The Hero Party’s Moms Are Obsessed With Me chapter 21

The Hero Party's Moms Are Obsessed With Me 21

Arwen Lagate, a member of the adventurer party responsible for magic.

Her mother and renowned wizard Levian Lagate.

With that monster joining our party, many problems arose.

The first one being…

“Thanks to that esteemed High Tower Lord, our plans have been ruined.”

“Well, Elly? Plans can change anytime, right? So~”

Failing to achieve our fundamental goal of hiding Olivia from the world.

Unlike the three of us who are relatively unknown, Lagate is a famous figure known by everyone in the world.

Of course, there’s a chance that people might not recognize her face and just say, “Oh? Isn’t that Levian Lagate?”

And such a problem is…

“That’s fine.”

As Lageta spoke calmly and waved her hand gently, the overall atmosphere was similar, but her face had completely transformed into that of a different person.

“Oh? Is it Lageta?”

“Yeah, it’s me.”

“I didn’t recognize you at all! How did you do that?”


“Oh my goodness! Magic really is amazing! What do you think, Ellie?”

“…I think it’s alright.”

Seeing Ellie reluctantly but accepting it, it seemed like the issue had been resolved…

The second problem was…

“No matter how much support we receive from the kingdom, it’s not right to spend money recklessly.”

It was indeed a money issue.

“There’s an abundance of money.”

But it was easily resolved with the wealth of the top investor.

“Money is not the most important thing. We should rent another room for the inn.”

…Huh? A room?

“The three of us have been living in this room for about two weeks. If we suddenly rent a new room and adjust the number of people because the party has increased, there is a possibility of suspicion from the outside.”

Are they going to that extent?

I thought it was too excessive speculation, but Ellie’s argument was not entirely unfounded.

Just in case.

If by any chance, some organization was watching us closely, wouldn’t it be noticeable if we suddenly acted suspiciously?

Moreover, because I intended (because it was too much of a hassle) to respect Ellie’s opinion as much as possible, I simply nodded my head.

And as for this problem…

“That’s fine too.”

Lageta said calmly as she snapped her fingers, and in an instant, the cramped room transformed into a luxurious bedroom fit for a palace.

“Oh my goodness?! Lageta, is this also magic?!”

“Yeah. Spatial magic. Can you make it even bigger?”

“Hmm… It seems… fine…”

Seeing Ellie reluctantly but accepting it, it seemed like the issue had been resolved…

Whenever Ellie raised a problem, Lageta would solve it with magic.

In the end, thanks to the extremely deceitful ability known as magic.


Elli collapsed to the ground like a loser, thump! thump!


Lagerta, still expressionless, showed me a V sign.

Thanks to the competition between the two, Olivia and I were the ones who gained.

“Sweetie! Look at this bed! It’s so soft and cozy~”

“That’s right.”

“Sweetie! The blanket feels so good! Just covering yourself with it makes you feel sleepy!”

“That’s right.”

“Sweetie! Have you seen the bathroom? Can we go in together now?”

“That’s not it.”

Even though it was a one-room apartment, time flew by as we explored the new place.

Olivia, who was busy looking around everywhere, sat down on the bed, exhausted.


I chuckled at her gesture, spreading her arms as if calling for a hug.

“Eeh! Sweetie! Why are you tormenting Mommy?”

I sat on the chair across from her.

Until yesterday, the room was so small that I had no choice but to sit next to her, but not anymore.

There was a wide space between the beds, and there was also a round table and chairs.

Olivia, who acted much older than her age, but had the corresponding charm on her face, was lightly ignored as I put my hand into the magical gadget called the inventory.

“I wonder if Lagerta will have some too?”

Guardram fruit.

It’s really tasty.

Beyond the level of sweetness, it had a crunchy texture when you chewed it.

And it even had a peculiar property of holding coldness without having to be put in the refrigerator.

I wanted to eat one by one whenever I was bored.

“But it’s too sweet.”

With one fruit, the insufficiency of sugar was completely replenished, and with two fruits, the sugar transcended and awakened.

Elli said it was okay for her to eat a lot without any health problems, but I couldn’t help but feel like it would lead to diabetes.

Even if I did get it, there was magic and various alchemy potions to recover from it.

“Health is the best when you’re healthy~”

Following my own small belief, our party only eats two Guardamana fruits per day.

No matter how expressionless she may be, I thought she would surely eat this delicious Guardamana fruit, so I brought out her share as well.


For the first time since we met, her fixed gaze shifted towards the Guardamana fruit.

Just to be sure, I moved the hand holding the Guardamana fruit to the left, and her head turned.

When I moved it to the right, her head turned in the same direction.

When I spun it clockwise, her head spun in the same direction.

To think that the Great Chicken Lord would have such a weakness.

I wanted to tease her a little more with her amusing reaction, but…


Without me realizing when she got close, Olivia, who was sitting next to me, lightly tapped my forehead with her fingertips.

“Don’t play around with food~”

Oh no.

It seems like I enjoyed the unexpected reaction without even realizing it.

I lowered my head and apologized, and Olivia petted my head with an angelic smile.

“Oh my goodness. You’re such a good child~”

Enjoying the gentle touch, I used the [Close and Open] function to open the Guardamana fruits.

Pop! Pop!

The fruits opened with a strange sound.

Since it was already so familiar and natural to us, we didn’t think much of it.

“Ellie? Stop standing up and eat the fruit.”

Seeing this scene for the first time, Rageta seemed shocked and slammed the table as she stood up.


With eyes that came alive more than before, Rageta looked at the round Guardamana fruit like the sun.

“Uh… Rageta? Do you like Guardamana fruits?”

“It was you. How did you do that?”

Ignoring Olivia’s words, Rageta only said what she wanted to say.

A feeling of something being wrong washed over me at that sight.

So, I just…

“Diam! How is that possible! Ahh.”

I inserted one guardam fruit into her eagerly opening mouth.

Her mouth moved squirming and wriggling.

The fruit tasted and felt good, but it wasn’t too big, so it melted away after a few bites, and soon her throat moved.

Rageta’s mouth opened again, as if asking for more.

She said she was over a thousand years old, but her cute appearance didn’t match her age, so I chuckled and gave her another one. She closed her eyes and started chewing, savoring the sensation of the fruit filling her mouth.

Her throat moved again and her mouth opened, but…


She called my name with a trembling voice.

But I didn’t give her more.

“One serving per person per day~”

Leaving the sobbing Rageta behind, I peeled off the guardam fruit’s skin and placed it on a plate.

Rageta reached out her hand, as if waiting, but…


Her hand pulled the plate toward me before she could grab the fruit.


She seemed like she might cry soon, but what could I do?

“It’s not your share.”

I looked at Olivia, conveying the meaning of eating it quickly before it was taken away.

“Why does Lady Rageta get to eat, but not Mom? Feed Mom too! Like before! Ah~!”

Although an exasperated sigh escaped me at the incredibly cute reason, what could I do.

It wasn’t too difficult, and I didn’t want Olivia to be stolen away by Rageta, so I grabbed the guardam fruit, like the sun.

Olivia opened her mouth with closed eyes, like a baby bird.

“Even her throat and tongue are cute, is this for real?”

If Olivia was reborn in this modern world, wouldn’t she be the most beautiful woman in the world?

Thinking such silly thoughts, I happily put the fruit into that adorable mouth and she started chewing, squirming and wriggling.

“Mmm~ It tastes even better when the baby feeds me~ Ah~”

When I gave her the last one, she hugged me as if saying thank you.

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“Madam, I would also like to make a request to the young master.”

“Oh, is that so? Child?”


Is this it?

After serving a meal, now they want to be fed?

After having even Eli finish everything, I put the last piece of the peel in my mouth.

“This is delicious.”

A smile naturally formed on my face due to the heavenly taste that never gets old.

Eli, who had returned to her senses after eating the guardrum fruit, coughed and stood in front of us.

“Well then, I would like to discuss our future plans. For now.”

Eli’s speech, which had started smoothly, was interrupted by Lageta’s question.

“I have a question.”

“… Please, go ahead.”

“Why is Diem here?”

Ah, is that where it begins?

And it’s not “Why is Olivia here?” but “Why is Diem here?”

Eli’s expression turned cold, as if she had the same thoughts as me.

“Lageta, have you heard the recent news about an unidentified group attacking Olivia?”

“I have.”

“So we are on this journey to keep Olivia safe from those strange people.”

“I don’t understand.”

“What part don’t you understand?”

“We can just kill the guys coming.”

Lageta’s bold statement left Eli at a loss for words.

Perhaps she’s thinking something like this internally?

[Then help us!]

While the kingdom and the Matap have friendly relations, they are not in a master-servant relationship.

Requests for assistance are possible, but whether they’ll grant them or not depends on the Matap’s will.

More precisely, it depends on the Great Tower Lord’s will.

“Ahem. As you know, the Republic, the Alliance, and the Kingdom are all busy supporting the Hero Party. Moreover, the Kingdom alone is putting in efforts to protect Princess Olivia.”

Eli, who had cast a silent spell to say, “Hey, you guys aren’t doing anything!”

“Is that so? Then why is Diem here?”

Lageta was not convinced.

After Eli and Olivia’s persuasive explanation, Lageta understood our situation.


“Phew… What about our plans for the future?”

“I have a good idea.”

“…What is it again, Lageta?”

“Let’s go to Matap. Then Diem will be safe.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, Lageta, that it’s not the Lord who is being chased, but the Lady who is being chased?!”

It seems like he still doesn’t understand…

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