The Girl I Saved Came Back As An S-rank Hunter chapter 5

5 - I'm here to see the guild leader

5 – I’m here to see the guild leader

“Tada. This is my private clinic. It’s a place no one but me can use.”

In a very large room, there were two large ward beds placed in the corners.

Beside it, I could see the high-tech equipment used in hospitals and basic treatment tools such as bandages and rubbing alcohol.

Even though it had just been built, it already seemed to smell a bit like a hospital.

“Hmm, first of all, I need to take a look at the magic meeting. Would you like to lie down over there?”

From noble mtl dot com

When you awaken as a hunter, magic is created in your body, and the path through which this magic goes is called the magic circuit.

Being unable to use magic usually means that the magic contained in this magic circuit has disappeared or that the magic circuit is not circulating.

So, of course, I remember that the hospitals I went to for treatment explained that it was the first place to check.

“This machine, right?”

“Oh, you know that? Yes. That’s right.”

A machine with a large disk-shaped object floating in the air in a long space where only one person can lie down.

It was a machine I was familiar with because I often went to various hospitals for treatment.

It wasn’t a machine with good memories, though, as everyone had a lot of bad expressions or expressions of bewilderment after the inspection.

As I lay down on the machine, Soo-jeong Choi took a peek and said to me.

“Ah, you need to take off your top. If my prediction is correct, there is a problem with the upper body.”

‘Take it off?’

At the words of Soo-Jung Choi, who casually throws things at me, I wonder what to do.

I don’t think I would have thought much of it if it had been before, but I’m concerned about what happened just a moment ago.

“I don’t think it was like that at other hospitals, but is it really necessary?”

I would like to raise a small objection.

“Because this is a new machine just brought in from abroad, I can inspect it more closely. I base it on examining after undressing.”

Choi Soo-jeong responds indifferently while operating the machine without even looking at it.

I thought it was a bit of an overreaction, so I tried to accept it as a simple process for treatment.

I took off the old hoodie and thin shirt I was wearing and put them next to me. As if the equipment setting was finished before I knew it, Choi Soo-jung turned her eyes to me and was looking at me.

I can feel the gaze glancing over my body.

“As expected. You have a great body because you are constantly training.”

“hahahaha… “

I just laughed because I wanted to get past this moment quickly out of embarrassment.

Then Choi Soo-jeong smiled and came closer to me, and she asked.

“Are you ashamed to see me? He didn’t succumb to the temptation at all and immediately rejected it.”

“… Let’s start the inspection.”

When she gives off an atmosphere that seems to be dragged around again, she blocks it in advance.

“Cook-Cook. You are cute. Look at you trying to sneak past it. All right. Please stay still for a moment.”

Soo-jung Choi goes back to the side of her machine, laughing while covering her own mouth with her hand and humming her happy tune.

She was ashamed to hear that she was cute by a girl who had just turned 20, but she quickly laid down because she just wanted to end it quickly.


With the sound of machines operating, a large disk spins around and emits light toward me.

In the meantime, when she slightly turned her eyes to look at Choi Soo-jung, unlike before, she was concentrating on the magic circuits drawn on the machine, looking at her with her mouth closed.


The sound of the machine stopping is heard and the light goes out with a pop.

Choi Soo-jeong looked at his magic circuit and said, looking at me.

“Certainly, looking at the machine alone, it is clean. I have no idea what caused it.”

Sujeong Choi, who speaks the same way as the previous hospitals.

Contrary to what he said confidently, a sense of disappointment rises as he wonders if it is so difficult that even an S class can’t understand it.

However, that thought vanished at Choi Soo-jung’s next words.

“As expected, I need to touch it myself and examine it meticulously, using my unique characteristics.”

Embarrassment and bewilderment.

Those two filled my head.

If I’m not misinterpreting that, I’m sure he said he would touch my naked body with his hands.

“Is it really necessary?”

When he quickly raised an objection, Soo-jeong Choi shook his head from side to side and said,

“It is a necessary process to use the treatment method I think. It is necessary to clarify where the problem lies in the magic circuit.”

“… Is it the right course of treatment?”

Because I saw the bewitching Choi Soo-jeong in the guild room earlier, I can’t help but feel a bit suspicious.

“Ah, of course. I’m not the kind of person who catches the weaknesses of the person I love and fills them up.”

‘Only selfish?’

The nuance of some sentences feels strange.

Seeing Choi Soo-jung sticking out her breasts and talking proudly, I feel suspicious, but I decided to accept it because I thought that there was nothing I could do with treatment.

“Then let’s begin.”

After her words, Choi Soo-jeong stood close to me as I lay down and reached out her hand.

A golden light shimmered at the tips of her slender fingers, which joined her index and middle fingers together, and the light slowly moved to her shoulder.

Her fingers gently run over her shoulder, tracing the line, gently touching her arm and wrist.

All of her fingers were cold, but Soo-jeong Choi’s fingertips were warm, which gave her a strange feeling.

As soon as I got to her wrist, her expression slightly distorted, and then, as if to check the other side of her, she held me tighter than before and stretched out her hand.


The scent I smelled in the guild room and the soft, yet not unpleasant weight that I feel on my chest.

It feels like all the nerves in her body are focused on her chest.

She wanted to say something at that moment, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it because Choi Soo-jung herself was concentrating on her examination.

She said that if she brought up a story for nothing, she would definitely be a pervert and make fun of her.

In the meantime, as if the other side was also checked, the weight of her pressure on her chest disappeared.

A strange feeling of regret remains.

“Hmm, hold your head up a little.”

Following Choi Soo-jung’s instructions, she lifted her head up, and this time, her fingers began to move along her collarbone, tickling her neck.


“Even if it tickles, be patient, Wonwoo.”

‘I’m going crazy, really!’

Obviously, even though it is only an examination, goose bumps rise and the heart beats wildly.

The face of Choi Soo-jung, who was concentrating on it, was right in front of her nose.

A straight forehead and big eyes.

The nose and lips are densely located.

And the pink lips that looked slightly thick and clean had touched my cheeks earlier.

She is a person whom I would never meet even if I go all my life. It would be strange if Choi Soo-jeong stuck close to me and was touching me naked.

“Hmm. Fortunately no here is… ?”

Her hand reached her chest and began to focus her attention in a circular motion around her heart, where she had the scars from her gate incident.

‘Why are you doing that?’

It was a very short time at that time, but Choi Soo-jung’s face contorted and spread as if she was angry.

As her drowsy mind was awakened by the change in her expression, she began to feel a little uneasy, perhaps because her condition was so bad.

“Is your condition so bad that it is difficult to treat?”

She finally asked, unable to contain her curiosity.

At that, she paused her examination, and Choi Soo-jeong showed her strangely sad eyes and looked away from her.

“… No. The cause has already been identified. As expected, treatment is possible. We are looking into other parts to see if there are any problems.”

Unexpectedly hopeful news.

I almost misunderstood because I recklessly guessed by looking at his expression.

“Ah, I thought you were in trouble because you were making a serious face.”

“Oh, sorry. Sometimes it happens because I’m tired from concentrating. I will continue.”

After that, I lifted my arm with the opposite hand and ran my hand around her side, waist, and belly one last time, then withdrew her hand as if it were over and said,

“Okay, I’m done. I’ll explain after you get dressed.”

‘Ha, I endured well. Wonwoo Lee!’

It was a situation where I couldn’t help but praise myself. If there had been any physical change here, she might have been humiliated.

She got up and quickly put on the clothes lying beside her. She said Choi Soo-jung as if she had been waiting.

“Wonwoo’s magic circuit had no problems at all, as expected.”

“… Yes? Could it be?”

She questioned Choi Soo-jung, who came to a completely different conclusion from what she usually thought.

“Really. I deliberately put my healing magic into it and poured it into it little by little, but it didn’t heal, it just resisted because I was fine.”

“Such a test is actually possible….”

Normally, when someone else’s mana enters your body, you have no choice but to resist it because your nature is different.

If there is a problem with the magic circuit, of course there is no resistance.

However, not being able to use this method carelessly is a dangerous method as receiving someone else’s magic can damage the person’s magic circuit.

It is a method that is close to a miracle that can never be done unless it is a subtle magic control that does not have a big impact and a unique characteristic of healing.

If you look around the world, it seems that there is no one other than Choi Soo-jeong who can do it.

“Then why can’t I use magic?”

“During the examination earlier, I found that something artificial was blocking the flow of mana around the heart and both wrists.”

“If it is artificial… , the clogging of my magic circuit was the work of a human being. Is this?”

Choi Sujeong nodded slightly.

It was a shock like a hard blow to the head.

The reason why I couldn’t use magic until now was that it had nothing to do with the wound I got at the gate.

I thought it was a fate I had to accept because it was a sacrifice I chose myself, but that wasn’t the case.

“… Why didn’t the hospital doctors and healers know?”

“It must be because it is too small for a machine to find. It’s probably an A-level healer, but it’s hard to detect. I also searched for each one myself and finally found them.”

It was absurd to think that something that could only be found with an S-class magic detection ability was embedded in his body.

I have no idea why someone planted this in me. What kind of remorse did you do that with?

But for now, that’s an issue for later.

“So should I call this therapy? Is it possible to remove it?”

“You said you guessed it from the beginning, right? There were people around me who went through something similar.”

At that, he reached out and took Choi Soo-jung’s hands and said.

“Then I will be sure to ask you.”

Now I can trust her unconditionally when she says she can cure her.

I think I can definitely use the magic I’ve been thinking about, but it feels like it’s clogged up somewhere.

It was a diagnosis that pointed out exactly that.

That’s why I was desperate.

She tried not to break down, but in fact, she was getting closer and closer to her limit.

She kept thinking that she should put her hunter life aside and retire.

If this woman in front of her right now hadn’t come looking for it.

Sujeong Choi suddenly trembled with her body, then she let go of my hand and suddenly hugged her tightly and whispered sweetly into her ear.

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“You already said I belonged to Wonwoo, right? Wonwoo will do anything you want. So you don’t have to ask for it.”

A sudden hook and fatal temptation.

But she felt an inexplicable chill in that voice.

She pushes it away with a bit of strength and looks at it. She sees Choi Soo-jung with the flushed face she saw in her guild bathroom earlier.

She sat down in her chair next to her, and she said, proudly crossing her slender legs.

“You have to do what I say instead, today.”

“… All right.”

But when her faith in her skills starts to wear off, she has no courage to say no.

Besides, having come this far, we have come too far to go back.

“So what can I do?”

“Nothing else, I want you to share the bed with me tonight.”

The moment she heard Sujeong Choi’s words, she didn’t know who coined the word, but a very accurate expression came to her mind.

Brain stop.

Choi Su-jeong, who was flustered without saying anything, smiled seductively as if she was having fun.

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  1. Reader_X says:

    I will instantly agree no hesitation

  2. MrPojsomnoj says:

    “I’m propper human being and into others bed will not go without propper payment”

  3. This treatment is sus

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