The Hero Party’s Moms Are Obsessed With Me chapter 2

The Hero Party's Moms Are Obsessed With Me 2

I turned seven years old.

I tried to follow in my father’s footsteps and embark on the path of a blacksmith, but I was still too young to wield a hammer.

I found out while sitting in the blacksmith’s shop, passing the time and being told to go on a field trip.

The effect of “[Close your mouth and open everything]”.

Literally, a very simple yet extraordinary ability to open anything just by closing your mouth!

The reason I found this out is beyond belief. My father runs a blacksmith’s shop and has collected money in a warehouse.

In Korean terms, it’s like a cash register? I was curious about how much money was inside, so I tried to open it, but it was blocked by a thick lock.

I thought I would ask my father for permission and check it next time~ I was only trying to see what the lock looked like.


It opened without a key.

And my father witnessed that scene.

I thought he would definitely get mad.

“Oh, son! It’s a given for men to have secrets! Secrets that even your mother doesn’t know!”


When my father looked perplexed, I realized that something was wrong with him too.

“… You didn’t see the reserve funds, did you?”

“Reserve funds?”


The thief is said to feel a prickling sensation in his feet.

The old saying couldn’t be more accurate.

Our father-son relationship became even closer after the incident with the reserve funds.

No, it was forced to become closer.

“By the way, how did you open it?”

“I don’t know.”

“You thought of hiding it from your father too?”

“I really don’t know.”

“Hehe! That’s right. A man should have at least one secret weapon!”

It’s true.

I don’t know the principle behind it.

How it’s activated.

How the lock is released.

Whether it’s magic, a superpower, or technology.

I know nothing.

“Alright! Then let me open this one too.”

As if saying, “If you don’t want to speak, show it through actions,” Father handed me a locked box.

Of course.

“What about the key?”

“We have to open it without one!”


Unable to hold my words back, I said.

[The effects of staying silent for 6 hours (opening everything) will disappear.]

I couldn’t use my ability.

In any case, Father knew about my ability.

Since we were family, I had no intention of hiding it, so I explained about the penalty.

Father smiled at my words, while Mother frowned.

“Honey! Diarm’s ability is truly amazing! He can open anything!”

“But honey, what if Diarm falls into the wrong path? He’s only 7 years old.”

“We must educate him so that doesn’t happen!”

“But…what if we educate him to not use this strange ability?”

“It would be such a waste to give up a magical-like ability, don’t you think?”

“I only wish for Diarm to live safely and happily.”


Both of them are right.

If I use this ability appropriately, I could earn a lot of money.

But if rumors spread when I can’t protect myself, I could end up being caught by some group and become a lifelong puppet for cracking safes.

If I had the power of a hero, I would have lifted Father’s arm.

“Father, I think Mother’s words are right.”

I want this life to be peaceful and long-lasting.

Father tried to change my mind, but this world was no different from the Korea I knew.

In this world, men may dominate, but it’s women who dominate those men.

Father was defeated by Mother’s nagging.

I would have done the same.

When a beautiful wife whispers from the bed, who can resist?

But still, it seemed that they couldn’t completely give up on me, and they suggested that I continue to use my abilities.

Rather than completely abandoning the power I possess, they advised me to train so that I can someday use it at will.

I also had no intention of sealing away this ability, so I nodded my head and pretended to learn the work of a blacksmith, in order to understand my abilities.

I turned eight years old.

This is a medieval fantasy world.

If you lose a key or have a locked box, you go find a locksmith or a skilled thief.

But for the past year, they have been coming to our forge as well.

The word spread in the village that my father, the blacksmith, was good at picking locks.

Even now, a man who looks like an adventurer visits the forge carrying a sturdy-looking box.

Of course, not everyone entrusts their belongings to us.

“How. Can it be opened?”

“Hmm… I’ll have to take a closer look at this. Come back tomorrow, whether I can open it or not. I’ll let you know then.”

“What? You want me to leave my stuff and go? That’s not possible! What if you open it and deceive the contents?”

“That will never happen.”

“How can I trust that?”

“If you can’t trust me, go find another place. Don’t interfere with my business.”

“… I understand.”

So, since most people didn’t trust my father.

On the other hand, there are also those who desperately ask for my father’s help.

“Inside this, there is a brooch that our daughter gave us before she died. Can you open it?”

“It’s difficult to say for sure, but I’ll give it a try.”

“Please, I beg you. It’s a priceless item for me, even more valuable than my life.”

People who are aware of the contents of the box.

People who can’t smash the box.

They visit with the mindset of clutching onto their last straw.

And when I wake up in the morning and open the box with a click~

“Oh! Thank you so much!! How should I repay you for this kindness?”

“The fee for opening the box is just one silver coin, as I mentioned yesterday. It’s more than enough.”

“That can’t be!”

I receive compensation that is more than the price of one silver coin that I measured.

I turned ten years old.

At the same time, a problem arose.

It doesn’t affect me, but it’s a big problem for my parents.


“Honey, do you think our Diamond did something wrong?”

“We both know he’s not that kind of child.”

“Then why doesn’t he have any friends to call his own?”

I don’t have any friends.

When I was younger… well, I’m still young, but?

Even back then, when I was physically younger, I played with the neighborhood kids from time to time.

But I couldn’t pretend to be as innocent as the untouched children, because my mental age is 30+ @.

The differences in behavior between the slowly growing children and me.

The widening gap between the other children and me.

In the end, the children gave up playing with me, the difficult child.

And I had no intention of forcing myself to fit in.

As a result, my parents officially acknowledged me as an outcast.

If other children had experienced my situation, they would have cried and made a fuss about feeling lonely, but not me.

Even when I lived in Korea, I lived alone from the age of 27 to 30.

On the contrary, being alone is more familiar to me.

However, being familiar with being alone doesn’t mean I draw boundaries with people around me.

“Welcome, sir. Should I sharpen your knife for you?”

“Oh, Diamond. Please do.”

I just don’t have any friends.

Adults like me because I’m a child who doesn’t act my age.

I sat in front of the grinding stone, receiving the knife from the regular old man.

I put my foot on the connected pedal and gently pressed it like the accelerator of a car, and the grinding stone spun round and round.

After positioning the knife at the right angle, I steadily sharpened it against the rotating stone until it was sharp.

At first, I damaged the knife itself instead of sharpening it, and got scolded, but now I’m used to it.

While I was getting accustomed to sharpening the knife, the old man chuckled and approached my father.

“Drannn, how old is Diamond?”

“I turned 10 years old this year.”

“Ten years old… the same age as a warrior.”

“That little brat who received the blessing of both gods? Was he also 10 years old?”

“Yes. I heard he’s receiving direct training from the commander of the Huyoung Knights.”

“Huyoung is the highest-ranked knight order in the kingdom, right? Can a 10-year-old brat handle that?”

As my father stroked his chin and spoke, the customer chuckled and sat on the counter.

“Rumor has it that he’s already engaged in a battle with Huyoung in less than a month.”

“Oh… if it’s true, he truly possesses a terrifying talent.”

The conversation that seemed like it would continue was abruptly cut off the moment I walked in, carrying a clean sword.

“Here you go, sir.”

“Yes, thank you, Dian.”

After patting my head a few times, the man took out a few coins from his pocket and handed them to me.

“We live in a different world, you know. So be careful.”

“Safe travels.”

“Come back again!”

Was it because I overheard stories about the warrior?

The warrior who defeated the commander of the Huyoung Knights.

The warrior who was searching for party members to defeat the five Demon Kings.

The warrior party that killed the monsters attacking nearby villages.

Since that day, I frequently heard the word “warrior.”

The more I heard the word “warrior,” the more I also heard the words “monster” and “demon” accompanying it.

Monsters that were fleeing had attacked a nearby village, resulting in casualties.

Stronger demons had appeared to challenge the warrior.

When the warrior appeared, peace should have been within reach, but it felt like it was getting further away.

Others felt the same way, but the kingdom and allied countries explained it as growing pains for peace.

They calmed their citizens by saying it was an unavoidable process.

Because everyone believed in the king, grievances diminished, but the monsters attacking the village did not decrease.

Wars became more frequent, and the number of casualties increased.

And the danger of such violence only grew.

“Ariana. Run away with Diam right now.”

“How do you expect me to do that?!”

From Noble mtl dot com

The battlefield had reached our village, far from the front lines.

Beyond the walls of our modest village, the demonic horde approached.

“If I leave, who will sharpen and polish the swords of those fools?”

Father gently patted Mother’s back, embracing her.

“I am a non-combatant, so I will only hammer away in a safe place. Don’t worry too much.”


Father turned his head towards me, kissing Mother’s forehead.

“Diam, take that from your father’s warehouse and leave with Mother. It may not be much, but it will be enough.”

Father showed me the unexpected funds.

“You’re still young, but you are my pride, my son. Take care of your mother.”

Uncertain of how to respond, I hesitated, when a soldier in armor roamed around, shouting.

“Those who want to escape, hurry! Get on the carriage! We’ll leave immediately!”

Suddenly, it was time for farewell.

Father pushed Mother away, and she grabbed my hand with unwavering steps.

Mother and I got on the carriage, and Father waved to us with a smiling face.

“Well then, we’ll depart! Hurry!”

As the coachman shouted and whipped the horses, the carriage slowly began to roll.

One lap. Two laps.

“I’m sorry, Diam… Please forgive your mother. No… Don’t forgive her.”


“Tris. Take care of our Diam, please.”

“Yes? Lady Ariana, what is this about?”

Mother jumped off the moving carriage.

She tumbled to the ground with an unsteady landing.


Father approached, filled with surprise.

Mother stood up and walked towards Father, resolute.

In that moment, I felt it.

Betrayal towards mother?


Mother’s sincerity.

That’s real love.

It’s not that my parents didn’t love me.

I grew up without any shortcomings.

I grew up happily, which doesn’t fit with the deathly and infinite medieval fantasy.

I received an overwhelming amount of love.

It must have been a difficult decision for mother.

Loving child or loving husband.

An difficult choice to make.

Mother simply chose the soulmate.


It would be a lie if there wasn’t any.

I also wanted to jump off the carriage following both of you.

“Mother! Father!”

I tried to jump off.

“Diarm! You can’t! I can’t let you die too!!”

That damn man named Tris didn’t grab me.

“But! My parents!! My parents!!”

“I’m sorry, Diarm.”

A sudden sound of pain.

Slowly closing eyes.

Fading away consciousness.

Blurry gaze.

My last image of my parents embracing each other.

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  1. Ninja says:

    Bruh sadge

  2. Man… A nice slice of life with hero party mothers would have been nice

  3. Dude got ntred I mean betrayed by his mother

    1. Crazy wizard says:

      Man his mom just tried to obey duty of wife accompanied with her husband ,in spur of moment it’s not that she doesn’t love son it’s just weight of loosing husband weight more heavy

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