The Escort Knight Who Is Being Obsessed Over by the Villainess Wants To Run Away chapter 150

150 - 45. Climax of tragedy (3)

150 – 45. Climax of tragedy (3)

The spear aims for the lower body.

Judah swings his shield down and sheds it.

The sword aims for the head.

Bow your head.

Again, another sword aims at the body.

Step on the ground with your shield and rotate your body to avoid it.

The limit is slowly approaching.

It hurts like my muscles are going to tear.

It’s hard to breathe.

The sweat was trying to cover my eyes, so I had to keep wiping it away.

From noble mtl dot com

‘I can’t do it…’ .’

You cannot lose.

I lost, but I did what I could, so there is no need for a result.

Only victory and survival are the only values.

However, reality does not work that way.

The mace flies like a battering ram.

I raised my shield.

“Pfft…” !”

I should have shed it, but I failed.

My arms are numb.

The moment you hesitate.

A survival expert sounded a warning from the rear.

There is no enemy behind your back.


‘Magic… !’

Wizards, except for elites capable of close combat, are waiting from afar.

There is definitely one of them.

It’s too late to avoid it.

Dozens of people were rushing in again, waiting for the moment to slow down.

The enchantment on the armor has also run out of effect.

It cannot be blocked.


‘That’s right.’

If you dodge and avoid fatal wounds, you can fight again.

The moment I decided that.


The sound of being penetrated into the skin.

Whin! And the howl of the animal followed.

‘… !’

Judah dodged and dodged the incoming weapons one after another.

When I turned around, someone was slashing with a sword diagonally.

I narrowly avoid it by lowering my waist and then cut its leg.

Wow! And the knee is cut off.

Upper body tilting in the air.

Cut the waist in half.

He ran forward, receiving blood and organs with his body.


Yuel was shaking after being hit by a sharp ice spear on her buttocks.

“… ….”

There was no time to hesitate.

Judas used his sword like a shovel to lift up the floor.

The rocky ground rises and forms a wall.

It separated the enemy from Judah.

It is not a wall that will last long.

It is enough to buy time to send Yuel away.

Fortunately, Yuel’s wounds were not deep.

He may be a bit limp, but he can run away.


Yuel looked up at him with anxious eyes.

Every minute and every second was a waste.

We must quickly get them out of the battlefield.

Judas spoke as calmly and reassuringly as possible.

I stroked Yuel’s head, thinking it was the last time.

“Go and get someone to help me. That’s it. Understand?”

Yuel stood up with difficulty and reluctantly left him.

There was no time to watch Yuel moving away.

The wall made of rock was broken.

It breaks apart around one point, and a platinum-colored knight attacks from beyond.

He was sticking a spear in.

Hold the sword vertically, move it out of the way, and then cut it straight.

The platinum armor turned red and split into left and right sides.

The moment when he was about to leave his position and move on.

“… !”

My feet were tied.

I was caught by a huge root growing from the floor.

It is an interpersonal restraint magic.

The next guard rushes in.

Falling sword.

The moment I blocked and held on with my shield, the guard raised his other hand.

A pointed dagger held back.

I turned my upper body, but there was no escape angle.

It approaches, aiming precisely at his face.

The awl shined and captured his face.


Blood splatters all over my face along with the pain.

However, Judas did not die.

Everyone who saw that scene felt fear.

The extreme persistence was close to madness.

“That…” . How….”

The dagger pierced Judah’s cheek and reached her other cheek.

He escaped a fatal wound by opening his mouth.

In other words, it only penetrated the ball and stopped.

The guard tried to pull out the dagger, but it wouldn’t come out.

Judas was clenching his teeth together.

The guard fell into inexplicable fear as he saw Judas glaring at him with wide-open eyes, a dagger stuck in his face.

The body becomes stiff.

Judas’ face was pierced, but he was neither scared nor in pain.

After I watched helplessly as Elijah collapsed due to someone else’s past that I didn’t know about and didn’t commit, I felt like my sense of pain had disappeared.

The anger that had been cold all along began to well up the moment I saw Yuel getting hurt.

I was so angry that I was on the verge of going crazy.

After fixing the sword with your teeth, hold it briefly with your remaining hand and extend the sword.

Pabulate the opponent and twist them sideways to pull them out.

The guard’s upper body split from the waist down and fell.

“This is someone who should not be let go alive….”

A face covered in dark red blood.

The golden eyes shone brightly.

It is fierce like an evil beast.

“For the young lady…. I can’t go….”

Judas said, relying on his sword to hold on.

Even as his legs tremble due to accumulated fatigue and wounds, his momentum is ferocious.

“I guess I have no choice but to add.”

Geist prepared his magic.

“Now I am stranded. “Let’s pour out the magic we’ve prepared in order.”

You have to endure even if your allies get caught up.

It is such a dangerous enemy.

Judas barely managed to hold on to his fading spirit.

See the enemy.

‘If I die… I can’t….’

Enemies attack from all directions.

My feet were tied.

The wizards appear to be preparing something.

She cannot use the discovery of revelation because Elijah tried to read her memories.

There is no way to defend against magic.

‘Full moon….’

It was already night.

A full moon appeared in the night sky.

A technique that he felt he had been able to do ever since the moon he embraced became complete and he grabbed the moon’s pupil.

I think with a sense of slowness.

Enlightenment is like clothes getting wet in a light rain.

Like a watercolor painting, it slowly approaches.

At the moment of growing up, he was not very thrilled or happy.

You just have to quickly kill the enemy, kill more, kill more, kill them all, and return to Elijah.

You have to face each other.

I would like to apologize for not being honest for a moment.

This is just a means to return to her and her process.

‘The sword is a line.’

The sword woven with magic is a very thin line.

‘If you draw countless lines, they become a surface.’

The sword energy fired without any gaps can form a hemisphere-shaped surface.

Is it possible?

I don’t know.

So far, it has never been implemented because it is possible.

If I had to do it, I did it.

It is not much different now.

Numerous weapons of the battered imperial guards.

Giant rocks, lightning, sparks, ice, etc. Started falling from the sky.

Numerous magic attacks.

Eliminate them all at once.

Judas placed his shield on the ground and grabbed his sword with both hands.

What is cut is not an object, but a space.

Slash the sword in a semicircle upward, as if cutting through the sky.


His movement was completed even though the enemy’s attack had not yet arrived.

Spear and sword.

And numerous magics fall at the same time.

Just before it rained down like a bomb and crushed him.

Ivory light spread out like an explosion centered around him.

Pushing the ground and moving forward.

The guard’s weapon touches the light, his armor breaks, and his entire body falls into pieces.

The rock chunks were crushed, the fire and electricity were scattered, and the ice chunks were breaking into pieces and exploding.

All magic has been nullified.

Even after crushing the enemy, the light continued to advance.

It looked like the moon floating on the ground.

The guard captain who stopped walking wanted to applaud.

‘I can’t believe you’re using black metal with cotton.’

That hemispherical light was created by filling numerous sword energy without any gaps.

It is natural that your body will be pulverized upon contact.

The ground trembles briefly with just the sword.

A yellow sun rose in that place and engulfed Judah.


The captain of the guard was impressed.

“Is this the sun that imitated Elijah’s magic?”

Some geniuses are uniquely ahead of the curve and at the same time have a great influence on countless people involved in that work.

Elijah was a genius among geniuses, and Geist was another genius influenced by him.

He watched Elijah’s magic and tried it a few times.

And he finally succeeded in imitating.

Although it is much weaker than the magic of its original owner, Elijah.

“I don’t know if I will ever step forward.”

“Don’t let your guard down. “I don’t think it will end like this.”

“Hmm. All the rest of the Guard forward. If you get out, respond. “I participate too.”

Judah was swallowed up by the sun and stopped breathing for a moment.


That can’t be possible.

Elijah currently cannot use magic.

This is an imitation of Elijah’s magic.

He was immune to fire, but this space was completely swallowed up by magic.

There is no air to breathe.

I quickly ran outside.

When he came out of the sun, a guard came right in front of Judah.

She swung her weapons in unison as if waiting.


The reflection was animalistic.

Cut with a short swing of the sword.

The crescent moon-like sword energy spread horizontally, cutting off the body of the royal guard.

Against the background of separated bodies and gushing blood, someone ran right in front of us.

He was the captain of the guards.

“It’s truly amazing.”

The huge Zweihander falls.

It was barely prevented.


Even if I blocked it, it didn’t stop it.

I lost my shield and fell backwards.


I stuck my sword in the floor and barely stopped myself from being pushed away, and stood up shakily.

The guard captain charged in again, brandishing the Zweihander.

He said goodbye.

“I salute your loyalty.”

At that moment, a rear warning from a survival expert.

Geist’s magic has been completed.

An ice spear so large that it could crush a person was launched at him.

Avoiding is impossible.

Judas gritted his teeth.

‘If I’m going to die anyway.’

Take one person with you.

He rushed towards the captain of the guard, ready to die.

I never thought I would see magic lights often in my life.

Elijah’s face comes to mind.

She is a woman I have been with for 5 years.

This goodbye may be real.

‘Elijah…. Sorry.’

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  1. D1Grandmaster says:

    Man this is lame as fxck, It would’ve been more interesting if Elijah actually physically hurt Judah and if Judah is thinking of using the portal item to return back to Earth instead of just sacrificing himself like this for no reason. Now we’re obviously gonna see Elijah save Judah because of plot armor which is lame as hell.

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