The Hero Party Couldn’t Kill Me chapter 2

Chapter 1: Survived (2)

Chapter 1: Survived (2)

“… Creepy!!”

How much time has passed.

When I came back to consciousness, everything was dark.

I can only guess that this place is in the forest from the rustling grass and wind in my ears, and the feel of the bumpy dirt floor.

The original destination was set in front of the imperial palace, the capital of the empire, but it seems that the skill scroll was pierced right before the teleportation had an effect.


But before I had time to think about it, the intense pain came over me.

I tried to seal it up a bit with healing magic, but the wound from the holy sword was too big for that.

Here, from the fingertips of his left hand to his shoulder, he felt a burning pain.

It looks like poison was applied where the arrow hit.

“Keep it off!!!”

I clenched my teeth and cast a healing spell on my shoulder.

However, due to the lack of mana, it was impossible to completely remove the poison.

Just delaying the spread of the poison as much as possible and reducing the pain was the best I could do right now.

With my right hand, I tried to stop the bleeding as much as I could while holding on to the wound that had been pierced by the holy sword.

“… Damn b*tches.”

As soon as the pain subsided to a certain extent, anger slowly rose.

In the first place, I had no reason to join the warrior party.

Because he was from another world, he had no sense of belonging to this world, and likewise, he had no reason to accept the dangerous mission of killing the demon king.

But I accepted the difficult task without hesitation.

It’s not because I’m a hogu or an adult. I had no choice because I was already dead on Earth.

So I wanted to live a second life here.

For the past three years, I have tried my best to become part of this world.

Communication was possible with automatic translation magic, but it was difficult to solve the letters unique to this world with magic alone, so I learned letters.

The customs of modern society were also abandoned as much as possible, and the way of speaking and etiquette also tried to follow those of the empire.

Even with the advice of the saint, I came to believe in the goddess Etoir. And I trusted her wholeheartedly and thanked her for her.

For helping me escape from the gutter-like earth. By giving a huge buff called the protection of the people of the other world. So, for making me a hero here.

‘Oh, when I think about it, it looks like X… ….’

Of course, it’s funny when you think about it now.

All that effort was in vain.

The most unfortunate thing is that the reason I had to die is not because of what I did.

It’s because of something I haven’t done yet.

That’s because of something I didn’t even think about.

‘Damn it, why am I such a big threat to the Empire?’

When it comes to being a great threat to the empire, I can only think of suddenly siding with the demons or seizing power through a rebellion.

But in the first place, I am not interested in such things.

I just wanted to live a quiet, comfortable life enjoying the rewards that will be given after the demon king is defeated.

I just wanted to ask Her Highness to send her down a beautiful land as my estate, and then live there happily with the person I love in a luxurious mansion.

So, for the rest of my life, I thought I would just play and die.

Even the warrior party members are well aware that I am not greedy for power.

Because I’ve turned down the princess’ engagement proposal several times.

To be honest, the proposal itself was quite tempting. Because she was also a very beautiful person.

However, the prince and her betrothed Calia stepped on in the snow to accept it.

Since the emperor of the current empire has fallen without selecting a successor, the competition for succession to the throne between the princess and the prince is fierce. If I get engaged to her princess here, I will have to face Calia.

It was already enough to confront her. And I refused because I didn’t want to get involved in such a tiring affair.

I did…….


Swearing came out without my knowledge. But my anger did not end there.

Suddenly, I remembered what the saintess said earlier.

‘Free will is the greatest gift the Goddess gave us. It is proof that we are not simply his puppets.’

From noble mtl dot com

If you valued free will so much, shouldn’t you have thought about the possibility that the revelation of the goddess could be different?

And yet, without any evidence, just believing the word of the goddess and trying to kill me?

That’s also a colleague who has been through a lot of adversity for the past 3 years?

Really, are these people?

No, don’t even beasts have a minimum of camaraderie?


Then, all of a sudden, I realized an inconvenient truth.

They didn’t see me as a colleague from the start.

To them, I am just a tool. It was nothing more and nothing less.

And now that the Demon King is dead, I have been abandoned because I have served my purpose.

“Ha ha ha… ….”

All I could do was laugh when I finally realized this important fact.

From the beginning, I was the only one who considered them colleagues.

I was the only one with all my heart.

My mistake was realizing this too late.

And what they considered human beings.

Not everyone was human just because they wore a human mask…….

‘… Let’s live.’

After being so angry for a while, I suddenly came to my senses.

Now that it’s like this, I couldn’t die like this.

I wanted to live and take revenge on them. Only then can this fierce anger be quenched.

I wouldn’t be satisfied with simply killing them.

Just as they made me fall to the ends of the earth, I also wanted to drop them into the abyss.

‘So here… Where is it?’

Belatedly, I struggled to get up and look around.

It was still dark all around, and judgment was slow because of the coming and going of consciousness, but there was a place to guess.

A sweet fruity smell wafting from somewhere.

A pale tree trunk that looks very blurry.

If my guess is correct, this was the White Forest. I remember being here before.

I grabbed my dizzy head and remembered the geography of this place. I figured out what was around here.

The nearest city from here is Sordon.

It was once a city of demons, but after being occupied by the warrior party and the imperial army two years ago, it was incorporated into the empire’s territory.

And the Imperial Army, who is probably stationed here… It must have pro-Calia tendencies.

As soon as they see me, they will try to kill me.

But if you recklessly go deep into the White Forest, you may encounter remnants of the demons.

‘… It’s ruined.’

Then where should I go? Is there a place that will accept me like this?

Maybe… There may be.

‘When I sent my summons, there was a city deep in the White Forest. A city where humans live.’


‘Yes. It seems that when Speth was destroyed in the past, the remnants settled there. Now that Sordon has fallen, how about contacting them?’

Two years ago. Around the time Sordon was occupied, there was a story Pesima told.

At that time, we tried to ask the residents of the city for an alliance, but Calia’s opposition prevented it.

They were close to demons, so they said they would have a strong affinity for demons.

After that, they marched toward the Devil Castle, not the White Forest, and the story about that city was naturally forgotten.

If the city is still there, maybe the people there can help me. At least they’re cut off from the Empire, so they won’t kill me because of the goddess’s revelation or whatever.

For now, at least, it was the only option left to me.

‘Let’s think about it. He said where he was then….’

As I held on to my fading mind, I thought more about what Pesima had said.

I think it was said to go further northeast from Sordon, but for now, relying on uncertain memories, I took out a compass from subspace and walked slowly in that direction.


But after a while, my legs gave out.

I couldn’t help it. He had already shed too much blood, and his body was pushed to its limit in the arduous battle.

I ran out of mana, so I couldn’t use healing magic anymore, and at the same time, the pain I had suppressed came back.

“I can’t die like this….”

Nevertheless, I frowned and tried to stand up again, but now I had no strength left.

I rolled my head, holding on to my fading consciousness. Is there no choice but to die like this?

A good idea came to my mind. It is to request rescue with flash magic.

It’s such a basic magic that you can still use it with just a little bit of concentration even when your mana is running low.

Of course, there is no guarantee that the person who is led by the light will definitely help me, but dying anyway is the same thing.

It was worth a try.

“Ha ha ha…”

I gathered all the remaining mana and gathered it at the tip of my finger.

Then I shot red fireworks towards the sky.


Red light flashed with the sound of firecrackers exploding.

At the same time, consciousness was interrupted.


“… I could definitely feel the powerful energy of mana.”

Meanwhile, a woman with impressive long pink hair was searching the White Forest.

Usually, this powerful energy of mana means that teleportation magic has been activated.

It is not common to use teleportation magic in the White Forest. Originally, this was a place where neither the Empire nor the demons frequented.

Unfortunately, since the imperial army occupied Sordon two years ago, neither the imperial people nor the demons could be found.

In fact, this is the first time Raphaella has felt this energy of mana since she reluctantly settled in Speth two years ago.

‘Who is it?’

That’s why Raphaella was curious. Who and why the hell came to the White Forest?

It is highly likely that they did not come here intentionally, but made an emergency landing.

So, are you a novice wizard just learning teleportation magic? But even so, the odds of crash landing in the White Forest were slim. It’s too far from the Imperial Academy or the Mage Tower.

If not… Maybe a member of the hero’s party.

‘Come to think of it, they must have faced the demon king by now.’

Although Speth was a closed society that did not communicate with anyone else, she was able to know what was going on in the world through the power of a priestess who served the goddess.

Rafaela also often sent summoned beasts to Sordon or the demons’ territory to overhear the stories of the imperial army or demons.

So she knew that the imperial army had reached the front of the Demon King’s Castle.

‘Maybe… Could it be him?’

There was a person who suddenly popped into Rafaela’s mind.

Suddenly, her steps became faster and faster.

And then,


A red flash exploded not far away.

She was Raphaella who had attended the Imperial Academy, so she recognized her at a glance.

That was a distress signal.

Rafaela ran to the place where the flash of light exploded, even using her high-speed movement magic.


And she was surprised to see a man lying there.

The person she was hoping for in her heart.

The pure point and sole concept of the warrior party.

Edmund, the alien.

“Edmund-sama! What is this!!”

Rafaela quickly checked Edmund’s condition.

From noble mtl dot com

At first I thought he was dead. No one would be able to withstand the stab wounds in his abdomen and the poison covering his entire left shoulder. Even his body was as cold as ice.

But faintly, I could hear him breathing.

“I’m still alive!”

Rafaela quickly cast a healing spell. His face, which had been white, brightened a little.

But this was not enough. She needed more proper treatment.

In response, Rafaela drew her magic circle on her floor. By teleportation, she was going to her workshop.

“Hold on a little longer! I am… I’ll do my best to save Edmund-sama!”

She then lifted Edmund up and stood in the middle of the magic circle.

Then a flash of white light flashed, and they disappeared.

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  1. I think it was a so-called self-fulfilling prophecy. If the group believes in the revelation and tries to kill the main character, the revelation will come true, but if they instead believe in the main character and ignore the revelation, their faith will pay off. Well, they made their own choice.

    In a sense, this would perfectly reflect what the main character mentioned as a belief in the freedom of choice of believers. They are free to believe or not believe in prophecy, and the outcome will be exactly what they believed in.

    1. Hmm no wonder Eve ate the forbidden apple. The game was rigged from the start

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