The Nature of Possession chapter 231

The Nature of Possession 231

231 – EP.10 Rebirth-4


Shin Jeong-ah, lightly dressed, approaches me and Yoon Sia.

I walked past her, meeting her in the middle.

“Why are you here?”

Shin Jeong-ah’s brow furrowed mercilessly at her unexpected words.

“Why? Can’t I come here?”

Tangy words came out of her mouth like soda.

Shin Jeong-ah’s gaze rests on Yoon Sia over my shoulder.

Even if she were an oblivious person, she would be able to tell that Shin Jeong-ah does not look at Yoon Si-ah with her favorable gaze.

“Who is this? That woman?”

“Hey, that woman….”

“Oh, I’m Inho’s tutor. Are you Inho’s friend?”

The moment she took a step further to stop Shin Jeong-ah, who was gradually increasing the level of her words, Yoon Shi-ah, who was behind her, stepped forward.


Upon hearing Yoon Si-ah’s self-introduction, Shin Jeong-ah closed her mouth and looked her up and down.

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“Is it true?”

Then he looked at me and confirmed. I responded with a nod from her.

“I see.”

As if she had finished grasping the general situation, Shin Jeong-ah looked at her with a more relaxed expression than before.

“So, why did you two come here?”

But I still keep asking questions as to why I have so many questions.

“It’s just the same path…”

As she was about to roughly surround her, Yun Shia came close behind her and cut her off.

“In-ho was driving me because it was dark at night. And he said he was going to the convenience store as well.”

“Ah… Really?”

As soon as the calm tone of voice ended, Shin Jeong-ah’s face crumpled slightly.

“Anyway, thank you for taking me here. Do your homework well.”

Yun Sia stood next to me and looked at me.

She smiled happily, like a teacher looking at a proud student.

Well, thank you for trusting me…


Looking at Shin Jeong-ah’s eyebrows gradually rising, I think she chose the wrong time.

“Then I’ll go.”

Yun Shia said her goodbyes and headed towards the bus stop.

Low-heeled shoes made a clicking sound as they crossed the night street.

Me and Shin Jeong-ah looked at each other, listening to the distance between us.

“What is that?”

I pointed to the plastic bag in my hand.

“It’s no big deal.”

Shin Jeong-ah hid the plastic bag behind her.

Something heavy shook her from side to side.

Well, it’s not something I care about.

“Really? Then what?”

I have to go buy a hot bar. I feel like it would be perfect to eat ramen and hot bar as a late-night snack.

“Hey, Kang In-ho.”

As I was about to enter the convenience store, Shin Jeong-ah caught me.

She pursed her lips, as if she had a lot to say.

She brings her face closer as if to ask if she has something to say, and this time she pulls her face back.

What, I’m confused.

“Why? Do you have something to say?”

I feel like this is a conversation that will never end with non-verbal expressions, so I ask out loud.

“Can I go to your house today?”

She asks with subtle anticipation.

I immediately shook my head.

“No, no.”

“Is it really not possible?”

Shin Jeong-ah, who had retreated, comes closer again.

This time, I take a step back from her and increase the distance between me and her.

– Meow

The cats around the convenience store cried when they saw us.

A cool breeze passed through our bodies, and Shin Jeong-ah and I faced each other on the street, where only store signs and streetlights illuminated the street.

She came closer once again.

And she asked.

“Are you sure you can’t?”

I ask with regret.

“Uh, really no.”

She crosses her arms and speaks firmly.


He is persistent and does not back down.

“I don’t really like having people in my house.”

Prevents any cracks from digging in.


Is there no gap in sight? Shin Jeong-ah puffed her cheeks slightly and turned her body.

The plastic bag in her hand swung back and forth behind her like a pendulum hanging from her thread.

The chilly wind blew once more.

I put my jacket on my slowly cooling body and slowly walked back toward the convenience store.

“Okay, then. If you change your mind, please contact me.”

Shin Jeong-ah, who I thought would be more persistent, greeted me with a wide smile.

“Huh? Uh… Okay.”

I was a bit taken aback because the reaction was different from what I expected.


Shin Jeong-ah threw her words behind me as I entered the convenience store.

– Meow

The cats around us watched this awkward conversation and each added their words.



Yoon Sia, who was taking a long time to tell her story, missed the bus right before her eyes.

Late at night, she was sitting on a chair at her stop and looking at her cell phone to wait for her next bus, but when she felt that she was popular, she turned her head.

There was a friend of Inho’s who I had just met there.

The woman carrying her plastic bag followed her stop and sat down one space away from her.

“See you again? Is that… Inho’s friend?”

“I’m Shin Jeong-ah.”

“Shinjeong-ah. What a pretty name.”

Yoon Si-ah praised her without any pretense, and Shin Jeong-ah scoffed at her.

Yun Sia was offended by the young child’s disrespectful attitude, but she did not show it outwardly.

“How many times do you ride?”

While the uncomfortable silence continued, it was surprisingly Shin Jeong-ah who broke the silence.

She looked at Yoon Sia’s face again to see if she was right in asking herself, and Shin Jeong-ah looked into her Yoon Sia’s eyes and asked once again.

“How many times do you take the bus?”

“Me? Ah… I’m number 320.”

“It’s the same as mine.”

After saying those words, Shin Jeong-ah took out her cell phone.

I don’t know if she was watching YouTube or chatting with her friend on KakaoTalk, but she didn’t say anything else until the bus came.

‘He’s an unusual kid.’

Yoon Sia compared her appearance in front of her convenience store with her appearance now.

She was in a situation where it was difficult to even speak to her first, so Yoon Sia stared blankly at the nose of her shoes and waited for the bus to arrive.

Fortunately, the bus arrived quickly, and Yoon Sia got on the bus before Shin Jeong Ah.

Yoon Sia boarded the empty bus and sat in a seat near the entrance.


Then, using the aisle as a boundary, Shin Jeong-ah sat across from him.

The door of the bus closed, and it immediately started running down the street, making a loud engine noise.

Because the road had many corners, their bodies moved left and right.

As she sat on the bus shaking up and down, left and right, Yoon Sia thought about her tomorrow.

‘What did I have to do tomorrow?’

She, who was living a hectic daily life, did not waste this brief moment of returning home.

She took out her notebook and started organizing her schedule for tomorrow.

I did this, I have to do this, I have to get here by what time, I have to deal with the requirements like this…

Yun Sia wrote down various things with a cheap Monami ballpoint pen and planned for tomorrow.

And then Shin Jeong-ah looked at Yoon Sia in silence.

“Are you close with Inho?”

Shin Jeong-ah suddenly asked.

“We’ve been talking a lot lately, but I can’t say we’re close.”

In response to the unexpected question, Yoon Sia thought about the meaning of the question for a moment, then returned her gaze to her notebook and answered.

“Is that so? It’s not like she wanted to tutor.”

Shin Jeong-ah gave strength to her words.

“But he did his homework and had a good attitude in class. Did he seem interested in studying?”

She said, recalling Inho’s recently changed attitude.


Shin Jeong-ah confirmed it again, as if she couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, I’m interested. Anyway, it’s good for me. I’ve noticed that you get paid without even going to class, but if you study hard now…”

“He’s doing it out of curiosity, so don’t worry about it.”

Shin Jeong-ah decided, cutting off Yoon Sia’s words.

Hearing the student’s words mixed with worry, irritation, and disbelief, Yoon Sia took her eyes off her notebook and looked to the side.

He must have been so angry at nothing that his face was frowning.

Shin Jeong-ah’s hard, distorted face welcomed Yoon Sia.

‘Oh, I feel bad because I’m afraid I’ll lose my friend.’

Only then did Yoon Sia understand the situation.

I had forgotten for a moment that In-ho was not a very good student.

Because there will be similar people next to a student who is misbehaving.

This child must be a troublemaker too.

As her thoughts reached that point, Yoon Sia felt like acting out a fuss.

“That’s right. I might be interested for a while out of curiosity.”

“Right. So….”

When Yoon Si-ah obediently admitted, Shin Jeong-ah quickly accepted her words.

But this time, Yoon Shia cut her off.

“If I work hard, wouldn’t I be able to sustain that curiosity longer?”


“For example… If you study hard and get good grades, you are rewarded in your own way.”

Yoon Si-ah trailed off her words as she thought about what kind of reward she should offer to a rich child in order to be effective.

“Compensation? What compensation?”

Yoon Shia’s attitude offended Shin Jeong-ah.

Shin Jeong-ah exuded her coldness, even forgetting her polite words.

“Well… I haven’t really thought about it… Is there something that a student of that age would like?”

As Yoon Sia spoke while shrugging her shoulders, she heard a pouting sound come from the corner of Shin Jeong Ah’s mouth.

“I see….”

Shin Jeong-ah struggled to maintain her smile by raising the corners of her mouth, and Yoon Sia rang the bell for her to get off.

– Beep

As the stop got closer and closer, Yoon Shia stood up.

“Well… You said Jeong-ah, right? I’m getting off here. You, too, go in safely.”

As the bus gradually slowed down, Yoon Sia greeted Shin Jeong-ah as she stamped her card.


As she was about to get off the bus, Shin Jeong-ah called her.


“Sister, please be careful when entering.”

Shin Jeong-ah smiled and greeted.

“They say there’s a lot of Punching These days.”

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  1. Oh no, please not a gyaru as a yandere, I hate promiscuous girls, don’t make me hate this book.

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