The Heroine Who Was Taken Away by the Main Character Becomes Obsessed With Me After Returning chapter 5

5. Auction. (3)

5. Auction. (3)

A sealed sword.

The sword at the auction was definitely my favorite sword from the previous episode.

‘Guardian sword, mane.’

It was the form of the sword he had manifested.

A sealed sword. In other words, its nature would change depending on the wearer who received the sword’s approval.

It was a sword that performed particularly well when protecting something.

I wondered if I would be greedy for the sword at this auction.

But astonishingly, astonishingly.

The thought I had after seeing that sword in this episode was that I didn’t have any greed.

It is true that an excellent swordsman has a great influence on a swordsman.

From nob le mt l. co m

Just looking at that sword reminded me of what happened in the previous episode in many ways.

It’s a sword. It’s enough to find another useful sword.

Well, even if it is, it’s not to the extent that I avoid it to the point of not using it.

… … It’s better to take another elixir or one more while spending money on it.

I don’t know if it will come across as a bit arrogant.

It’s not like I’m capable enough to cling to a sword.

The intense auction is over.

An unexpected thing happened then.

“… … You can’t come in here!”

“go away! … … Well, if I can’t take that, I’ll be dead anyway!”

A man who broke into the auction house fighting with the guards.

This auction was not simply a crappy auction house, but an auction in which high-ranking nobles, great men of that level, and even the imperial family participated.

Even though they are mere security guards, they are not ordinary soldiers.

That’s why I thought it would be stopped soon.

Seeing the bead-shaped artifact he took out, I frowned.

‘Smoke Artifact for Blindness… … ?’

It’s a long name, but it’s a smoke bomb after all.

It’s not widely known at this point, so it shouldn’t have been commercialized?

At least the mercenaries would use it.

For them, each of these artifacts of convenience is also a tool that saves lives.

However, its purpose was obvious.

‘… … Are you trying to take the sword?’

Come to think of it, the competition was pretty fierce.

In the end, it went up to 5 million gold.

I don’t know what caused it to go that far.

Push profit!

As expected, I stood up when I saw smoke pouring out of the artifact.

“Princess Kale! You must be seated!”

“Did you see me listening? Just stay still and watch over Ciella.”

The two soldiers I made to come with a filthy heavy bag of gold coins.

It seems that he wanted me to stay quiet, whether it was because of what he had heard from his father or because of my rumors.

He wasn’t so docile that he was blocked by soldiers who hadn’t even been properly trained for combat.

“Borrow it for a while.”


I drew my sword from the soldier’s waist as naturally as water flowed, and approached the balcony with a clear view of the inside of the auction house.

Roughly… … About 3 stories high.

It’s hard to see because of the smoke, but it’s probably the quickest way to go this way.

“Ke-Princess Cale! What are you trying to do!”

Was he surprised when I approached the balcony?

Even though she was afraid because she was holding a sword, Siela grabbed her sleeve and said so.

no. Even if you hold on to it, you might be afraid to close your eyes.

I stretched out my opposite hand holding the sword appropriately and stroked Ciela’s head.

“Ciella, you are here too. I’ll be back soon.”


I trained all day yesterday, and I jumped out of the audience after raising my magical power that had grown a little more than that.


It must be quite difficult to draw out an aura with this mere speck of magical power.

He had some talent of his own.

From nob le mt l. co m


Still, I felt a tingling sensation rising up my legs for a moment, then swung the sword mixed with Aura and drove away the smoke screen.

This smoke screen doesn’t disperse well with simple physical force.

Because it had the disadvantage of being vulnerable to magical attacks.


After infusing my legs with an aura once more, I chased after the fleeing man.

Why are you chasing me?

Because of the heroic psychology? Or did you not want to let that other guy take the sword you used in the previous episode?

I don’t know. how do i know

I just pursue it because I don’t like it, and I block it because I don’t like it.

There was no such thing as a clear conception of justice.

It’s an experience.

… … Even if there was something like that, it wouldn’t help much.

Winding Jing-Ak? A story where the good win and the bad lose?

well. If that’s the case, am I an evil person recognized by the world?


After chasing the man who had escaped from the auction house before I knew it, I spurred on my running.

Since he strengthened his leg strength with an aura, his speed far exceeded his original physical ability.

After running for a while, the two figures came into sight.

‘… … Besides me, was there a pursuer?’

Because it happened so quickly, I thought I was the only one chasing him.

Rather, I was a little surprised that there was someone who was chasing him one step faster than me, so I slowed down a little to observe the situation first.

“Iik, don’t follow me!”

“… … dare. Did you dare to think that you could covet ‘that sword’ and run away?”

It’s a strange move.

Rather than the pace itself being fast, it feels like ‘moving quickly’.

‘… … Rather than a swordsman, is it a wizard or elementalist?’

Maybe it was the person who participated in the auction, but I couldn’t get a sense of his body shape or voice because he had a cognitive impairment artifact.

From nob le mt l. co m

Judging by how quick-witted he was, he must not be an ordinary aristocrat.

But it was oddly strange.

Although he seems accustomed to handling his abilities, should I say that he shows a clumsy appearance from time to time?

‘Is it a case where there is only theoretical experience, but no practical experience?’

Sometimes it moves stiffly.

It was like a movement that the head knew, but the body did not follow.

Even so, there were a number of problems.

For now, it is forbidden to think more than this in a combat situation.

“… … Damn it, get out of here!”

The one who ran away glanced back, spat out a curse and threw another marble.

The same Smoke Artifact that was thrown earlier.

“… … Awesome!”

Seeing it, the pursuer ahead twisted to avoid it.

Is it because I saw it once? You seem to know that it’s a smoke screen.

Earlier, I raised my aura and dispersed the smoke.

In a situation like this wide open space, you might miss it if you use a smoke screen to pass the time.

‘… … Of course, even the soldiers will be mobilized to find it, so they won’t be able to completely escape and will eventually be caught someday.’

Me and that person too.

He didn’t seem to want that at all.

If you let them run away, there’s no point in coming out with all the forms.

‘Tsk, I didn’t plan to use this because it’s a bit burdensome at the current level.’

Swordsmanship is basically a technique for cutting something.

If it had reached its end, what would the form of that swordsmanship be like?

Although each prosecutor’s pursuit may be different.

At least, this was the form of the extreme that I arrived at.


I poured out all my remaining magic power, stepped on the floor and leaped.

A body that flies as if being shot.

He swung his sword in that state.


And as the sword moves.

In an instant, the illusion of the world being cut by that sword spreads.

“… … Whoops!”

Even though it was impossible to reach, it cut the black smoke bomb and even cut the leg of the man who was running away.

It is a skill and a divine skill that is unbelievable that not even the slightest bit of mana was used.

‘… … Should I say I’m lucky The sword doesn’t look completely rusted.’


Seeing the guy with a big scar on his leg rolling on the floor, I stepped over and trampled his back.

I can’t move anyway because the tendons in my legs are cut.

Because it is always right to cut the possibility.


I snatched the sealed sword from his hand and handed it over to the pursuer.

“I just looked at it. You won the bid, this one?”

“… … Ahhh.”

“… … ?”

Seeing the condition belatedly, a person who was frozen in place, as if he had become a stone statue.

no. Now you see, is it a woman?

Whatever it is, it doesn’t seem like a normal person.

… … Let’s give and dodge quickly.

Thinking so, I held out the sword to the woman who was moaning in rapture for no reason.

Then, as if she came to her senses, she said hot, flinching.

“You don’t have to give it back. Probably a sword… … It seems to have found my master.”


What nonsense.

I know it’s a little rude to think like this in the first meeting, but I had no choice but to think that way.

I wondered why he was so eager to participate in the auction.

Are you suddenly giving me this?

“I will take care of things like sword ownership. … … I hope you write well.”

What are you talking about?

And I raised my eyes to see if anyone knew.

It felt strangely familiar even though the unfamiliar voice and body were all questionable.

But when I looked up to see through the mask.

She had already disappeared.

“… … no. What is it really?”

It’s awkward.

don’t throw this away

However, it wasn’t long before that serious concern ended with ‘I’ll take it anyway.’

* * *

“… … Awesome!”

Smoke Artifact.

I wish there was one more.

If it explodes and drags the time, I’m sure I’ll miss it.

With the help of Sylph, the spirit of the wind, we could clear the smoke, but… … .

That’s why it’s more likely to be late. Because sylphs are low-level spirits.

If it had been before the return, I would have been able to get help from Ifrit and other spirits.

Immediately after returning, all contracts except for Chrono were cut, so there was no way.

Sensing that, Elena turned around and shouted inwardly.

‘… … Chrono!’

-Finally, it seems to be the time when I need it.

Spirit of time, Chrono. with her appearing.

the world stretches


To be precise, right before time was stretched by her authority.

In a split second, someone passed Elena at high speed.

what followed after that.

A minor but perfect miracle.


A neatly swung sword cuts the world in two.

His high level of swordsmanship, enough to make even such an illusion for a moment, split the smoke artifact.

Looking at the sword attack, Elena suddenly had a hunch.

due to artifacts.

No face, no body shape, nothing suited him.

For sure… … It was kale.

“ah… … .”

From nob le mt l. co m

Just by recognizing it, it felt like the color was returning to the world.

To an indescribable ecstatic feeling.

To the point where I was at a loss for words and stood there.

“I just looked at it. You won the bid, this one?”

Elena, who came to her senses belatedly at those words, shook her head to try to come to her senses.

How on earth did this look like to him?

I was afraid, but more than that, my heart was pounding like it was about to explode.

Elena, who managed to hold on to her chest, said.

“You don’t have to give it back. Probably a sword… … It seems to have found my master.”


A voice full of questions, as if it were absurd.

But I had no intention of repeating my words.

Originally, after buying the sword, I planned to give it to her on the day of the engagement ceremony.

It might be better to give it in advance like this.

If you just give me the sword, you might think you owe me.

“I will take care of things like sword ownership. … … I hope you write well.”

Having said that, Elena no longer had the confidence to stand in front of him, so she ran away.

If there were more.

Guilt, sorry, sadness, warmth, gratitude, affection seemed to leak out.

After wiping away the tears that leaked out a little, Elena hurriedly moved to the auction house.

It didn’t work out the way I originally thought it would.

Maybe more than that, because it worked perfectly.

That I met Cale.

Neither the look nor the voice belonged to him… … Just that was enough.

slowly like this.

If you approach him, you will be able to become a lover with him as in your previous life.

I thought so.


That day, to Elena’s family, Earl Ray Holton.

A notice of breakup arrived from the Duke of Reinhardt.

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  1. Zzz says:

    My only question is, if he is that strong just kill the prince? Are yku retarded trying to rebel…

  2. Amunmu says:

    Ella habrá tenido sexo con el principe? 😢😢😢😢

  3. Danoc says:

    Why she has to suffer if she didn’t do anything wrong? She was brainwashed, she was a victim and do nothing wrong the only who needs to suffeer is the prince

  4. Extra Extra says:

    I mean, I get that she was brainswashed by the prince to be his woman in the past run. But I don’t like the idea of her being let off easily because of that.

    Let her suffer more. Redemption can come later.

  5. huehue huehue says:

    Ooof, plan not going like you thought, huh 🤣

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