The Devil Who Grants Wishes chapter 12

The Devil Who Grants Wishes 12

Let’s see… The wood will have to be procured locally, so should I mainly buy tools like nails and hammers?

No, it was said that if you use any wood to make a house out of wood, as time goes by, the moisture in the wood evaporates and the whole house is twisted, causing a catastrophe.

If that’s the case, I’ll have to buy some wood to use as a material.

“The price includes everything including nails and hammers, foundation stones, plywood, dry wood, etc. Five gold coins are a separate reward for you, so take them.”

“Thank you, Nari!”

There is one thing I have realized while living as Faust, which is that you have to use your heart generously.

What’s the reason for a guy who only speaks a little noble, wears a hood all over his body, and doesn’t show his appearance properly, and has been living in the city for so long?

They were all able to live peacefully by giving them a decent amount of money. After that, the quality of life goes up as much as the troublesome things are taken care of by the other side.

Of course, it is also important to create an atmosphere that people should not simply be generous, and that they should not touch it prematurely.

Giving money to a suspicious person is a risk that a suspicious person will find out his identity, but handing over money from a suspicious person who uses a noble tone and exudes an overbearing atmosphere makes people think that he is beyond his control. making it mean

It was a pain in the ass because of the way he spoke, but it’s good at times like this.

Of course, such a job costs a lot of money, but again, this is not a problem.

“Oh shit, why doesn’t the earwax come out like this-… You’ve come, thank you again this time.”

It’s because you can just take out the stuff from the subspace warehouse and sell it to the general store.

The deaf elf shopkeeper finds me doing something else and takes the position of the shopkeeper to greet customers as usual.

Even so, the dark circles around the eyes, the musty smell of cigarettes, and the appearance of unwashed people cannot be eliminated.

…Aren’t elves a noble being who loves nature anyway? I’ve only seen two elves so far, but why are they all flawed?

Still, Soo-wan is very good unlike what it looks like, so it’s reliable enough.

‘You’ve fully monetized Eclipse.’

If a civilian gets a precious gem like the Eclipse, it is very difficult to just dispose of it.

A high-ranking aristocrat such as the king can pressure him to hand it over to him, and evil spirits can attack him.

However, the manager avoided all such risks and succeeded in cashing out Eclipse while completely hiding his identity and me. That’s a whopping 120,000 gold worth.

Since the money I got from selling Eclipse is 45,000 gold, if I do a simple calculation, I can say that I lost 75,000 gold.

But anyway, that money is money that I would not have obtained without the cooperation of the store owner, and the act of selling goods in such a pawnshop-type store after completely hiding my identity is the feeling that it is so unfair that I have to bear the original loss. didn’t take

“It’s a magic stone.”

“Ummm… 5,000 gold.”

They say that if you sell it on the normal route, it will be about 10,000 gold.

Of course, if you deduct taxes and market fees, and subtract other miscellaneous expenses such as transportation costs, identity concealment costs, and other miscellaneous costs, it would be roughly 7000 gold, then what a conscientious price.

“Okay, don’t do that.”

As much as I knew it well, I did not negotiate the price and accepted the manager’s offer, and the manager nodded his head as usual and gave the price.

It’s 5,000 gold, so it’ll be enough for the interior of the house.

It won’t be as extravagant and lavish as the refurbished old house, but it will still make for a quality home.

Let’s see, I got all the external materials, so let’s pass it on, and where are the internal materials and the interior?

“The… guest.”

As I was about to leave the store after collecting the money, the manager suddenly caught me.

Uh… it’s never been like this before…?

The conversation the two of them had in the meantime was just a business relationship with each other, so it was just about the price of goods.

No, except for the first day, I just hand over the goods, the manager tells the price, and I just agreed to it, so strictly speaking, should there be no proper conversation?

“What’s going on?”

“The Church of Seraphia is said to be sending a large-scale exorcism priesthood to this city.”

“It’s a priesthood.”

“They treat their victims as just collateral damage. To get rid of the demons, they will do everything they can to either blockade the entire city or get rid of civilians with potential possessiveness, so please be careful.”

The Church of Seraphia is a group that occupies a pivotal role in Noah’s story. It serves Seraphia, the god of light, and uses all its power to eliminate demons.

If there is a shadow, it is not to remove the shadow, but to be strong enough to remove all the objects that block the light and create the shadow.

But that’s just an external image, in reality it’s just a fanatic cult group.

They “purify” the infidels by declaring a grand crusade against countries that do not believe in seraphia, and since seraphia can only gain power through people’s faith, it intentionally induces the generation of demons to make people believe in seraphia. As a result, Seraphia not only tolerates such behaviors of the denomination, but encourages them and controls them from behind.

In fact, his name alone is a god of light, and his mindset is no different than a devil who treats his followers as energy batteries, so he was chosen as Noah’s raid boss early.

‘In my memory, Azrael was released, Samael was released, and then Seraphia came out, maybe? Then, after a short break, Faust comes out?’

Anyway, why did the denomination suddenly come here— ah, me?

Well, I just sent the priests back. If those priests had reported to the denomination, of course a subjugation party would be formed.

Uh… um…

But why does the manager tell me that? did you happen to hear it?

“By the way, why are you telling me that without paying for it?”

“It’s just… a simple favor to our long-time customers. If the city is locked down, you might be in trouble, so it’s best to avoid it in advance. I’m going to get out and settle somewhere else soon.”

I was a little nervous because I was afraid that I might be found out that I was a demon, but I guess I misunderstood.

uhm, really.

If the manager had known that I was the devil, he would have run away sooner.

By the way, the denomination will be acting secretly. Knowing this information is surprising, but the manager is really resourceful.

“You have wide feet.”

“Isn’t that why I’ve been working on this floor for so long?”

The manager is elated that he is happy with my compliments.

Well, frankly, I can teleport and win whether the church comes or not, so I don’t need this much information, but still, I can’t express it as much as the manager is sincere.

“Manager, what’s your name? I’m Faust.”

“…Irene, this is Irene of the Golden Leaf.”

“Irene, I’ll see you later when we get together again.”

It’s such a decadent look, but her name is Irene… She’s such a cute girl.

If it hadn’t been for Faust’s body, I would have laughed at the unbalance.


“…I’m gone.”

I hope that demon, Faust, hears this information and leaves the city quickly.

If you don’t, there will be a lot of damage. It was a huge amount of damage that was unimaginable until now.

Unlike normal demons, they are said to be demons with a very special personality that is not interested in others, but even though they are attacked, there is no reason not to fight back.

If the Exorcist Priests of the Seraphia Church attack Faust, the aftermath will be huge enough to engulf the city.

Of course, I’ll be free from the aftermath as I’m leaving the city… But I don’t want the city I’ve stayed in for almost 50 years to be completely destroyed along with the inhabitants.

‘…By the way, it’s really special.’

The demon’s nature is evil, and its fundamental thinking is completely different from that of ordinary creatures.

Demons can never understand the thoughts and behaviors of creatures, so they only see creatures as their prey.

But what the hell is that demon called Faustra?

Do you not show any aggression beyond your normal social life? Even with such great power?

It’s like watching a rabbit stand on its two feet and hunt a lion with its teeth. I can’t quite say it.

But… even if it doesn’t make sense, I’ve seen it already exist, so what can I do? I have to understand


It’s a name I can’t remember.

A demon I don’t know about, old enough that long-lived fellow elves call me Grandma… Huh.

Of course, if it is a low-level demon, there is no need to remember it, so you may not know it. However, there is no way that the name of such a demon with a power so powerful that it makes the Archdaemons and Demon Balls pitiful has not been revealed until now.

There must be some complicated reason.

‘A pseudonym… no, this is a stupid idea.’

Possibly a pseudonym? none.

Unlike animals and plants that exist as creatures made of matter, demons that exist as life composed of concepts, magic, and will can never give false names that prove their life.

Of course, as the world is wide, there may be detours that I am not aware of… Faust, Faustra… No, that’s okay.

If you know too much, it can be dangerous, so don’t worry about it.

The secret to how long I’ve lived to this age is because I’ve turned my attention to things I shouldn’t have known.

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  1. Yeah when it was said the merchant had fuzzy hair and looked drunk, i didn’t imagine a girl at all

  2. Moonlit Walker says:

    I literally imagined a good uncle with huge muscles 🤣

    And he was a SHE!?

  3. Ath says:

    I thought she was an old man

  4. huehue huehue says:

    Eh, is the merchant a girl? Irene lmao 🤣

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