped her shoulders, pulled her hood deeper and looked away.

“…I guess I started talking for no reason. I’m sorry…’

“No, no, it’s good to form a party.”


Leah regained her vitality. Her eyes, which had been staring at the floor, sparkled again.

“I was just thinking about another request.”


‘… He’s okay, right?’

I decided to think positively. Still, you can make yourself feel better right away, right?

Erne looked around her request board again and pointed out one of hers.

[Quest: Blade Flower Removal]

[Remove all blade flowers that ruin farming from the designated area.]

[Reward: 300P]

“How about this?”

“…They don’t give much money.”

Erne, who chose the quest based only on points, was overlooking her financial reward.

‘That’s right.’

It seems that a poor farmer used up what little money he had to request it.

“…When choosing a request, do you only look at the money?”

Lia looked at Ern with an expression of ‘Why are you asking the obvious?’

“Then what do you look at and choose?”

“Po… Honor or something…?”


‘… First of all, it’s clear that you don’t know the point system.’

Lia’s gaze turned cold.

Ern hurriedly changed her words because Lia was glaring at her as if she was some kind of pervert.

“It was a joke.”

“hahahaha, right?”



[Quest: Wild Hog Subjugation]

It was a request chosen after compromise and discussion with Lia.

It was a quest that seemed to involve using magic during the quest, but also allowed you to receive a reasonable amount of money. In addition, the points that Ern could earn were reasonable.

“I think it’s better than collecting lizards!”

Lia cheerfully took her request form off her bulletin board and went to her guild reception desk and handed it out.

“Yes, I will accept it. You two are having a party, right?”


“Please give me your adventurer registration certificate.”

Leah pulled out her steel registration card from her old robes.

“Yes. Adventurer Lia, and…?”


Ern asked Lia’s understanding as he approached the reception desk.

“There’s something I need to take care of briefly. Would you like to go out first?”


After confirming that Lia was far enough away, Ern asked the receptionist.

“Will I be registered as an adventurer?”

“Ah… Yes. Is there anything that can prove your identity?”

‘Um…. I only have one school ID card.’

It was something that could not be helped.

Erne took out her platinum ID card from her inventory. Because it was a valuable item, she couldn’t just carry it around in her robe pocket.


The receptionist was astonished.

‘Sensia School!?’

There were many wizards who registered as adventurers in advance, either as a side job or just in case. And she had seen countless school ID cards.

But the Sensia School was the first.

There was no need to mention the authenticity of the ID card.

The ID card, decorated with delicately engraved patterns, was like a work of art in itself. The jewel at the end was sparkling with the power of mana even in broad daylight.

Of course, the face drawn on the card matched the face of the wizard in front of me.

‘… ‘You’re in big trouble.’

It was obvious that an official member of the Sensia School would be a highly skilled wizard. Moreover, he even used space-based magic, which was rumored to be complex, right in front of her.

‘Even young…. ‘You must be tired today.’

“I’m sorry, Wizard… But according to guild regulations, registration is possible starting from the lowest level…”

The Adventurer’s Guild placed importance on performance through completing requests. No matter how great an individual’s ability was, the rules were usually applied fairly.

In the first place, it was only a very small number of exceptions that received a high grade without any performance. And unfortunately, the wizard in front of me was not included in that.

The receptionist closed her eyes tightly. It was obvious that the wizard’s words would soon be heard.

It was against their will for a wizard who was active in the school to receive the lowest level of adventurer.

-What? How dare me?

-What!? You don’t know who I am??

-The lowest grade? What kind of law is this?! Call the guild leader right now!

These were actual words she heard while working at her reception desk.

“Oh. Good.”


‘I guess I can complete the quest right away.’

Erne was just happy that she was registered right away without any conditions.

“I just have to pay the registration fee, right?”


As the receptionist received the coin from Ern, she wondered if perhaps she should change her prejudice against wizards.


“What happened?”

“Oh, it was no big deal.”

Ern and Lia started walking side by side towards the outskirts of the city.

“I heard that all the success rewards were given to Mr. Ern…”

“hahahahaha. Lia, you’re good at telling jokes.”

If you go around like that, you will end up on the guild’s blacklist or the streets at night will become dangerous. Besides, you already have enough money, so why would you do something like that?


“…You’re kidding, right?”

When Ern asked with a straight face, Lia hurriedly answered.

“It’s all natural.”

Seeing Lia’s unique way of thinking, Ern turned her head and just looked at the distant mountains.

‘… Things will get better once the academy semester starts, right?’

Leah… He had the temperament of a miser.

‘No, maybe it’s just a miser…’ .’

Considering my family background, it was understandable. Leah grew up in a single-parent family whose circumstances were difficult.

In the first place, they were a mother and daughter who lived at Kagon Academy without even dreaming of it.

But by chance, a certain wizard recognized Lia’s magical talent and gave her a letter of recommendation.

When Leah’s mother discovered her daughter’s talent, she decided it was the opportunity of a lifetime. Then he gathered all of her family wealth and sent her to her academy.

Originally, it was an enormous amount, but it was possible thanks to a one-time sponsorship from a wizard who recognized Lia’s talent and the kingdom’s welfare projects.

But the support stopped there.

Like a poor college student, Lia was in a position to worry about her livelihood while attending the academy.

The good news was that the Academy valued respect. In other words, support was provided to help students maintain their dignity.

Student uniforms were provided, dormitories and meals were provided, and in addition, a certain amount of money was paid to students who needed it in the name of maintaining their dignity.

And all of this was separate from the scholarships provided for excellent grades.

Of course, these were things that could be received on the premise that the semester was in progress.

As Leah walked her way, she suddenly asked a question.

“The distribution ratio is based on the number of monsters, right?”

It didn’t matter anyway, so Ern roughly agreed.


“hehehe. Good!”

Lia was excited to fight harder and earn more.

“Are you confident in subduing monsters?”

“That’s how I use magic.”


‘Looking at something so confident, can we expect skill?’

From No ble mt L dot c om

The farther away you get from the center of the city, the bigger and greener trees stand out more than the buildings. The paved road turned into a dirt road, and there were few people.

We had already reached the border of the city.

“By the way, Ern, are you good at using magic?”

Erne planned to avoid participating in battles as much as possible in order to test her skills. So she decided to lay her groundwork.

“It’s not that great.”

“Even if the ratio is low later, you won’t say anything else, right?”

“…Of course.”

– Rustling rustling

At that time, the grass next to the dirt road moved and an animal with sharp teeth quickly ran through the vegetation.

“Oh, what a surprise!”

Ern was startled and instinctively cast her skill.

– Quite a sum!

Wild Hog fell down after being hit on the head by a rock.

“…Didn’t you say you’re not good at using magic?”


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  1. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    Kekw my man blew his cover after establishing it lmaoo

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