The Hero Party’s Moms Are Obsessed With Me chapter 19

The Hero Party's Moms Are Obsessed With Me 19

One month into his mercenary life in Sabhadan.

He had grown accustomed to both the inn life and the mercenary life.

While life had become familiar, the guild atmosphere had worsened over time.

“We’re looking for the person who performed the Gardram Fruit mission a few days ago!”

“We’ll offer 3 gold coins as a reward!”

In a bad direction…

The Gardram Fruit.

Not only was it healthy and sweet, but it had a crispy texture when frozen, making it the favored snack of nobles!

It was the best treatment, purely from the fruit’s effects, for burns, without the worry of side effects from artificial potions, as it was made by combining various medications!

Even though it was just a particularly healthy Gardram Fruit, the guild had been in an uproar for a month.

Of course, we were the ones who had caused this situation.

“Hey! You there!”

“Oh! Sorry. The guild has been quite busy lately. Please report if you happen to find the person who provided the Gardram Fruit.”

“No matter how busy you are, you shouldn’t leave the counter unattended, I think.”

“I’m really sorry. So what kind of task is it?”

Despite the repeated apologies from the new counter woman, Ellie’s furrowed forehead remained unfurrowed.

“Ugh, I’ve completed the mission. Give me my reward.”

“Yes, yes. I will confirm it. Please wait a moment.”

As the ones who kept the mercenary guild busy, we performed our missions and received our rewards in a normal manner.

Ellie handed me the reward she had received on my behalf.

“You shouldn’t waste it. Do you understand, milord?”

Nodding my head, I put the 1 silver piece and 30 copper coins into my leather pouch.

The money received from the kingdom is managed by Olivia and Ellie together.

The money earned through mercenary life is managed by me.

At first, when I spent the 5 silver pieces we received as a reward for our first mission at a high-end restaurant, the two of them said they would manage the money.

“Shouldn’t we keep a record, milord?”


In addition to entrusting me with money management, they also had me keep the accounts, trying to foster an understanding of economics.

With a sigh, I took out a small notebook from my pocket.

After scribbling some numbers in the blanks and putting it back, Olivia patted my head with an admiring gaze.

Our party, which was very peaceful despite the noisy atmosphere.

Ellie, who had been listening to the rumors for a while, turned her head and glanced at our faces one by one.

“It would be nice to perform a new mission, but how about taking a rest for today?”

“Why? The little lady seems fine.”

How do you know that, Yang Mother…?

After petting and touching my body every day, have you reached the point of checking my stamina bar now!

“It’s not just a matter of stamina. It’s a matter of the heart.”

“The heart?”

“Yes. No matter how easy the mission may be, we have continuously succeeded. It is when we are in such high spirits that the death rate of rookie mercenaries is the highest.”

“Ah… So you lose your reason due to excitement.”

“That’s right. Plus, we earned quite a lot of money, so it would be good to take care of maintenance.”

“What do you think, milord?”

With Olivia’s words, I was met with the gaze of the two pairs of eyes.

Honestly speaking, I was quite excited too.

Because I’m constantly succeeding in missions in a game-like world.

I don’t level up or anything, but there’s a feeling of growth and fun in earning money.

I want to immediately receive a new mission and enjoy freedom in a wide field.

“Ellie’s right.”

As if I’ve taken a drug, I feel high~ and my reflexes are at their best.

It would be nice to break someone once.

“But it’s true that an experienced person should lead from the side?”

I chuckled and nodded, and Ellie also smiled.

“Thank you for considering my opinion. Perhaps, do you have a different intention, my lady?”

“If the child wants to rest, they should rest~”

Um… that’s a bit burdensome to say, though?

Anyway, today’s schedule has been unanimously decided.

When I stood up from my seat, the two women stood up as well, and we walked through the guild corridor.

Just as we were about to open a closed door, it swung wide open as if a customer was coming from the opposite side.

The person who came in after opening the door was an elderly man with white hair.

I was startled and took a step back, and the elderly man also seemed surprised.

As Ellie was about to say something with a frown, the old man knelt down and met my gaze.

“Oh my. I’m sorry, youngster. Did I startle you?”


Nodding as if it’s okay, Olivia held my shoulder and laughed.

“I’m sorry for our child’s behavior.”

“No, madam. It was my fault for casually opening the door. I’m relieved that the child wasn’t hurt. Please carry on.”


Opening the door with one hand and slightly bowing, he had manners that seemed drawn in a book.

“Where have I seen him before…”

Frowning and looking at the old man, Olivia stroked my head.

“Child? Thank you~”

Oh no.

I, who have experienced the world, made a mistake.

Quickly bowing my head, the old man chuckled lightly.

“Ha-ha. What a polite child.”

“Well then, I’ll be excusing myself.”


Silently sporting a rigid smile, the blonde man named Siruen Kizane didn’t budge.

He was riding in a carriage with the esteemed and revered Grand Duke Levian Lageta, greater than the king of the kingdom.

In front of the Sabhadan Mercenary Guild, the carriage was parked.

“Darn it. Darn! Darn! How did it come to this?!”

Kizane had not prepared separately for the upcoming grand duke’s birthday party.

He had ordered the Guardam fruits that the grand duke liked to be placed here and there, thinking he’d go unnoticed amidst the festive atmosphere.

He didn’t expect to receive Guardam fruits he’d never seen at the mercenary guild either.

Similarly, he had handed them over to the grand duke with a carefree chuckle.

“Ah, goodness!”

He had earned the honor of riding in the carriage with the great and mighty grand duke.

Even if he felt like he was going to wither away, it was worth it.

“Please, Platt! No, I beg you, you mercenaries! Please find the person who supplied the Guardam fruits!!”

Kizane had ordered the mercenaries to find the person who had delivered the Guardam fruits to the mercenary guild, and it had been nearly a week.

With plenty of gold offered as a reward, there was a good chance they could find the culprit, but…

“Platt! Hurry up and walk faster! Aaargh!”

Sitting face to face with the grand duke, Kizane felt like one second was equivalent to an hour.

On the other hand, Grand Duke Levian Lageta, sitting opposite Kizane, who had forced a forced smile, remained calm.

No, he was quite excited.

“So, there’s some unknown knowledge here? I’m looking forward to it.”

Lageta touched his cheek with his right index finger, tapping it gently.

He watched intently as Kizane’s retreating figure and Platt’s back receded into the distance.

He opened the door, his white gloves now closed.

As if encountering someone upon exiting, he hesitated at the door for a moment, muttering something, and then three people emerged through the door he had opened.

One of them was a tall but still young child, and the other was an adult woman.

The moment Lageta laid eyes on him, her eyes widened.


It was the warrior Dreii, currently on an adventure with his daughter.

The fact that Dreii’s mother had left the mercenary guild was known.

News had recently reached Lageta that Olivia had been attacked by an unknown organization.

Naturally, Lageta showed no particular reaction.


Because she wasn’t interested.

Because she had no concern.

It was a relationship that might become in-laws, but that was all.

There was nothing for Lageta to gain.

There was nothing to fill her own knowledge.

If Lageta had relentlessly tracked down the organization, the identity of the unknown would have been revealed sooner, but she didn’t.

Because there was nothing to gain.

Though momentarily surprised to encounter an unexpected figure, Lageta’s pupils returned to indifference.

If there were a more intriguing presence.

“Does that child have magic… or not? No, maybe she does?”

The black-haired child who held hands with Olivia.

Magic not clearly visible even to Lageta’s eyes.

Seemingly absent, yet present in a way.

Such a being had not been seen in over a millennium of Lageta’s existence.


Lageta had come here in search of the Guardian Fruit, but with the appearance of a new toy before her eyes, she seemed to have completely forgotten the previous one.

“I’ll be back in a moment.”

“What? What do you mean by that?! Are you the Tower Lord?!”

Ignoring Kizane’s exclamation with a light scoff, Lageta stepped out of the carriage and approached the three.


“Ellie, did you know? The baby’s father was a blacksmith~”

“Really? That’s the first time I’ve heard that.”

“Hahaha. It’s a story I heard from a child named Tris~”

Father of the Baby.

A word that means my father, but also a word that refers to the mother’s husband.

In other words, it can also be interpreted as Olivia’s husband, who is currently playing the role of my mother!

“Rejoice, Father. I have made a beautiful lady a new wife.”

When the corpses of my father and mother, whose flesh had already decayed, leaving only bones, were surprised and moved enough to laugh, someone approached us.

Thinking it might be someone going to the Mercenary Guild, I stepped aside.


The black woman in front of me also veered off in the same direction as us.

Why does this sometimes happen?

We try to move aside for each other but end up moving in the same direction, creating an awkward situation.

I thought it was just that moment, so I moved aside again.


This time, it was a woman who blocked my path.

It seemed like I would have to stay still for it to end~ so I stayed still.

“…Who is this woman?”

Whether she had the exact same thought as me or not, she didn’t move while blocking my path.

Olivia and Ellie, who were following behind me, noticed the woman in front of us as they chatted.

“I’m sorry, but could you please move aside?”

Ellie, who responded in most situations, spoke, but the black woman only stared at me without responding.

“Look at this!”

Just as Ellie raised her voice, Olivia, who had been tilting her head, stepped forward with a clap! and a smile.

“Oh my! Aren’t you Lageta by any chance?”


“Oh my goodness~ it’s been a while~ It’s such a coincidence to meet here~ Is Arwen doing well?”

Olivia spoke as if she were genuinely pleased.

“I don’t know.”

“Hoho~ I suppose so~ It would be nice if you and Dre are doing well together~”

The woman called Lageta made a vague response while looking at me.

The title of Lageta.

The word Dre.

That’s right.

“Is this person one of the party members’ mothers as well?”

I wondered why such a person was here, but…

Olivia is here too, so there’s no reason for her not to be.

From Noble mtl dot com

As I nodded my head and locked eyes with the dark-skinned woman.


My head throbbed with pain.

As I furrowed my brow and grabbed my temple.


A sound opened in my head, and the pain disappeared.

“What… what was that?”

I was puzzled, and when I looked up again, the expression of the dark-skinned woman, who had been expressionless until just now.

“Who are you… what’s your true identity?”

Shock was evident in her expression.

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  1. If he is 15 and tall…why does an old man have to kneel in front of him to meet his gaze? Is he an NBA player?

    1. Oh, quizas el anciano; es chato o quizas jurubado ni idea.

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