The Only Ending for the Evil Count Pig Is Destruction chapter 97

97 - Scene 097# Girl's Wish

97 – Scene 097# Girl’s Wish


Suddenly, the door to the infirmary opened.


The nurse’s voice was heard from outside the futon.

“Are you okay? I heard the story. I’ll treat you right away… .”

“Not required.”


Tristan, who was lying on his back, said in annoyance.

“It’s just that the bandage came off. I wound up again, so I don’t need treatment.”

“I’m sorry. Even if I wasn’t vacant… .”

“Nothing to worry about.”

In front of Tristan, who was saying that, was Wendy.

throbbing… .

When Tristan suddenly picked her up and headed for the bed, she was too shocked to say anything.

‘no… .’

Underneath the blanket, Wendy clutched her chest.

‘I can’t get caught… .’

A precarious situation in which the nurse may find out that she is with Tristan.

But Wendy was more afraid of Tristan discovering her beating heart.

I was afraid that this blasphemy of secretly admiring an aristocrat whom he served as a mere commoner would be discovered.

Wendy closed her eyes tightly.

To hide this violently beating heart.

But, unfortunately, her heart, which started to beat rapidly, could hardly be stabilized.

Tristan, on the other hand, was unconcerned.

“I’m tired, so I’m going to take a break. Are you okay?”

“No, of course. Get some rest and go. I will leave quietly.”

“It’s okay, keep working.”

“Yes? But… .”

“Never mind me, just go to work. I will go quietly.”

“Go, thank you… .”

Saying that, Tristan straightened the blanket and covered himself.

Wendy, who was in there with her, quietly swallowed her breath.

Tristan’s chest was in front of his nose.

Wendy was embarrassed and didn’t know what to do.

He was sweating because he had been sprinting a while ago.

She couldn’t get close to her master like this.

Wendy squirmed and tried to slip her back.

Then, Tristan spoke in a voice only audible to her.

“Wendy. The bed is narrow, so stick close.”

“… !”

Wendy looked up at him with teary eyes.

There, Tristan, with an expressionless face, was looking down at her.

“Oh no, no… .”


“that is… . I’m sweating… .”

“Does not matter. Come this way.”

Tristan held Wendy’s shoulder gently.

Wendy shook her head desperately.

“Bae, Count… . No. I’m sure it will smell… .”

“Don’t make me say it twice.”

“Hick… !”

Wendy buried her face in Tristan’s chest without a moment to resist.

Wendy, held in his arms without fail, froze as it was.

‘Huh… … .’

Wendy felt Tristan’s body heat.

His arms, always consistent with a cold attitude, were warm.

A faint scent of flowers emanated from his hard and wide chest.

‘It smells good…’ … .’

Every time she smelled him, Wendy was somehow relieved.

Wendy’s body, which at first trembled with shame and embarrassment, soon regained stability.

Wendy lifted her head slightly and looked up at Tristan.

Maybe because he was tired, he had his eyes closed.

‘Count… .’

It was such a beautiful face that it blinded my eyes.

Clear features and well-built body.

Because of that, Tristan was a hot topic among female students.

We only met eyes and fell in love. If we take a picture together once, I won’t have a wish. There are already over 100 fan club members. After losing weight, there was no other handsome man like him. It is the true treasure of this school.

It must be a good thing, Wendy thought.

Now the eyes of the people who were looking at Tristan changed 180 degrees. Although it’s not in a good shape, maybe it can be an opportunity to clear up misunderstandings about him.

Rather, Wendy had something else to worry about.

It was a fact that the number of competitors might increase in the future.

Wendy felt nervous inside.

I felt strange whenever the girls around me talked about Tristan.

In addition, there were already many beautiful women around Tristan, such as Bella, Blanche, and Helga.

Even if they liked Tristan and courted her, Wendy had no way or right to stop her.

In particular, Tristan, who was as cool as he is now, was a man that Wendy, who had a low social status and was unattractive, could not dare to look up to.

Wendy, who knew that fact better than anyone else, couldn’t help but feel heartbroken.

“Sniff… .”

Wendy swallowed her tears in Tristan’s arms.

If she was noble and pretty like Bella, tall like Blanche, strong like Helga… … . Could I have gotten a little closer to Tristan?

Make sure to read from noble mtl com

Did you have the courage to confess this heart?

It was then.

A low voice reached Wendy’s ears.

“I have worried you.”

“… ?!”

Tristan suddenly opened her mouth, and Wendy’s heart sank.

Wendy wiped the tears from her eyes and spoke in a very low voice.

“Oh no… . I dare to presumptuously tell the Count… .”


“… yes?”

Wendy looked up at Tristan.

He was looking at her with a stern expression.

“Don’t ever say such a foolish thing again. It’s your job to talk presumptuously at me.”

It was an expression that would have scared me if someone I didn’t know saw it.

But Wendy knew very well that Tristan was saying this because he really appreciated her.

Knowing that fact, I had no choice but to bow my head in a more guilty heart.

“I’m sorry… . sniff… .”

Wendy covered her mouth in case any sound leaked out.

Just a few meters away, the school nurse was doing her job.

Seeing that, Tristan hugged Wendy tightly.

“Bae, Count… ?”

Face to face, Tristan whispered in Wendy’s ear.

“This way the sound won’t leak.”

“… … I’m sorry!”

Hearing his voice in her ears, Wendy blushed involuntarily.

It was because the way they whispered in each other’s ears seemed like they were doing it between lovers.

“…Are you okay?”

“Black? hick? yes, yes… .”

His breath tickled her ears, along with Tristan’s voice.

Each time, Wendy couldn’t help but shrug her shoulders.

“Even if it’s uncomfortable, let’s stay like this for a while.”

“hehehe… ? Boo, isn’t it uncomfortable? no… .”

“Soon it will be empty at lunchtime. Just be patient until then.”

“Yes, yes? Hick?”

“… … Is it really okay?”

Wendy nodded, thinking that if she said any more, a strange sound would leak out.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Tristan nodded.

But right after that, an unexpected question came out of his mouth.

“… Do you have any wishes in mind?”

Wendy’s eyes widened.

The other day, Tristan’s wish was granted if he won first place in the exam.

Wendy, busy studying and not thinking about it yet, shook her head.

Seeing that, Tristan whispered.

“Think slowly. I’ll buy you anything you want.”

That would never be a bluff.

Tristan, the head of Ruelberta, the richest family in the empire, has the ability to listen to anything.

It was as if Wendy had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to receive a reward that she could not receive as a servant.

Because Tristan would grant her wish that could even change her life.

‘then… .’

Wendy hesitated and whispered in Tristan’s ear.

“I think it would be nice if you just stroked my hair like last time.”

“… … .”

Upon hearing this, Tristan was silent for a moment.

Was it too much of a wish?

Just as Wendy was getting anxious, he moved.

“… to?”

Tristan’s hand stroked Wendy’s hair.

That warm touch made Wendy’s expression relaxed without even realizing it.

“Huh… .”

“… Any wind like this will be heard. So tell me.”

Tristan whispered quietly into Wendy’s ear.

“Is this really all you want from me?”

“… !”

At that moment, Wendy felt Tristan’s lips touching her ear.

His lips that he would not have allowed to anyone yet.

The touch aroused a small wish deep within her.

Wendy thought quietly in Tristan’s arms.

About that ungodly wish.

About hopes that can’t come true.

Tristan’s hand, which had been stroking his hair, was getting slower and slower.

As if urging her to answer.

Or like it’s fine no matter what she says.

With that thought, Wendy’s heart grew an unknown courage.

She slowly opened her mouth to Tristan’s ear.

“I-I, the Count gave me a key… .”

Finally, in a trembling voice, Wendy confessed the wish she had hidden deep in her heart.

“kiss… I wish I could… .”

Tristan’s hand stroking Wendy’s hair stopped.

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  1. Amunmu says:

    Esto es normal en los animes, no es raro, además el es su padre

  2. says:

    Bruh she is like 12 right? What a weird author

    1. Enter says:

      I agree, she definitely must have wanted a baby in her belly.

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