The Damn Family Is Back Again chapter 117

The Damn Family Is Back Again 117

117. The Aiperos Family (10)


I let out a deep sigh.

This game is influenced by even the slightest clue, affecting the choices.

That’s why.

I was confident that there would be no obstacles in my deal with the Marquis of Aipheros.

No. Considering this, it’s more like I’ve gained a foothold.

The Marquis of Aipheros’ box starts at -5%.

He’s not enthusiastic about Carcsein, and he doesn’t trust me during the transaction, so he’s cautious. This is the biggest premise for continuing our deal.

However, I’ve already had a significant impact on this episode.

It was a coincidence, but I met him at a tavern and saved him from some drunks, questioning the Empire’s prejudice against Yarikin.

As a result, I learned the name Polux Tutulorum, and our intimacy level rose sharply from -5% to 12%.

That’s enough.

I’ve heard that I’m different from the Empire’s people who hate Yarikin.

Having a familiar face like Harnee made it easier to approach him, and we exchanged introductions with a handshake, remembering each other’s names.

Even if Carcsein isn’t involved, my conviction inside should have been conveyed to him well.

Our meeting at the tavern was a strong, memorable first impression. At least, it didn’t feel like the system was intervening.

What’s the problem after that?

Since we know each other, there’s no need for a separate introduction.

It doesn’t seem like I’ve offended Polux’s sensibilities up to this point.

There are still people showing me their dark boxes, but it’s not like they’re bothering me much.

There’s no problem at all.

“But why?”

– I want to cross swords with you, not with a wooden sword, but with a real one.

– If you avoid this fight, I’ll give up on trading with you.

Why does Polux want to have a duel with me?

I couldn’t understand why I had to continue this duel that seemed to have gone wrong.

I thought about it for a while, but I couldn’t find an answer.

In the end, my gaze returned to the status window.

▶Episode III. Proof of Nobility is in progress!◀

▶Finish the duel with Aipheros Marquis, Polux Tutulorum, and complete the trade!◀

Seeing the system message, which was identical to the one in the game, I came to a single conclusion.

“…Is this unavoidable? Is this also?”

This too, seems to be a predetermined sequence.

It’s unavoidable.

I came to that conclusion.

I closed my eyes, opened them again, and checked the status window. Then, I immediately grasped my sword and headed out.

As I did, Harnee, who was standing beside me with her hand on her waist, narrowed her eyes, looking quite dissatisfied.

“Carcsein, where are you going now?”

“I’m going out, as you can see.”

“What are you going to do outside?”

“Uh… maybe swing my sword a few times.”

I hadn’t decided what to do.

Whether I trained or caught a few more monsters.

I just thought I had to fill my lacking stats somehow.

If the deal with Polux fails, it’s practically a death flag, isn’t it?

But before I even went outside.

She pushed me away and locked the door.

“You’re seriously… going to grab a sword and go outside without sleeping for a few hours? That’s not common sense!”

“Sleep time can be adjusted, you know.”

At least, that’s what I thought. But Harnie’s eyebrows became even more sharp.

“No way. Come here and sit down.”

She grabbed my arm and sat me down on the sofa.

When I tried to resist, she narrowed her eyes and tapped the sofa, urging me to sit.

“Polux wants to duel with you in the best condition possible. So, shouldn’t we think about the Dephysian syndrome first?”

Harnie said, holding up a herb.

I hadn’t forgotten, though.


“I’ve taken it several times, but it didn’t change anything.”

I knew that it wouldn’t solve the Dephysian syndrome.

◆Isellef Leaf

[ A leaf that helps you activate in the western region infected with magic. ]

◆Amphiric Root

[ A root that helps you activate in the western region infected with magic. ]

It’s just like the in-game description.

The item description clearly states that it helps you activate in the western region infected with magic.

But even if I eat it, the effect doesn’t appear.

I had discovered this fact while progressing through the episode in the western region.

“Are you saying you’ve taken it directly? I’ve been to the west before, but I didn’t know.”

“Uh? No… that is…”

I had been to the game many times, but… this was my mistake.

“Hmm. I’ve eaten it at the workshop.”

“At the workshop… you mean this?”

“That’s right. It tastes terrible, doesn’t it?”

When I think about it, this is a real experience.

Karsain says it tastes bad when he eats it.

And it tastes bad?

What a great excuse.

“Flora once played a prank on my food. I didn’t mean to eat it, but it ended up like that.”

But it’s true, anyway…

I remember eating it once because of Flora.

“Hmm… that’s right.”

Good, I’ve overcome it.

“But what’s more important now is not this story, right? Let’s just drop it. I need to show Polux my skills, so I need to get my body ready. Rusmeier’s trading partner needs a gemstone, and there’s no better place than this.”

I think that’s a sufficient reason.

I consider my deal with Polux to be extremely important.

As the lord of Rusmeier, the Earl of Iperos is a great trading partner for selling gemstones.

And to make this deal happen, I need to polish my skills and confront him.

There’s no reason for her to let me go.

But suddenly, Harnei let out a sigh.

“Looking at how you can’t even catch this, it’s clear that your condition is extremely bad, Karcein. I know it well.”


“When Polux talked about the Dipeshan syndrome, what did he say? He must have added that it needs to be consumed in a special way.”


Did I miss that?

“I guarantee that the you I know wouldn’t miss this. Moreover, I’m also standing on this land, so why wouldn’t I think of it?”


“Lack of sleep is a factor that breaks concentration. You say you’re fine, but it’s undeniable that you’ve revealed this weakness.”

Harnei tapped the sofa twice again.

“Okay, as I said, let’s take a good rest here today?”

I couldn’t answer anything, it was a total defeat.

By not answering Harnei’s two questions, I was acknowledging that my body lacked sleep.

I sat down and tried to explain a bit.

“My concentration has gotten dull, but it’s not because of sleep.”

“Aww, you’re making excuses again.”

“I’m telling the truth. I don’t sleep much normally.”

“Hmm, then let’s test it out.”


“By consuming the Iserelf leaf and Ampirik root in a warm water tea form, we can create resistance to magic’s erosion. However, in the process, we draw out some mana, which induces sleep.”

“…So, if I drink this, I’ll fall asleep?”

“That’s correct.”

Harnei smiled brightly and clapped.

“Here, this sleep isn’t just ordinary sleep, but the body’s defense mechanism is activated, so if you’re really tired, you’ll need more time.”

“Hmm, was that the meaning?”

It seems Harnei’s claim has been proven right.

The body’s defense mechanism, which operates through the tea’s effects, is directly linked to my physical fatigue.

If I’m more tired, the more tired I am, the longer I’ll sleep – it’s not a big deal.

‘It’s nothing for a high school student who’s working part-time and studying at the same time.’

I readily asked Harnei to give me the tea.

And I overlooked one big thing.

This body, being Carcsein’s body.


Harnie handed Carcsein a prepared drink, and Carcsein soon fell asleep after drinking it.

Watching him, Harnie finally relaxed and let out a sigh of relief.

“How can a person sleep for only two hours a day? Is this a sign of strong mental power or stubbornness?”

From noble mtl dot com

-Tap. Tap.

Poking his cheek with her index finger, Harnie finally spoke the words she had been wanting to say to him.

“Even if it’s just a contractual engagement, how can you talk like that? Ugh. Ugh. If you hadn’t said that to Polux, you would have gone back and not slept today, right? Yeah, right. Ugh.”

Carcsein’s cheek, which would sink in every time she poked it.

But the deeply sleeping man showed no signs of waking up. He must have been pretending not to wake up, allowing her to tease him like this.

As she gazed at the sleeping Carcsein, a slight warmth rose in her heart, a natural feeling that emerged at times like this.

“…Wouldn’t it be better to sleep in a more comfortable place, at least?”

Harnie, who had fallen asleep in the carriage, exhausted, had slept for a few hours in Carcsein’s arms.

It was his consideration.

Although she had been startled and pushed him away, she couldn’t just leave him with his head hitting the carriage wall, so she had done that, no doubt about it.

And, when she pushed him, a book had fallen, too.

He must have been reading with one hand, holding his shoulder with the other, in an uncomfortable position.



The half of his body that had been leaning against her was undoubtedly warm.

Harnie had been able to sleep for a few hours, thanks to that.

“Ugh, what am I thinking!”

Harnie shook her head, trying to shake off the memory of that time.

It wasn’t the time to dwell on the past; she needed to focus on moving the uncomfortably sleeping Carcsein to the bedroom.


Oh, why was it so heavy?

Carcsein’s build wasn’t that large, was it?

She tried to lift him again, using more strength.

“Ugh, huff, hua…!”

It was too difficult for a slender woman like her to move a man to the bedroom.

If she had known, she would have just served him tea in the bedroom instead.

What to do?

She didn’t want to leave him sleeping uncomfortably like this.

“…Yeah. At least, I should put him to sleep on the sofa.”

Harnie brought a pillow and blanket from the bedroom and immediately changed the place where Carcsein would sleep to the sofa.


Something strange was happening to Carcsein’s body in the meantime.

“Huh? It’s not that hot in the room… Why is he sweating?”

Harnie, who had thrown down the pillow and blanket, quickly wiped away Carcsein’s sweat.

As her fingertips touched his cold skin.

“Ah, impossible…”

Like Carcsein had mentioned directly, this chill would induce drowsiness and simultaneously activate the body’s defense mechanism. It was a natural defense mechanism for the body to adapt to magic.

One could also say that something that activates the defense mechanism appears as a side effect.

Therefore, the simultaneous drop in body temperature and cold sweat could be seen as a side effect of this chill, a symptom that appears during the process of adapting to magic.

-But it varies from person to person; sometimes, the side effect can be a drop in body temperature. This occurs not only during the time it takes to adapt to magic but also when the body’s immune system is weak. In such cases—

“I need to… raise my body temperature.”

It would be easy to do so by adding more firewood to the fireplace, but that’s not possible.

Unfortunately, it’s winter, and we’re in the west. Going outside to fetch wood would be a problem, and there’s no time to waste in this situation where my body temperature is rapidly dropping.

It would be faster to find someone who can help Carcsein before his body temperature drops further.

Suddenly, the memory of the carriage incident came flooding back.

Harnie recalled the warmth that remained on her shoulder, stroking it gently.

“…Yeah, that’s right. It’s possible.”

There’s nothing here but a blanket and a pillow.

I can’t move him to anywhere else, and the best I can do is to share my body heat with him.

Carcsein did it, so why can’t I?

Harnie lay down on the narrow sofa, wrapping her arms around Carcsein’s body.

She also covered him with a blanket to prevent heat from escaping.

However, Carcsein’s body was too cold.

It was terrifying to think about how low his body temperature had dropped.

“Is this… not enough?”

Fear crept in.

What if he stops breathing in this state?

I need to transfer my body heat to him faster.

-Whoosh, swoosh.

Harnie slightly lifted her clothes, revealing her bare skin.

From her shoulders to her collarbone, her soft breasts were pressed against Carcsein’s body, but she didn’t have any such awareness.

What mattered most was getting his body temperature back up quickly.

“Why are you making me suffer like this? Really.”

She muttered in discontent, hoping that he would get up without any issues.

Harnie held Carcsein’s body tightly, closing her eyes.

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  1. I may comment it in this place but I say it!! Do. Not. Ever. Give. Me. Harem. TAGS!!!!

  2. Pure Candy says:

    This is the pure love

  3. I want the regret tag stuff back

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