The Hero Party Couldn’t Kill Me chapter 31

Chapter 5: To the Solus Empire (3)

Chapter 5: To the Solus Empire (3)

Meanwhile, a heavy atmosphere lingered in the imperial palace.

Dave, the sole survivor of Count Kalen and Great Edmund’s warrior party, who returned to the empire first by teleportation. Other than that, some surviving mages, including Gabriel from Rogue Magic Tower.

The red eyes of the princess sitting on her chair and looking down at them were not cold as usual, but felt like they would burn everything.

“… Please explain. Why we lost what was the problem.”

“First of all, Speth-kun was wearing a cloak that was difficult for our detection magic to catch. He was good at surprise.”

“Isn’t that why you took the master of the Rogue Tower?”

“Yes, but Edmund killed Scarlet-sama by surprise. From then on, it became vulnerable to enemy surprise. However, the crucial mistake was that I fell into a trap dug by Speth.”

“That’s what I don’t understand. What the hell were the wizards doing? There was such a large magic circle underneath, why did no one find it?”

“That… It’s our mistake. Sorry. However, we didn’t even notice it until it was triggered. As if covered by something…….”


Gabriel shut her mouth as the princess hit her chair arm hard.

The princess, who had been glaring at them for a while, tried to suppress her anger and said,

“Because of your mistake, a legion was practically lost. Do you know? It is also said that the elite corps of the empire, which fought against the demons, flew away. If I hadn’t sent the Imperial Guard, not one but three entire corps would have been blown away.”

“… ….”

“Therefore, I will give you a heavy punishment accordingly. Count Calen. As of this time, I will strip you of your title of count. Your lands and property will be confiscated.”

Count Calen bowed his head and accepted the punishment. I already expected this level of punishment.

“Continued, Rogue Magic Tower and Blue Magic Tower will cut next year’s budget by 25%.”

“Wait a minute! Still, we managed to stop Scarlet-sama from the Speth Magic Tower’s surprise attack. But the blue mage tower didn’t even do anything to the mage master!”

Gabriel of the Rogue Magic Tower protested, but soon cringed at the bloody gaze of the princess.

“I heard that Simon of Rogue Magic Tower actively sympathized with the hero Calia’s rampage. Therefore, it was judged that the mistake was as great as the achievement.”

“Keugh… ….”

Gabriel bowed his head. He glared at Dave.

But Dave was just staring down at the ground.

“Finally, Dave, the combat priest. You…….”

“… Priest Dave’s punishment will be decided by our Etoile Church.”

Just as I was about to pass judgment on Dave for the last time, a saintess opened the door and came in.

The princess’s eyes became even sharper.

“… You come in with a very confident face. Don’t you know that the one most responsible for this defeat is the Etoile Church?”

“Strictly speaking, the person with the greatest responsibility is the princess. After all, wasn’t she the final arbiter?”

“Wasn’t it the saintess who asked the hero for another chance? So, was this what the Goddess wanted?”

“… Yes, unfortunately we failed to change the goddess’s heart. However, this is the result of everyone in the empire not being of one mind.”

“… Under.”

The princess laughed at the saintess’ words as if she had an iron plate on her face.

“Everyone, please leave. I want to talk with the saintess alone.”

She got up from her chair after letting everyone else go.

Then I slowly walked in front of the saintess.

She was a princess, one head taller than her saintess, so she lowered her head and glared at her saintess.

The saintess also looked up at her princess.

“What exactly do you want to say?”

“Even in our Etoile religion, there were people who believed that Edmund was not an evil person. Etoile too, but if you find the entire empire, more will come out.”

“What are you talking about now?”

“Some might want Edmund to destroy the Empire. That’s why he says he has to oust all those who cooperate with him in the slightest.”

The princess hid her inner thoughts with a bewildered smile.

“Is that the conclusion of Etoileism at the end of an all-night conference? Then can I tell you what I think?”

“Yes, please.”

“To be defeated in this battle. That Edmund became the Empire’s greatest threat. It’s all because of you and Etoile. If you hadn’t tried to kill Edmund, he wouldn’t have fallen, and there wouldn’t have been a war with Speth in this way. He wouldn’t have had anything to lose.”

“Still, the princess only speaks after looking at the results.”

“The saintess is still trying to make things big without any basis.”

Sparks flew between the two.

A brief war of nerves ensued, but the princess opened her mouth first.

“… I’m curious if this is the case. Is it true that we have the same purpose? Are you seriously concerned about the future of the empire? Isn’t she just worried about the welfare of the Etoile Church?”

“I would rather ask. Is it true that the princess really cares about the future of the empire?”

“Is that how you want to come out?”

A princess with eyes that seemed to eat her saintess at any moment. But surprisingly, she took a step back.

“Then I propose again. Please tell me the exact revelation of the goddess. I need to know what Edmund will do in advance so that I can stop him, or at least find a way to minimize the damage.”

“… Edmund will be aiming for Iris Rossier, me, and Blanc Magic Tower.”

“Is that a revelation from the Goddess?”

“… That’s all that matters now.”

‘Are you saying you won’t open your mouth until the end?’

The princess was full of energy. In the end, this was confirmed.

She was going to confront the Etoiles in the future.

“… Great. Then, in order to stop Edmund’s rampage, I will issue a special protection order to Roswell and the Etoile Church. However, apart from that, the Etoiles are also largely responsible for this defeat. So let’s cut the budget for going to Etoile by 50%.”

“You still don’t seem to understand. Why….”

“Don’t forget. That Etoileism is also part of the Empire after all. Isn’t it fair to hold others accountable for their defeat? Or, is there a good reason not to cut aid?”

“… ….”

“If it’s because I’m worried about the cost of strengthening the security, I’ll dispatch the Imperial Guard to the Great Etoile. Are you relieved then?”

“… Great.”

The saintess took care of her expression as much as possible and accepted her princess’ judgment.

Really worst case scenario. It was clear that the Imperial Guard, which would be dispatched in various ways, would also try to interfere with Etoileism in every case.

Still, she couldn’t tell the revelation of her goddess.

If she reveals her revelations about her temple here, she will give the princess her biggest weakness.

With this, the saintess was definitely enlightened.

That one of the two, the princess and the saint, must fall.

That’s why she made a resolution as she left the imperial palace.

‘Princess Marceline Arue, I will take the ‘responsibility’ for this defeat.’


“Duke, it’s time to take your medicine.”

Meanwhile, Lucas, an elderly wizard, came to Duke Rossier’s room.

Duke Rossier had to take medicine regularly due to the curse he received during the battle with the demon king, and today was the day.


Duke Rossier welcomed Lucas like an old friend. He was a wizard who had only cured people from the Rossier family for decades.

“Before taking it, you must have followed the precautions.”

“Of course.”

Lucas handed the potion made today to Duke Rossi from his bag.

This potion contains the extract of a plant called Alaune. When combined well, it becomes a medicine that relieves terrible curses such as the devil’s curse.

Duke Rossier drank the potion without hesitation.

“Thank you as always. It seems that the energy of that bastard who is already running amok in my body is sinking.”

“Thank God.”

“Sit down for a moment. Recently, various things have happened in the empire, so I want to hear your opinion.”

The Duke said, gesturing to the escort knight who was guarding his side.

As always, I was just going to have a little chat with Lucas, so the escort knight left without a doubt.

“… Even though I am stupid in politics, I will do my best to answer.”

“I heard that the Imperial Army, which fought against Speth this time, suffered a major defeat. And there are rumors that the hero who went to kill the stranger was reversed.”

Duke Rossier smiled while saying this.

From noble mtl dot com

“Yeah, I heard that too. It is a great tragedy.”

“Yes. But the key here is Etoile’s response. Obviously, they were sure that the hero would kill the alien in this battle. So I swore that I could prevent the disaster he would bring. But it broke beautifully. What do you think about this?”

“… As a believer in Goddess Etoile, I am cautious about what to say, but I think I made a mistake in the Etoile religion.”

“It was a mistake… Yes, you can see it that way. So why did the Etoiles make such a fatal mistake?”

“Isn’t it because aliens are so dangerous?”

“I see. The criminal thinks so.”


Lucas lowers his head. However, Duke Rossier still did not lose his smile.

“… Are you curious what I think?”

“If you permit me, I will listen to your teaching.”

“Yes, when I saw it. Maybe female….”

At that moment, Duke Rossier stopped talking. Feeling strange, Lucas raised his head in amazement.

“Cool! Cool!!”

Suddenly, Duke Rossier was coughing up blood. This was a side effect of taking the wrong medicine containing Alaune.

“Keep it off!!”

“Duke, wait a moment!”

Lucas has brought an antidote in case of an emergency. It might have been too late, but he tried to inject the antidote into the syringe to save the duke in Rossi.

But at that moment.

“What is this situation?”

Iris Rossier burst open the door and came in.


‘It’s started.’

A little while ago, Iris heard Lucas’s footsteps in her own room.

I already knew this because the Duke of Rossier regularly takes the medicine.

She is well aware of the drugs that the Duke of Rossier is taking. She also knows that with the slightest combination of different ingredients, or with the slightest oddity in her body, she turns into poison.

That’s why, in the original mansion of the Rossier family, all food ingredients that react to the drug were strictly controlled, as well as the types of flowers planted in the garden.

‘Although there are plenty of routes to enter the mansion.’

She chose the petals of Mystic Rose. You can’t find it anywhere else in Rossier’s mansion, but it’s bound to be in Lucas’ workshop.

Because the petals of the Mystic Rose are also widely used in medicine.

Iris quietly waited in her own room when she heard Lucas slam the door shut.

All her nerves were focused on the noise in Duke Rossier’s chambers.

“Cool! Cool!!”

As soon as I heard the sound of coughing, Iris spurred her door.

“Can’t you hear the sound coming from the Duke’s room right now?”

“You seem to be coughing!”

“Suspicious. Let’s go in!”

She hurriedly ran to Duke Rossier’s room with the nearest servant and the escort knight guarding the door.

“What is this situation?”

When I opened the door, Duke Rossier was vomiting blood and dying.

As Lucas was about to inject him with the antidote, he heard the door open and reflexively looked behind her.

“That old man poisoned the Duke! Catch it!”

“Oh… You misunderstood!!”

Lucas rushed to explain the situation. However, the escort knight quickly caught him and pulled him out.

“Duke! Duke! Please come to your senses!!”

Meanwhile, Iris, who came inside with the escort knight, ran to Duke Rossier in one step.

She hurriedly withdrew the syringe that had been half inserted into the duke’s shoulder.

“Ah… Iris… ….”

“Duke. Father… ….”

Duke Rossier struggles to call his daughter’s name.

Iris wailed with tears like chicken droppings in her eyes.

Lucas is dragged away after being falsely accused, and Iris, seen by the escort driver who is dragging him, is a daughter who is truly saddened by her father’s death.

No one even suspected that Iris was the culprit.

But Duke Rossier saw Iris’s face right before he died.

His beautiful daughter. No, an evil smile that makes it hard to believe that she is human. Two bright emerald eyes.

‘I… not a dog You raised a monster…….’

Duke Rossier thought as he closed his eyes. He let his last breath go from his mouth.

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  1. Poor says:

    Well the Duke Rossier own it, still Iris went stray from Insanity to madness

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