The Hero Party’s Moms Are Obsessed With Me chapter 32

The Hero Party's Moms Are Obsessed With Me 32

The heart of the kingdom and the most peaceful place in the human realm.

The capital, Trabeian.

The warm morning sun couldn’t completely eliminate the coldness of winter in the early dawn.

“There’s been a massive emergence of monsters in Saphadan! They’ve requested reinforcements!”

“Leftwing Knights! Prepare for battle!”

“Hurry, move quickly!!”

“Magicians, prepare the gate through the Magic Tower!”

Countless soldiers ran around, preparing for battle in various places.

The soldiers gathered, their weapons illuminated by the artificial light of torches and magical objects.

A bulky man in simple armor stood atop a high platform, swirling his green cape.


He thrust his enormous sword into the ground, capturing everyone’s attention.

“Focus, everyone!”

A loud commanding voice echoed through the spacious training ground.

“From now on, the Second Cavalry Division of the Left Wing will march to Sabhadan! Any idiots who are too scared of the monsters and shrink from fighting, speak up now! I’ll personally punch your face until it bleeds!”

“Those bastards have already died a long time ago, General!”

“We’ll kick their asses!”

“Let’s go decimate those monsters!”

“You’re looking splendid today, General!”

The atmosphere was more reminiscent of mercenaries than knights, but they were not fighting against humans, but monsters.

Focusing on individual strengths rather than conforming to a mold increases the chances of survival.

General Prut Dahadin, the leader of the Second Cavalry Division of the Left Wing, knew this. He chuckled at the jokes made by his subordinates.

“Excellent! As soon as the magicians open the gate, we’ll march out immediately! Carl! Lead the First Platoon and charge toward the ramparts!”

“With pleasure, sir!”

A man called Carl clashed his sword and shield together, shouting.

“Sion! Lead the Second Platoon and head towards the stronghold!”

“Again, the rear? Let our boys have some fun in the front too~”

Sion, a man named, lightly shrugged off the quiver hanging from his shoulder as he spoke.

“If you have a problem, why don’t you become the commander!”

From Noble mtl dot com

General Prut Dahadin raised his voice loudly but did not give any additional orders.

Sion chuckled at the commander’s remark, taking it lightly.

“Lastly, Merintus! You take care of yourself.”

“Sir, did you get upset because I didn’t come when you called last night? I’ll make it up to you tonight~”

Merintus, a woman with ample bosom, flirted seductively while holding a staff, causing General Prut to blush and avert his gaze.

“Oh, General! Are you soon going to see your son?”

“You idiot! You think the general is a doting father?! Of course, it must be his daughter!”

Fruit’s face turned red, contrasting with his tough exterior, as he coughed falsely beside the training ground.

“The Sabhadin Gate has been opened!”

“Ahem! Everyone, to the battlefield!”

“Huh? No battle cry?”

“I’ll do it! Follow me! For our commander’s hot night!”

“For our hot night!”

“Sir Merintus, let me lead for once!”

“These rascals! Stop chattering and get through the gate quickly! And who’s the last one?! Do you want to die?!”

“Hehe! The commander is feeling embarrassed! Let’s go!”

Fruit, who even kicked the last remaining subordinate’s rear into the gate, turned his body around, and a man in black armor watched and chuckled.

“The Left Wing is still full of camaraderie. I envy that atmosphere.”

“Hmm… There are only rascals who want to challenge the commander.”

Fruit, speaking calmly, drew the greatsword he had strapped to his shoulder.

“I’ll be back in no time. Take good care of the kingdom in the meantime.”

The man in armor, Valius Elsiphus, the leader of the First Knights of the Huyng, smiled and struck his black shield with his fist.

“Pledge on the Black Lion’s Shield. Go in peace.”

In response to his oath, Fruit chuckled softly and crossed through the gate.


Our goal is clearly to hide and protect Olivia as much as possible.

“Diarm, fighting!”

“You shouldn’t give orders, Diarm!”

“Defeat the monsters, Diarm!”

Encouragement and cheers from the residents behind us shook me.

When a myriad of thoughts dominated my mind, an imp flew towards me, flapping its wings.

– Crraaack!

As its sharp claws grazed my shoulder and tried to pass, I blocked it with my shield.

I tried to find an opening to counter with my usual ability, “Open and Close Everything,” but…

“These guys are quite annoying.”

My ability wasn’t about “disassembling” or “exploding” something.

The ability to [open] things that are locked or closed.

Whether it’s a lock that is [locked].

Or a sword being [held].

Or a bladder being [tied].

In any case, it is the act of forcibly [opening] something and then attacking through the opening.

This has been my fighting style up until now.

However, the imp in front of me does not hold a weapon.

Sharp claws and teeth.

The things attached to its body were tools for slaughter.

Perhaps I could [open] the gap between its nails and fingers using my ability? I tried to use my power, but it seemed that [opening] and [disassembling] were different, as it had no effect.

‘What about feces then?!’

I defended against the ensuing attack with my shield and opened my bladder and anus, but…

I thought I would be even slightly bewildered!!

– Clack?


“Suddenly, it started pooping and going crazy!!”


Those guys flew through the sky like seagulls near Busan, spraying poop and urine.

“Ugh! Damn it!”

Already on edge because I didn’t know where the next attack would come from, I now had to navigate an additional barrage game of avoiding falling poop and urine.

Enemies flying through the sky.

Enemies spraying poop and urine.

If only I had even a slight talent for swordsmanship.

If only I could handle the sword even a little bit better.

I would have been able to stab the approaching enemies or slash their wings, reducing their numbers one by one. But I have no talent whatsoever in swordsmanship.

Even if I swung my sword with all my might, it would appear to others as a clumsy display.

And the swift ones have no reason to be hit by my sword.

‘Is there no way to overcome this situation?’

Just as I was about to seriously ponder this question, which was long overdue…


A bladder-released imp flew.

Just as the sour golden liquid was about to fall over our heads, the imp that used to fly quickly suddenly stopped flapping its wings and plop! It fell right in front of my feet.

I tried to block the follow-up attack while using my shield against the monster’s abnormal behavior.


The imp didn’t move as if it were dead.

I stabbed it with my sword, but there was no reaction from the imp.

“Sorry, Diarm. I accidentally killed it too.”

This is it!!

Rygata, who instinctively killed the monster because she hated the dirty secretion splashing, did it.


“If we focus the secretion on us, Rygata will annihilate the monsters, right?!”

With an eerie smile on my face, I raised my shield and banged it with my sword, attracting attention from all directions.

“Yes! Come over here!”

I will make all of your bladders and detrusor muscles [open]!

The monsters that flew in the sky, fought against soldiers, and just entered the wide congregation, all flew towards me.

I was armed with armor and a shield, but I couldn’t block all of their attacks due to their large numbers and swift movements.

I suffered from pain and received numerous wounds all over my body, but…

“It’s good to have healing potions!”

“These bastards must be crazy!!”

“Please, just kill me…”


It was as exhausting for me as it was for the citizens, or maybe even more so.

Dropping urine instead of tears.

Dropping feces instead of eyes. Who could find enjoyment in this situation?

“I’m sorry! Please consider it a sacrifice for the greater good!!”

I tried to calm my churning stomach and waited for Rageta to sort out this situation.

– Kyaaah!

– Kyaraaah!

– Cook! Kuluuk!

Just like before, the monsters weren’t dying.

Curious about what was happening, I turned around, only to find myself dirtied with excrement and urine.


“Dear… Let’s make sure to shower tonight…”

“My Lord… I will help you bathe… Sob!”

Rageta nonchalantly tilted her head, and our comrades… were spotless.

“No way…”

Were they using magical shields on my comrades, excluding me?

“Darn it!! I didn’t think of stopping that urine and feces!”

Just as I was about to shed tears of perfect strategic defeat.


The closed doors of the platform swung open wide, and armed individuals rushed in.

“We are the Left Wing! The 2nd Knights…!”


A man with a large bow opened his mouth to shout, but a piece of excrement landed right in there.

“Captain! Are you okay…? Uwaah! What’s that smell?”

“The worst monster army… dealing with filth!”

“Such monsters even exist?!”

When the soldiers were at a loss for words, witnessing a sight they had never seen before, a man who had been hit by a direct hit of feces spat out the mouthful of feces and shouted, “Damn it! Kill them all! Kill them all, I say! Dammit! Ugh!”

‘Did the boss monster… run away?’

The monster with torn wings, taken down by the reinforcements.

Among the monsters that were subjugated by the reinforcements, his body was nowhere to be seen.

“Ah… it was really tough.”

With a sigh, he tried to sit on the ground, but there was nowhere to sit as it was all covered in excrement and urine.

Leaning against a nearby wall to calm his pounding heart, three beautiful women who had been watching from a distance approached me.

Normally, Olivia would have quickly run over, embraced me, and stroked my head.

No matter who she was, I was too covered in filth for her to hold, and she sent me a sympathetic look from a little distance away.

On the other hand, as a knight, Ellie must have had a strong stomach, as she came over, wiped the filth off my cheek and face with her hand.

“You’ve been through a lot, my lord.”

Seeing Ellie’s actions, Olivia couldn’t just stand there and came over to stroke my head.

And I was the one who caused this whole mess with the feces and urine, right?

Anyway, Rageta, who provided the cause for this whole incident, stood by my side, flexing her large chest and giving me a fist bump.

“Darn. Do you want to get cleaned up?”

Get cleaned up? Did she mean to make a big water droplet to wash me off?

Whatever it was, I nodded my head in agreement because I just wanted to get away from this filth for now, and Rageta flicked her finger with a *smack* sound the moment the sound reached my ears. The platform and the surroundings were still filthy, but my body…

“Oh my?”

“Magic… is truly amazing.”

It changed completely, just like before the battle.

As soon as I was cleaned up, Rageta came over and hugged my arm, her expression filled with the same sweet smile as before.

“I did well, right?”

There was a sultry, flirtatious smile on her face.

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  1. SF009 says:

    I wonder how history will remember this battle

  2. Moonlit Walker says:

    Can’t MC just make thier wounds open bigger and bleed them?

  3. CeilingFan says:

    Hmm his ability worked on slimes but not on some monsters hmm I think there’s a inconsistency here, if he can visualize a part a body as a close containiner he can burst it open, I think hmm he needs better imagination?

  4. Cero says:

    Hahahahha 🤣🤣

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