The Doctor Cured the Villainess and Ran Away chapter 14

The Doctor Cured the Villainess and Ran Away 14

14 – 14. Knight Commander (2)

No one would ever tolerate anyone insulting the sword.

It was an absolute principle for Knight Commander Gothberg, Tanya.

From the slums, there was only one thing that protected her: a single sword.

She brandished it when she opened her eyes.

She brandished it even in her half-conscious state.

Her right hand always rested on her hip.

Even on lucky days when she managed to sleep lying down, a tidy sword lay beside her head.

It was because she could wield a sword that she climbed to the position of Viscount’s Knight Commander.

She left behind her life in the slums and honed her skills to become a respectable swordsman.

But she still thirsted.

The level of a Sword Expert and the position of a small regional Knight Commander were not enough.

With her sword, she had to see how far she could go, she had to reach the end.

She had to stand at the summit.

Only then…

“Huff! Hup! Ouch!”

She could refuse to bow down to those who regarded her sword lightly, like the scoundrels before her eyes.

“Do you want more?”

Tanya asked emotionlessly.

She concealed her expression because inside, she felt somewhat relieved.

Countless times she had struggled to rectify her mistakes and accidents caused by him.

This was a kind of grudge resolution.

“As you mentioned, Your Highness, I am interested in the Royal Knights.”

Although it was a simple contractual relationship, he made a promise to remain loyal to the Gotberg family.

The words of discarding it lightly, the attitude of underestimating swordsmanship.

Not one thing appealed to him.

“The chance of Duke passing the physician examination is highly unlikely, and even if he does, there is no way he would take me as his bodyguard knight.”

Tanya displayed swift swordsmanship that the ruffian could not react to, using the opportunity of the duel.

Her fast sword struck the ruffian’s arms and back energetically.

“Cough, cough.”

Finally, the ruffian fell to the ground.

With this much damage, he should give up and not be able to stand again.


“Ugh, take painkillers, do emergency treatment. Hoo.”

It was slightly different from what she expected.

He stood up from his spot and grabbed his sword again.

“Now, let’s continue. Is my basic form correct? If it’s wrong, tell me right away.”

The ruffian swung his sword with all his strength.

Both his posture and trajectory were messy.

Tanya tapped his sword and knocked him down again.

“Ouch, are you telling me this weakest demon is this strong? It’s the worst. Again!”

…He stood up once more.

Gasping for breath and covered in numerous wounds, he continued to stand up.

“What’s going on?”

Only now did Tanya properly see his gaze between the long bangs of the ruffian.

…It was somewhat different from before.

The hazy, unfocused eyes had disappeared a long time ago.

In their place, a monk who burned with obsession for life.


Overwhelmed by his momentum, Tanya unknowingly took a step back.


Taking advantage of the opportunity, the bandit swung his sword with all his might, with the blade landing over Tanya’s own sword.

“Oh, I didn’t fall this time!”

Unconsciously, Tanya had raised her defensive stance.

With no counterattacking, the bandit’s momentum waned and he launched a weak attack.

But at that innocent sight, Tanya discovered her pent-up anger towards him dissipating.

She realized, “My lord… He’s changed.”

Tanya’s lips curled slightly upwards.

Only now did she understand his words.

He did not tell her to betray the loyalty that she pledged in Gottberg.

Rather, it was the opposite.

It meant that he was determined to pass his medical exams and take her as his personal bodyguard.

“Wasn’t it I who was being stubborn?”

Tanya was not a knight from her younger years.

During her adolescence, she was just a common delinquent from the slums, only learning the ways of a knight after joining the Gottberg Order.

It was only right to respond if he showed such a strong will for change.

Tanya called out to him in a softer voice.

“My lord.”


“Honestly, you don’t have any talent with a sword.”

“Even I know that!”

With Tanya’s criticism, Las’s temper flared.

“That’s why I’ll teach you the technique. It’s an efficient swordsmanship style against demons.”

Las’s expression drooped and the sight of the unruly bandit from before seemed to reappear.

Was it just my imagination? Just as Tanya began to regret her decision, Las shouted out in a loud voice.

“Why are you telling me this now! I’m ready. Hurry up and teach me.”

Seeing his carefree reaction, Tanya held back her laughter inside.

“If you ever caught in a sudden attack, remember this stance. Pretend you have a sword in your hand…”

Las listened attentively to Tanya’s explanation.


“Being with him, Tanya couldn’t help but sweat with joy.”


“Wow, he’s crossing the line.”

When someone surpasses their limits, it’s impressive.

Tanya pushed me so hard.

For four whole days!

“If it wasn’t for first aid, I wouldn’t have made it.”

But it was still worth it.


Strength: 10 (UP)

Endurance: 11 (UP)

Magic: 1

Mana: 15 (UP)

Divine power: 22

Faith: 100


Finally, after four days.

In just four days, I managed to raise these pathetic levels of endurance and strength to a point where I can at least do something.

From Noble mtl dot com

“At this point, I probably won’t die… I hope.”

Tomorrow is the practical exam for the medical specialist.

Even though my muscles are screaming since I’ve never exercised in my 17 years of life, I’ll endure for just one day.

Drenched in sweat, lying on the bed like soaked seaweed, I heard a loud thud near the door.

“What’s that?”

I got up from my seat and opened the door wide. Perhaps because of my experience fighting the Demon King’s army, even during these times, I become alert to ambushes.

If there’s a rustling sound outside when I’m camping and about to sleep, it usually means demons are approaching.

As I lifted my head, I saw gray hair swiftly disappearing around the corner, trying to hide from my sight.

Once I realized who it was, my tension was instantly relieved.

I softly called out her name,

“Neria, what’s wrong?”

After a brief silence, Neria poked her face out from the corner.

The sweat evaporating from my bewildered expression seems to fly up to the sky like a comic book effect.

“Oh, sir. Did I interrupt your rest? I’m sorry…”

“No, it’s okay. But…”

There is a pleasant smell coming from somewhere. It was the rich buttery scent of well-baked cookies.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed Neria holding a tray politely in her hands. The tray was filled with only one cookie stacked on top of her palm.

“Was that the reason you couldn’t knock?”

“Oh, yes. You seemed very tired lately, so I baked some.”

“You made them yourself? Impressive.”

The cookies had a rather neat shape, making me think they were made by a professional chef or a skilled cook.

Well, they were significantly larger than what I usually see. Neria must be quite generous with her ingredients. She has always had a big heart since she was young.

“I made them for you… Since I thought you liked sweet food.”

Neria looks up at me, blinking her eyes cautiously.

She seems worried that she may have caused inconvenience by doing something I didn’t ask for.

She baked these cookies just for me.

I can’t help but feel happy.

“hahahaha, I’ll enjoy them. But to be honest, I prefer savory over sweet.”

“Really? I thought you liked honey candies because you have them every day.”

Well, I eat them to stay healthy.

I don’t dislike them. They are good enough to keep devouring.

I take a bite of the cookie.

It has a soft and fluffy texture, spreading a delightful yeast aroma throughout my head.

And… it’s sweet.

She used sugar without any restraint.

“Oh, it’s yuja syrup. It has much more flavor than regular sugar.”

“So, did I always like sweet things?”

I wondered about something I had never experienced before.

Hmm… I do have clear preferences.

No need for further adjectives, it’s delicious.

I want to put as many of these cookies as I can in my pockets, even if it’s unconventional.

Neria watches my face as I chew on the cookie intently.

Her mouth corners lift as her chubby cheeks puff up like glutinous rice cakes.


Neria, with a proud expression as if she had accomplished something and silently calling out to herself, “Got it!”

“But why did you suddenly bake cookies?”

As I asked, Neria’s expression changed to a somewhat worried one. Tapping her feet on the ground, she answered me.

“I saw Father training with Donjangnim and he looked so painfully. When I fell in the garden and got bruised, I hurt so much but I wondered how much Father was hurting.”

Neria looks at me uncomfortably.

“But then I ate the cookies that the maid gave me at that time and felt better! So I thought Father might like it too…”

Oh, what an admirable girl.

In ten years, Neria will be in a state of ruin from fighting the demon king’s army. There is no little angel taking care of her like in her innocence now.

“Thank you, Neria. Shall we go downstairs and have some milk with the remaining cookies?”


Is it an unexpected way? Neria blinked her head.

“Yes, when you eat cookies with milk, it tastes much better. Also, if you drink milk, you grow taller.”

“Oh, really?”

At the words for growing taller, Neria clasped both fists to her chest and twinkled her eyes.

“Yes. At that age, supplementing adequate calcium is an essential element for skeletal growth.”

“…I don’t know well, but since it’s Father’s words, it seems very important. I want to have milk with cookies!”

Neria’s face, who listens so well, was like a squirrel discovering food in winter.

I wonder how good it would be if Asella resembled Neria even halfway.

While thinking such thoughts, I went down to the kitchen with Neria to look for milk.


“All the candidates have gathered.”

Father said in a dignified voice.

The next morning, before the sun rose, many people were gathered on the northern hill of the mansion.

The Gotberg Knights, led by Tanya, had finished preparing for battle.

I’m standing in front of my father.

On both sides of me are healing candidates tense and lined up.

Father declared to us.

“I will now begin the practical examination. I will evaluate your performance in today’s demon extermination battle.”

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  1. somane44 says:

    I hate the talent BS.
    first, it was showed how the mc easily dodged and defeated the thugs, now you telling me he have no talent?
    does the average swordsman slice rock in half or shoots aura from their blade??

    1. Reader says:

      A regressor beating up a thug on the street with a fractured arm is not something impressive. He’s gone through 101 bad endings and died that many times, so it’s not hard to believe he has some combat sense, but talent is something else. Literally, the status window confirms MC has no talent with combat, and he’s acknowledged it himself, I don’t know what you’re upset about.

    2. All Night says:

      I’d be upset if an MC living and dying 101 times didn’t have AT LEAST the skills to fight a common untrained street thug, and an injured one at that.

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