The Fiancee Who Betrayed Me Is Obsessed With Me chapter 9

The Fiancee Who Betrayed Me Is Obsessed With Me 9

9 – Betrothed to a princess from an enemy country (9)

“omg… Huh… !”

I ran after Gerg and ran again.

My heart felt like it was going to explode, and a liquid that I couldn’t tell if it was tears or sweat was blocking my vision.

Almost all of the other clans and loyalists had already been killed. Those who were expected to have survived had already dispersed and it was unclear what happened to them.

“Huh… Ugh… !”

I wanted to scream. I wanted to kill all the nobles who betrayed us and the people in the Kingdom of Helia who planned this.

The betrayal of the fiancee he loved and the childhood friend he had spent his entire life with.

The horror of having to see my siblings and parents’ heads cut off before my eyes.

I hate myself for not being able to do anything other than helplessly run away even in such a situation.

All those emotions dominated my entire body like a whirlpool, and I even felt the urge to just run like this and hit my head on the floor and die.

Honestly, even if I escaped and survived like this, I wasn’t confident that I would be able to live properly.

“… Prince! Come to your senses! “You must live!”

Nevertheless, the reason I kept running was because there was Sir Gerg holding my hand and leading me.

Every time I tried to give up, he held my hand and guided me, and even though he had a huge cut on my thigh and the blood was flowing, he pushed me.

“Lord Gerg… now… I can’t do it anymore. Already, everyone in the family… ”

“It’s not possible! “Prince, come to your senses!”

“but… But I… ”

In the end, I let go of Gerg’s hand and collapsed on the floor.

My butt was hit by a rock sticking out of the dirt, but that pain meant nothing anymore.

“… Prince. It’s not possible. You have to live, only by living can you do anything. “If you don’t survive, everything means nothing.”

“but… Everyone already… And even Gerg… ”

Sir Gerg’s reflection was blurred due to the tears flowing down his face, and it did not look like he would ever return to life.

His entire body was already covered in blood, and the leg he was holding on to was also trembling.

He might be holding on with his mental strength, but it was clear that he, too, had reached his limit.

“Even if I die here, the prince must live. Don’t you have to live, survive, and do something? “If even the prince gives in here, who will appease His Majesty and the royal family who have already left!”

“Huh… but… but… ”

plod along

The moment I gave up everything and was sobbing, I heard footsteps from somewhere.

At the sound of those footsteps, I had a premonition of the end, so I let go of everything and lowered my head.

“… Who, who?!”

However, contrary to our expectation that they were knights chasing us, the owners of the footsteps were strangers.

There was a middle-aged man and a boy who looked to be around my age, and judging by their behavior, they seemed to be hunters.

It seemed like they were returning from hunting until quite late in the day. The moon is bright today.

“Uh, is that a person?”

They also couldn’t easily approach us when they saw us covered in blood.

Instead, Gerg stood up, bleeding profusely, and approached them.

I thought he was trying to ask for help. But honestly, I didn’t think receiving their help would give me any hope.

Because Gerg was already on the verge of death.

“… I’m sorry. “I will bear all of this sin.”


“… Gerg? “W-what are you doing!”

“Take off your clothes, prince.”


But his behavior was completely different from what I expected. I couldn’t believe it even when I saw it with my own eyes.

Gerg stabbed the hunter and father to death with a single sword, and then stripped off the clothes of a boy who was my age.

“Dae, what on earth are you thinking! These are… !”

“I know. That he was just an innocent hunter. I will take this sin to hell. Prince. But the prince must somehow remain in this world. “Please stay, survive, and survive again.”

He began to forcefully take off my clothes and instead put me in hunter boy clothes.

And then I started putting my clothes on the boy’s body.

“… Since your Majesty ascended the throne, the kingdom has always been in danger. “There were a series of situations where it wouldn’t be surprising if it collapsed at any time.”

He held my face as tears were pouring down his face and made eye contact with him.

The blood had already hardened on his hands.

“Although you may not have expected this end, you were always preparing for it.”

“… … ”

I couldn’t open my mouth anymore due to the look in his eyes.

No, there was a mountain of things I wanted to say, but my throat was blocked and I couldn’t get them out.

“Your Majesty always said: Even if he dies, he wants to protect the prince. He said that since he was much better than him, he would definitely be able to revive the kingdom. “The only pleasure in life is to see the prince grow day by day.”

“Sigh… Hmm… ”

“Your Majesty, if you are a prince, definitely. You were confident that you could accomplish anything. And he valued the prince more than his own life. “On the night when he had no choice but to get engaged to the princess of the Kingdom of Helia, he wiped away his tears alone.”

“Oh, no… I am… “

“Please do me a favor. Don’t lose your Majesty’s expectations, prince. Prince, please do not ignore the souls of those who sacrificed themselves for Your Majesty and Regius. The prince was, is, and will be the future of Regius. Please allow me, at least in this way, to repay the kindness I owed to Your Majesty. “Please remember our death and survive until the end.”

Tears welled up and clogged my throat.

There was nothing I could do but swallow my tears in front of him as he spoke with tears of blood in his eyes.

“and… Be happy. “Survive and make sure that we get our share of happiness.”

“Ugh… Gerg… !”

“I think you can do well. “It’s always been like that.”

“Please…” I am… ! I am… !”

-… This way! Search the area thoroughly!

“… Please go. “Don’t worry about the future.”

“Gerg… Gerg… !”

Gerg removed the corpse of his hunter father, ruffled the boy’s corpse, and hugged him.

It seemed like they were planning to use him to fake my death.

“Go! hurry!”

“Huh… Hmm… ”

I stood up, holding on to my wobbly legs, and started moving in the direction Gerg had indicated.

I kept looking back at him with tears welling up, but he seemed to be okay and was waving his hand with his usual smile.

“Khahahaha… Haaa!!”

ran. I started running like crazy.

It was a wave of emotion that could not be described.

The sadness of losing a family member. The sadness of losing our country. The sadness of being betrayed by loved ones.

And the sacrifice of Gerg, who protected me with love until the end.

There was no way to express the emotions I felt from all of that. Other than just running while crying.

I ran and ran again.

I fell and got hurt here and there, but I kept running.

What was certain was that it was maddeningly horrible and maddeningly sad.

The faces of all those left behind were clearly visible one by one.

“… !”

As I ran and cried like that, at some point, my feet were crossing the air.

Is it a cliff or a steep slope?

I lost my balance and started to fall endlessly.

A very long, long fall.

The feeling of falling into an endless underground was like my current situation, so terrible that I couldn’t even feel the pain.

A fall into the darkness that seemed to never end.

I instinctively curled up and hoped that when this fall was over I would never open my eyes again.


“… Sir Gerg. “Why did you make that choice?”

“… ”

Gerg and even the first prince.

In the end, all the royal family members and loyalists who ran away were recaptured.

Among them, some, like the king, had already had their heads cut off, while others, like the queen, were still alive and crying.

But it didn’t matter whether they were alive or not now. They were all going to be gathered in one place and burned without a trace anyway.

The only thing that mattered was whether anyone escaped and whether everyone was caught.

“… “It’s a shame.”

Duke Ceramide clicked his tongue in pity as he watched Gerg hug the prince and not let go until the end.

Even to the duke, Gerg is a coveted talent.

It would have been reassuring to have such a powerful knight on his side, but his loyalty was not something he could dare break.

It was a shame, but he too had to be executed tonight.

“… “Go ahead.”

The duke glanced at him one last time, bleeding profusely and on the verge of death, then turned around and gave instructions to his knights.

Oil was once again sprayed around the royal family gathered in one place, and a knight was waiting behind them holding a torch.

This was truly the end.

All royal families and nobles who supported the Kingdom of Regius would be executed at this moment, and all the rest would swear loyalty to Helia.

It meant that there were no longer any threats to the future.

“You worked hard, Duke. “Thanks to you.”

“… “I just made the right choice.”

The King of the Kingdom of Helia also looked down at them with slightly sad eyes.

Any human being would feel a sense of pity, but that would only be temporary. Helia’s future, growing by devouring the Kingdom of Regius, was even sweeter.

“… Goodbye, King. No, the Kingdom of Regius. “This will be the end of our long bad relationship.”

It wasn’t a very pleasant thing to end a long history like this.

However, there was nothing more attractive to Helia than being able to end the conflict without war.

Thanks to the nobles of Regius, we were able to win the long war without major damage.

“Let’s begin.”


With the king’s final command, the torch was thrown, and the seal began to burn in an instant.

“… Oh, no! Ben! Ben! father! stop… Please stop!!”

“… “Yuuna?”

From noble mtl dot com

And at that moment, Yuna, who was supposed to be resting in her room with her maids under the king’s orders, ran out.

He seemed to realize what was happening because of the commotion caused by the gerg.

“You must not come any closer, princess!”

“Oh, no, ben, ben! “Beeen-!”

The knights caught Yuna as she tried to jump into the flames, and she screamed and struggled while being held.

I called out to Ben with a tear in my throat, but he was no longer in a state to answer.

Ben was already frozen in Gerg’s arms, melting with him in the flames.

“Why why… Why are you like that, father! Why why… this… If I knew it would be like this… why!!”

“… “It was all for the kingdom, Yuna.”

“If you were planning on doing this, you could have told me. Why did you kill Ben without saying a word? Ahhhhh!

“Oh, no, princess!!”

Yuna was out of her mind.

She saw Ben burning with her own eyes and realized what she had done to him.

She had never done anything like that before, but she showed her anger by hitting the king hard, and even screamed and pulled her hair out like a crazy person.

But even if she did that, there was no way Ben would come back, and even when she tried to approach him, the knights grabbed her and wouldn’t let her go.


With her screams, the last bits of Regius’ history turned into flames and disappeared.

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  1. Vic says:

    well the sadder part would be everything would be forgotten for the girl anyway.

  2. LuxX says:

    Hmmm, F for Gerg. Even though no one is really bad here, but revenge should still happen. It’s time to really get started.

    1. Jecker 17 Jecker 17 says:

      What do you mean no one is bad here? Both the other king and the duke are in the wrong. The king for breaking the treaty, and the duke and novels for disloyalty.

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