The Nature of Possession chapter 98

98 - EP.5 Swamp-5

98 – EP.5 Swamp-5


grab a glass of water

The calm surface of the water was agitated by that power, and the water flowed down my hands.

As she did, I picked up a cup and gulped down the water.

The cold water flowed down my throat, awakening my confused mind all morning.

I rubbed the corner of my mouth with the back of my hand and looked at her and said straight up.



“I’m not the baby’s father, and I’m not old enough to hear daddy from a grown girl. More than anything…”

“Why is Mr. Garam my daughter?”

“You’re not asking me to be your legal father.”

Touching both index fingers, she murmured dissatisfiedly.

“But it can’t be done. To be honest, the title of father is burdensome. I’d rather be a man.”

“You look too distant…”

“Don’t you think that distance is just right?”

Empower your words and exhale more forcefully.

In my eyes, it doesn’t change that she is a person who feels sorry for, anxious, wants to take care of, and comforts her.

Also, it’s not that I don’t know that her obsession started because of my actions.

Her obsession is about to sprout.

That’s why I try to draw the line right from the beginning.

It’s okay to be obsessed. You can rely on it quite a bit.

However, I want you to keep the line I drew. Crossing that line ruins our relationship.

It is my job to imprint this message on her.

Will I be able to control her or not? The calculations weren’t over, but I still wanted to try.

If I don’t even try, I’ll face a similar ending in this dimension as I’ve been through.

“…Is it really not possible?”

As expected, her tone-downed voice pressed me.

I tried to ignore her words and placed my chopsticks on the ramen that came out at the right time.

“Bon appetite.”

He lifted his noodle and blew it.

I just came out and put the twisty ramen straight into my mouth.

– slurp

With a crackling sound, the rich flavor of ramen spread throughout your mouth.

Maybe it’s because it’s been a long time since I’ve eaten ramen, but it seems to be more delicious.

“Aren’t you eating?”

I eat a couple of chopsticks and look at her.

I know, offended. You know, you ask.

If I act calmly like this, I wonder if she will change her mind a bit.

why isn’t there such a thing This is a case from a dog correction program.

When you show aggression, when you show fear, you tend to be more aggressive.

In this way, let’s continue to draw the line.

This is the method of survival I chose in this dimension.

Garam-san looked at me with a fork and a knife.

I glanced at him and buried my head in the bowl of ramen again.

There was also a purpose to avoid eye contact, and there was also a ramen that was terribly delicious.

Mr. Garam looked at me for a few more seconds and then started to eat.

We didn’t say a word to each other while we ate, so luckily we didn’t get upset.

After eating, we took out coffee and headed to Garam Fitness.

I had only heard about the general story from Hocheol, so today I saw for the first time how the center was ruined.


And the sight was devastating.

The glass on one side of the wall was all broken, and I don’t know what they threw, but two treadmills were shattered.

There was only one fluorescent light on the ceiling, and when I turned it on, it created an atmosphere like an abandoned house.

All the documents on the desk were torn and scattered on the floor, and I didn’t even expect that the broadcasting camera would be fine in the first place.

It looks as if you’ve been on a night run.


The word ‘messy’ is not enough, and I laughed out loud at this sight.


When I was worried about how to get rid of this, Mr. Garam gently grabbed my arm.


Hesitantly, she averted her gaze and swayed from side to side.

“You’re not mad, are you?”

Her shaky gaze alternated between my face and the mangled center.

“Nothing to get angry about? Not my center.”

The center you run is a mess, why do I hate it?

“Hee hee, I’m glad.”

Perhaps he had been shot in the head, his brow furrowed slightly at the out-of-focus reaction.

be patient Opponent is sick.

We moved our feet, careful of glass and fragments of fluorescent lamps, and sat down, dragging a chair, to organize the situation.

“First of all, we’re going to remodel this opportunity. First of all, Hocheol put up a notice that it will be closed for remodeling work. Just send text messages to the members separately.”


“I’ll pay for the remodeling first. It’s because I was involved in broadcasting.”

“I’m not paying everything. Just pay me 10% later.”


“First of all, I don’t know much about exercise equipment or things like that.


“Is there a place where you can get center fixtures or something? Why don’t you use a more secure mirror? Is there something like an enhanced mirror?”



“Mr. Garam.”


Like a cheap voice-recording doll, she repeats the same words, but when I call her name, she sees me.

“What are we going to do now?”

“Yeah? What is that?”

I took a long breath and crossed my legs.

Maybe because I lost more weight than last time, it was easy to cross my legs.

“What are you going to do now?

“Ah, that’s… Ahh… Because the boss is doing better. I just do what the boss wants…”

“Hey, Garam Choi. This center is Mr. Garam’s business. I just give you the building.”

Squeezing the bad words up to my throat, I spoke in the gentlest way possible.

However, the feelings of reprimand that had not been refined were contained as they were, making her shrink.

“I’m sorry.”

It’s so messy, I can’t say more.

I feel so strange.

I scratched my head and told her the truth.

“Mr. Garam, I can’t be there to help forever. So, please be more active. Honestly, it’s a good opportunity. It’s an opportunity to make the center better. What if you’re so passive?”

As if admonishing a youth in a storm, I persuaded her again.

He explained at length how good this opportunity was given to her.


Of course, I’m not sure if Mr. Garam understood it properly.

She slowly reached out and placed her hand gently on top of mine.

“Don’t say you can’t be by my side anymore or that you’re leaving.”

As if she didn’t care about remodeling, she actively ran into something else.

“If you say that, I might die.”

Looking at Mr. Garam with a bizarre expression, whether he was laughing or crying, I suddenly had an idea.

There is a saying that if you fall into a swamp, stay still.

Because the more you struggle to get out of the swamp, the more you fall into it.

This is what I thought while posting the contents of the conversation with Hana on the Internet.

And that this statement applies equally to me, my stupid brain has now realized.

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  1. Well, you can definitely get out, you just need to do it slowly and skillfully. You don’t necessarily have to do nothing, just don’t start thrashing around in the hope that everything will be resolved right away. Be patient and solve problems step by step.

  2. amogustimestwo says:

    I’ve thought this many times during arc: Just send her to mental health facility. It’s not normal to call someone else your father.

  3. gege says:

    it come back and bite him in the ass😭💀

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