The Hero Party’s Moms Are Obsessed With Me chapter 11

The Hero Party's Moms Are Obsessed With Me 11

In this modern era or in this world, women are difficult creatures to understand.

There is plenty of money and plenty of rooms in the inn, so why?

“Hmm~ as the innkeeper said, it looks narrow for three people to share.”

“I said it’s the biggest room. But as expected, it seems cramped for three people.”

“Still, it’s got a bathroom included. I like that.”


A bed that seems a bit small for two adults lying down.

A chair and a small table.

But why on earth are three people crammed into a space meant for a maximum of two, no matter how you look at it?

Am I supposed to fit my 15-year-old self into a space meant for half a person?!

I want a spacious bed to sleep on too!

I was about to run back to the innkeeper and ask for another room, but Olivia grabbed my hand.

“Where are you going, sweetheart?”

Ellie stood by the door, her arms crossed.

“If you need the bathroom, it’s this way, young master.”


Is that how it is?

You can come and go as you please when you enter, but not when you leave? Is that how it works?

I immediately released Olivia’s hand using [Open Sesame], and then I freed Ellie from her belt. I wanted to rush into the innkeeper’s arms, but as I thought about my position, my enthusiasm gradually waned.


I’m broke, after all.

Our party has money.

The kingdom supports my warrior mother.

Our clothes are fancy, and our weapons are high-end, but I’m not a rich kid.

I’m just an ordinary child tagging along with a party made up of wealthy capitalists.

“Ugh… Do I have to go back to picking up trash again?”

Of course, I can do this and that if I want to.

Can’t Olivia, who thinks of me as her son, at least invest a little in me?

But the more she invests, the heavier my heart becomes.

I’ve learned the hard way that there’s no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

I can’t help it now, but I need to save up for emergency snacks or something in the future…

I thought I could rest for a day now that we had found accommodation, but…

“Ellie, how do I register as a mercenary?”

Olivia’s thoughts were leaning towards becoming a mercenary.

Elle, who had been leaning against the wall, nodded in response to her question and rummaged through her pocket, producing a silver coin.

“Registration is simple. Just pay the money, and you’ll receive a certificate of being a mercenary.”

“Really? That’s all there is to it? No tests or anything like that?”

“F-class registration only requires money. I believe the tests you’re thinking of are for advancing to the next rank.”

“I see! So, it’s not too late to register, shall we?”

“Before that, there are preparations to be made.”

“Preparations? But you just said all you need is money…”

“Doing mercenary work under the name Olivia wouldn’t be advisable, would it?”

“Oh! I see.”

There might be other people named Olivia in the world, but those in the know would recognize her instantly.

“Wasn’t the name of the heroic mother Olivia?” someone might say.

In such a situation, it wouldn’t be surprising if people thought, “Hello, I’m Mercenary Olivia,” and associated her with the heroic mother.

In contrast, Elle and I were unrelated.

She revealed her real name to us as a member of the Hwarang Knights, but she used an alias during her knightly activities.

I’m just an ordinary country boy.

Diem? Who’s that? I’m not famous enough for people to ask that.

Right now, what’s needed is Olivia’s alias.

“So, should we go with Olivia’s shortened name, ‘Ollie’?”

“Um… would that be all right with you?”

“Yes. It feels like it matches well with Elle, and it’s just perfect!”

In the blink of an eye, a mercenary sister duo was formed, exactly as Elle had described.

Mercenary registration was as simple as Elle had said.

“Here you go. Be careful not to lose it, as reissuing it costs a whopping 50 silver coins.”

It took less than five minutes.

All it required was filling out a form with your name, occupation, and age, and handing over the silver coins.

Even that seemed like a loosely enforced system, with false information likely passing through easily.

“Are they assuming that anyone unfit will naturally get weeded out?”

I thought that rather than pouring attention into each mercenary, who could meet an untimely end at any moment, it might be better to treat them well after gaining some recognition.

I nodded and looked at the wooden nameplate, which was about the size of my palm, now in my hand.

The Mercenary Certification with My Name.

I sometimes wonder if it’s okay to spread my ID like this, but it’s proof that I have some money, starting from the fact that silver coins are used for registration.

On the other hand, if you have money, it’s really easy to wash your identity.

Since the Shadow Knights and the hero mother became F-rank mercenaries.

Just like me, Olivia admires her own nameplate.

Ellie looked at us like that and smiled, then walked towards a wall with several sheets of paper attached to it.

Clearly the request board.

From my perspective as someone who enjoys RPG games, this situation wasn’t that unfamiliar.

“Oh mother, please look at this. Isn’t even the game useful?”

Ah. It’s difficult to understand if I just say mother, so should I say mother of the earth?

It’s not what I wanted, but I have three mothers.

When I sarcastically laughed at myself, a large shadow approached.

When I turned around, there was a muscular blond man who seemed to have exercis

What will happen next?

Will it be a scene like the ones I saw in games or anime?

Will Olivia, who was forcibly dragged there, be subjected to humiliating actions by this man and his colleagues?

Will there be a scene where both the holes where food goes in and waste comes out are violated?

I’m curious.

I want to be able to witness it.


“First of all, she’s my stepmother.”

While holding my wrist, the man seemed angry, his face turning red as he clenched his other hand into a fist.

“Is this guy crazy?”

“Oh, my!”


Just as his arm was about to move precisely aiming for my face, the belt that was securely tied around his waist made a snap sound and came undone.

As a mercenary, he had various items attached to his pants.

Unable to withstand that weight, the pants followed the law of gravity.


A slightly yellowish-white triangular panty appeared in the mercenary guild.

“Uh, uh?!”

Startled, the man hurriedly tried to pull up his pants, but with many people’s eyes directed towards this side, it was impossible to avoid the sudden exposure.


Squish, squish, squish.


“Oh my god, look at that!”

“What is it? Is that guy going crazy?”

The slightly yellow panty turned into a deep shade of yellow, and the sour yellow liquid, having lost its original target, ran down the man’s leg.

As I let go of his wrist, the man fell backwards with a thud.

At the sound, the attention of the people who were doing other things turned towards us.

The lustful wolf who had been targeting a beautiful woman instantly turned into a pervert, squatting on the ground peeing.

And that pervert…

“Fuck! Fuck! Wh-why all of a sudden! Agh!”

“What would you like to say before you die?”

Elly, who had drawn his sword, was pushed to the ground.

Thanks to Olivia and the mercenary guild administrators, the man’s head did not separate from his neck and fall to the ground.

But his honor had fallen to the ground, hadn’t it?

From Noble mtl dot com

A man had become a fool.

Elly was emitting a strong aura.

The wolves gathered to covet the beautiful treasure named Olivia all came to their senses.

The people who had been sneaking glances at us were also frightened by Elly’s murderous gaze and averted their eyes.

Thus, Elly forcibly diverted their attention.

“I’m sorry, my lady. It’s my fault for being careless…”

He lowered his head like a soaked and pitiful puppy.

Honestly, if he had a dirty nobleman’s personality, he might not have just smacked Elly’s cheek but even killed him.

Because the person responsible for guarding had been negligent, and in the meantime, the one being guarded had been threatened.

But who is our Olivia?

“Elly? I’m fine. I’m not injured, and Elly always works hard for us, right? So don’t blame yourself too much. Besides…”

Even calling her an angel’s descent couldn’t fully capture her merciful heart.

It was a truly heartwarming scene, but I didn’t get to see it.


“Our baby protected me~”

Olivia held my face in her ample bosom…

It’s still a bit uncomfortable, but because I’ve gotten used to it, I can endure this breast hell to some extent.

I wondered when I would be able to get out of it and stay still, but the world brightened up quickly.

“Huh? Surprisingly, it’s loosened up early.”

I thought I would hold her for longer than usual and was holding my breath.

When I looked up with a chuckle, Olivia’s face was right in front of me.

So close that if I just moved my head a little forward, our lips would touch.

When her warm breath tickled my nose and cheek, her lips parted.

“By the way, baby. Did you do that?”

“W-well, yes! I knew that Lord Doyle had amazing abilities, but I didn’t know he could control even…um, urine so precisely.”

Ah, that?

It’s simple. I just [opened] the muscles around the male bladder and urethra.

I wanted to open the rectum too and make the shit flow, but I thought it might backfire on me~ I settled for urine~

If I say that, I’ll probably be treated like a lunatic, right?

That’s why.


I just chuckled softly.

Every action comes with consequences.

This time, Olivia and Ellie understood a bit more about my abilities from what I demonstrated.

It wasn’t such an extraordinary ability that I had to hide it from my family, but still.

“That kid.”

“Really? He’s just a runt without any magical power?”

“Didn’t James just grab his wrist, and he ended up peeing himself while hesitating? He must be hiding his aura.”

“What? James did that? Even if he’s a moron, he’s got some skills… We should be careful.”

The murmurs around were hard to endure…

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  1. Icarus says:

    Hoho misunderstanding…

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