The Escort Knight Who Is Being Obsessed Over by the Villainess Wants To Run Away chapter 153

153 - 46. Judah's past (1)

153 – 46. Judah’s past (1)

Hu, hu-.

Elijah blew the wind.

The watery porridge on the spoon was cooled.

Check the temperature by lightly touching the tip of your lips.

It is moderately warm.

She carefully moved the spoon to her mouth.

Not with her own mouth, but with the mouth of the person lying next to her.

With her hand, she slightly opens her lips and lets her porridge flow past them.

Afterwards, close her lips and wipe the area around her.

The action was repeated several times.

Elijah’s bedroom.

Judah was lying in bed, not awake, and Elijah was next to him, taking care of him.

From noble mtl dot com

There is a large crystal on the wall facing the bed.

That sparkling translucent sky blue is ice.

Ice that does not melt, created by Bols and reinforced by Elijah.

Maria is trapped inside.

Just as it was when it died.

The half-cut upper body, the spilled organs and blood, everything was preserved there.

There is also a dagger stuck in her chest.

I can now use magic, but I was too hasty in taking Lia out.

It was Judas who said he could save his life after inserting that dagger, but he hasn’t woken up yet.

I couldn’t touch it hastily.

It’s already been a few days, and she hasn’t left Judah’s side even for a moment.

The maids served the food, and Elijah was in charge of feeding them.

She also did not forget to compulsively use detox magic every time.

A lot of documents are probably arriving at the mansion.

After-processing of the last war.

And to demand an explanation after the Empire’s surprise attack.

Elijah let go of her hand.

To be precise, she was out of hand.

It is difficult to even think about Judas alone.

Luckily, there was someone in this mansion who could do the job.

Centered around Miguel, the head butler, Gawain, the head of the guard, and Bols, the wizard.

A few other engineers who were good at paperwork were taking turns processing it.

In the meantime, the imperial army never came back.

He came here for reconnaissance, but was immediately burned to death.

Currently, a small sun is floating in the sky above Elijah’s mansion.

It was an automatic defense magic that fired a beam of light at enemies approaching within a certain distance and burned them.

It was built by Elijah.

It was a magic that did not exist before, and I did not learn it.

Elijah just hoped for that kind of magic, and it happened.

What you imagine and desire has been magically realized in reality.

We have entered the realm of creation, not creation.

It was impossible before, but Elijah had no time to pay attention to the change and growth.

The only nearby guests were those who occasionally came to see the magic at the Magic Tower.

If the sun were not hostile, it would not necessarily attack people.

It’s been like that for a few days now.

Elijah did not eat anything or sleep well.

It was my daily routine to stay by Judah’s side.

To her like that.

“Lady. “I’m going in.”

A guest has arrived.

Because Elijah did not speak for several days, the guest cautiously opened the door without listening to his answer.

It was Hermis.

What you see behind it is white hair and purple eyes.

Blind star.

It was Eurydice.

A person who had documents related to Judah.

The day she found out about Judah, Elijah thought that Judah and her intelligence guild were involved in her death.

But she realized that Judas did not kill Mary, and that he had saved her life as well.

Then, what are they?

I was curious, but I didn’t open my mouth.

They just look at the guests with blank eyes.

“Young lady. Long time no see.”

Eurydice approached cautiously.

I was worried that Elijah would run away again.

“Ah, should I call you Duke now instead of Lady?”

Even with a light joke, Elijah remained expressionless. She

She just looked up at herself blankly.

She didn’t even know if she heard what was being said.

“The condition is much more serious than I heard….”

Yuri Dicke sighed and sat across from her.

Anyway, make eye contact and don’t chase them away.

She was a fortunate thing for Yuri Dicke.

“I’m sorry about what happened last time. I couldn’t explain because the situation was urgent, but in fact, I had been being chased by the imperial family for quite some time. “At that point, I really didn’t know that I would end up in such a situation.”

“… ….”

“I came because I wanted to clear up a misunderstanding. I will only talk about the bare and important things. “As you also found out, Judas was an assassin, and his targets were you and your biological mother, Mary.”

“… ….”

“But I don’t think Judas killed Mary. She looked into Assassin’s Guild documents and found that the mission was listed as a success, but in reality it was a failure. For that reason, Judas was reprimanded and kicked out. Ramek, they covered up to hide their mistake…. Are you listening?”

Elijah nodded her head slowly.

“Anyway, so…. I’m trying to trace the previous background, but it’s not easy. I was wondering if the young lady knew anything, so I came to check. Young lady is also curious. “Why did it become like this?”

“… ….”

“Or have you ever glimpsed Judah’s memories? “I believe she has perfected the magic.”

Elijah shook her head. She

She has never tried to see.

But she failed frequently.

I just thought it was some kind of barrier magic, in case someone would check my memories.

She knew she was a great wizard, but she couldn’t say she mastered all magic.

Come to think of it.

Last time, Judas remembered his memory again….

“Over there.”

Hermis quietly intervened.

“It just occurred to me while listening to the story.”

Eurydice was embarrassed.

It is a secret to Elijah that Hermis belongs to the Intelligence Guild.

But, it came in unexpectedly.

On the other hand, Elijah’s clouded mind could not recognize or point out that.

Hermis also wanted to say something, so he couldn’t hold back.

“I visited Selene with Yuda before. Then Judah said it was as if he had been here before.”

“… Selene? Are you sure… yo. This?”

She almost used informal language like usual.

“Yes. “I’m sure.”


I also remember Elijah.

At that time, Judas went there on a mission.

I also wondered why it was in that place.


That place….

“If it is really Selena, there is a reason why Judas would become the Lady’s assassin…. The village next to it…. No way.”

Elijah blinked at her.

My heart, which had been beating slowly as if I were dead, gradually became faster.


Near the city, there was a small village.

It was a place that supplied soap, candles, milk, etc. To the city, and it was also a large ranch where the city’s sheep were herded.

When Elijah was brought to her home, she had to kill her man because of narcissism.

To be precise, she had to sign up for the annihilation of a village.

The village was near the small tree house where Maria and she lived in hiding.

It was also the place where Mary gave up her stable so that she could give birth to Elijah.

It was a village where kind-hearted people lived who occasionally visited and helped her mother and daughter who were living in hiding.

And, under his signature, everyone in that village died.

In order to overpower Narcissus in his relationship with Elijah, he gave such instructions.

He grabbed my collar, slapped me, and threatened me by swinging a cane.

She scared, saying if you don’t, her mom won’t come back.

The name of the village is….


Eurydice said the name.

It is not widely known, but those who know know it.

A village that was unjustly exterminated by the Bevel family.


Only Elijah himself and Narcisi know that it was Elijah who signed the matter.

And that was carried out by Sunspot and Cain, who was learning murder as a member of Sunspot at the time.

“… ….”

Finally, all the clues came together.

The scattered fragments formed a picture.

The village where Elijah was born.

A place close to the treehouse where Maria stayed.

She is Judas, a native of that village whose extermination she signed.

Judas tried to kill Mary and himself.

Eurydice was surprised to see Elijah’s change.

Aside from shedding tears quietly, her eyes turned golden.

It is not light mixed with red and orange.

It is completely golden.

“Young lady, why, why are you like that… ?”

Elijah did not react.

She just uses magic on Judas.

A type of magic that peeks into memories.

I wanted to confirm the truth directly through his memories.

Although it was a dangerous spell even for the spirit of the victim, Elijah had no hesitation.

There was no reason for that.

I was confident that I could use it completely without any side effects.

The first attempt is blocked.

But, I think about what Judah said last time.

He asked me to check my memory once again. He asked me to try magic.

As if that would work.

Elijah waited three seconds and then she used her magic again.

“… !”


Consciousness was sucked into Judah’s memories.

Move to the required date.

The time when Badrahem was massacred.

About 10 years ago.


Article. Armor. Pattern.

A blazing symbol.

Windows. Night. Moon. Light.

A sword that sparkles with silver light.

Red blood splattering. Flurry.

“Mom? Dad… ?”

A boy muttered.

A calling that cannot be reached.

It is a calling that should not be reached.

He who is hiding must not be discovered by those people.

“Mom…. Dad….”

The boy cried and cried alone.

The emotions built up inside grew like rotten pus.

He will not forget today.

Even those who killed their parents.

He is helpless and unable to do anything.

There was nothing to hold, so the hand that was holding the air grabbed my skin and tore it.

My arms were hot.

… ….

Elijah is that boy.

I was next to little Judah.

We crouched together and watched and checked everything.

This is Badrahem.

Bevel’s secret group, Black Spot, attacked the village.

Cain slaughtered Judah’s family.

Judas was hiding in her closet.

Cain did not search her interior further, but set fire to her and left.

‘Ha, haha…’ .’

Elijah sees the past as a hazy figure like fog.

She shook her shoulders and laughed helplessly.

Laughter soon turns into a heavy sigh.

The sigh turns into a sob again.

‘Hahaha…. Under…. Ugh…. Wow… !’

The truth has been confirmed.

The one who killed Judah’s family was Elijah himself.

In the end, everything was my fault.


It was a terrible truth.

Judah’s family died because of his orders.

The village has disappeared.

How did he treat himself?

How many harsh words he poured out. Dare.

Elijah, who cried for a long time, managed to gather her spirits.

She couldn’t just wallow in negative emotions.

‘Let’s calm down…’ . ‘You shouldn’t waste your time here.’

Time passes faster in her memories than in reality.

It depends on the wizard’s capabilities, but in Elijah’s case, even if she experiences years, in reality it is only a few minutes.

‘Still, you should leave early if possible. Because I don’t know what will happen. I’ll have to look around a little more. However….’

Suddenly, Elijah quietly watched young Judas hiding in her closet.

Black hair. Golden eyes.

He may be young, but he is right.

It has the same appearance.


‘… ‘Hey, who is it?’

She seems to be a completely different person from the Judas she knew.

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  1. D1Grandmaster says:

    That’s so fxcked up, I hate Elijah now.

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