The Hero Who Returned From Death Quits chapter 40

The Hero Who Returned From Death Quits 40

40 – EP4. Crossroads of Life and Death

The hero once again completed the mission and returned. Countless soldiers sacrificed their lives, and in turn, countless enemies were annihilated.

“…And so, the Lich King perished in battle against Granedis, and Granedis’ forces also suffered a significant reduction in numbers.”

Among them, what drew the most attention was the demise of the King of the Dead.

“Amazing. I never knew that by pitting one enemy against another, one could eliminate the enemy.”

The Emperor chuckled, and the other nobles, even while performing the simple task of helping their allies escape, looked at him in astonishment as he casually disposed of a formidable foe.

Yet, Angel lay on the bed in silence. He had no particular thoughts.

“…Are they idiots?”

Angel muttered quietly from his bed. He couldn’t fathom it at all.

He had only been searching for ways to survive. But people were fixated on something else entirely.

…Could his struggles to survive, in the eyes of others, appear as remarkable feats or achievements?

He let out a deep sigh.

When he thought about it, there was an insurmountable gap between him and others due to the time that had rolled back.

Yes, just like that night he had fought alongside Sein.

Fighting, getting hurt, shedding blood, and ultimately facing death. However, a part of his heart still considered it a memory, declaring it a part of his past.

He hadn’t forgotten the fear of death.

On the contrary, the presence of death only seemed to grow deeper and strangle his throat as time passed.

Yet, why did the memories of that day alone make his heart ache? Why did I lament the fact that the memories of that day had disappeared, lingering only in a corner of my memory?

He bit his lip.

He flipped the blanket over.

Even now, when he closed his eyes, it felt as though undead were tearing into his body, and every breath still felt like his skin was burning.

…Perhaps the reason he labeled the memories of that day as ‘memories’ was an attempt to find some meaning in a life filled with pain as a tormented warrior.

He was still in agony.

He was still lonely.

“In just a few more days, we’ll reach where the hero is! Burn it all to the ground without leaving a single trace!”

Count Serindel’s voice echoed fiercely.

It was an opportunity arranged by the emperor himself with great effort. If he failed this task, there would be no face left to show the emperor.

Five hundred cavalrymen followed him. Even if he were a sword master, that number of troops wouldn’t make much of a difference, but Count Serindel was also a sword master. And if their strength was uneven, a small difference could be significant. With 500 troops, they could offer some assistance in killing the hero.

He took a deep breath and smiled. The image of him becoming the leader of the army and seizing power was already vividly painted in his mind.

And at that moment, someone noticed them.

“…They’ve come.”

“Angel, what are you talking about?”

“Ah, it’s nothing.”

Even as he spoke, his gaze grew chillingly cold.

“I’ll be going out for a bit.”

“Go ahead.”

He began to leave the town.

Darkness closed in around him, enveloping him.

He suppressed a sneer.

“Laughable, how you run like a dog. Pathetic.”

His expression contorted, tinged with madness.

“Should I burn you, tear you apart, or stab you to death? What to do. It’s a dilemma.”

His steps quickened.

“Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.”

The moon illuminated him.

“I was planning to return to my hometown without any complaints, but what if it rolls into my mouth like this? I should chew it.”

He flicked his finger once. Darkness, light, and various other forces converged, forming a geometric shape.

As Ainzell flicked his finger again, suddenly he found himself standing before the camped soldiers.

“What, what is it!”

Count Serindel exclaimed in confusion. There had been nothing, but now, with the gathering of magic, a presence appeared.

“Why are you so surprised? It’s me.”

His white hair and tattooed skin stood out.

“…You’re the hero, then.”

Count Serindel began to smile.

“Thank you for coming so earnestly. I’m not sure whether I should be grateful.”

“Well, that seems like something I should be saying.”

“Prepare for battle!”

“Yeah, come at me quickly. I’ve been itching for a fight myself.”

From Noble mtl dot com

The soldiers swiftly put on their armor and drew their swords. The gleam from their armor suggested they were no ordinary soldiers.

“I didn’t think you’d be foolish enough to walk right into the midst of 500 soldiers.”

“From where I’m standing, you seem like the fool, entering my barrier on your own accord.”

At the mention of the barrier, Count Serindel faltered for a moment, but soon regained his composure and spoke.

“Hmph, it seems like there were no barriers to getting in, what a pointless bluff.”

“Idiot. That’s right, there’s nothing in the barrier. The problem is that you’ve entered my territory.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? Even a goblin may become stronger in its nest, but I am a Swordmaster, and we have a numerical advantage on our side. Fool. If I were you, I wouldn’t charge head-on, but rather slowly whittle down the forces.”


Ainjel burst into laughter.

“Heh, no, hahahahaha!”

Eventually, she started laughing uproariously.

“Do you really think you’re on the same level as me?”

Count Selindel’s face hardened.

“I can’t believe it.”

Ainjel flicked her fingers.

“That’s what I should be saying.”

Darkness writhed and formed a shape.


Many soldiers lost parts of their bodies to the fangs of the darkness.

Yes, as if they were bitten by something.

“What? 500? Just 500?”

She laughed with a grotesque smile.

A soldier with his entire upper body blown away caught Count Selindel’s eye.

Count Selindel realized that his face was burning hot. When he touched it, he found it was splattered with blood.

Count Selindel’s hands began to tremble.

“If you wanted to face me, you should have brought at least ten times more forces. Stupid.”

Ainjel’s eyes were filled with red.

A few months passed like this. And a shocking news reached the empire.

“What did they say?”

“One soldier returned. Judging by his attire, he seems to have been part of the search party sent to capture the hero.”

“Only one person returned from the entire search party? What about Count Selindel?”

“First, let’s hear what he has to say. Though he was in a half-mad delirium at the time.”

“Alright, let’s do that.”

The emperor made his way to the underground dungeon.

“Why did you bring me here?”

“Well, I mentioned that he was suffering from madness. So, he can’t stay still and constantly has seizures, often self-harming… Moreover, there’s a possibility he might have been subjected to brainwashing magic.”

“Hmm, I see. I understand.”

Then, the emperor and his attendants finally arrived in front of the room where the soldier was bound with chains on his wrists and ankles.

“Do you recognize me?” the emperor asked.

“Y-Your Majesty?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

“Your, Your Majesty. The s-scouting party… Count Serindel…!”

He began to babble.

“No, no! Save me!”

The soldier began to convulse violently. As the emperor nodded, a magician cast a spell to stabilize his mind.

“Now, tell me again. What happened to the scouting party?”

The soldier gasped for breath and began to speak.

“Annihilation, it’s annihilation! They were all killed by that ruthless warrior!”

And that sound was not good news for the emperor.


“Count Serindel also died at the hands of the warrior! Moreover… that warrior, he…”

“Tell me. What about the warrior?”

As the emperor furrowed his brow, the soldier yelled.

“The warrior turned Count Serindel into a Death Knight! The dead soldiers, even Count Serindel, all turned into undead!”

The soldier started thrashing again. The emperor staggered.

“Your Majesty!”

“Leave me alone for a moment. I have a headache.”

Count Serindel had died at the hands of the warrior. Even the scouting party had been annihilated. And… what? The warrior turned Count Serindel into a Death Knight? The emperor was stunned.

He had been confident that he could capture the warrior. He had considered sending a small but elite force to chase and kill the warrior, just short of crossing the line into invasion. That’s why he had hastily banished him.

But now, they were all wiped out.

What in the world had happened?

And that day was a few months ago.

The news had also reached the hero’s former comrades.

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