The Devil Who Grants Wishes chapter 28

The Devil Who Grants Wishes 28

“I can’t understand it with words… huh?”


The girl and the first demon she had ever seen suddenly disappeared.

They had been showing their backs to me until just a moment ago, but in the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared in an instant, leaving nothing but plain remains.

The demon, whose time has been stopped, sees Faust and the hero and decides that it has just suddenly disappeared from before his eyes.


“I was behind–what were you playing with?”

At that time, the demon heard the hero’s voice from behind and hurriedly turned back, but the demon faltered slightly at the unexpected sight.

…what is this?

Surely it was the girl who was all dying?

The armor I was wearing was torn to shreds by my fingernails, and the body of the girl wearing that armor was so normal.

Whether it was a torn nail, a scratch on the floor, a bruise from a beating, these wounds are disappearing all over the place.

The limp legs stood upright, and the muscles that had been twitching were also calmed. The eyes, which had been blurry without focus, were looking straight at me.

“Well… I’m not kidding.”

“…that demon.”

If not, I can’t really explain it.

I’m not sure what he did, but this girl received something from the devil in exchange for her soul.

‘Strength is… no. I didn’t get any power.’

The power of the devil is very heterogeneous, so if a non-demon entity is given the power of a demon, it will be very annoying. You can tell by just looking at them without using magic poems.

However, the power of the devil is not felt at all from this girl. Only the wounds are healed.

You sold your soul, but you didn’t receive any power and just healed your wounds?


Could it be that the devil didn’t grant his wish to the end because he gave his soul in advance and just left?

Hey, hey…!

Dare… It’s not enough to cut through, even breaking the devil’s customs and pride…!? After I kill this girl, I will definitely find that demon and tear it to pieces…!

“The pitiful and pitiful thing, you sold your soul and only healed your wounds?”


“Do you think you can beat me with just that!?”

How could this girl even look at me with those eyes?

get scared


beg for your life

It means despair.

But… how can you be so proud?



At that moment, an incomprehensible phenomenon occurs.

I wondered if the girl in front of me suddenly disappeared, then appeared right in front of me in an instant, and after a very short time I felt a tremendous pain in my arm.

arm was cut off

The forearm, which had barely recovered, was cut again.

“Keep…! Yes, please don’t admit slashing.”

Even if it wasn’t the devil, this girl would have cut off my forearm with just a slash. Everything else is bad, but this girl’s slash is very intimidating.

Damn, I shouldn’t have allowed access so easily…!

No, this is fine. Arms can regenerate quickly.

For a bitch who can’t even use magic and just wields a sword—


When I suddenly closed my eyes once and opened them, the girl I should have been looking down on is rather looking down at me.

Even with very dirty eyes looking down on me.

How dare this girl…! Hurry up, huh?

‘Your body… isn’t it moving?’

No matter how much I move my legs, no matter how much I move my arms, no matter how much I shake my head, my body doesn’t move at all.

The view is completely fixed. The only things that can move are the mouth and eyes.

Seeing that, it’s a little weird.

It’s not just looking up, isn’t it a viewing angle that looks like you’re looking up at the sky while crawling on the ground?

What the hell is this… Huh?



The devil, who had been lying on the ground with his head cut off, could not finish his speech.

It’s just that the hero’s sword will kill him.



Was this demon so weak?

Apparently it was powerful enough to annihilate our party in an instant… what, this?

you’re too slow I couldn’t even see myself moving.

“Ha ha ha ha ha…”

Oh my… that everyone was killed by something weak like this bug.

After all, my colleagues died because I was weak.

Because I was weak, I couldn’t even beat this worm, so I died.

I thought revenge would definitely bring you relief, but I thought you would be happy to get revenge on your colleagues… Why do you feel so empty?

Yes, everyone is already dead-

“Iris? What are you doing there?”

“Now hallucinations… Huh?”


Are you dreaming right now?

Hearing the dead Jack’s voice, I thought it must have been hallucinations… but it wasn’t.

When I turned my head, I saw Jack, who had obviously become a cold corpse, standing still.

It’s not just Jack. The other colleagues, the soldiers and knights who died while coming to investigate the ruins, are all standing still.

Am I… finally going crazy?

“You’re mentally utterly cornered.”


At that moment, Faust appears from behind wearing a robe.

He wore a long robe, his face was covered with dark shades, and his voice was changed to make it easier to hear… but for some reason you can tell it’s Faust.

Is it because I’ve tried to sum up a thousand times in a still space?

“You don’t like it? If you don’t like it, I’ll restore it to you.”

“What is that… I hope you…”

Faust simply created a magic circle on the palm of his hand in response to my question, and then nodded his head instead of answering it.

He clearly saw that the magic circle he had never seen was being made by the devil’s hands, but strangely, he was not at all wary.

“What the hell… Why the hell?”

“That’s… Hmm, yes. They paid too much for what they gave, so they said it was fair.”

What is it…

Are you saying that I paid too much for what I gave, so my soul was so valuable that I brought it all back to life to balance it out?

Why… Why didn’t you tell me… If I had known in advance I would… I…!


“Uh… ah…”


itchy eyes Balls are hot and moist.

It shouldn’t be like this… It shouldn’t be like this…

Everyone else is watching too… I have to stop…

“What, what?!”

“Wait, stop! Stop there!!”

At that moment, Faust, who had only been standing still, slowly walked towards me.

Everyone who sees Faust for the first time is wary of him and each poses, but, of course, Faust is not wary of them at all.

“You look like you didn’t tell me why.”


“Yeah, isn’t it obvious?”

‘Cause I’m the devil

Faust approached ignoring everyone’s boundaries and eventually said so. Whisper quietly in my ear so that no one else can hear it.

“What a wonderful expression and emotion.”

That’s a very understandable answer.

yes it was This man was the devil.

It is perfectly natural for the devil to deceive others and plunge them into despair.

But… why…

“Ah… uh…”

soo much


Read at

My legs are so weak that I can’t stand still.

I hit the buttocks on the ground as it is, but I don’t feel any pain at all.

Wow… you’re mean.


Okay, I guess I’ve been fooled by it.

The reason I brought the warrior’s companions back to life is just to make sure the story goes well, there’s no way I can tell the hero straight away, right?

So, I roughly used demonic excuses and played around, but surprisingly, the effect was very good. The hero was completely convinced beyond the level of understanding my actions.

‘And well, technically speaking, it’s not entirely a lie.’

It doesn’t mean that I didn’t say anything, I mean the value of the soul I mentioned earlier.

To be honest, even if another demon had made a contract with the hero, that demon would have had to grant not only his wish for power but also many other wishes.

A hero grows to the extent that one day, he can catch all kinds of raid bosses, and in the end, he can even defeat me, the final raid boss. Perhaps because of that, the soul of the hero had higher potential and value than any other I had ever seen.

But, you can’t get that soul in return and give it the strength to push the beginning of the story, right?

Of course, I didn’t receive the soul in return… Anyway, the soul of a hero is so valuable.


“Oh, you’ve come early this time!”

“Welcome, Faust.”

As usual, when I open the portal and return home, Lucia and Aigo welcome me.

Seeing that the sandwich I handed over is still in Lucia’s hand, it seems that I haven’t been summoned in a while.

After all, as soon as I was summoned, I trained in a state where time stopped for a few days, so it would be natural.

From Lucia’s point of view, it would appear that I came back as soon as I left.

“If you see that you have come so quickly, this wish doesn’t matter… Dunn…”



At that time, Lucia, who was approaching me with a normal conversation, suddenly shuts her mouth and stops.

It’s not just standing still, the black pupil between the red iris suddenly enlarges, and it’s even emitting negative emotions that I can feel.

What, why? What’s up?


“Ah, ahh… that… nothing. Hehe, it just smells a bit.”

But soon, Lucia returns to her usual appearance and mood.

The negative emotions that had emanated from Lucia’s body up until recently also disappeared in an instant.

Uh… um… the smell?

‘Oh, the ruins and the smell of that demon?’

The place where I was summoned by the hero is an ancient ruin.

The ruins were filled with the musty smell of the undead, and the devil, too, when he was killed by the hero, gave off a bad smell everywhere, but it seems that those smells have been absorbed into my body.

No, it’s true, if you react like that… it’s scary, I.

Anyway, Lucia seems to be very sensitive to smells. Next time something similar happens again, I’ll have to spray some deodorant to get rid of the smell.

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  1. Forgotten one says:

    Yandere ability 1 (superhuman smell) activated…😂😂

    1. Wait until she got [superhuman instinct] kekeke

  2. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    EXACTTLYYY! Also my reviewwwwwww greahhhhhhhhhhhhh

  3. huehue huehue says:

    This story reminds me of OV, Dain is a ‘villain’ who makes Stardus stronger. Here we have the MC helping the hero. Noice 🧐

  4. huehue huehue says:

    Oh damn, yandere progression here we gooo 🤣🤣

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