The Doctor Cured the Villainess and Ran Away chapter 49

The Doctor Cured the Villainess and Ran Away 49

49 – 49. Hearing (1)

“Defend yourself, Bishop Alberich.”

Heike ordered coldly.

Overwhelmed by Heike’s aura as he sat behind his desk in the office, Alberich coughed inexplicably.

“Your Highness, our faction is thriving in the infirmary. We have the most healers, and we healed the most knights during the recent combat tournament. Thanks to that, Your Highness did not bestow the victory title…”


With a thud, Heike threw a file in front of Alberich.

“The expenses were used in proportion to the number of healings. On the other hand, look at the budget for Moon Palace.”


“The healing expenditure is in the negative. Do you understand what that means? Moon Palace is making money from healing arts, all because Dr. Gotberg developed masks.”

From Noble mtl dot com

“I see…”

“The budget that is actually being cut in Moon Palace is just the salaries. They only have two affiliated healers, the court physician and his apprentice.”


“The apprentice healer named Chloe has developed a substance called Penicillin, which has innovative effects that prevent further complications in patients. According to testimony, it was already in the development process at my clinic.”

“Your Majesty, that was not a development but a dangerous action that threatened patients with spoiled food, and it could ruin the reputation of my clinic.”


Heike smashed the desk, and thunder roared.

Alberich was startled and stopped talking.

“The monthly budget for the outbreak of contagious diseases in the first barracks and the neck palace is two thousand and one hundred gold coins.”


“The same amount will be spent next month too. Thanks to you, Bishop, for firing that healer.”

Alberich gritted his teeth.

No other group of healers possessed the healing power which surpassed his faction in his clinic.

Besides, he was originally a bishop of the imperial court; he could even become a cardinal and possibly the pope.

Although he realized the limitations of his abilities and crossed to the Empire, he never doubted that his faith and holiness were the highest.

People who use drugs or traditional treatments are heretics; they are not healers but black magicians.

Despite strongly believing in this, Alberich thought Heike’s criticism was unreasonable but couldn’t refute the lord’s command.

“What kind of person is Gottberg, the head physician?”

“Gottberg? He’s… a new and young friend with blue hair.”

“Don’t know much about him?”

Alberich was as blind as a bat.

On the other hand, Heike’s anger became more intense.

“When he went against Geoerge, I thought he was a hot-blooded person with a lot of energy.”

Heike held his chin and fell into thought.

“He is talented enough to recognize, apply, and educate people. He even devised strategies to obliterate Raua and Geoerge in unarmed martial arts competition.”

Healing and strategy are separate fields; it’s difficult for a specialist in one area to see the big picture.

“Moreover, he planned for Acela’s benefit and had a wide perspective on national affairs.”

Heike became curious about how he had acquired this capability.

Heike glanced at Alberich and expressed a cold opinion.

“He is better than you.”

“Well, that’s…!”

Alberich retorted, but Heike merely commanded him coldly.

“What matters to Jim is the outcome. Go get it.”

Alberic made a gesture and left the office.

Heike nodded his head and spoke to his secretary as if talking to himself.

“We need a scenario that will make Gotberg loyal to our faction.”

“Then you must act quickly.”


“I have information that Laou is in contact with Princess Hwangnyeo.”


Heike clicked his tongue and checked his schedule.


“Hey, Rasya, is this good for the skin too?”

“Vitamin C ampoule. It’s good. It brightens the skin, gives elasticity, and reduces aging. You can even take it in excess, and its tangy taste is quite addictive.”

“Oh wow, it’s a complete cure-all, isn’t it? Are there no side effects? Sell me this too.”

“It’s two gold coins, Your Highness. Take one each morning.”

“Okay! hehehe, I’m excited.”

Laou often comes to the office and bothers me.

But she is a customer who generously spends money.

I’ve entrusted the work to Cloe, and I was busy entertaining her with a bright smile.

“Hey, by the way, aren’t you selling penicillin?”

“Oh no, we can’t. Our Princess had a huge tantrum last time she saw it. I really don’t want to lose my head.”

“Hmm, I see. Can’t be helped then. These days, Asella is a little scary to me too.”

“Finally realized? You’ve been living a happy life all this time.”

“What you’re saying is really funny.”

Laou chuckled and patted my shoulder, then leaned on the desk and swiftly lifted her lace sleeve.

“Look at my skin. Has the stage manager become a bit dry? It’s all flaky, it’s a mess. I had a Dell like that for three days.”

“You should have come back earlier like us. Even though our lives were at risk.”

“I heard it all from my wise grandfather. It says you had a good time with Asella.”

“Good? Your choice of words is excessively sophisticated, Your Highness. A criminal like me can’t understand it.”

“Don’t pretend. You’ll get scolded by Asella later, won’t you?”

“I’ve already been scolded plenty. Choose a mask.”

She came today asking for more masks and was in the middle of begging if there’s any medicine to make her prettier.

Lauka has a playful charm like a cat’s smile. She is the same age as me.

Whether it’s her appearance that catches the attention of every man on the street or the endless desire of women, she always stands out.

“There’s an important social party next week. You should make your skin as firm as possible by then.”

“It’s a gathering to honor the western Duke. I also have external activities for the princess, so I will wait at the party venue.”

That was the news that Asella had relayed through Lady Shinjang. It was a message telling me to prepare soon for the upcoming big party.

“Oh? Gotberg, are you going too?”

“Asella Princess is going.”

“Asella is going?! Wow.”

Lauka’s eyes sparkled and she leaped into the air.

What, was it confidential information?

“Asella is finally making her debut in society! I never thought she would do something like this in her lifetime. Hey, don’t you know? Asella really loves magic.”

A party may not be necessary for a magical weapon.

“Even though I asked you to go several times, why did you feel so disgusted before? Huh, have you had something you want to show off?”

“The new disguise mask turned out well.”

“Pretend you don’t know. If I were you, as soon as I had a handsome and talented Margrave as my betrothed, I would throw a party right away.”

Indeed, Lauka’s mind is like a flower garden.

“I am just going as a medical physician.”

“Act more aloof. You should appear as the betrothed, not just a medical physician.”

“Oh dear, really?”

If you are known as the eldest son of Gotberg in society, it brings good notoriety.

In the presence of the nobles who wield power in the empire, it would be a big deal to boast of being the betrothed of the princess.

Because of me, Asella’s reputation will be tarnished, and it is certain that she will be angry.

“Do you know that the rumor of the combat competition has spread among the nobles? Videos of knights are everywhere. Everyone is going crazy wondering who Gotberg is. There will be many people surprised when they see you at the party.”

Anyways, it’s an exaggeration. If we consider the first day, Tanya was the protagonist.

In fact, she is also one who will be scouted everywhere until she becomes a sword master.

All that I know about Tanya is the few times she mentioned my name.

Lauka chases parties every day, it seems like she is skilled in magic to elevate people.

“As the Grand Lady will also attend, you can assume that most of our peers among the nobles will be there. Well, I thought she was an innocent young lady until last time when she was with the sea man….”

Lauka continued to ramble on about a story that I didn’t even care about.

I hope Chloe is doing well in the production room, thankfully her voice flowed through one ear.

In the meantime.

– Knock, knock.

Several healers entered my office along with a knock.

“Professor Gotberg.”

Their expressions were quite serious.

Looking at their badges, they were representatives of the First Princess Faction.

One of them spoke to me.

“We came to inform you that a hearing will be held.”


“Won, a medical hearing during a busy time with the epidemic.”

Georg’s personal physician, Falkenhein, cursed inwardly.

Over ten personal physicians gathered in the Inner Circle headquarters.

All of them were leaders of healer factions.

Although the personal physicians of the Emperor or princesses were relatively weaker factions, they held high rank and unquestionable skills.

The Emperor’s personal physicians were too busy to attend. Since it was optional, Falkenhein didn’t have to come either.

“But if Professor Gotberg is involved, I can’t just overlook it.”

Moreover, it was Alberich who organized the hearing.

Falkenhein and Yanggang, the Inner Circle’s rival factions, were involved.

It was necessary to examine the dynamics of their rivalry.

“However, His Highness Prince Georg has taken a hostile stance towards the Third Princess faction.”

Previously, he supported the Moonlight Palace because of his friendship with Queen Camilla. But after Camilla and Asella separated, it became a hostile force.

Therefore, unlike before, regardless of the outcome today, Falkenhein was in a difficult position to defend Gotberg.

“Personally, I hope Professor Gotberg overcomes this crisis.”

As someone who had gone through medical tests with him and witnessed his strong faith, Falkenhein wanted to support Gotberg.

“Chief Physician Gotberg!”

Alberich’s booming voice echoed through the headquarters.

Lars walked into the room casually, with candy in his mouth.

“Yes, I’m here.”

A round table was placed around Lars.

For an ordinary person, merely standing there brought a sense of pressure as if committing a sin.

However, he seemed to be overflowing with ease throughout his body, to the extent that one could not consider him a young rookie healer.

“You are accused of using illicit techniques to disturb the harmony of my clinic. Are you aware?”

Alberich shot Las an accusing look out of the blue.

Las took out the candy he was chewing and shook it before giving a suitable response.

“Hmm, this is the first time I’ve heard about disturbing your clinic. And what do you mean by illicit techniques?”

“Feeding patients rotten bread and such, it’s an irrational act.”

“hahahaha, you mean medication. Medicine is an item used to treat various diseases.”

“How can something that doesn’t involve faith or divine power heal people? Your actions are no different from black magic!”

Alberich attacked vigorously.

This hearing was undoubtedly arranged by Alberich to intimidate Gotberg.

“He has been active in various fields recently.”

It was a calculated move to secure a solid position by preemptively crushing the rising star at my clinic.

How will Gotberg overcome this crisis?

Falckenhein focused on him with anticipation, and their eyes met.

Could it be a request for support?

His judgment was correct.

In this place where Las had no allies, the only person opposing Alberich and having the authority to speak was Falckenhein.

If Falckenhein defends Las, the atmosphere will turn around.

But Falckenhein can’t make a move because of Georg.

Las murmured to himself as he looked at him, as if asking for advice. It sounded like he said “diagnosis”.

“Medicine is merely a different direction, not black magic. Medication can make treatments possible that cannot be achieved through healing magic. For example, this.”

Las looked at Falckenhein’s receding hairline and spoke.

“Restoring hair loss, for instance.”

“Is that really possible?”

Falckenhein stood up from his seat.

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  1. Luis says:

    Todos los calvos del reino se unirán al MC xD

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