The Doctor Cured the Villainess and Ran Away chapter 1

The Doctor Cured the Villainess and Ran Away 1

1 – 1. The Villainess That Destroyed the World

Once again, the world was destroyed without anything special happening.

It seems like there are times like this occasionally.

Waking up from sleep, eating meals, living an ordinary life, and falling asleep again.

When you repeat the same routine every day, you start to wonder what day it is today.

There are moments when you confuse the dates or days of the week.

For me, it’s a daily life where the destruction of the world and death repeat.

So, it’s natural to be confused about which death this is, or which destruction it is.

“No, it’s a little different this time.”

The air feels cold.

The sky is tinged with a grayish color as if the sun has been pierced, pouring out its contents.

A pungent smell enters the nose.

The scent of burning wood, stone, flesh, and all sorts of things.

Buildings and castle walls built with sturdy bricks collapse with holes scattered everywhere.

Above all, demons filling the sky like a flock of untimely crows.

It’s an army of dragons.

I can’t help but laugh bitterly.

“hahahaha, I really am something.”

There have been occasions when the hero party was annihilated by the Demon King, and when humanity was plagued by an undead epidemic.

However, this is the first time I’ve witnessed a scene where the dragon horde destroys everything in their path.

“How can I possibly defeat that? Status window.”


Name: Las

Last Name: None (Gutberg)

Age: 27

Occupation: Healer

Rank: Commoner (Fallen Nobility)

Affiliation: Hero Party

Talents: ■■■ (S)

■■ (S)

Goal: Avoiding a bad ending and clearing the game.

Death occurs in the case of a bad ending (in progress).

Remaining time: 17 minutes 42 seconds


I thought I would finally defeat the demon king and clear the game this time, but it seems that’s not the case after all.

I wonder how long it has been since I got stuck in this mediocre fantasy game world.

Hmm, it’s unclear.

“Even if I have plenty of time.”

The in-game background time in the original game is one month.

I have already repeated the same 30 days hundreds of times.

When I first failed to clear the game and died, only to return.

I felt chills run down my spine when I realized that I couldn’t die anymore.

It was like being trapped in a prison.

Since then, I’ve tried every possible effort to clear the game, but they all ended in failure.

It’s impossible under these conditions.

With a mediocre healer character, whose background is trivial and whose talents are locked.

Yes, a healer.

I was in the middle of casting a healing spell on the warrior in the fallen hero party on the ground.

“It hurts, I’m in pain! Do something!”

“You have second-degree burns all over your body. Wait, the cooldown is still ongoing.”

The warrior screamed as if his wounds were burning him alive, bending over like a sickle.

“Ah…! Las, if you’re a member of the hero party, take some responsibility! Try harder!”

“The healing efficiency is garbage, so there’s nothing I can do. The target area is random, and the speed is slow too. If you have burns, cool them with cold water, anesthetize, and excise the skin. I’m reading scriptures.”

If I did such things in this world, I’d be seen as a lunatic who tries to kill patients.

Here, when you get hurt, praying should come before finding a solution. It’s common sense.

Viva, healing spell.

Despite my kind explanation, the warrior responded with incomprehensible disdain.

“You always say nonsensical things as a healer! Even if your skills weren’t good enough, someone with a personality as ruined as yours wouldn’t have joined the hero party!”

I’m not someone with a ruined personality.

It’s just that I became possessed by someone with a ruined personality.

Well, after a few hours, I start to lose my ability to distinguish things.

“Hey, listen. Even though I was possessed, I studied medicine because I wanted to before that. I wanted to be a doctor, you know? It’s a fake job, right? It’s cool. Don’t they make good money, and isn’t it the number one pick for bridegrooms?”

I didn’t do well enough to deserve praise.

Of course, no sane person studies for the sake of studying.

I did it because others pushed me to.

“But later on, I really meant it. It was rewarding to treat patients during practice.”

It was treatment based on medicine rather than healing magic like it is now.

“That was useless too. I got into a car accident, and my nerves were shot. There’s no shaking hand doctors in the world.”

If he had received an expensive surgery and rehabilitation, he could have returned, but he did not have money.

In this world as well, skilled healers with expensive abilities monopolize them.

Furthermore, they would send someone like me who falls back slightly out on a hero party assignment.

“I’m just a high school graduate. I’ve been playing games like a cripple since then and was dragged here by bad luck… Oh, the cool time is over.”

“Heal, heal…!”

The warrior’s breath stops.

This world will soon be destroyed anyway, but I cannot abandon the patient in front of me and decided to fulfill my duty.

I open the Bible and pray.

But since there is no such thing as God in this world, it is okay to say any sentence casually.

“To the All-powerful Lady Fingchang, please grant mercy to this poor man and take care of his young lamb…”

The warrior’s arm weakly drops.

“Hey, you.”

Tst, I couldn’t bear it anymore.

I throw away the Bible and immediately perform CPR.

It’s cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Emergency treatment used for critical patients when there are no tools available.

Although I strongly massage the warrior’s heart, consciousness does not return.

…5 minutes pass.

The golden time has passed.


I look around, drenched in sweat.

Proud heroes don’t even think about getting up with their noses buried in the dirt.

Anyway, as soon as we defeated the Demon King, hundreds of dragon troops poured down from the sky. They have no skills to survive without dying.

That’s enough for now.

My divine power is completely depleted, and my head is spinning.

I staggeringly rise from my seat and take slow steps.

Unintentionally, I step on the fallen scripture lying on the ground.

“I only wanted to be a doctor, not a healer.”

If possible, it would have been better to possess swordsmanship skills instead.

Or maybe even shoot off some magic spells.

“I miss modern medicine. It doesn’t make sense to have a fantasy world theme without any potions.”

If I had made painkillers here, they would have sold like hotcakes.

Then I wouldn’t have to wear this trash-like equipment; I could replace it with something better.

“But I’ve managed to come this far, at least.”

These are the conditions of adversity.

The body I’ve transmigrated into feels exhausted even after a little running, and I suffer from sleep disorders.

There seems to be some hidden talent within me, although it’s locked away. I can’t unlock it in just one month, and I can’t improve my skills at all.

From the start, I didn’t have time to calmly train since I was thrown right into battling the Demon King’s army.

Being a controversial figure, I attracted unwanted attention from those around me when starting out.

But I’ve gained experience through repetition hundreds of times.

Before the transmigration, I had only played once, so I didn’t know much about this world.

Now, with accumulated experience, I have knowledge of the characters’ pasts, strategies against monsters, and more.

By experiencing death repeatedly, the memories of the body’s previous owner, a person named Las, sometimes flow into my mind.

No, now I am the useless healer, Las.

I have quite a bit of experience in defeating the Demon King as well.

So, what should I do?

Another bad ending awaits.

I moved my footsteps in despair.

Where should I lie down and die this time?

As I searched for a place to rest, I noticed someone gesturing at me from the palace walls in the distance.

Seeing that face makes my stomach turn. I feel like taking out a disguise and squeezing out its contents myself.

Well, based on experience, I have yet to see her accepting a peaceful ending.

Even a party of heroes would have to kneel and obey in front of her.

If you’re gonna do it, just do it.

I climbed the stairs of the crumbling stone wall.

Even though it was obvious that it was that woman who caused the world to end this time as well.

She sat on the railing of the wall, where the bodies of soldiers were scattered all over.

Her long hair that fell past her waist fluttered in the wind, yet she did not lose her grace.

A faint golden glow remains in her natural silver hair, the mark of a powerful witch.

She swung her slender legs lightly. In her outstretched hand, she held a goblet filled with wine redder than blood.

The tip of her long eyelashes pointed towards the area where the Dragon Legion was destroying the city.

A quiet smile hung on her lips.

Upon seeing that smile, along with the terror of death that had become a traumatic fear, deep hatred blossomed.

If only this woman weren’t here, my suffering would have ended immediately.

But since it was not an emotion experienced only once or twice, it disappears quickly like a phantom.

There’s no point in getting angry here. It would only accelerate my demise.

Now that I know her circumstances to some extent, I feel like letting it go.

The 13th Emperor of the Empire, Acela von Bürtemfelt, sneered at me like a devil.

“Surprisingly, you’re not as despairing as I expected. Useless healer of the Hero Party.”

I pointed towards the Dragon Legion covering the sky and asked, “Did Your Majesty summon them?”

“hehehe, you’re still quite sharp. So, perhaps you were also busy being a good-for-nothing until the moment of your death.”

After kicking the bricks on the ground, I plopped down next to Acela.

She swiftly picked up a bottle as I tried to take the wine placed beside her.

“How dare you lay your hands on an offering dedicated to the Emperor of the Empire?”

“Well, the Empire just got destroyed, didn’t it? Please share some.”

“Kneel down and beg like a dog. Then I might consider it.”

“I humbly request mercy from the desolate beggar, Your Majesty.”

I politely complied and Acela graciously gave me the wine.

In my experience, being drunk was a hundred times better when facing death.

I wouldn’t remember anything anyway, so it was a win to get some alcohol.

Besides, if I had any conflict with this woman, I would only suffer pain through her magic until my death.

“What a splendid view.”

She watched the scene of dragons breathing fire and burning the capital from the first-class seat.

“Isn’t it beautiful? It’s the day the curse ends.”

Asella expressed her joy by stretching her arms out.

“Yes, there is no other masterpiece.”

“It’s strange. I thought I would be angry and immediately thrust a dagger into Jim’s chest.”

“I charged at him over ten times. But I didn’t even get scratched. Only my neck flew away.”

Taking another sip of her drink, she replied vaguely.

As expected of an emperor’s possession, Asella’s alcohol was delicious.

“You often say strange things. Like a mad person.”

“Only for Your Majesty.”

Empress Asella, the 13th empress of the empire, is a crazy villain.

Known as the “Golden Witch” due to her alias.

Almost half of the world’s disasters I have witnessed so far have been caused by this woman.

During the battle against the demon army, as well as after the battle, she continued to engage in insane acts that led the world to destruction.

Whether it was through the use of power or magic.

“But you’re more honest than before. Oh, don’t misunderstand. I didn’t mean it was pleasing. How terrible it would have been if the arranged marriage with you, chosen by my family, had taken place.”

“Well, who would say that? You were happy when my family plotted rebellion and perished, right?”

“It was the best birthday present.”

Asella chuckled and let out a sigh of relief.

The scent of grapes, grown on the cold fields of the North, tickled my nostrils.

As she said, we were in a contractual relationship.

It was a contract made when Asella was still a princess.

I used to come from a well-off noble family, but now there is no trace of it.

Besides, there’s no way I could have lived under my name after marrying this crazy woman.

…I know that Asella didn’t go mad of her own accord.

“Does it hurt a lot?”

From Noble mtl dot com

I unintentionally omitted any casual language and asked the question.

Instead of answering my question, Asella only slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

Even though I knew she was the villain who brought about the destruction of the world, she had an enchanting beauty that could captivate anyone.

She seemed to be recalling an old story as she stared into the void, deeply thinking about something.

With a slight release of the authority as an emperor, he slowly shook his weary vocal cords.

“…Gottberg’s disciple. I have despised you all my life.”

For a lifetime, grudges had been formed.

What should I say in response?

“Do you remember? We first met in the flower garden of your family mansion. That day, I detested you to the core.”

“Is that so?”

He mentioned that such an incident had occurred.

When I try to recall it, I vaguely remember it as well.

“How did you summon the Legion?”

“Oh, since it’s a rare occasion, shall I tell you? It’s not something to boast about, reaching the eighth realm of transcendence when there’s no one worthy of admiration.”

Acela, like a young child, became excited and began drawing magic circles in the air.

She always enjoyed telling magical stories.

“Look, this will be the basic main magic circle. The magic of the higher realms is like drawing three-dimensional shapes in higher-dimensional spaces. Place the main core at each vertex and…”

As I listened to the complicated story, drowsiness started to overwhelm me, and I began falling asleep with a nod.

Perhaps around that time, the Breath of the Legion struck us.

Fever engulfed me, and I felt suffocated, with pain constricting from the inside of my lungs.

And then, for a brief moment, everything turned pitch black.

“Well, it’s completely black.”

It meant that the regression was in progress.

Here is another scene I’m tired of seeing. Soon, a notification will appear, and we will return to the first scene.


· Notification

Clearance Failed

Collected <Bad Ending No.001: Legion of Dragons>.

Initiating regression.


Yes, like this.


· Notification

All bad endings have been collected.

Clear [Special Rewards] will be opened.

· [Ending List] will be opened.

· You can choose the regression point.


… What’s this?

A message I’ve never seen before appeared.

I was drawn to the word, [special rewards].

“Wait, why didn’t I see this sooner?”

Did I see all of the bad endings?

I’m pretty sure there were 101 bad endings.

Have I died multiple times by now?

It’s so frustrating.

… But I feel hope.

This regression instinct feels a little different from the previous ones.

There’s something more noticeable than anything else.

“I can choose the regression point?”

I scroll down to see where the limit is for going back until the end, but it seems endless.

Finally, when I reached a number that couldn’t scroll down any further, a laugh came out carelessly.

[Regression point: 10 years ago]

… I can gain not just one month but ten years.

There is so much I can change.

Without hesitation, I chose.

[Regress in progress.]

My vision spun and I could feel it rotating even in darkness.

And then.

“… Hm.”

I woke up in bed.

I looked around as I got up.

It was a neat and luxurious room I’ve never seen before.

I check the mirror.

There was a fresh and young boy, who had not yet been worn out by the world.

“Did I really go back 10 years?”

I check the status window.


Name: Rass

Last Name: Gotberg

Age: 17

Occupation: None

Rank: Viscount Young Noble

Affiliation: Healing Training Center

Talents: ■■■ (S)

■■ (S)

Goal: Avoid the bad ending and clear.

Death occurs in the event of a bad ending (in progress)

Remaining Time: 9 years, 364 days, 23 hours


“It’s real.”

All sorts of possibilities sprouted in my mind.

I still have a family and I’m still young.

If I start preparing now, I can become anything.

There’s even more advantages at hand.

“It’s not just about clearing…”

I can change the future where I’ll be active in dangerous places, like a hero’s party.

I feel confident that I can succeed in anything.

I just have to achieve one thing.

Avoiding the bad ending where I die.

In the moment of contemplating where to start, I looked outside the window because there was a commotion outside.

My room was on the third floor of the annex.

People were bustling beyond the distant fence at the central entrance.

The mansion where Guibin arrived was full of knights. My father is busy welcoming them, it seems.

“Prince Consort. It looks like he’s visiting the Marquis.”

I wonder if she is here too.

I shifted my gaze to the back of the mansion.

A neatly maintained garden filled with lush greenery.

Amidst the flowerbeds adorned with blooming yellow roses.

A delicate girl with abundant blonde hair strolled leisurely, savoring the flowers.

She was fourteen-year-old Ashella.

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  1. omfg god dude, just cause the ultra hero died doesn’t mean it’s the end.

    First would come despair, denial, the five stages of grief. Then the mantle of courage would be brought forth to individuals, “cry all I want, that’s not going to undemon the world. So why not aim high and go out with a bang?” And thus, new heroes are born.

    Alternatively they could all crash and burn- but I will not let that happen. No I will fight till the end. Stupid “oh now hero died” yeah well y’know in order for the hero to get to the demon king, he had to murder like giga demon boss 728 and 1-727 (WYSI) so the demons should be crippled too. It’s like losing a monarch, but I don’t know why you wouldn’t have an heir just in case your king dies. So rule 1 if you ever get reincarnated. Have a child in case you die to stupid reason, they can carry the fight.

  2. Seastan says:

    They’re gonna have to craft the most sympathetic origin story for this girl… I already do not like her in the slightest

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