The Heroine Who Was Taken Away by the Main Character Becomes Obsessed With Me After Returning chapter 32

32. Pagatti. (1).

32. Pagatti. (One).

rattle. rattle.

It’s not annoying, but it shakes to the point where you can’t feel it at all.

I, who was leaning against the vibration that wasn’t bad, let out a small yawn.

“Gongja. If you are tired, you can go in and sleep.”

As soon as I yawned, Dagnes, who was driving the horse, said so.

I thought it was only looking forward, but maybe it has eyes on the back of its head.

“No, I can’t help it. Because Rin is also down. When the monster comes out, the carriage will arrive in the capital quickly without having to stop.”


Seeing that there was no need to stop every time a monster appeared, its speed also increased dramatically.

To the extent that I thought that I could arrive at the capital within today at the earliest.

Let’s talk like that.

Dagnes, who was holding the reins of the carriage, asked questionably.

“… … Confucius. Do you want to go to the capital quickly?”

“uh? No, I hadn’t really thought of that. why?”

“For some reason, I was trying to make you look impatient. If not, I must have misunderstood.”

Hearing those words, I swallowed my saliva for a moment.

You look impatient, la.

Maybe it was a little bit like that.

Before the return, no matter where you went, you had to take the shortest path and move as fast as possible.

With Lucia’s help, he was able to move instantly by teleportation.

There wasn’t always a shortage of high-ranking wizards who could use the magic of long-distance teleportation.

It’s funny to say this, but I was the main force in my own way before I started talking.

Besides, I’m going to Pagatti, not anywhere else.

… … where I ended my life.


The place where the first prince, ‘Evan Beatus’ is staying.

“… … Ke-Princess Kale?”

“ah. I was thinking about something else for a while.”


When I heard my name being called, I realized belatedly that mana flowed out, and I gathered my energy.

When I thought about the name, the life naturally came out.

I won’t step on the same train as in my previous life.

That said, there was no way I could be friendly with him or anything like that.

It would be fortunate if he didn’t tear it to death in anger.

It was enough to completely disobey the imperial family and become a wanted man.

The imperial power is not weak right now. If I start a rebellion, the responsibility for that will have to be borne entirely by the duke’s family.

More than anything.

… … If she chooses to do so, I will respect Elena’s opinion.


Elena de Reyholton.

It was my first love, and the woman I loved more passionately than ever.

now let go Even though I think so… … .

Maybe I haven’t completely let go yet, a corner of my heart is cold.

Indeed, though. Did you say that humans are animals of adaptation?

It was felt that the traces of that bitter wound, which seemed like it would never be erased, were being erased little by little.

Maybe sooner or later I’ll be able to clean it up.

When that time comes, this memory will be no more than a bitter first love.

You won’t have time to think about it if you’re frantically doing anything at random.

‘okay. Can I afford to think of such a thing?’

There are too many enemies on this continent.

They say that the thousand-year-old empire rules the world.

Because the enemy called demons and the evil god ‘Scalm’ they worship were truly threatening enemies to mankind.

If I remember correctly, it won’t be too long before strange things happen in the ‘northern’.

There are a lot of things that need to be addressed.

Then, after looking at Dagnes for a while, I looked inside the carriage I was leaning on.

Sir Dagnes, who was a loyal knight, and Siela, who was a maid so faithful to me.

‘My’ people, including them.

Members of the duchy, mother and father.

And finally, Lucia, who is currently recovering from the Circle in the Mage Tower.

There is no time to indulge in trivial considerations.

‘… … There are many people to protect.’

To be honest, I still don’t know the proper reason for returning like this.

More than this new opportunity.

I had no intention of letting them die.

Of course, in order to do that, the first priority is to regain the power before the regression.

You might call it arrogance.

I have already seen the end of the path of swordsmanship that humans can reach once.

All the sword arts that exist in the world.

The pure extreme that exists at the tip of all those swords.

I put it on my body and opened it with my sword.

That’s why you’ll be able to get stronger faster than the previous round.

So, I was more aware of its limitations.

By becoming stronger alone.

In the end, I couldn’t do anything more than save my own life.

… … Even if I become strong alone, I can’t protect all of my people.

The moment I was lost in thought.

At that moment, something strange happened to the wagon that had been rolling quietly.


In the midst of rolling normally, the carriage door suddenly opened wide.

There was only one culprit.


Soon after, Rin jumped lightly from inside.

Obviously the carriage was running, and she had the eccentricity of jumping out of the carriage while running.


Rin, who hit the ground with her unique amazing sense of balance, landed on the ceiling of the wagon.

How can you do such a thing without using magic?

No, I could probably do it only if I became a sword master.

Lind was not a sword master either.

… … I must say that I have good natural flexibility and quickness.

not even a cat

Soon, my eyes met Rin’s.

As if he had intended to say this from the beginning, Rin asked without a second thought.

“… … How did you do it?”

No matter how I think about it, it sounds like what I’m going to say.

how did you do that

Her hair was scattered as if she had just woken up from lying down.

I could barely tell. As soon as she came to her senses, she jumped out of the carriage.

No matter how much it is, I want to be like that as soon as I wake up.

It must have been that shocking.

At the end of the sparring, it was not enough that I was defeated in one blow, so I fainted cleanly.

That’s not normal either.

Linyi in the state of using the strong god.

“Last attack. I couldn’t read it. Clearly, I had the upper hand in speed… … .”

The power of ‘Kangshin’.

It is obviously a very attractive force.

An ability that borrows the power of ancient wolves that only northerners can use.

The branch is a little different from the miracle that is emitted with ordinary magical power.

In fact, even after she passed out, unlike magical power, that power did not volatilize right away and remained in Rin’s body.

Probably no one can deny that it is a strong force.

In addition to simple physical strength, it is a power that strengthens the overall power of the aura.

“Well, should I call it a trick?”

“tips… … ?”

However, with the knack, it was by no means an unmatchable force.

I already had a history of mixing swords with the Iron Blood Empress who had grown several steps ahead of me.

In particular, the biggest blind spot of the power called Kangshin.

‘… … That it’s halfway.’

Swordsmanship based on spirituality is incomplete and stupid after all.

Especially if it was a strong god of the Silver Lang tribe, who had a strong wolf nature.

If you use the Spirit, you will get stronger physically by borrowing the power of the wolf, and your aura will also become stronger by leaps and bounds.

The wolf that gave her strength, unlike humans, did not use a sword.

Wolves have teeth and claws.

Unlike humans, there was no reason to forge a new blade for hunting.

At least until she solves it, I won’t lose to Rin.

However, until the person himself found out the weakness, he had no intention of giving hints.

Advice from others that is too frequent on the wall to cross the border is rather hurting the opportunity to grow on your own.

Of course, I have no intention of leaving my hands alone.

I thought there was a limit to the way I became stronger alone, but it was just before.

If you need enlightenment, I can throw at least some bait to get that enlightenment.

“If you wish. Dalian, I will do whatever you want.”

“… … !”

At those words, Rin’s eyes widened.

He looked as if he would ask for sparring right away when he was told that he would give sparring whenever he wanted.

For a moment, though, my back was a little sore.

Actually, it didn’t matter much.

I smiled at Rin and continued.

“Of course, sparring is not something I do. Lord Dagnes, the pride of the White Lion Knights, is here.”

I spread my hands and pointed at Dagnes as if it were natural.

The Knights of the White Lion belonging to the Duke of Reinhardt.

Especially among them, excluding the leader and vice-captain, he is one of the strongest swordsmen.

“… … yes?”

Dagnes, who was holding the reins, sensing something strange belatedly, looked back.

Unfortunately, the spilled water was irreversible.

“First, if you win Sir Dagnes and return, then I will deal with you again.”


friends… … No, Dagnes Shield!

* * *

It was almost evening when the carriage stopped again.

I also needed to eat.

It’s almost time for the sun to set, and finally.

──Because we have arrived at our destination.

After getting off the wagon.

Ciela, who had her eyes on the scenery, let out a short exclamation.

people everywhere you look. And the colorfully embroidered buildings and people.

Brest, the city of the Duchy of Reinhardt, where the Duke of Reinhardt is located, is also a large city of its own.

Even so, it would not have reached this place.

“… … wow here.”


In the millennial history of the Empire, a heart that has never changed.

The heart of the Kaisha Empire.


Ciela looked around curiously.

As I watched her quietly, someone poked a finger in my shoulder.

“Dalian. when… … ?”

I know this expression is quite inappropriate.

Rin pokes his shoulder with a puppy-like expression.

“Wait. First, find a place to stay, then Dalian.”

It’s night soon. Shouldn’t you be looking for a place to stay?

In fact, it is said that there is a building that is basically provided to the participants of Mutujae.

Unfortunately, it could be said that it was an incident caused by Aion sending it too quickly.

Let’s say it.

Lyn stepped back with a slightly sullen expression as if she understood.

Dagnes, who thought Rin was a little distant, came up to me and whispered.

“… … Confucius. But, do you have any ideas on how to do it? Is it a habit?”

Dagnes is strong.

However, he was a man who could objectively see the gap between his own skills and those of others.

Dagnes was strong. Rin was definitely stronger than Dagnes.

The successor of the Nlang tribe in the north.

Well, even without such a grandiose title.

When a monster came out, he jumped off the wagon and wiped his throat as if it were simple, and he was startled.

A kind of belief that I wouldn’t have done it without thinking.

Of course, it wasn’t like I didn’t prepare anything like he said.

Somehow, it didn’t live up to that expectation, so I wanted to see it.

I spit it out of my mouth.

“… … I have nothing in mind.”

“… … .”

Dagnes cried in silence.

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  1. I would like to see more Elena POV. It seems like she isnt doing anything, which is weird considering she was the one behind the regression, and I find hard to believe she would stay put because of one rejection…

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