The Escort Knight Who Is Being Obsessed Over by the Villainess Wants To Run Away chapter 1

1. I'm sick of writing malicious comments and possessing them

1. I’m sick of writing malicious comments and possessing them

Writing malicious comments and possessing them.

It’s a boringly obvious cliché.

But now, if I go through that myself, it’s neither boring nor obvious.

As the meaning of regret is always late.

I shouldn’t have done that then.

But with common sense, who would worry that if you write malicious comments, you’ll be possessed?

It’s all just a joke.

[Dog litter game. I don’t think I would do it even if I asked for money. Data trash that makes you curious about the development team’s head.]

[Especially, what is Elijah like that he can’t be attacked or killed? Are you the daughter of the producer? A dog who kills anyone, a psychopath, a dog who kills anyone, what if I make a lump of sweet potato like this?]

[And if the ending for each character is made as DLC, you can bet properly or this f… (This is a blinded post.)]

[If there are any complaints, the development team should release additional DLC as soon as possible. In particular, talk about Elijah and the Bebel family.]

└ Platam 8,000 hours…. This chick is steamed

└ How did you get 8,000 hours in this dung game?

└ But honestly, isn’t Elijah pretty except for the scars on her face?

└└ㄹㅇ Scars are a deterrent to beauty.

└└ I like scars….

└But, Elijah, is there an event? It’s hard to meet them and they just kill you if you approach them.

└└ It’s because it’s difficult. If you search for a strategy, one that comes up is the one posted by the person who wrote this review.

└└└ Isn’t that enough to love Elijah? If you die, everything resets, so you have to start from the beginning;

└└└ This is pure love.

└ Will be possessed soon.

The past comes to mind like a kaleidoscope.

Just before being possessed.

It was the moment when I was furious and pounded on the keyboard.

She doesn’t remember much after that.

I think she fell asleep, and I think she passed out.

When I came to my senses, I possessed a game called ‘Anyway, a ruined fantasy world’.

‘… I’m tired.’

It’s not a problem that it’s a heinous worldview where people die easily.

The problem is correct, but it’s not something we need to worry about right now.

I lowered my head slowly.

I checked my body.

Looks like a beggar in shabby rags.

The field of view is quite low.

My body, originally an adult, is a young body.

Children of the same age as me stand in a line and wait for someone.

I don’t know what kind of person I possessed.

But I know this situation.

‘Elijah’s escort knight selection ceremony….’

One of the main characters, Elijah di Bebel.

She is not the main villain, nor is she an important character in the story.

There is no particular influence on users.

That’s why she is a strange character.

No matter what you do, you can’t attack, you can’t kill.

In this open world game with a lot of freedom to kill all NPCs, he is the only one who can’t be killed.

Attack itself is forbidden.

If you are hostile, Elijah will burn you to death.

It literally burns with fire.

Like the nickname ‘Crazy Fire Queen’, she is a magician who handles unusual fire.

He has a dirty personality.

He is a psychopath who likes to kill people, to be cold-hearted and cold-hearted.

The scar across the middle of his face proves him.

It’s an unimportant character, but for some reason, all kinds of settings that seem important are covered.

Someone says.

Who threatened to meet him with a knife?

No one did.

But as a gamer, how can you put up with something like this?

She’s such a wicked woman anyway, but I participated in the selection ceremony for her escort knight.

To be precise, I possessed the person who participated.

‘She’s a crazy b*tch who is famous for killing escort drivers to replace them when she gets bored….’

I don’t even have time to properly distinguish whether it’s a dream or reality.

If I’m wrong, my life will be taken away from here.

If you become an escort knight, your death is guaranteed.

I wonder if I, as a possessor, would be selected because I have abilities that are advantageous to this fantasy world.

You never know.

‘By the way, what kind of person did he possess?’

This game is a kind of group play that starts randomly with several characters.

There is no clear protagonist.

I tried all the starting characters, but there was no character like now.

I rummaged through my pockets for information.

I caught something hard and stinging.

‘What is this?’

It was a piece of broken glass.

‘Wow. Surprise me.’

I immediately threw it on the ground and covered it with soil.

I’m probably going through my pockets soon.

If something like this comes out of your pocket, it’s a legitimate worldview for aristocrats to stomp on the spot.

‘No matter how I look at it, I look like a beggar or a slave or something.’

A piece of glass and a wad of paper fell together.

What trash does he carry in his pocket?

Or was life rough and needy?

It seems so.

The life of the lower classes here is hard enough to describe in words.

‘Every quest related to the slums was a gutter.’

At some point, someone stood in front of the children.

He is a middle-aged man neatly dressed in uniform.

Judging from the epaulettes on his shoulders, upright posture, and broad physique, he seems to be a knight.

A number of heavily armed knights followed and stood beside him.

That’s right.

That’s too high.

‘It looks like a face I’ve seen somewhere.’

I know quite a few characters, but I don’t even know people who don’t appear in the game.

Even if it appeared, you might not remember it if the importance was low.

“Nice to meet you. Gentlemen.”

The middle-aged man said.

The tone is as stiff as the posture.

“This is Gawain, the leader of the Knights of Lady Elijah’s mansion.”


He heard the name and remembered it.

One of the strongest players in the world.

I remember that he was also called the standard of swordsmanship.

‘Is this person from the Bebel family?’

I don’t remember.

That means that the time of the game I know is different from the current time.

‘Wait. Then how old is Elijah now?’

“Some of these must have come voluntarily. Someone must have been brought in unintentionally.”

Gawain looked around his candidates.

That’s right.

There were scruffy kids like me, and there were kids like young boys dressed up like nobles.

“But. In front of the young lady, keep in mind your status as an escort knight cadet. Do you understand?”


The noble children shouted boldly.

The beggars kept their mouths shut.

“Good. Soon the lady will come to check on you in person. It’s a simple greeting, so there’s no need to be too nervous, but be careful not to violate your manners.”


“I will inspect your belongings in a moment.”

Gawain chinned.

The knight who had been waiting by the side came forward and rummaged in the arms of the children.

Aristocratic boys made faces as if it was uncomfortable for someone to touch them.

But I couldn’t resist.

Not all nobles are the same.

The Duchess of Bebel is a noble above the nobility.

It was my turn before I knew it.

The knight touched my body with a rough hand.

The hard gauntlets hurt quite a bit.

It was even more so because I was young.

‘You did a good job of throwing away the glass fragments earlier.’

As I breathed a sigh of relief, I heard laughter from the side.

I only turned my eyeballs.

A chubby boy wearing a bow tie.

His hair was also greasy.

‘What is it?’

Is there anything to laugh at?

Maybe it wasn’t a mockery, it was a cough.

By the way, you don’t look so lucky, do you?

Next it was the boy’s turn.

The knight pulled out a rattling object from his pocket.

“What is this?”

The article asked.

“Ah…. Elijah….”

“That’s rude. How dare you mention her name.”

“Sir, sorry! This is a gift for my lady….”

Bocchanim replied in a choked voice.

“Wrist watch crafted by a watchmaker stitch by stitch using the finest tin and special magic stones mined in the Balkan Mountains as raw materials….”

“I don’t need it.”

Took, the knight indifferently threw the watch on the floor.

I even trampled and rubbed her with steel boots.

An expensive-looking present turned into powder at once.

Bocchan’s face turned blue in an instant.

I’m about to cry.

“How dare you know where this place is and bring such a bribe? They should have announced that bringing in bribes is strictly prohibited.”

“Ah, ah, that, that, that….”

Even a child is relentless.

The world view here is a bit different.

It is a place where there are no children’s rights.

Should this also be called historical research considering the historical context?

“To make me cry over something like this. It sucks.”


The young boy lowered his head.

The knight indifferently passed by and interrogated the next person.

After that, it took several people to bring presents.

Somebody burst into tears as they watched an expensive gift turn into garbage right in front of their eyes.

Kids are like that.

But the knights didn’t seem to think so.

Gawain looked down with contempt at the openly crying child.

“Let alone the lady’s escort knights, there are some guys who are good at mercenary work….”

Tsk. At the end, he even clicked his tongue.

The raucous inspection of belongings was over in no time.

“I will serve the lady now. All alert.”

I reflexively stiffened my body and took a classic posture of attention.

This is why physical education students are scary.

The body reacts before thinking.

‘What should I do now….’

My goal is to fall from here.

There is a sure way.

All you have to do is hit Elijah with double curses or at least grind a piece of bamboo bread.

Then I will definitely fall out of the selection ceremony, and my head will fall too.

It’s a big deal because it’s so certain.

‘It’s rude enough to fall right out of the selection ceremony without going against the planting too much.’

How do you know that?

It’s filthy difficult.

As Gawain’s head turned to the left, he knelt down.

I looked at where he bowed his head.

A girl walked by.

Similar height to my young body.

The ankle-length skirt is as rich as an umbrella.

The dress decorated with red and black lace was antique, just like a doll.

A maid next to me held up a gorgeous parasol.

A maid laid out the red carpet in a straight line in front of her.

A girl proudly walks on her red carpet as if it were woven with blood.

Black hair like my personality. An arrogantly raised chin.

Cold red eyes looking down at people.

Even the raised eyes like a cat and the tear point under the right eye.

The Elijah I knew is the same.

However, he is very young.

She is short and has a lot of cheeks on her face.

Wouldn’t it be about the same as my current body?

‘I didn’t have scars when I was young.’

“Meet Miss Elijah.”

Gawain got down on one knee and greeted her first.

Every time Elijah passed by, her children imitated the greeting, albeit clumsily.

“Eh, I see Lady Elijah….”

Yes or no.

Elijah walked slowly and scanned her candidates. She

She doesn’t seem to even hear a greeting.

There was quite a distance between her and her candidates lined up in her line.

A distance that will never be shortened.

She looked like a wall she couldn’t climb on the red carpet.

Elijah looking down from a high wall.

“Elijah, miss you.”

All of them hesitated while avoiding their eyes.

Of course.

What if we make eye contact and hate each other?

‘Then, will I be eliminated if I make eye contact?’

It is rude to dare to look a high-ranking person straight in the eyes.

But not to the extent of cutting one’s throat.

‘It’s perfect for dropping out because I’m unlucky.’

“Ael, Lee, Riya, Lady, Nim, see you, see you….”

The boy next to me greeted me trembling.

She hangs her head and breaks into a cold sweat.

Then it was my turn.

I looked straight into Elijah’s eyes.

She didn’t even get down on her knees.

She was about to pass by, but her steps stopped.

A bored and bored gaze was fixed on me.

I didn’t avert my eyes.

On the contrary, I looked at it a little defiantly.

Looking at her face, I remembered all the unfair things that happened to me in the game.

Unbeknownst to me, my eyes strained.

“… ….”

Elijah, who had been looking down at an angle, turned her body.

To me, straight up.

The bewildered Gawain, the knights, and the candidates also pay attention to this side.

I was nervous for no reason, but I didn’t show it.

I have to get out of here.

Jerobeok, jeobeok.

Elijah walked over to me.

Slick shoes off the red carpet.

Stepping on the dirty dirt floor.

The distance between the candidate and the young lady, which seemed impossible to narrow, has narrowed.

Her knights couldn’t stop her even as she floundered.

The girl standing in front of me was a little shorter than me.

Still, he lifts her chin and keeps his gaze down.

Elijah’s small lips moved.

“Kneel down.”

You ordered me.

I couldn’t react hastily.

I am not a person who has lived in a world where people kneel just because others tell them to.

On the other hand, I wondered if I would be executed if I didn’t kneel even now.

There was no need to worry.

“You cheeky bastard!”

The knight ran over, kicked me in the hamstrings, and pressed me on the shoulders.


Her knees hit the ground and her face fell to the floor.

The knight pressed me on the back of my neck.

I endured the pain.

As long as I can fall like this, I can do it.

You have to live first.

“Raise your head.”

Elijah commanded.

The knight grabbed me by the hair and lifted me up.

I didn’t avert my gaze this time either.

Elijah watched me with a slow tilt of her head.

Then, she reached out her hand.

A rough lace glove.

Long sleeves that cover the wrists.

It seems that there was a red mark on the wrist visible through the gap.

A small hand grabbed my chin.

“Ah, lady… !”

I was surprised by the article.


Elijah silenced him.

She grabbed my chin and looked at her face, then slowly tilted her head.

I turn my face around and observe.

The observing eyes bent like a crescent moon.

I was laughing, now.

“It’s fun.”

She let go of her chin.

A hard-to-read emotion shone in his smiling eyes.

“Clean everything except him.”

“… ….”

Not only me, everyone here is dumbfounded.

After throwing the bomb, Elijah coldly walked away, accompanied by her maid.

I blankly looked at her back.

Even after Elijah disappeared, she came to her senses long after.

‘… Uh?’

Something is wrong.

It went terribly wrong.

At that time, a familiar phrase popped into my head.

[You have completed the tutorial.]

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  1. ALL HAIL NOBLEMTL, and this guy 🤣 probably shoulda snuck out or something before she came

  2. Moonlit Walker says:

    I only criticize other people not the authors themselves…
    (Since i dont like to do something as troublesome as saving the world again)

  3. Bocchan says:

    Haha good thing I don’t do bad comments since im Buddha

  4. Jack says:

    This guy need to learn from me…..about a foolproof way to survive in a fantasy world if you ever transmigrate

  5. k says:

    Typical noob

  6. DarkOpera says:

    @Milky Violet, You should post the malicious comments in the official web so the writer can read it to make the change of transmigrating bigger

  7. SilverInk says:

    But if u think about it. Maybe him being a noob is the reason why he is the one chosen to be transmigated. Because as u said, he is bound to make crazy ways to attract the villainess.

  8. 1st rule of reincarnation and basically most things in life is, if the choice looks like the obvious answer, it’s a trap.

  9. Feng says:

    BBC above me is right

  10. Bro I make malicious comments all the time, and I haven’t gotten transmigrated yet. Perhaps the comments require a passion of hate?

  11. Big Blackclock says:

    Nah. This guy is a noob. He should know that the more unique (crazy) way you behave in front of a psychopath villain, the more chances of those psychos being interested in you(sry for my bad english)

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