The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me chapter 11

The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me 11

11 – What Does That Mean?

The Emperor is dying.

It was an understatement whispered secretly in the empire’s capital, but anyone who paid attention could easily grasp its weight.

Ascal had heard this rumor, but hadn’t given it much thought.

That was, until the Emperor started coughing like a madman.

“Cough, cough! As- cough! Cal. Debr- cough!”

It was a cough that made one suspect if his airways were still intact. Even tuberculosis patients would give way to the Emperor’s cough.

‘It’s damp.’

The Emperor’s throne was located right above Ascal, who was down on one knee. This position made it all too easy for saliva to fly upon him.

Ascal tried his best not to notice his hair getting wet, but he reached his limit.

“Can we switch places?”


“I can’t be the only one to receive His Majesty’s… grace.”

Confused at his words, Sushia didn’t understand until she took his place and immediately noticed.

Her face scrunched up, but she couldn’t show her discomfort in front of the Emperor.

Ascal turned away from Sushia’s gaze.


“Tell me the reward you want!”

The subject standing with a bowed waist next to the royal seat interpreted the emperor’s cough. Seeing the emperor nod, it seemed like an accurate interpretation.

It was an almost miraculous interpretation skill. This was a level of feat that even Yulia couldn’t achieve.


Ascal recalled Cain’s advice before coming here.

‘If the emperor asks you what you want, don’t answer anything.’


‘Think about it. With the merit you’ve achieved, it wouldn’t have been strange to be a minister already. So why did you stop at just 6th class?’

‘Isn’t it because I was lucky?’

‘…There are schemers around the emperor. They must be fed up with Ascal’s achievements. Make sure not to fall into their sight.’


On both sides of the emperor, there was one subject each who, at a glance, were emitting an aura of schemers.

They whispered something in the emperor’s ear every time a cooldown happened. Ascal could easily realize that their gaslighting skills had already reached their peak.

“The reward I want is to become the minister.”


Ascal doubted if his mouth had been caught in magic that led the owner to ruin, but fortunately, the source of the voice was not him.

“The Evaluation Department is a newly established department, so it doesn’t have a minister yet. As all the achievements Ascal has made were under my direction, I am also eligible for a reward.”

The head of the Evaluation Department stepped forward and spoke smoothly. It was quite a plausible eloquence.


Ascal could see how he climbed up to the head of the Evaluation Department despite his lacking abilities. If he could see a loophole, his ability to grasp it differently and faster than others was worth highly praising.

But before that, he had to distinguish if the loophole was rotten.

“Kuluk. You are. Kuluk. Who?”

“I am Karis Solem, Your Majesty. I am the one leading the Evaluation Department, though inadequately.”

The schemers whispered something.

Upon hearing the whisper, the emperor slowly nodded his head.

The schemer said.

“Kill him.”



That was the end of it.

The Appraiser’s Chief’s head had flown off.

The emperor’s bodyguard had cleanly separated the Appraiser’s Chief’s head from his body with skillful swordsmanship.

“How dare a man who has not received permission to enter the palace ask for a reward? Your subordinate’s merit was quite impressive, so your crime went unaddressed. You brought the punishment upon yourself. You’re a cheap fellow even in death.”

At the eunuch’s signal, a servant came in and cleaned up the remnants of the Appraiser’s Chief.

Sushia’s face turned pale, and she couldn’t say a word.

“Askal Debre. You will become the Chief in place of that man. Are you satisfied with that? Dismiss yourself.”

“I cannot be satisfied.”

The air turned cold in an instant.

Everyone’s gaze focused on Askal.

Sushia pinched Askal’s waist.

What on earth was he thinking?

Askal spoke slowly.

“His Majesty the Emperor’s gracious presence alone is already more than enough for me. Receiving a reward on top of that is unacceptable. Heaven would be angered. Please take back the reward. No, please demote me instead.”


The emperor coughed.

He then stood up from his throne.

He was impressed by Askal’s words. The eunuch was bewildered. His gaze seemed to say, “What kind of person is this?”

“Rare! Kluk! A loyal subject! Kluk! This is it! Give him a bunch of gold coins! Kluk!”

Askal was taken aback.

“I cannot accept it! Your Majesty! Please take back your grace!”

“Bestow a sword as well! Kluk!”

“That’s not possible! Your Majesty!”

“Kluk! Offer him the best horse too!”

“Your Majesty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Askal cried out.

In the end, not only did Askal get promoted to the Chief position, but he also sadly slumped in the reception room, receiving a year’s salary in gold coins, a masterfully crafted sword, and a horse.

‘I asked to be demoted……’

Sushia put a snack in the mouth of the slumped Askal. Askal chewed. It was delicious.

“That’s amazing. Manager, no, is it now the department head?”

“Don’t tease me.”

“I’m not joking. How did you negotiate in that situation? It’s truly impressive. Do you want to become the steward of our family? This is a scouting offer. You know our family is well-off, right?”

Sushia spoke quite seriously.

A steward manages the wealth and affairs of a noble family on their behalf. In modern terms, you could call them an asset manager.

If they were to become a steward for the Senestia Duchy, they would undoubtedly receive immense power and prestige.

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“I’ll do it.”


“Only if you get promoted. With department head authority, you’re now a Level 8 manager, Sushia. Congratulations on your promotion. You’ll be handling even more work from now on.”


It was an unbecoming scream for someone of noble birth.

The two people who experienced unwanted promotions lay sprawled on the sofa, waiting for the world to end.

Unfortunately, there seemed to be no sign of that happening.


Someone entered the reception room.

“Oh. Was it rude to interrupt your break? Should I come back at another time?”

“Crown Prince!”

Sushia, who had been mumbling “I want to leave…” with a look like a cat in water, sprang up as soon as she saw the blond-haired beauty.

Their visitor was a big shot.

The First Prince of the Empire and the owner of the rights to the imperial succession.

Cain Barba.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

As if the disgraceful scene just a moment ago never happened, Ascal quickly regained his composure and knelt on one knee.

“Please, relax. I’m not here as the Crown Prince, but as His Majesty’s errand boy.”

“An errand?”

“You agreed to receive a horse from His Majesty, right? It turned out that I was to give you one of my own horses. If you’re not too busy, would you like to go to the stable now?”

Ascal pondered.

Cain’s words were respectful. Even when dealing with someone of lower status, his demeanor exuded dignity.

He was a figure that easily surpassed the passing grade as a prince of the empire.

‘There must be another intention.’

Just moments ago, Ascal had been risking his life on thin ice. His heightened intuition sensed Cain’s intentions.

However, as it didn’t seem malicious, Ascal obediently followed Cain.

“How do you feel after meeting His Majesty?”

The three of them strolled through the garden.

As the sun was slowly setting, the wind had become quite chilly, making it necessary to wear a coat.

The royal garden, befitting its name, had elaborate decorations and flowers arranged meticulously throughout, making it a feast for the eyes.

In such an atmosphere, one could easily reveal their inner thoughts. Perhaps it felt like a magical red chair from a past life.

“…It was an overflowing honor.”

“You. Do you know this? You hesitated for quite a while. From what I see, rather than your words, that hesitation is closer to the answer I was looking for.”

Cain said.

“To be honest, my father is incompetent. Closing his ears and eyes, he only relies on the flattery of his subordinates, barely prolonging the remaining days of his life.”

“Your Highness.”

If someone were to overhear, it would be enough to send them straight to the execution block.

Why are there so many people in the empire who launch self-destructive attacks? Ascal’s temples ached.

“Do you know why I’m saying this?”

“I do not.”

“I’ve been watching you for quite a while, Ascal Dever. You have talent. And there’s a good wind blowing as well.”

Cain stopped and set the mood.

“Would you like to change the empire with me, Ascal?”

“Your Highness, but…”


“Susiya is also listening.”

Susiya, who had been walking a bit behind, laughed awkwardly.

Could this be a sign of imminent annihilation?

“Ahh, Susiya is fine. We’ve been childhood friends since we were little.”

“Ahahahahaha, childhood friends, huh? Long time no hear, Your Highness.”

If Ascal had known the two had once been betrothed, he would have been even more shocked.

Anyway, after confirming Susiya’s safety, Ascal spoke.

“I apologize, but I must decline.”


“My abilities are insufficient.”

Cain laughed as if it was unbelievable.

“If your abilities are insufficient, does anyone in the empire truly have enough talent?”

“Please find someone else.”

In fact, Cain was quite capable. He was generous and treated his subordinates well, and as a crown prince, many people around him had already deemed him as a rightful heir to the throne.

His ascension to the throne might have been a golden opportunity.

However, Ascal knew Cain’s future…

One day, Cain, drunk on alcohol and swept up in the atmosphere, is horseback riding naked and dies after falling off the horse.

As a result of this, the succession to the throne is completely overturned; ultimately, Yulia wins the power struggle with the second imperial princess and becomes the emperor.

“Ha-ha. Am I excluded then? Well, I’m a persistent man, so be prepared.”

Eventually, they arrive at the stable.

Upon seeing Cain, the stable keeper bowed his head and guided the three inside.

As expected in a stable fit for the crown prince, expensive and magnificent horses were neatly arranged in a well-maintained condition.

Cain, who had been lovingly stroking the horse’s mane, spoke.

“Choose any horse you want from here. I’ll give you whichever one you desire.”

In his previous life, this would be the equivalent of the CEO’s son inviting him to their garage to pick out any car he’d like.

There were many horse-lovers in the empire, but Ascal wasn’t one of them and decided to casually choose any horse.

“Um… is it that one?”

For some reason, Cain’s response wasn’t favorable. Showing a regretful look, Ascal changed his horse choice.

“That one… hmm.”

Again, the reaction wasn’t great.

“Tsk. This one?”

Wasn’t he saying choose any horse?

Ascal slowly began to get annoyed by Cain’s continuous disapproving looks. One could view his attachment to his horses as a good thing, but Ascal couldn’t help but think that might be the reason why he’d die riding one in the future.

“On second thought, I’d rather have a younger horse that I can give my affection to. Let’s go with this one.”

Ascal discovered a scrawny little foal in one corner of the stable.

This time, Cain wouldn’t object, right?

“Ah, this one was rescued when it lost its mother outside and was about to die. Wouldn’t you rather choose a better horse?”

“No, I actually feel more affection for this one. I’ll take this horse.”

“Is that so? If it pleases your heart, it might be destiny.”

As Cain spoke, there was a broad smile on his face.

He had no intention of changing the subject, but he certainly knew how to talk smoothly.

In the end, Ascal sighed as he brought the foal semi-forcibly.

‘How should I raise this?’

He thought he would probably have to find someone to raise the horse properly.

‘Still, it’s cute since it’s a baby.’

As Ascal held the whinnying foal, he felt an odd foreign sensation. There was something near the wing bones. He scrutinized the area.


A tiny bit of feathers were growing near the foal’s wing bones, as if they were trying to become wings.

Come to think of it, there was a story about a horse with wings appearing in the second half of the empire.

And that horse was called the legendary Pegasus…

“This is crazy. Seriously.”

Ascal looked at the foal grazing on grass uncomfortably. The foal tilted its head.

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  1. IME says:


  2. aiden pendragon says:

    this man has max luck if he has a status window

  3. Ninja says:

    This is amazing, 🤣🤣

  4. I’m not gonna lie the skit was funny I know it’s common but it’s funny.. idky..

    andim just guessing but that will be the horse that was necessary for the crown prince death.. and now the crown prince will not die..

  5. Zen says:

    He could have asked for retirement or permission to travel the world…

  6. Maybe it’s just my mood, but it’s kind of funny in its own way. Like, “I wonder how far the author will go?”

  7. D1Grandmaster says:

    Aight this is starting to get boring, Mc is getting too many dumb luck

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