The Difference Is Like Between a Dog and a Cow chapter 160

160 - The River of No Return (1)

159 – Across the Line (4)

Yegor Ivanov.

The emperor’s hound and the imperial guillotine.

Originally from the slums, he accidentally awakened to mana, enlisted in the Imperial Army, and rose to this position at the age of less than thirty.

There are only two ways for a mage who is not a commoner but from the poor to survive in the empire.

Has truly overwhelming magic talent, and contributes to the development of the Empire’s magic technology.

Or staining both hands with blood.

The first General Intelligence Agency was virtually no different from a suicide squad.

At a point where even the concept of strategy and deception was not properly established, all they could do was to slam their heads into the ground.

Numerous agents have died. There are hundreds of people whose names, ages, origins, and appearances are no longer remembered.

In the first place, even within the Imperial Army, where the idea of contempt for human life prevailed, the General Intelligence Agency was literally just a consumable item.

However, there was someone who proudly survived even in such a hell.

That was Yegor Ivanov.

The survival rate of second lieutenants in the first operation is 5%.

Even if he returned and rose to the rank of lieutenant, the average survival rate per operation was less than 10%.

In that gap, Yegor always survived.

It’s not like he was playing around.

Even though the operation was reluctant to everyone, he voluntarily succeeded. Although afraid of that ability, the envious boss continued to assign suicide missions, but even that was crushed and returned.

From ensign to lieutenant, from lieutenant to captain.

When I finally reached the rank of Marshal.

Yegor Ivanov purged his superiors who had driven him to death the whole time with his own hands, and gladly accepted the emperor’s call.

A lieutenant colonel, a man who is neither low nor high in rank, and is fully trusted by the emperor.

Befitting the title of the imperial guillotine, the General Intelligence Agency was reborn with Yegor Ivanov as its starting point.

While purging large numbers of disquieting figures in the army, he gathered orphans from all over the empire and trained them to be killing machines like himself.

The result.

The emperor’s hounds became excellent fighting dogs that would run at anything from weak sheep to ferocious beasts.

With its unique information power, it has even gained enough prestige to keep up with the intelligence agency of the Free Democratic Republic of Fru, which has rotted the empire several times.

Thanks to that, Yegor only reached the rank of ‘lieutenant colonel’, but his influence reached that of a moderate general.

There was still a thirst in one side of his heart.

The reason he brought his orphans and trained them to be killing machines was in the hope that someone like him would appear someday.

Sense of kinship.

Even though he was abandoned by his parents and received the emperor’s generous mercy, Yegor’s heart was always empty.

Because I couldn’t relate.

Why are the agent comrades who were put in together helplessly dying?

Why do you hesitate while looking at the person begging for help?

Why do you dwell on your failures and never overcome them?

Why do people get frustrated at the impossibility without even trying?

I used to say that the quality parts that I trust are because Yegor Ivanov himself is special.

There was no fundamental answer.

In the meantime, an order was issued to seize the ‘artifact’ possessed by the weak country in the west.

From Yegor’s point of view, it was a very insignificant task.

Is there anyone in the Imperial Army who doesn’t know that the Principality of Uk ran is a country that is empty and rotten from the inside?

A foolish people who are complacent in their present reality and who struggle to turn their heads away from the destruction that will soon come.

Just that level of image.

I don’t even need to put in any effort, because the parts I took were substandard.

After tracing the location of the artifact using the information network inside Uk ran.

The day the border fortress was turned into a mess by instigating the thieves.

Yegor Ivanov first heard the news about his new lieutenant, Enoch Levandel.

At first, I didn’t even pay attention to him as a Uk ranian officer.

As he listened to the stories of his successes, Yegor’s interest began to well up before he knew it.

I don’t know exactly what caused it.

A vague intuition and interest.

Perhaps it was because he felt that he was the kind that he had been looking for so long.

And Yegor and Enoch had another fateful meeting at the Lymansk Arsenal where they were researching mutants.

The image of him standing tall as a commander after being under the command of Sonny Zeppelin, the Great Mage of the Sky.

Many things have changed from the ‘ensign’ just a few months ago.

-I like your guts and your sense of humor. I will definitely remember that striking golden hair.

It was a sincere compliment.

After that, Yegor could not hold back his admiration even when he faced off as a mage.

Because the unintentional and instinctive movements were indeed similar to his own.

He wasn’t used to using magic yet, but he couldn’t overwhelm himself.

From Noble mtl dot com

He had just graduated from the military academy, and his fighting sense was unbelievable for an officer from a small country.

It was impossible unless you were born with it.

Like myself in my so-called days!

Of course, he was called to the emperor for the first time after that and was reprimanded, but Yegor Ivanov was not angry.

Rather, his heart was racing. Was such a beast sleeping in the Principality of Uk ran, which I thought was not worth paying attention to?

So we dug up only the Uk ran.

Instigating the 2nd Quernen War by instigating the Azov National Liberation Front, and instigating the Uk ranian civil war through operatives within the military that had been planted for a long time.

It was all Yegor Ivanov’s plan.

Only for another meeting with Enoch Levandel!

And only today.

Yegor Ivanov has come face-to-face with the ‘kindred’ he has been waiting for for years.

“…… I knew there would be.”

A blond officer growling at himself, breathing heavily. All around him were the corpses of the agents of the General Intelligence Agency, just as he had been.

“They were sorted out, but they got wiped out in the meantime? If it’s you, of course you should.”

Yegor smiled contentedly.

Comradeship? It didn’t even exist in the first place.

“Long time no see, Comrade Lieutenant…… No, he is now a comrade lieutenant colonel.”

“Colonel Yegor Ivanov.”

“I think both of you have been promoted quite a bit. Well, if a talented person like your comrade was left to rot, this country would have perished long ago.”

Ye Gor said, leisurely drawing his pistol.

A heavy silence. The living spirits that generously emit each other collide.


The first to move was Enoch Levandell.

Purple mana glistens, and in the blink of an eye, Enoch’s dagger reaches Yegor’s face.

Are you going for super close combat?

Yegor calmly moved away and grabbed Enoch’s arm. Pak! At the same time as the dull sound of his collar being grabbed, the moment I tried to break his wrist.


I pulled myself out right away and exquisitely dodged a bullet that passed through my thigh. Was the dagger a bluff in the first place?

As soon as I opened the distance, I heard a distinctive tickling sound. Pazu————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Before Yegor’s hair could stand on end, mana was released from Yegor’s body as well.


The marble armor that blocked the electric shock fired like a bullet shattered and fell.

Advanced yellow magic, earth glove.

No matter how powerful the purple magic is, it rarely unilaterally breaks the yellow magic, which has excellent defensive power.

‘How much more have you grown in the meantime?’

Yegor laughed softly.

If it goes well, it might not be long before a new great mage is born. No, in the first place, if you were the Enoch Levandel you knew, there would be no way you would kick the shackles of being a great mage yourself.

However, Enoch bit his lip. Even though he was driving with all his might, the opponent was relaxed.

Are you the de facto head of the General Intelligence Agency? He’d been rolling for years and thought he’d definitely improved his fighting sense, but he still couldn’t get the upper hand against Yegor.

It’s not just me who has moved forward. In that case, he had no choice but to abuse his body even more here.

The bad relationship with the General Intelligence Agency must end here.

Even for future work, Yegor Ivanov was a target that must be eliminated.

Bang, bang!!

The bullets crossed each other. Red blood flowed along the texture of the bullet that had passed Pitt’s cheek.

f*ck-! Bang!

His gun barrel was twisted by an accurate wrist strike. Aiming the shot was impossible from the beginning. You have to focus on all your senses and set them to ‘sense’.

Enoch’s arm did not stop. A dagger that was swung precisely aiming only at the vital points. If you allow even one attack, it’s game over at that point.

Yegor was not unaware of the fact. He read the way the dagger was swinging and blocked every attack with his fist.

Imperial martial arts.

Bang!! In the meantime, the pistol held in the other hand shoots fire. It was an attack aimed at the instep while focusing on penetrating the fighting technique, but the trajectory of the bullet was subtly twisted and bounced off by the purple lightning that rose from the ground.

A sense that makes it impossible to let out a sigh. Even in the midst of desperate attacks, he never gave up a chance.

It’s fast. There is no gap.

It rushes. I am short of breath.

Clack clack.

All the bullets were also used up. It was the same with Enoch. The two threw their pistols to the floor almost simultaneously.

This feeling I haven’t felt in a long time. What do you call this? Survival instinct?

Yegor swung his fist, feeling the eerie sensation all over his body. His legs are duller than expected. Because of the length, the transmission of signals to the muscles is not done right away.

Enoch also rarely used his feet. Stepping on the staff and occupying a more advantageous position is daunting.

How many sums have you exchanged?

I couldn’t even hear the sounds around me anymore. There were Uk ranian thugs all around, but no one dared to intervene.

They feel it too. That it is not their place.

However, apart from the feelings of the Uk ranian janitors, Yegor also felt something.

Enoch’s strength was draining. It had the same movement as the storm, but the power contained within it was gradually diminishing.

The attack, which I had to parry with all my heart, began to change its trajectory with just a light jab.

Departments 5 and 6 probably weren’t formidable guys either.

If there were other members of his unit, especially Claude Lane, the outcome would have been different…… Since they’ve already dismantled the two operation groups, it’s inevitable that they’re going through that much force.

In other words—.

‘If I had met in perfect condition, I would have died a long time ago.’


The concept that was closest to Yegor Ivanov and yet distant was hovering in front of him before he knew it.

Shuwak! As he dodged the penetrating sword, Yegor’s field of vision came into the clearing sky. The dawn is bright. It was time for the fun times to come to an end.

The purple lightning around the blade violently bounced.

The momentum was still strong, but Yegor was able to spot the faintly revealed gap.

The real ‘gap’ that we managed to catch in the midst of continuous attacks.

‘I finally got it.’

After dodging the sword, I put my fist into his empty chest. Puck! Wooddeuk!! A definite sense of blow was transmitted through the skin.

One blow crushed his ribs.

It is a fatal wound. Since he allowed this level of attack in a tired state, it was no different than a win or loss.


The smiling expression of Enoch Levandel was fixed in Yegor’s field of vision, who intuited victory.


There was a thin purple line at the end of her gaze.


The dagger flew by using that line as a guide line.

Without even a moment to react, it penetrates Yegor’s neck.

-Think of it as shooting a sword.

It was one of the skills that Enoch had inherited from Claude Lane. A technique that spreads a rail with purple electricity and accelerates the dagger placed on it to hit the opponent.

Even though Enoch had two daggers, this was the reason why he did not pull out both.

I can’t handle it as freely as Claude Lane because my proficiency isn’t high yet.

He was confident enough to shoot from very close range while the enemy was not paying attention.

Yegor collapsed on the spot, blood pouring from his mouth.

He tried to say something at the end, but there was no way his voice could come out as his throat was pierced intact.

“…… !! ………… !!!!”

Enoch snapped his fingers, and the sword drew a horizontal trajectory while still stuck.


The hound’s neck twitched and fell, spraying sticky blood everywhere.

As if cut off by a guillotine.

As expected, it was the end worthy of the guillotine of the empire.

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