The Devil Who Grants Wishes chapter 39

The Devil Who Grants Wishes 39

“Ah, ah, ah… no… no…!”

“Your Majesty, please fix it.”

“You, if it’s you… Do you have a fixed appearance now!? Huh!?”

From the day the demon that was barely summoned returned without granting any wish, the already mad emperor became even more mad.

The sweaty servants break things and try to stop the raging emperor, but their actions are ineffective.

Because I’m just talking to someone who’s already crazy.

It is of course not effective to call a madman simply with words without binding his body forcibly.

“My head… my head hurts… my memory is so hazy… hazy…!”

Everyone in this place, except for the emperor, is not moving in haste, as anyone who goes mad without proper intellect has the power to cut off his own head at any time.

Above all, it is disrespectful and decapitating to touch the emperor, the empire itself, without permission.




The servants simply marvel at how such an old emperor could achieve such power.

When the madness subsides, it reverts to its original powerless old, wretched old man, but once the madness begins, no one can stop it.

In this way, the only way is to let the energy of the body flow out and wait until the energy of the body is sucked and exhausted.

“Your Majesty, I have brought you the water of life.”

Or bring something the Emperor wants to drive mad.

As soon as the words were heard from outside, the servants who were next to the emperor breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

At least when he drinks that terrible thing, the Emperor is quiet.

“Oh, oh… Yeah! Come on, come on in, come on!”

The emperor, who had been rampaging up until recently, stopped his destructive actions as if he had ever done so and rushed to the servant who came with a red liquid called the water of life.

It lacked the dignity that an emperor should have, but the old emperor didn’t care.

Dignity is nothing more than garbage in front of life, so being able to continue life is more precious.

cackle- cackle-

The emperor snatches a cup of the water of life from the servant’s hand, and then drinks it with great value. Because the color of the water of life is extremely red, at first glance, it looks like an old man savoring wine.

But the servants who see it do not have such a mind at all.

Everyone here knows the true nature of what is called the water of life.

The pure blood of an unspoiled virgin.

The emperor, who was afraid of natural death and suffered from madness, came to think that nonsense was the secret to prolonging life.

“Ahhh… it’s good, it’s good…”

“And I’ve finally found the way Your Majesty commanded me before.”

“What was ordered…?”

After savoring it for a while and slowly drinking the water of life, the emperor tilts his head without knowing what the servants report is.

Because there is no way that a person who suffers from madness like this has a perfect memory.

The emperor, whose mind and muscles have been relaxed by drinking the water of life, is just puzzled because he cannot understand what the servant is saying now.

“It’s about summoning demons. As a result of investigating the Apostolic Archives of the Seraphia Church on condition of accepting various requests, we were able to finally find a way.”

“Summon… Yes, it is! If you find it, do it now! This time, I’m calling another demon.”

When the servant sighed and said what he had been ordered, the emperor was only then able to properly recall his memories.

The emperor, who wants to escape the threat of death as soon as possible, shouts as if screaming and gives orders to his servants.

“Yeah, Haona’s schedule is too tight.”

“Are you tight?”

“The earliest time we can implement that method is tonight, but the next time we can do it is in about two years.”

“Two years, two years? No, it’s too late!! Hurry up and get things done right now!”

“…But there’s so much to prepare for, so there’s no way you can prepare it in just half a day— big, big, big…!”

Although he found a way, the servant who dragged along not wanting to sacrifice countless lives eventually pierced his throat by the emperor’s sword and died.

When the dead corpse thumps to the floor, the emperor shifts his attention and looks at the other servants who came along with the dead servant.

“Prepare, get ready… Yeah, you who came with me. Do you know what to prepare? Why the hell is it only for tonight?”

“Hey… yes, yes…! I know! The preparations are-“

The servant looks at the blood dripping from the blue sword and says everything he knows.

Eventually, the emperor was greatly relieved to see that a banquet of nobles who luckily met the conditions was being held today, and decided to use the banquet as a sacrifice for summoning demons.


“Nice to meet you, Sir Maurits. It’s been a long time.”

“Ah, Sir Erlingen. Nice to meet you too. How did you anticipate a day like this in advance and make it a banquet day?”

“There is a way. Come on, we’ll talk about that later and eat it soon. The food will cool down.”

“thank you.”

The nobles who attended the banquet talk to each other and build friendships.

In a nutshell, everything from the recent chores to the situation of the Aquileia Empire in general becomes a topic of conversation and goes up and down in the mouths of the nobles.

“But why did you invite them?”

“That’s right, the more people, the better, isn’t it? It’s the so-called enemy ship.”

“Haha, that’s right!”

Of course, the newly emerging families could not intervene at all because of the friendship.

There were no orthodox nobles to speak to the bridesmaids who were just called in to show off the host’s prestige and wealth.

“Yeah, so it is.”


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Most of the characters of the Shinheung family were also very familiar with it, and even if they didn’t know it, they quickly realized it after a while.

They just realize their plight, and only themselves gather in a corner and chatter.

But then, something strange happens.

“At that moment, the deer that jumped out of the bush was immediately aimed at—”



Even though the hall was so loud, everyone in the room heard the slightest sound of shoes.

Aristocrats who boasted of their military prowess, new aristocrats lamenting that they became bridesmaids, and wealthy commoners who only bought status with money, everyone shut their mouths one by one as if they had made a promise. Silence subsides.

The only thing left in the banquet hall is the sound of small creaking shoes.

Of course, it wasn’t just the sound of shoes that kept them shut.

The owner of the shoe exudes an overwhelming atmosphere and presence that engulfs the banquet hall.

“Korokke, where should we go?”

“Now that you have signed the roster, there is nothing more to do. Just enjoy the banquet.”

Although the surroundings are horribly quiet, Lucia is not paying attention and is conversing with Aegoceros.

The atmosphere was completely unknown to Lucia, who had never lived in a human society since she was born.

Such a sight is very impressive for the aristocrats.

Not caring about the surroundings means that you have been living without paying attention to anyone since you were born.

Of course, only the restraints of high-ranking nobles can do that.

“…who is that?”

“I do not know?”

The nobles are bewildered by Lucia’s such a point.

Even if it is an illegitimate child of a high-ranking noble, there must be at least one of the nobles gathered here who knows Lucia, but none of the nobles here knows Lucia’s face.

Not only that.

Even the clothes are very simple.

Unlike the dresses of the nobles who were dazzling and full of decorations, Lucia’s dress had only a few frills on it, and was very modest.

It is not really a dress worn by aristocrats.

“Yeah? Okay. Then what… Shall we eat outside?”

However, despite such a modest dress, Lucia’s charm did not diminish.

No, rather than the stem, it went higher.

Gorgeous dresses are very beautiful, but they also hide the beauty of the wearer.

The simple dress, made only to support the owner, amplifies Lucia’s beauty by doing her duty.

And the amplified beauty of Lucia blew away all the spirits of the nobles attending the banquet.

“Hmmm, nice to meet you. I’m Count Erlingen, the host of this banquet.”

Eventually, as time passes and no one dares to speak to Lucia, the Count, the host of the banquet, takes the gun.

The Count greets Lucia with the greeting method of the nobles of the Aquileia Empire.

Because of his perfect greeting, anyone who sees him for the first time will have a very good first impression.


However, even though Lucia received such a perfect greeting, there was no reply.

With food in his mouth, he tilts his head and twitches his eyes, looking at the Count as if puzzled.

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  1. It will be funny if they summon Faust lol

  2. Moonlit Walker says:

    Yep 👍 that our girl alright 😙…
    (Anyways im gonna laugh so hard if the Emperor’s summoned a devil Infront of them🤣)

  3. huehue huehue says:

    That’s Faust’s girl, good job 😂

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