The Escort Knight Who Is Being Obsessed Over by the Villainess Wants To Run Away chapter 57

20. The character of committing and seeing is the problem

20. The character of committing and seeing is the problem

“Right, uh uh, yes yes.”

The moon deer rubbed its face in my hand.

Even though I see them every evening, they say they are happy to see me every time I come.

Nowadays, it even makes unusual sounds.

It is a mixture of a dog chirping, a cow or sheep bleating, and a handful of whistles.

Anyway, it’s unusual and strange.

It’s okay because it looks good.

“Oh, yes, yes.”

From noble mtl dot com

If you scratch the neck and chest area, rub it more.

Since he always comes before Elijah, he plays with me while I wait.

Stablekeeper Bradley chuckled as he changed the water.

“You seem to be really into you.”

“It would be better to be loyal to the young lady than to me.”

In the first place, it did not belong to me, but to Elijah. This guy

“I think I can ride it later if I do well.”

Moon deer can actually be ridden like horses.

‘But…. Is it too big?’

If you want to ride this body with this body, you must first climb that gigantic body.

I don’t even have the confidence to stand on top.

‘It would be useful if I could ride it. It’s not a world with many means of transportation.’

Moon deer are great vehicles.

A spirit creature that is not an ordinary beast.

He knows how to find his way by himself, and he is very fast.

I know how to fight in dangerous situations or defend myself.

‘I hope the day will come when I can ride it.’

As I was scratching my neck, the door opened.

Elijah has come.

Bradley bowed his head first.

I too took a step away from the moon deer and lowered my head.

At times like this, the ignorant young creature kept rubbing its head against my body.

Elijah stared at the moon deer without saying anything.

The sunken eyes were somehow eerie.

I’m going to apply the courtesy towards nobles to beasts.

Even though it’s a smart spirit creature, you probably don’t even know that concept.

“Sorry. I’ve been playing for a while….”

Instead, I apologized.

The eyes that were looking at the moon deer moved to me.

Fixed red eyes as if looking into them.

Elijah came closer to me, holding her eyes tight as if he were tired.

He strides over and grabs my wrist and pulls it quickly.

As if stolen.


I was dragged away by the sudden action.

Elijah brought me to her side and hugged her tightly around my waist.

“Ah, lady… ?”

Elijah hugs him as he pleases.

You can get used to it, but it’s hard to get used to.

Elijah pressed her face against my awkwardly stiff chest and took a deep breath.

“Looks like I’m going to live a little longer….”

I heard that Elijah met Narcissus today.

She doesn’t know specifically what she did.

Perhaps because of that, she looked tired today.

By the way, it feels like you’re finally going to live with me.

What does that mean?

‘Hey, no way, me….’

In an instant, the moon deer’s eyes met.

When I saw those innocent eyes staring at me, I realized what a stupid delusion I had been.

I wanted to die because I was embarrassed.


The time to take care of the moon deer was peaceful as usual.

When I am feeding mushrooms or hay, Elijah brushes or strokes me.

Now it has become a daily routine.

Elijah looks comfortable too.

At first, I was uncharacteristically nervous and struggled because I didn’t know what to do.

Brushing her hair, stroking the moon deer, and looking at her became more natural.

As a result, this time has become quite comfortable for me as well.

A time when you don’t have to do anything in particular.

The sound of a moon deer chewing something.

The squeak of Elijah’s brushing.

Sometimes the cry of a grasshopper can be heard from afar.

Before spring begins, the air is slightly cold.

I can feel those things.

In the past, this time was inconvenient because I had to pay attention to Elijah.

I was always nervous and nervous not to make mistakes.

‘Um…. That’s not bad.’

As much as I am more comfortable, miscellaneous thoughts come to my mind.

A sudden curiosity.

‘Did Elijah come to like the moon deer?’

Other than that, I can’t explain why Elijah came so diligently.

‘I’d be happy if you took care of me too…. Good doesn’t mean strange.’

A sudden appearance.

Elijah laughing at the moon deer and her face.

It was a strangely clear and bright smile.

‘A normal girl. Not the Elijah I know….’

Suddenly, the word was unfamiliar to me.

The Elijah I know.

It can be summed up as a murder maniac or arson mania.

Is that really the Elijah I know?

How much do I know about Elijah?

Can you say you know?

She said that when I was about to die, Elijah hugged me and cried.

His appearance is too different from the Elijah I know….


I answered right away.

“Yes. Miss.”

She asked as she combed her hair.

“Is life at the training center worth it?”

Because I was taken aback, the answer was delayed.

It’s rare to have a conversation while petting a moon deer.

Unless something happened, there is only silence.

But Elijah opened up the conversation.

That’s also a very common topic.

As I gently caressed the moon deer, Elijah looked at me.

A calm gaze that observes something without answering.

“… Ah. It’s worth it. There is nothing particularly inconvenient….”

If I had to pick one, there are more comfortable ones.

I get into small fights in other rooms, but my colleagues in the same room are trustworthy.

Compared to what I did in my previous life, my training is more than catching up.

Now, meals are served well, and I am recognized in many ways….

I suddenly remembered the day I first entered this training center.

I wanted to get out of here.

Since that day, ever since.

My plans are unchanged.

To run away from here someday.

Avoiding or overcoming the future that might kill Elijah.

I just vaguely thought.

Someday you will leave.

Like inertia, like habit.

Visiting the information guild and maintaining friendly relations were primarily for that purpose.

By the way, while answering Elijah, I realized afresh that I am quite satisfied with my life here.

For some reason, I was embarrassed and avoided looking at her.

“… Thanks to the young lady, I am doing well.”

That’s not wrong.

Because Elijah chose me.

If I had been kicked out then, I might have become a beggar begging on the street.

I don’t know how to make a living in a world like this.

I was curious about one thing.

I almost died.

With this, I wonder if the tragedy I saw has not happened.

Or, is it still valid?

“It’s nice to know.”

Elijah smiled softly.

“But it’s strange. At first, it certainly didn’t look like it wanted to come in.”

“… ….”

“Did you stare me right in the eye?”

“That, that, that…. Like performance art employing a kind of shock therapy to leave an impression on the eyes of the young lady….”

Unknowingly, I stuttered.

Elijah sighed, and she gave a low laugh.

“What are you so flustered about? Not one or two people hate me.”

“… ….”

Condescending self-deprecation.

There doesn’t even seem to be a perception that it’s degrading.

The attitude that it is just a matter of course, just like the natural phenomenon of the rising and setting of the sun.

The refutation of “No” Rose to the top of my throat.

I couldn’t bring myself to speak.

Didn’t I really hate Elijah back then?

I looked at it with challenging eyes.

At first, I didn’t want to come to this training center.

After that, I remembered the image of Elijah I thought I knew.

I should say no.

I wasn’t sure of my mind either, so I kept my mouth shut.

Elijah was not uncomfortable with my silence.

You glance at it and end up grinning.

“You don’t even say that with empty words. You are so weird Even if it’s because my life is precious, I’ll beg that it’s not.”

“… ….”

“But, I don’t hate you like that. Am I weirder in that respect?”

There must be a lot of supporters around her.

People who don’t know well, but probably don’t mean it.

Meanwhile, even with her flattery, I didn’t hold her up.

Could her character who couldn’t lie give her comfort?

I was wandering around trying to find an answer, but Elijah blurted out.

“What is your relationship with Angra?”

I ask as if it’s a name I know of course.

The confused state of mind was erased.

‘Ah… what?’

I blinked and asked again.

“… Yes? What….”

“Avesta Mazda Angra. He is the bishop of the Moonsin Church. He is usually known as Bishop Angra.”

“… ?”

That’s… Who?

Is a bishop a religious person?

Are you familiar with me?

No, am I supposed to know?

I stupidly opened my mouth and blinked my eyes.

Elijah stares at me and tilts her head.

“Don’t you know?”


I answered confidently.

I don’t know.

I quickly thought of several names I knew.

I’ve never actually met them, but they’re probably somewhere in this world.

Among them, there is no name called Angra.

Avesta, Mazda. Anything like that


Elijah also stopped petting the moon deer.

Looking straight into my eyes with her arms crossed.

The confident red eyes are always like this.

Carelessly, as if for granted, looking into the eyes of others and digging them out.

A gaze that seems to be sucked in if we look directly at each other.

I quietly averted my eyes.

Her eyes are still on my face.

I look away from her eyes and examine her face.

Insistently, eyes that look at each and every detail.

Then she said, opening her eyes wide in surprise.

“You really don’t know?”

… What.

Did you see through me just now?

Does it look so clear?

‘I can’t say no.’

Since Elijah is a natural genius in this way, there must be some fault.

Well then.

It’s not just because I’m an obvious person.

“Judas. I’ll ask again. Do you really not know?”

“Yes…. Are you someone I need to know?”

A small crack formed between Elijah’s forehead.

She, always unwavering and relaxed, said with a serious expression.

“Angra is the person who brought you out of Judecca. Since I brought you out, I’ve even protected you. I don’t know if I let you go after that or if you ran away, but I got out of there and went to another slave market and came to my side.”

“… ….”

Suddenly, information pours in.

Totally unexpected content.

Understanding is one beat late.

I never thought about it.

For example, Judah’s family relationship. Or the past.

I found out that he was from Giudecca through Envinyl.

I was curious.

However, the priority was a bit low.

I was in a hurry to avoid the tragedy that might befall me right away.

Elijah was digging into my past.

‘If it’s surprising, it’s surprising…. Is it important? What do we do?’

I don’t know who brought me out.

This is a very suspicious and strange situation.

However, I can’t say that I came up with it too late.

I am bad at lying, and Elijah knows how to catch my lies.

So there is only one option left.

“I really don’t remember.”

Just tell the truth.

I can’t help it even if it’s a tired excuse like memory loss.

Because that’s the truth as it is.

“Yes…. I mean….”

Elijah nodded slowly, as if realizing something about her.

Lia cautiously approached as if it was time to go.

Wiping Elijah’s hands with her handkerchief.

She was Elijah, who gave her hand as usual, but her eyes were different.

The eyes fixed somewhere in the air were firm as if they had made some decision.

“Okay. Just for today….”

Elijah stopped her and she stood still.

Slightly parted lips.

The big eyes close slowly.

Anticipating the next scene, I hurriedly reached out my hand.

‘Fall down… !’

As expected, Elijah staggered with her eyes half closed. Her

My arms held her before she fell.

“… Ah.”

Elijah opened her eyes.

She looks back and forth between me and Leah, frowning.

On the other side, Leah and I supported Elijah.

She is a red-haired maid who always follows her like a shadow.

I glanced over.

I don’t stare as fiercely as I used to.

I just see Elijah.

A look full of pity and pity.

Elijah couldn’t look up at Lia because he was looking at me.

To be precise, she was looking down at my arm holding her.

“… Sorry.”

I politely apologized and let go of her arm.

I tried to let go.

Do not fall.

Elijah held on to my collar and did not let go.

“My lady?”

“… No. Nothing.”

He shook his head briefly and let go of his hand.

It is dangerous to lean on Lia and barely stand upright.

‘Why is my child so anxious….’

“I’ll call the councilor right away.”

Leah said, but Elijah waved her hand away.

“Okay. Anyway….”

This time, the words were cut off.

She did not fall again.

I heard a frog cry somewhere.

A rumbling sound.

It came from Elijah’s belly.

“… ….”

I pretended not to hear her and turned her head away.

I can feel Elijah’s gaze.

The eyes that stare at you.

When they met with a slight roll of their eyes, Elijah turned her head away.

The round cheeks are red.

With her lips slightly pursed, she looks the other way and speaks curtly.

“… Pretend you didn’t hear it.”

“The time has come for frogs to wake up from hibernation….”


“Oh, no, no.”

I hurriedly changed the topic.

“Did you have dinner?”

… No, wait.

This isn’t a change of topic, is it an overt push?

You heard a noise from your stomach?

I decided to be shameless about what I said anyway.

Elijah answered, pouting her lips.

“I ate.”


Excessively thin limbs for a small body as a child.

I remembered the day I ate with Elijah.

Elijah did not empty her bowl even with the sacrament as big as the upper leg in front of her eyes.

I ended up chewing on the soup a few times.

From noble mtl dot com

There’s no way he showed humility because he was in front of me.

I don’t have that kind of personality.

That’s just Elijah’s eating habit.

‘I have a lot of work to do, but I don’t eat, so I end up collapsing.’

I don’t like it for some reason.

I basically eat a lot.

You have to do this to maintain the body made by exercise and improve your performance.

Maybe that’s why when I see people with short mouths, I don’t deserve it.

Especially those who starve because they are on a diet.

People who starve and whimper, saying that it is healthy food.

As a rule, it is best for humans to eat a lot and move a lot.

This is just my personal opinion.


Especially, it is most objectionable for young children to starve without eating.

I asked impulsively.

“Are you busy?”

“… Huh? Me?”

As if it was completely unexpected, Elijah was surprised.

Lea answered instead.

“Your lady is going to have time for self-study before going to bed.”

“If it is autonomy, then it means that it is not an important task related to the inside and outside of the family, right?”

At the firm question, Lia also seemed to be speechless for a moment.

The answer was Elijah.

“Yes, but…. Why?”

“Okay then.”

I blindly grabbed Elijah’s hand.

Leading without asking permission.

“Let’s have a meal with me.”


Elijah remembered a sentence from a book she read a long time ago.

Emotion is the untamed horse, and reason is its rider in the reins.

Thus, human beings move according to the instinct of emotion, and can only barely control it with reason.

It was a pretty impressive insight.

It stayed deep in my heart.

It’s not that she’s an emotional character.

It may have been like that when I was younger, but it’s completely different now.

She is prudent, calm, rational and objective in everything.

It wasn’t just conceit, it was the truth.

She was self-objectifying and she was confident.

It would have been bad if she hadn’t been able to objectively grasp her own position.

That was the life of a powerless illegitimate child.

She always had to keep an eye on others, fight behind her back, and find a place to lay her own body.

Thanks to that, she was good at analyzing and understanding the situation she was in.

What factors have caused this situation?

She knows how to deal with it herself. Stuff like that.

Elija, who was like that, felt a rare confusion. She

She was even more confused that she was confused.

Confused emotions ran wild.

Reason dared not control it.

She once laughed at what Judas did to Balak.

Balak stuttered, not knowing what to do with the bold Judas.

She said that now she herself.

She never dreamed she would find herself in a situation like this.

‘This is… now… what happened….’

I sat at the end of the table and lowered my head in a daze.

A small bowl for steaming seaweed.

What’s inside is death.

An ugly porridge made from ground grain.

It’s food you’ve never imagined you’d see on your table.

Elijah wanted to understand the situation.

At what point did she originate?

Turn the clock forward.

I almost collapsed in her stable.

She was familiar with anemia and dizziness.

She was about to go over without thinking about it, but Judas grabbed my hand right away.

She cheekily asked for her own schedule, and she dragged it out.

She was ridiculous.

It is true that she showed particular favoritism to him and treated him generously.

However, that crossed the line.

I deserved to be punished.

But her mouth didn’t come off.

For some reason, her body obediently followed him.

She honestly didn’t even want to punish her.

Then we arrived at the restaurant.

Judas, unable to wake up her sleeping chef, asked Anna instead.

Just boil a bowl of porridge.

Lea is hard to deal with and awkward, so I can’t find her instead.

Lia stood by her side while Anna made her porridge.

Anna, who knew how to eat Judas and cooked porridge, was shocked to learn that Elijah was the object of her meal, and she almost died.

Her porridge, which drove Anna to near fainting, is now in front of Elijah.

Judas scoops the porridge with a spoon.

Hot steam rises.

Perhaps he is trying to cool off, Judas blows.

Elijah watched him blankly as he sat in the seat next to her.

What are you doing?

What is this situation?

I need to understand it, but I can’t understand it at all.

Leah, from her distance, watched her with a complicated mind, but she had no one to care about her.

Actually, Judas wasn’t even in his right mind right now.

Never in his life did he resent his character as much as he does now.

Because of seeing and committing once, he came to this point.

I feel ashamed to the point of fainting, but I can’t help it.

I did it anyway, and I came this far.

I can’t back down.

I know it’s crazy, so my face heats up, but I do it because it’s what I have to do.

Judas finally cooled the porridge and put a spoon to Elijah’s mouth.

“Oh, do it.”

“… ….”

Elijah’s sense of reality was shattered.

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  1. Wikka says:

    This line might be common question from LN Arifureta, but i have to say it
    “Are you a hero?”

  2. IwantemBed says:

    My boy got the dumb rizz

  3. Luiz Felipe says:

    Normal judas W

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