The Munchkin Disciple Wants To Stop Being Obsessed Over chapter 1

The Munchkin Disciple Wants To Stop Being Obsessed Over 1

1 – Possession

I’ve been possessed in a fantasy world.

What a trite and worn-out cliché.

But experiencing it firsthand… It’s not quite the same.

Who would have guessed?

Just because I whipped out a game review.

Left a few replies on some comments.

Woefully unprepared to actually be possessed.

[Left a review while quitting the trash game]

-This game must’ve been made with the sole purpose of screwing over players. Leaving a brutally honest review before I quit.

-Honestly, the beginning is fun. High in freedom, good graphics, and impact.

-Characters are diverse and charming.

(Especially the female characters. Super pretty and great storylines.)

-Various endings exist, but every single one of them sucks.

-Especially the harem ending! Absolutely impossible. What’s the game’s name? [Harem Academy]? hahahahaha.

-If the protagonist, by any chance, earns the affection of more than one heroine? Guaranteed disaster ending, lol.

-What really pisses me off: any other potential heroines must die. Why? Otherwise, it’s another bad ending, lol.

-I’ve tried everything, but in the end, I can only save one heroine. And then what, a harem academy? This is absurd.

-I’m the type of person who doesn’t give up easily, as you can see from the play time. But I’m about to let go.

-If you’re here expecting a harem game, back off. It’s a trashy, pure love game.

┗ㅇㅇ: lol, you’ve played for over 10,000 hours. You are hardcore.

┗Son Seok-gu: Wow, you’re the one who wrote the walkthrough. Really quitting?

┗Author: Yep, I’m done.

┗Son Seok-gu: Try a little more, there might be an ending you want.

┗Author: No, there absolutely isn’t.

┗Son Seok-gu: Would you continue if there were?

┗Author: Lol, I told you, there isn’t. Maybe if the admin made an official statement, I might try a bit more?

┗Son Seok-gu: There is. Go on.

┗Author: Bullsh*t. Your nickname… you’re trying to role-play as ‘you’ve been kidnapped’ lol.

┗Author: Get lost, role-play freak.

Just like a revolving lantern, memories come flooding back.

The moment when I left the last comment and turned off my computer to leave the room.

I think I closed my eyes.

I think I fainted.

My subsequent memory is vague.

When I came to, I was not jokingly but seriously kidnapped.


Pain shooting through my wrist.

My gaze naturally drifted downwards.

Delicate wrists filled with black chains.

‘Isn’t that me?’

My gaze lies low, quite low. This mustn’t be my body. No matter how I look, it seems to be a young one.


A horrible sound pierces my eardrums.

My sight begins to rise, an unfamiliar scenery gradually unfurls.

A village engulfed in flames.

Bodies strewn everywhere, charred and blackened.

Ferocious beasts crying out in rage.

Dark figures veiled in black robes.

‘Is this a dream?’

It didn’t feel like one.

The warmth, the pain on my bare feet with every step, the harsh smell of blood and decaying bodies.

Everything was too vivid to be a dream.

Clank, the iron chains wrapped around my wrists tugged harshly. My body was forcibly moved forward.


Stumbling, I almost fell, starting to cry out, but I stopped.

Because a voice, frail and small, a voice I have never heard before, came from my mouth.


Was that all? Having seen the face of the man in the black robe tugging at the chains, I had to swallow hard.

His eyes, lifeless, nothing but white.

His skin, dry and crumbled.

Black saliva dripping from the corner of his lip, stretched out grotesquely.

‘Chaos cult?’

Recognizing the black symbol engraved into his forehead, a moment later I realized it was a symbol I saw too many times in the game.

Wait, don’t tell me…


Suddenly filled with this thought, I observed my surroundings once more.

The men dressed in black robes, presumably members of the Chaos Cult, the form of the beasts, everything was strangely familiar.

The suspicion quickly turned into conviction.

Everything, it was the exact same as in the game.

“We must hurry.”

Clank, the chains were pulled, this time with a bit of caution.

“Follow quietly.”

The man with crumbled skin, after staring at me for a moment, said these words and then began to walk forward again.

‘I must be going mad.’

No matter how I thought about it, the conclusion was clear.

For some unknown reason, I was possessed and thrust into the game world I used to play.

‘The problem is…’

“I’m not sure what situation I’m currently facing.

It was confusing. I was supposed to know the game I’d spent over 10,000 hours in. But here I was, in a situation I didn’t understand.

For your information, this game is mainly set in an academy.

It’s not a dark fantasy game riddled with corpses like it is now, but a school drama!

‘Damn it…’

Swearing arises spontaneously from within me.

Isn’t it customary for the possessed to be in situations or points of view they’re familiar with?

‘First, I need to get out of here…’

Feeling wronged and dumbfounded, I put it aside for now. My primary concern was survival.

If this was indeed inside the game…

Those people dragging me were part of a cult known as the ‘Chaos Sect’, who worshipped evil deities by offering human blood and souls.

If I were to let myself be led by them…

I would most likely become a material for black magic or a sacrificial offering, losing my life.

Whew, I take a deep breath, trying to calm my mind.

I’m not sure what situation I’m in.

But one thing is certain.

This situation is not a dream.

One comforting thing is that I know what beings they are and what my fate would be if I were to be taken by them.

In other words, I’m clearly aware that I need to escape this situation.

The problem is how I’ll be able to run away from these terrifying entities.


This is not going to be easy.

The monsters that are currently rampaging the village are high-level demons that could only be seen later in the game.

One of the Chaos Sect followers in front of me is controlling these monsters.

‘Who could it be?’

Not all of them could be at that level. The number of followers in the game who could control high-level demons were countable.

‘Even if I were my main character, this would be hard, right?’

A conclusion I could naturally draw from playing the game.

Even if I were to take the place of the character I’d raised, I wouldn’t have been able to easily escape from this situation.

In this circumstance.

I have to escape from these monstrous beings. And I have to do that in the body of a weaponless child.

Hold on, usually in this kind of situation…

‘Stat window.’

[Name: Camellia Hyacinth]

[Age: 10 years old]

[Level: 1]

[Strength: 1]

[Stamina: 1]

[Agility: 1]

[Magic: 1]

[Trait: Vessel of Sin]

A familiar status window floats in the air.

Looking at it, I had to feel two emotions at once.

First was the thrill at the actual presence of the status window in front of me.

Second was the despair brought about by an exceedingly severe level of shame.

‘All the abilities are at one…’

By the way, the basic ability stats given during character creation were all supposed to be 10.

‘This is indeed a big issue.’

Apparently, due to the youthful body, the ability stats were low…

‘By the way, Vessel of Sin…?’

While I was puzzled, I saw a trait that even I, having played the game for a long time, have never seen before.

[Vessel of Sin]

-You are a being molded to hold the Seven Deadly Sins.

-Information cannot be accessed due to insufficient level.

Maybe it’s because of my low level. Even though it was my characteristic, the permitted information was extremely limited.

‘Seven sins, so it must be referring to the Seven Deadly Sins…’

There was hardly any given information, but I decided to try thinking to the best of my ability.

I didn’t want just to grumble and die like this.

The good thing was, I was very sincere about this game.

If I hadn’t had a deep interest in this game, I wouldn’t have been able to make any deductions, let alone guess that they were followers of the Chaos Sect.

Although I wasn’t sure what ‘Vessel of Sin’ was.

At least, I knew a lot about the Seven Deadly Sins.

Because, I almost quit the game dozens of times thanks to those damn Seven Deadly Sin bastards.

‘I remember they were as extreme as a god of evil, if not exactly a god…’

And my body, is a being made to contain such Seven Deadly Sins.



I stopped walking and called out in a low voice to the believer who had been guiding me. Of course, it was just the voice of a child.


The believer who had been leading me gradually turned his head. His lips, weirdly torn, drew a grim curve.

“Clear this up.”

Seeing him was incredibly eerie, and my legs were about to give out, but I tried to remain composed and spoke.

In fact, it was a gamble.

It was an option, like dice thrown by me recalling that in the game, the followers of the Chaos Sect could never defy a being of higher rank.

‘Please, let it work.’

While I tried hard to maintain a calm expression, I felt worried.

The stature of the seven deadly sins is certainly significant, but it was impossible to guarantee that the presence of this sinful body would be higher than them.

If the author decides to harm me, there was no way I could resist.

Did my gambit fail to register? The man only chuckled under his breath and showed a hint of interest in his eyes.

“Why should I set you free?”

How long had we been sizing one another up?

He queried, grinning from ear to ear and, temporarily cornered, I revived a maxim spoken by the sins in the game.

“Because I wish it.”

Hoo, he exclaimed in awe, his mouth agape.

“Release me.”

Feeling that my gambit had hit its mark, I spoke with a firm tone.

“Sinful Vessel.”

I seemed luckily successful.

The chains that were constricting my hand disappeared, and from the way the one dragging me around fell on his knees with his head to the ground.

“Please, bestow punishment upon me, for I bore blasphemous thoughts.”

What situation is this?

Although I was pleased that my gambit worked, I was perplexed by the strange ritual the disciple of the Chaos Church was engaging in.

He repeatedly banged his head against the floor, shedding black blood and tears.

I fell into deep thought as I watched him.

From noble mtl dot com

So now what?

Should I tell him to leave me be?

Or should I try telling them to kill all the devils here?


Given the circumstances, they were following the one who brought me.

Even if I were of a higher status, they wouldn’t easily let me go.

Above all, among those followers there could be one equal or greater in status to me.

Unfazed by the disciple’s ominous stare, I lowered my head, pondering about my next maneuver.

“If that is your will.”

The man who was bashing his head suddenly grinned broadly and spread his arms.



As I was oddly observing, something popped and my vision flickered for a moment.

Thud, something hot splashed on my face.

‘What the, damn it.’

With effort, I managed to open my eyes, the follower who was dragging me around was nowhere in sight, all I could see were blackish puddles where he once stood.


Did he just kill himself because I lowered my head?

It was a story entirely possible.

Within the game, these hoaxing bastards often wasted their lives like bait.



Just as I was dazed, a chilling sound inserted itself into my ears.

‘Absolutely maddening.’

This hoaxing bastard. Is this why he was laughing before dying?

Looking towards the origin of the sound, out-of-control monsters were howling with ferocious gleams in their eyes.

Indeed, the one who had been controlling the monsters appeared to be the Chaos Sect follower who was dragging me along.

Thud, thud.

My heart races wildly.

Thud, thud.

The massive monsters are starting to run towards me.

Judgment on the situation came quickly.

The controller of these monsters was dead.

And their goal was me.

It was clear. Watching as the monsters attacked the Chaos Sect followers, they are charging at me.

I don’t know the reason, but it’s certainly not positive for me.


I quietly muttered towards them in a faint hope.


Monsters the size of a house wouldn’t listen to a child’s voice.

In that case.

‘Let’s flee.’

Being high-ranking, could there be a way for me to control them? Although the idea popped into my mind, it was too reckless.

I don’t know how to manipulate magic, and I certainly don’t know how to communicate with these monsters.

Even if I manage to communicate, by the time they listen to me, I would already be tormented inside their mouths.

Thud, thud.

The sound of the monsters’ footsteps start coming closer quickly.


In contrast, the speed of my running was frustratingly dreadful.

My strides were short, and my breath quickened while barely having run at all, and lack of oxygen began to make my head white.


In the midst of this, I tripped over something and fell to the ground.


Looking back, a winged monster opened its mouth wide and flew towards me.

Among all the thoughts in my head, the beast’s mouth approached up close without a moment’s notice.

Instinctively, I reached out a hand and tightly closed my eyes.


The sound of something splitting.

What? Am I already dead?

It didn’t seem to be the case. Sensations like sticky heat or wind were still felt through my skin.

…Did I…do this?

Carefully opening my eyes, first thing I saw was a half-split body of a beast.

Is this the result of my outstretching hand?

If it is…


In the moment of having such thought, a cold touch on my chin.

Looking down, a sword emitting a blue glow was pointed at my chin.

I did it.

A whisper like the subtlety of moonlight slipped into my ear.

Naturally, my gaze started to follow the source of the sound.

Snowy skin, slender wrists, and neckline.

Shiny platinum hair that reached a thin waist.

Deep and subtle blue eyes as if a sea was contained within.

An enchanting aura softly radiating from her existence.

The woman aiming her sword at me was so stunningly beautiful, merely looking at her could take your breath away.

The woman parted her thin lips and asked me.

Who are you?

Rather, I wanted to ask that question.

Who are you?

Who is this?

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  1. Reminds me a little of The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

  2. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    Med school kinda fckn me up rn, so I was like “I need a dumpster fire novel to cheer me up.” And oh boy are we lucky hehehe

  3. Here comes the yandere master…

  4. “Are you my master?” moment

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