The Fiancee Who Betrayed Me Is Obsessed With Me chapter 6

The Fiancee Who Betrayed Me Is Obsessed With Me 6

6 – Betrothed to a princess from an enemy country (6)

It was when Ben and Syria were very, very young.

Although they were both children of high noble families, they were young when they knew nothing.

“Wow… This is awesome… ”

“What are you doing Syria?”

Like any childhood friend, the two spent time together every day.

We went into the bath together and even fell asleep in the same bed.

It was possible because they were children who knew nothing, and the two naturally accepted that fact.

“why… wedding dress?”

“yes. “It’s a special dress you only wear when getting married!”

Syria had brought a catalog of wedding dresses without her mother’s knowledge and was looking through them.

It was a booklet as big as her body, but she brought it in with a whimper and was completely absorbed in the beautiful wedding dresses in the catalog.

“So if I don’t get married, I won’t be able to wear it for the rest of my life?”

“Ugh! “Then what?”

“Then I will marry you, Syria!”

It was a promise from my childhood. Now Ben can’t even remember.

Of course, Syria did not attach any meaning to that promise. It’s just a cute memory from my childhood.

Nevertheless, my thought of walking down the wedding hall with him in a wedding dress someday did not change.

Even though his life was short, Ben was with him his entire life, and Syria did not want to marry a man other than him.

From noble mtl dot com

Without him, it seemed impossible to get married, kiss, or lie in the same bed.

Syria took her future with him for granted.

That might be why she was able to easily show off her tomboyish personality in front of Ben.

He was the person I was most comfortable with, but at the same time, he was also the person I loved the most.

“father! “I will definitely grow up and marry Ben!”

“… okay. “I guess so.”

Father of Syria. Duke Ceramide was a fairly cold and blunt person.

In some ways, he was also a pretty cruel man.

As the owner of a huge ducal family that supported the kingdom, he had to be evil and ruthless at times.

This was not just a problem for the Ceramide Dukes, but a natural problem for any powerful noble family.

Still, he wasn’t a bad person.

Although he was a bit cold and strict, he definitely loved his daughter.

And it was not impossible for the prince to marry his daughter. No, it was more likely.

Therefore, he agreed with his young daughter’s young thoughts.

Of course, things have changed a lot over time.

“Huh… Ben, Ben… ”

Ben had to become engaged to a princess from a kingdom that was a hostile country. This was when they were 12 years old.

The duke said it was an inevitable choice for diplomacy with Syria.

He was not the kind of person who could lie to his daughter who was feeling discouraged.

This was Syria, where I left my tea time with the young lady I had recently become close with and ran to confirm the facts.

And when she found out that Ben was indeed engaged to the princess of the next country, her little world seemed to fall apart.

“… Syria. “Don’t cry.”

“But… But… hehehehe… Ben is marrying a princess… Puaaa!!”

“ha… ”

This engagement was absolutely necessary for the future of each country and the future of the Ceramide Duke family.

Therefore, even though the duke knew his daughter’s feelings, he could not go against the big trend, and he felt a little sorry for his daughter crying so sadly.

“Don’t cry, Syria. “They are engaged, but they will never get married.”

“Huh… to… ? really… are you… ?”

“… “Did you see this father telling lies?”

It was like that. Although the duke was a cold person, he did not lie.

And it was also true that they would not get married.

Looking at the engagement ceremony, the princess of the Kingdom of Helia also disliked this engagement.

Perhaps, if she could see that, her daughter would feel a little more at ease.

It really wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t a lie, but

Hidden behind it was a fact that could cause greater pain to his daughter than just this engagement.

But the duke swallowed his words. Even though he couldn’t hide it.

Syria was still only a 12-year-old child.

Let’s ease her mind right now, and maybe she’ll understand what happens in the future.

Wouldn’t my daughter understand that it was an inevitable choice for the greater good? Out of such greed, the duke swallowed up the cruel truth.

Even though he vaguely knew how much pain this would cause to his daughter in the future.

“The princess doesn’t want to marry you?!”

Fortunately or unfortunately, after confirming that fact, Syria regained her strength like before.

Princess Yuuna certainly didn’t seem to have any intention of marrying him, and the Duke also said that there would be no marriage.

Syria, realizing that this engagement was nothing more than a political show, no longer had to grieve.

“Really, Yuuna?”

“Poetry, rather than saying I don’t like it… “I can’t get married.”

The only thing that bothered me was that Ben wanted to marry her.

Of course, Yuna didn’t seem to want it, but she still didn’t like it.

“Do you really like the princess? “Do you want to get married?”

So, one day without Yuuna.

Syria asked him bluntly. Do you really like her?

“I guess he got into an engagement he didn’t want. “I feel sorry for you if I make things difficult for Yuna.”

was his answer.

Of course, deep in Ben’s heart, he had a crush on Yuna, but it was difficult to judge from that sentence alone.

Anyway, based on that answer, he doesn’t mean to get engaged because he truly likes Yuuna.

Syria thought that Ben was acting this way because he was nice, and from then on, she was able to really relax.

I became closer to Yuuna, and I no longer held a grudge against anyone.

If you wait just a little longer, their relationship will end.

You just have to wait until then. So Syria thought.


“Syria. Next week, go to the Haeman Kingdom. Now, at that age, it would be okay to go alone.”

“… “Haman Kingdom?”

The Haeman Kingdom was a trading nation located in the south of the continent.

It wasn’t an incredibly far distance, but it was a place I’d never been to alone.

“There was a banquet held at the royal palace of the Kingdom of Haeman, so I decided to attend, but our schedules overlapped. It’s not a very friendly relationship, so there’s no need to feel burdened. “It is enough to just understand the atmosphere of the social world.”

In the Seaman Kingdom, the relationship was definitely not that deep.

This meant that depending on priorities, the duke could postpone the banquet of the Kingdom of Haeman.

However, this time, it was decided to send her as the duke’s representative because it was a suitable position to increase her experience in Syria.

“yes yes! All right. father.”

Although it was her first time attending a banquet of this scale alone, Syria answered confidently.

Now, she is a proper noble lady. Because I was a little happy that I was recognized by my father as the face representing the family.

“… okay.”

The duke still nodded curtly.

But on the contrary, Syria was proud to be recognized by such a cold father.

For some reason, I felt superior because I felt like I had grown up faster than Ben.

I couldn’t tell Ben about it.

There was less time to prepare than expected, and because Ben traveled back and forth to the Kingdom of Helia frequently, there was no opportunity to meet him.

I thought about leaving a letter, but Syria soon put down the pen.

Since I was only there for a week and it wasn’t that far away, I thought it would be enough to talk about it later.

“I’ll be back!”

Just like that, Syria brightly set off towards the Kingdom of Haeman.


“Would you like to dance a song with me, young lady?”

“Joe, it’s good.”

Although Syria had already made its debut in the social world, it had not yet had much experience with parties of this scale.

However, because Syria’s appearance and the unique purple-tinged silver hair of the Ceramide Duke family were characteristically beautiful, rumors about her had already spread throughout social circles.

Since such a young and inexperienced lady attended a party in the Kingdom of Haeman alone, it was natural that men would be attracted to her.

This time, Syria was already dancing for the fifth time.

“I can’t believe I’m finally seeing such a beautiful lady. “Where have you been hiding all this time?”

“Ha ha ha ha ha… ”

Everyone was spitting out words that felt like they had several pieces of butter on their tongues.

It wasn’t that he didn’t like receiving praise, but it wasn’t easy for him to endure this kind of feeling due to his personality.

I once again realized what a good man the simple and cool Ben was.

“Oh my, now that I think about it, you suggested dancing without even giving a proper introduction. “I forgot my order due to the daughter’s dazzling beauty.”

“Ahahahahaha… It’s okay, it’s okay. “I am Syrian Yoon Ceramide of the Ceramide Duke family.”

“I am the eldest son of Marquess Hecaton. It is called Fron Dai Hecaton. In fact, I already knew the lady’s identity. “There will be no one at this party who doesn’t know Young-ae’s name.”

“Is that so? ha ha ha… ”

It was like that before, but this time it was a feeling that was especially hard to bear.

Moreover, the Marquess of Hecaton was from a prestigious family in the Kingdom of Helia.

In the past, we wouldn’t have even talked to each other because they were hostile countries, but since Ben and Yuna’s engagement got closer, I wondered if it was possible for hostile countries to dance like this.

“Actually, I was waiting for my turn the whole time. “I’m curious about the young lady.”

“Are you curious?”

“yes. I already knew that the daughter was the daughter of the Ceramide Duke family. I was curious as to why such a young lady was here. I guess the Ceramide Duke family doesn’t have time to attend a party like this right now. Of course, I also don’t like war, so I left the family for a while.”

“My family can’t afford it… ? War?”

“ah… ? What you don’t know is… ”

“So what… ”

As the conversation continued, doubts appeared on Hekaton Youngsik’s face.

In the first place, it was strange that Yeongsik, the marquis of the neighboring kingdom, spoke as if he knew about his family’s circumstances.

As far as Syria knew, there wasn’t anything special going on.

“… Oh my, I guess you didn’t know. “The Ceramide family played an important role in our relationship with the Kingdom of Helia, so I thought it would be natural for you to know.”

“So what does that mean?”

“It seems you really didn’t know. The fact that Duke Ceramide betrayed the Regius royal family. The two kingdoms are probably at war right now. Oh, why even call it a war?”

“betrayal… ?”

“The engagement of two royal families that took place three years ago. It was all planned. The Kingdom of Helia and the Ceramide Duke family join hands to destroy the Kingdom of Regius. “It is said that most of the nobles of the Kingdom of Regius have already participated in the betrayal, thanks to the efforts of the Ceramide Duke family behind the scenes.”

Syria’s thoughts stopped at Hekaton Youngsik’s words. Of course I couldn’t continue dancing.

It was an entirely difficult story for Syria to accept.

Betrayal or war. Moreover, it was his father who took the lead in betrayal.

It didn’t seem like it was real, and I couldn’t believe it even more when I heard it from someone I met for the first time in a foreign country.

“Well, it’s a lie… then… No, that can’t be possible… “

And before I accepted that fact, the first thought that came to mind was Ben.

Ben has clear royal lineage. That meant that Ben and the people of the royal family would be betrayed and fall by the Kingdom of Helia.

It meant that Ben could get hurt.

“Well, the word betrayal also has some ambiguity. The situation of the Kingdom of Regius was getting worse day by day as it was pushed out by the Kingdom of Helia, so it would have fallen on its own anyway. Perhaps Duke Ceramide knew this early on, so I think he joined hands with the Kingdom of Helia behind the scenes. No, that’s probably why many noble families have already turned their backs on the Regius royal family.”

“lie… Do not lie… Well, that can’t be… ”

“… hmm. I think it would be best to stop here for today. I guess I’ve told you something too shocking. Please understand that this was a mistake I made because I thought you would naturally know. I guess I’ll see you again next time.”

Hekaton Youngsik left an old-fashioned greeting and turned around to leave.

But Syria could not drop its feet from the spot. I couldn’t think or move anything.

“Oh, no… Probably not… Probably not… ”

And then Syria went out of its way to deny reality. I didn’t even know if it was real yet.

That never happened. It had to be gone.

Of course, it did not take much time for Syria’s ideas to be rejected.

Everything had already happened in the kingdom she returned to.

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  1. this is not how a country falls lmfao

  2. LuxX says:

    … Royal family Regius just stood still regardless, or did they really not know…?

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