The Nature of Possession chapter 280

The Nature of Possession 280

280 – EP.11 What I gave up-1



A cane was stuck in the chest of a monster in the shape of a crocodile’s head.

A blue light emanated from the hole created by the staff piercing.

The Lyrical Star lowered his head to avoid the huge crocodile’s swinging arm and then took a stance.

“Super zero range shooting!”

Boom! Bang!

Two huge explosions erupted from the tip of the wand.

Due to the explosion that occurred inside, blue smoke came out like a soul from the mouth of the crocodile monster.

It was clear that any normal creature would have died, but Lyrical Star did not end there.

She pulled out her wand, and a piece of her blood-stained flesh came out.

The Lyrical Star raised her wand and placed it on the crocodile’s jaw.


The power of the star seemed to gather at the tip of the staff, and then it blew off its head.

The headless body crumbled into powder and was blown away by the wind, and Lyrical Star gradually relaxed her sharp senses and looked around her.

“Oh… Mozambique drill….”

Kang In-ho, who was watching it not far away, muttered.

“Let’s leave quickly.”

Without time to admire her amazing shooting skills, the lyrical star approached.

Kang In-ho took out her cell phone from her pocket. It was a budget phone she gave me recently.


The sun would rise in a few hours.

“Get ready.”

Kang In-ho put his arm around her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her.

“I’m ready.”

He was just like her. He was in a piggyback position, and after making her take a deep breath, he said.


Once she got to her feet, the two soared through the sky with the clouds.

Even as he was flying through the sky at breakneck speed, he felt as comfortable as riding an airplane.

‘It would be normal if I couldn’t hold on at this speed. I wonder if there is magic for a safety device.’

Thought he was hanging on his back.

The flight didn’t take very long. They arrived home in just 10 minutes, and the clock in the living room was quickly approaching 5 o’clock.

Kim Seong-ah entered the dark living room and rushed to the kitchen.

With a clicking sound, the light in the kitchen turned on.

“Ugh… I slept all the time today too.”

Kang In-ho made a groaning sound while massaging her puffy shoulders, and Kim Seong-ah let out a long yawn as if she agreed.

I woke up around 3 o’clock and ran out to the scene, so I was in an ambiguous state, neither sleeping nor awake.

“Have you ever been unable to wake up?”

“There were times when I woke up a little late.”

Falling down on her table, she muttered helplessly.

Kang In-ho walked to the refrigerator and took out her water bottle. She tilted the open water bottle, and cold water gurgled into the cup.


He gulped down cold water without stopping and exclaimed that he thought he would survive, but Kim Seong-ah looked at him blankly.

“Mister, please cook some ramen for me.”

“At this time?”

“I’m hungry.”


He skillfully found a pot, took it out, and poured water into it.

During those few minutes while the water was boiling, he looked at the ingredient list on the ramen bag as a way to kill time, and Kim Seong-ah saw him as a way to kill time.

After adding the noodles and stirring a few times with chopsticks, the curly ramen was ready.

He put a dishtowel on his handle and placed the pot on the table.

“Are you not eating?”

When he came with a bowl and chopsticks for each person, Kim Seong-ah asked.

“Oh, my face swelled after eating and sleeping. Are you okay?”

“I’m probably going to swell too, right?”

“Then you can go to school?”

“I’m not going to school.”


“Huh? Well, I had a hard time sleeping… If I go to school in this state, I’m probably going to sleep anyway. I thought it would be better to just sleep comfortably at home.”

“Is attendance okay?”

“Yes, well. So far….”

She picked up her ramen, avoiding her gaze.

Kang In-ho did not need to add anything more. It was a matter for her to decide.

She shook the steaming surface up and down her body a few times and then put it in her mouth.

With a slurping sound, her noodles were sucked into the mouth.

Her cheeks became puffy, like a hamster that ate a lot of seeds.

“Eat slowly. Chehale.”

Kang In-ho handed her a cup of water.

“Thank you.”

She spoke with incorrect pronunciation.

“It’s perfect to eat here.”

“Hold on to that.”

“That’s just it. Who told you to eat it?”

Seongah Kim opened her eyes and grumbled.

“But, if you eat noodles at night, will your face swell?”

After eating her noodles for a while, she suddenly muttered as if she was curious.

“They say it’s not because of the noodles, but because of the salt. Since there is a lot of salt in the body, it absorbs moisture and causes swelling.”

He recalled a Namuwiki document he once read while working for a monthly salary.

“Oh… I see. You know it well. I guess it’s because you’re an adult after all.”

“I just know.”

“But why don’t you know how to transform?”


When she mentioned again what happened a few days ago, Kang In-ho made her blush and scream.

“hehehe, ah~ It’s still funny. What are you doing in the middle of the night?”

When she remembered him shouting the transformation spell with a serious face, she laughed again.

“Anyway, I’m glad I couldn’t transform.”

“Are you building up to provoke something again?”

“No, really. If he transforms, some evil force could come into play and turn him into an enemy again.”

She suddenly makes a serious face while eating ramen.

“Is that possible? The magic has diagnosed that there is no problem with me now.”

“It means you won’t know when you transform. That’s why I hope you can’t transform.”

“Still, I feel the power….”

“If you don’t respond to your master’s call, there is a reason. There is no need to bring it up.”

“If transformation was possible with a plausible spell, everyone would have been transformed. A transformation spell is a self-suggestion and a kind of oath.”

“So, what kind of will or belief is needed?”


She put her noodles into her mouth again.

From Noble mtl dot com


After a very late midnight snack, she roughly brushed her teeth and lay down on her bed.

She lay down right after eating and felt sick, but she didn’t care.

“Hmm~ What should I do when I wake up? Should I go to the department store?”

Suddenly, it occurred to me that it had been quite a while since I had shopped. She woke up and decided what to do.

“It would be fun to go shopping at the department store with my uncle.”

Thinking like that, she soon fell asleep. Because her horse, lurking under her bed, attacked her.

That afternoon, Kim Seong-ah led Kang In-ho, who wanted to sleep more, to the department store.

He must have been so tired that he yawned loudly the whole time he was walking.

“I think I can buy some clothes, go to the food court, and eat out!”

Her steps seemed very light as she was excited about going out after a long time.

“Okay, then… It’s been a while since I ate Chinese food… Hmm?”

As he yawned, a ringtone came from his pocket.

“What’s the call?”

“Well, wait a minute. Hello? Ah… Yes? Ah! Ah! Yes yes. Oh, hello.”

Kang In-ho bowed and greeted an unseen person.

“Yes, yes, yes. I will, yes, to put it bluntly, I will definitely make you go to school. …Oh, yes? I see. Yes, yes, I understand.”

“What was the call?”

When he hung up the phone, Kim Seong-ah couldn’t hold back and asked.

“You, homeroom teacher.”

“How does your homeroom teacher know your number? You just got a cell phone.”

“Last time I went to school, I got your number. I thought I should know your cell phone number since I’m your guardian.”


“What’s wrong? First of all, to the outside world, I’m your older brother’s relative. So, I had no choice but to look natural.”

Seeing him shrug his shoulders, Kim Seong-ah felt something sinking.

She lifted her chin and asked him a questioning question.

“So, what does your homeroom teacher say?”

“Well, you were absent today, but they asked if you knew anything. Please make sure to bring them to school.”


“And? You said you’d like to meet me for some career advice?”


Something felt strange, so she checked again.

“No, me.”


Suddenly, Kim Seong-ah stiffened her face. She didn’t know why she did that.

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  1. gege says:

    lmfao bro is getting rizz💀

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